1641 Depositionsruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Fully searchable digital edition of the 1641 Depositions at Trinity College, Dublin library, comprising transcripts and images of all 8,000 depositions, examinations and associated materials in which Protestant men and women of all classes told of their experiences following the outbreak of the rebellion by the Catholic Irish in October 1641.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Trinity College Dublinruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
19th Century British Library Newspapers (Nineteenth Century British Library Newspapers)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
19th century British newspapers contains full runs of over 70 influential national and regional newspapers representing different political and cultural segments of 19th-century British society. Off campus users will be prompted to log in via the Library Catalogue (UoE username and password).ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Gale Cengage Availability: Separate Login Required for Off Campus Onlyruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
19th Century British Pamphlets (Jstor)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This collection, created by Research Libraries UK and offered by Jstor (with funding from JISC), will contain more than 20,000 of the most significant British pamphlets from the 19th century held in UK research libraries. The pamphlets are from collections held by: Newcastle University, Durham University, University of Manchester, University College London, University of Liverpool, London School of Economics and Political Science, and University of Bristol.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Jstorruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
19th Century UK Periodicals Online (Series 1) (Nineteenth Century UK Periodicals)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
19th Century UK Periodicals Online, Series 1 captures an important period of British history as it focuses on the birth of modern magazine publishing in the United Kingdom between 1800 and 1900; the rise of children’s entertainment and education; and increasing interest in popular sports and hobbies. This resource, subtitled New Readerships: Women’s, Children’s, Humour and Leisure/Sport, consists of almost 100 academically selected titles and approximately 1.2 million pages. It focuses on the birth of modern magazine publishing in the UK between 1800 and 1900. Off campus users will be prompted to log in via the University's Single Sign On service (UoE username and password).ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Cengage Gale Availability: Separate Login Required for Off Campus Onlyruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
1st Headlinesruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Up-to-the minute headlines from the world's major news sites. You can sort reports by source and time and can browse by topic. ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Rentz Data Systems Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
AARG News (Aerial Archaeology Research Group News)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Aerial Archaeology Research Group (AARG) provides a forum for the exchange of ideas and information for all those actively involved in aerial photography, photo interpretation, field archaeology and landscape history. AARGnews is the bi-annual newsletter of AARG, containing editorials, news items, summary notes and longer descriptive or research articles.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Access is to archival content. Volume 1(Sept 1990) to previous year.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Aerial Archaeology Research Group Availability: Separate Login Requiredruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Acland's Video Atlas of Human Anatomyruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Acland's Video Atlas of Human Anatomy provides three-dimensional videos of expertly dissected human anatomic specimens.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Wolters Kluwerruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ACLS Humanities E-Bookruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ACLS Humanities E-Book is a digital collection of nearly 2,000 full-text titles offered by the ACLS in collaboration with fourteen learned societies, nearly 100 contributing publishers, and librarians at the University of Michigan’s Scholarly Publishing Office. The result is an online, fully searchable collection of high-quality books in the Humanities, recommended and reviewed by scholars.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: ACLS Availability: Electronic Library Login Requiredruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Aestimatio (Critical Reviews in the History of Science)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The e-journal Aestimatio provides timely assessments of books published in the history of what was called science from antiquity up to the early modern period in cultures ranging from Spain to India, and from Africa to northern Europe. Scroll down the list of Iter resources to find the link.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Iter Availability: Separate Login Required for Off Campus Onlyruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
African American Poetryruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The early history of African American poetry, from the first recorded poem by an African American (Lucy Terry Prince's 'Bars Fight', c.1746) to the major poets of the nineteenth century, including Paul Laurence Dunbar and Frances Ellen Watkins Harper.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This database is cross-searchable with other literature collections via Literature online.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Proquestruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
AHDS Historyruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
From March 2008 this site will not be updated - succeeded by History Data Service.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: AHDSruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
AMED (The Allied and Complementary Medicine Database)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
AMED provides an alternative medicine database for physicians, therapists, medical researchers and clinicians looking to learn more about alternative treatments - including complementary medicine, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, rehabilitation, podiatry, palliative care, and more.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: EBSCOhostruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
American Chemical Society journalsruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The University has current full-text access (1996-) to nearly 40 American Chemical Society journals, with additional archive access (1879-1995) for 23 of those journals. Individual title level links are also available from the Library Catalogue.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: American Chemical Societyruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
American Chemical Society Legacy Archives (1879-1995) (ACS Legacy Archive)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The ACS Legacy Archives contain all titles, volumes, issues, and articles published by the American Chemical Society from 1879 to 1995. There are 23 journals, 11,117 issues and 464,233 articles. The link above takes you to the Advanced Search screen - to search the Archive, in the 'Timeframe' section of the screen, tick the 'Legacy Archives 1879-1995' box. Individual journal level links will be available from the Library Catalogue.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: American Chemical Society (JISC deal)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
American Drama, 1714 - 1915ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Contains more than 1,500 dramatic works from the early eighteenth century up to the beginning of the twentieth. Major dramatists include David Belasco, Rachel Crothers, Augustin Daly, Clyde Fitch, Edward Harrigan, James Herne, William Dean Howells and Joaquin Miller.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This database is cross - searchable with other literature collections via Literature online.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Proquestruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
American Film Institut Catalog (AFI Catalog)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The AFI Catalog, compiled by specialist researchers at the American Film Institute (AFI), is the premier resource for American films, providing an exhaustive view of American features produced between 1893 and 1971. The catalog includes full production, cast information, extensive plot summaries and meticulously researched production notes written by AFI experts give exciting insight into every detail of the motion picture. AFI Catalog documents nearly 48,000 films produced in the United States or financed by American companies. More than 17,500 entries cover the early years of American film from 1893 to 1910.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
AFI comes as part of the Film Indexes Online package from Proquest which also includes the Film Index International and FIAF Plus. Use the link above to search AFI individually, or cross-search across all 3 databases in the Film Indexes Online package.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Proquestruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
American Institute of Physics Digital Archive (AIP Digital Archive)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Access to 6 AIP journal titles from Vol.1- to any content which is more than 5 years old from current (e.g. from 1962-2003 for 2009, 1962-2004 for 2010 etc). The archive does not include Chaos, or the Journal of Chemical Physics.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: AIPruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
American Institute of Physics Online Journals (AIP online journals)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This service gives access to the online versions of the AIP journals that we subscribe to in print form, including Applied Physics Letters, Journal of Applied Physics, Physics of Fluids, Physics of Plasmas, Journal of Chemical Physics and JETP Letters. The site requires the Adobe Acrobat Reader software.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: American Institute of Physicsruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
American Memory from the Library of Congressruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
American Memory provides free and open access through the Internet to written and spoken words, sound recordings, still and moving images, prints, maps, and sheet music that document the American experience. It is a digital record of American history and creativity. ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Library of Congress Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
American Physical Society Journalsruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
We have access to the issues of the Physical Review, A and B, and Physical Review Letters from 1999 onwards. Older issues of these and of Physical Review C, D and E, going back as far as 1893 for the Physical Review and the period 1929 to 1996 for Reviews of Modern Physics, are available in the Physical Review Online Archive PROLA.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: American Physical Societyruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
American Physiological Society Journal Legacy Archiveruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Access to the full text of 14 APS journals from 1898 to 12 months ago (start year varies according to title). These cover physiology in the life sciences.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: American Physiological Societyruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
American Poetryruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Over 40,000 poems from more than 200 poets from the colonial period to the early twentieth century.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This database is cross-searchable with other literature collections via Literature online.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Proquestruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
American Presidency Projectruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The American Presidency Project was established in 1999 as a collaboration between John T. Woolley and Gerhard Peters at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Its archives contain 102,293 documents related to the study of the Presidency.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
An International Journal of Optimization and Control: Theories & Applications (IJOCTA)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This journal shares the research carried out through different disciplines in regards to optimization, control and their applications. The basic fields of this journal are linear, nonlinear, stochastic, parametric, discrete and dynamic programming; heuristic algorithms in optimization, control theory, game theory and their applications. Problems such as managerial decisions, time minimization, profit maximizations and other related topics are also shared in this journal. Besides the original research articles expository papers, which are hard to express or model, conference proceedings, book reviews and announcements are also welcome.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: An International Journal of Optimization and Control: Theories & Applications (IJOCTA)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Ancient World Online (AWOL)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Ancient World Onine provides links to open access journal titles in Ancient Studies.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Charles E. Jones Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Anglo-Saxon Clusterruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Bringing together four different existing online publications, this collection covers all aspects of Anglo-Saxon history. Gain access to Anglo-Saxon charters from before 900 AD and a register of all recorded inhabitants of Anglo-Saxon England, including biographical data. The resource also provides access to detailed descriptions of the landscape (boundary clauses) drawn up by contemporary land surveyors.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: JISC Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Annee Philologique (L'Annee Philologique)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The major database of bibliographical information on the Classical world, APh analyses 1500 periodical titles a year, and 500 articles in multi-authored monographs and conference reports. At present, the database covers from vol.30 1959 of the original printed indexes, with plans in hand to digitise earlier volumes. The arrangement of the information is in two major sections: Ancient authors and texts, Subjects and disciplines. ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Jouvreruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature, 1920-ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature contains 880,000 records, covering monographs, periodical articles, critical editions of literary works, book reviews and collections of essays published anywhere in the world from 1920 onwards.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This database is cross-searchable with other literature collections via Literature online.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Proquestruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Annual Reviewsruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Reviews of various topics are available from this site. We do not have access to the full text of all those to which we subscribe in print form but only those for which we pay an extra fee, - i.e. Biochemistry, Cell and Developmental Biology, Ecology and Systematics, Entomology, Genetics, Microbiology, Physiology, Phytopathology, and Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology (if you get asked for a password you are trying to get access to a review to which we do not subscribe).ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
We also have access to the Annual Reviews Electronic Back Volume Collection - full-text content from over 40 titles, from 1932-2005.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Annual Reviewsruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Anthropology Onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Anthropology Online contains a wide range of written ethnographies, field notes, seminal texts, memoirs, and contemporary studies, covering human behavior the world over. Here you can also access Ethnographic Video Online, which provides over 750 hours of classic and contemporary documentaries, published and unpublished fieldwork footage and select feature films.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Alexander Street Pressruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Antiquity is a quarterly, peer-reviewed journal of archaeology. All volumes in the archive are available, from 1927 to the current issue.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Antiquity Trustruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Archaeology Image Bankruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Archaeology Image Bank is a free to use resource created by the Higher Education Academy and hosted by the Archaeology Data Service. Its aim is to allow users to search for and share high quality archaeological images to enhance the learning experience of scholars, educators, lecturers and researchers within archaeology and its related disciplines. All images are donated by users or drawn from ADS collections.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Higher Education Academy Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Archival Sound Recordings - British Libraryruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The British Library's Archival Sound Recordings website gives UK Higher and Further Education staff and students access to over 12,000 sound recordings including: popular music tracks, interviews, soundscapes and radio plays.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
To Log In - click on 'log in' on the homepage and select University of Exeter from the drop-down list. Click 'Select' and then login using your usual UoE username and password.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: British Libraryruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ArchiveGrid is an important destination for searching through historical documents, personal papers, and family histories held in archives around the world. Thousands of libraries, museums, and archives have contributed nearly a million collection descriptions to ArchiveGrid. Researchers searching ArchiveGrid can learn about the many items in each of these collections, contact archives to arrange a visit to examine materials, and order copies.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
When prompted, use this username: 100-402-720 with this password: MYARCHIVE (exactly as shown here).ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: OCLCruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ArchSearch (Archaeology Data Service (ADS))ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Details of over 1 million sites, monuments and interventions in the UK or worked on by UK archaeologists. Links to full text documents are provided where available. Provided by the Council for British Archaeology. ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Artcyclopedia is an index of online museums and image archives: find where the works of over 8000 different fine artists can be viewed online.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ArticleFirst Includes items listed on the table of contents pages of journals. It describes one article, news story, letter, or other item from a journal in each record and provides a list of libraries that have the journal title for most items.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: OCLCruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ARTstor Digital Libraryruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The ARTstor Digital Library is a nonprofit resource that provides more than one million digital images in the arts, architecture, humanities, and sciences with an accessible suite of software tools for teaching and research. Its community-built collections comprise contributions from outstanding international museums, photographers, libraries, scholars, photo archives, and artists and artists' estates.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: ARTstorruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Open access to approximately 659,384 e-prints in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Quantitative Biology, Quantitative Finance and Statistics.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ASME Digital Library (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online access is to those journals published by the ASME for which we have subscriptions. They are available from a server also used by the American Institute of Physics.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: American Society of Mechanical Engineersruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ASSIA (Applied Social Science Index and Abstracts)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Applied Social Science Index and Abstracts includes anthropology, economics, health policy, law, medicine, politics, psychology, social policy and theory, social work, sociology and women's studies.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: CSAruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Association for Language Learning (ALL)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The members area contains online versions of ALLs language specific journals (LSJ): Francophonie, Deutsch: Lehren und Lernen, Vida Hispanica, Tuttitalia and Rusistika. This is a fully interactive and searchable facility: articles are linked by language, theme and topic, they are fully referenced, with weblinks for further information. Comments and feedback are also welcomed.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
When prompted, use this username: elibrary@exeter.ac.uk with this password: exeterp13 (exactly as shown here).ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Association for Language Learningruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ATLA Religion Databaseruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Includes a full range of index citations to journal articles, essays in multi-author works, and book reviews from three ATLA print indexes: Religion Index One (RIO), Religion Index Two (RIT), and Index to Book Reviews in Religion (IBRR). Spans over 50 years with selected records going back to 1818. ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: EBSCOhostruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Australian Education Index (AEI)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Australian Education Index (AEI) database is comprised of the publications "Australian Education Index" (AEI) and "Bibliography of Education Theses in Australia" (BETA). AEI indexes monographs and periodicals, and BETA contains thesis entries.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: ProQuest Professionalruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Avalon Project at Yale Law Schoolruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Avalon Project is dedicated to providing access via the World Wide Web to primary source materials in the fields of Law, History, Economics, Politics, Diplomacy and Government. ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Lillian Goldman law library Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
BAILII (British and Irish Legal Information Institute)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The British and Irish Legal Information Institute is a non-profit making charitable trust which provides an interactive database of full text primary legal materials available without charge on the Internet. UK Case law, legislation and reports and consultation papers from the Law Commission are available. Links are also provided to similar institutes from around the world, facilitating access to the law from other jurisdictions, such as commonwealth countries.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: British and Irish Legal Information Institute Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Baptisteria Sacra Indexruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
BSI is an international iconographic index of baptismal fonts from the early Christian period to the 17th century, in a searchable electronic format which contains both images and text. Scroll down the list of Iter resources to find the link.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Iter Availability: Separate Login Required for Off Campus Onlyruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This is an award-winning site which offers fiction, non fiction, verse and reference books free of charge. Some classic reference works are included, such as the Encyclopedia of World History and Harvard Classics.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
BASE is one of the world's largest search engines especially devoted to academic open access web resources. It currently indexes over 30 million documents from more than 2,000 sources worldwide. BASE is operated by Bielefeld University Library in Germany but the search screen is also available in English.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Bielefeld University Libraryruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
BBC College of Journalismruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Freely available in the UK, this website covers craft skills, ethics and values and there are hundreds of video and audio examples alongside interactive modules where you can test yourself. Of interest to those who want to develop writing or journalism skills.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: BBCruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
BBC Four - All Americanruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
A collection of programmes from the BBC archives exploring art, technology, politics and society in the United States of America. These programmes are available online to watch in full.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: BBC Fourruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Beck Onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Beck is one of the leading legal publishers in Germany. Our subscription has now been upgraded to Beckonline premium, which provides full text access to a number of major textbooks and commentaries, including the Münchener Kommentar zum Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuch, as well as a wide range of journals, including Juristische Schulung (JuS) and Neue juristische Wochenschrift (NJW). The database is only available in German.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Beck Onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Belgian War Pressruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Belgian War Press introduces you to hundreds of Belgian newspapers that were written, printed and distributed clandestinely during the two World Wars. Until now, this clandestine press had remained hidden in many archives, libraries and documentation centres. At the initiative of the Ceges/Soma and funded by Belspo, these newspapers have been digitised. It is now possible to read and search them at home. The Belgian War Press also offers background information on the censored and clandestine war press, on the project, its partners and the main reference works and catalogues.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Soma/Ceges Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Bess of Hardwick’s Lettersruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Bess of Hardwick’s Letters provides a permanent and publicly accessible record of the letters of one of Elizabethan England’s most remarkable figures. The archive, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, makes the Letters of Bess of Hardwick available online alongside annotations and analysis from academic experts from the University of Glasgow. It is the first time that the letters, which are currently held in 19 separate locations around the world, have ever been collected, transcribed, digitised and uploaded for public use.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
BFI InViewruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
At BFI InView you will find over 2,000 non-fiction film and television titles from the 20th century to the early 21st. InView is easily searchable, comprehensively catalogued and clearly organised unde six main Themes, each with an introductory essay by an academis historian. The themes are: Education, UK Industry & Economy, Health, Law & Order, Environment and Immigration, Race and Equality.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: British Film Institute - JISCruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
BFI ScreenOnline (ScreenOnline)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Screenonline is an online encyclopaedia of British film and television featuring hundreds of hours of film and television clips from the vast collections of the BFI National Archive, and several hours of recorded interviews with film and TV personalities. These clips are supplemented by rich and authoritative contextual material by expert writers, specially commissioned for Screenonline alongside thousands of stills, posters and press books.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: British Film Institute Availability: On Campus Access Onlyruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
biab onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
biab indexes journals, books and reports from AD 1695 to the present day on archaeology and the historic environment, historic buildings, maritime and industrial archaeology, environmental history, and the conservation of material culture - with a geographical focus on Britain and Ireland.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Bibliography of American Literatureruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Bibliography of American Literature describes in exhaustive detail the works of America's most important literary writers from the time of the Revolution to 1930. More than 37,000 works are listed, essentially the complete printed record of American literature from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This database is cross-searchable with other literature collections via Literature online.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Proquestruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Bibliography of British and Irish History (BBIH (previously Royal Historical Society Bibliography of British & Irish History))ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Bibliography of British and Irish History has grown out of, and will supercede, the Royal Historical Society Bibliography of British and Irish History (RHS Bibliography), from 1st January 2010. The database covers British and Irish history and relations with the Commonwealth and empire from 55BC to the present. The bibliography lists books, articles in books, and articles in journals. To enter the database, click on 'Enter databases'.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: BREPOLSruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Bibliography of Linguistic Literature (1971 - 1995) (BLL)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Bibliography of Linguistic Literature presents an online version of the key publication Bibliography of Linguistic Literature (BLL), which is published annually by the University Library, Frankfurt am Main. It is a valuable source for linguistics in general, and for English, German and Romance (Italian and Spanish) linguistics in particular. ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: University of Frankfurt/Main Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA) and Répertoire de la litterature de l'art (RILA) include European art from late Antiquity to the present; American art from the European arrival to the present and Christian and European art in Africa, Asia, and Australia. They give references to journal articles, monographs, collections of essays, conference proceedings, and exhibition catalogues.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: J. Paul Getty Trust Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Bibliomania includes over 2,000 classic texts, literature book notes, author biographies, reference books, religious texts and study guides. ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Bibliotheca Teubneriana Latina (BTL)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The BTL Online database provides electronic access to all editions of Latin texts published in the Bibliotheca Teubneriana, ranging from antiquity and late antiquity to medieval and neo-Latin texts. A total of approximately 13 million word forms are thus accessible electronically.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The user interface allows various and differentiated searches. Classical scholars and ancient historians are provided with a valuable tool for both research and the preparation of teaching at school and university level.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Each year, the database is extended by the texts of the newly printed Latin editions of the Bibliotheca Teubneriana.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: de Gruyterruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Bioline Internationalruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Bioline International is a not-for-profit scholarly publishing cooperative committed to providing open access to quality research journals published in developing countries. BI's goal of reducing the South to North knowledge gap is crucial to a global understanding of health (tropical medicine, infectious diseases, epidemiology, emerging new diseases), biodiversity, the environment, conservation and international development. By providing a platform for the distribution of peer-reviewed journals (currently from Bangladesh, Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, Egypt, Ghana, India, Iran, Kenya, Malaysia, Nigeria, Tanzania, Turkey, Uganda and Venezuela), BI helps to reduce the global knowledge divide by making bioscience information generated in these countries available to the international research community world-wide.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
BioMed Centralruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Over 200 peer-reviewed biomedical research journals, the majority of which are available free of charge.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: BMC Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Biomedical & Life Sciences Collection ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Biomedical & Life Sciences Collection is an online resource containing over 1400 seminar style talks including the latest research and developments as well as the fundamentals from many of the world's leading experts in their respective fields, including Nobel Laureates.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Off campus users may need to login using username/password.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
When prompted, use this username: UEXETER with this password: MEMBER (exactly as shown here).ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Henry Stewart Talksruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This is a trial resource – please send us your comments. The trial ends on 21 June 2013ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
BioOne is a global, not-for-profit collaboration bringing together scientific societies, publishers, and libraries to provide access to critical, peer-reviewed research in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: BioOne Expected subscription cost: £6476 + VAT per annum ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
BIOSIS Citation Index (1969-): via ISI Web of Knowledge (BIOSIS Citation Index)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This is a trial resource – please send us your comments. The trial ends on 25 August 2013ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Life sciences and biomedical research covering pre-clinical and experimental research, methods and instrumentation, animal studies, and more. To access and search the index, log into Web of Knowledge and select the index from the 'Select a database' tab.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Thomson Reutersruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Biosis Citation Index 1969 - presentruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Get a comprehensive view of life sciences research, including the most important discoveries, significant influences and relevant connections. Biosis Citation Index combines critical life sciences research with powerful citation indexing that only Web of Knowledge provides.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Go to the Select a database tab and click on Biosis Citation Index.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Thomson Reutersruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
BMJ Journalsruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online access to 30 BMJ journals from Vol.1 to include the current issues. Click on the titles to access the journal homepages, and then the archive tab to access the full-text content.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: BMJruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
BMJ Learningruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
BMJ Learning is an evidence-based, independent and peer reviewed CME and postgraduate training website, offering health care professionals a fast and convenient way to test their knowledge and keep up to date with the latest developments in medicine. It contains over 1000 interactive learning courses, across 70 specialty areas that are accredited for CME/CPD points in several countries.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
End users must register for the first time within the IP range of the institution – after this they can access the information remotely with their newly created user name and password.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
If a user has previously used a BMJ Product they will need to log in with their existing user name and password, within the IP range, to refresh the account. If you cannot remember your password please click the forgotten password link on the website.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: BMJ Group Availability: Personal registration requiredruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Bookboon offers free downloads of online student textbooks and travel guides, written exclusively for Bookboon by academics from different European universities. All books are available in PDF format and can be downloaded directly without any registration. The books are financed by frequent in-book advertisements.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Note: The titles included on this service are not listed individually on the library catalogue.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Ventus Publishing ApS Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Box of Broadcasts (BoB)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
BoB is an off-air recording and media archive service. This TV scheduling service allows you to record TV and radio programmes that are scheduled to be broadcast over the next seven days as well as retrieving programmes from the last seven days from a selected list of recorded channels.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
To login, start typing University of Exeter into the 'Where are you from' box on the left-hand side of the screen, and follow the steps to authenticate.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: BoBruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Brill Journal Archiveruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Full-text access to over 80 Brill journal titles with coverage from Vol.1 to the end of 2000. Access to the archive is through IngentaConnect.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Brill Availability: Electronic Library Login Requiredruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Brill Online Books and Journalsruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The new Brill Online Books and Journals platform can be used to cross-search e-book and journal content from Brill and provide full-text access to any subscribed journal content, as well as 88 e-books from the Social Sciences Collections (2007-2009) and 25 ebooks from the Classical studies collection which the University of Exeter has access to.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Brill Online Reference Worksruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Brill Online Reference Works is a new cross-searchable platform from Brill for accessing the following University of Exeter subscriptions:ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
- Encyclopaedia of Islamruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
- Encyclopaedia of the Qur'anruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
- New Pauly Onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Brillruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Brill Social Sciences Ebook Collections (Brill E-Books)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The University has access to over 88 ebooks from the Social Sciences Collection - all content published between 2007 and 2009. Individual title level links are available from the Library Catalogue.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Brillruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Brill's Companions in Classical Studies Online I (Brill E-Books)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The University has access to 25 ebooks from the Classical Studies Collection. Individual title level links are available from the Library Catalogue.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Brillruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
British Cartoon Archive Digitisation Projectruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Part of the JISC Digitsation Programme, this archive is located at the University of Kent's Templeman Library. It is a registered museum dedicated to the history of British cartooning over the last two hundred years. It holds more than 130,000 original editorial, socio-political, and pocket cartoons, supported by large collections of comic strips, newspaper cuttings, books and magazines. The collection of original artwork dates back to 1904 and includes work by W.K.Hasleden, Will Dyson, Strube, David Low,Vicky, Emmwood, Michael Cummings, Ralph Steadman, Mel Calman, Nicholas Garland, Chris Riddell, Carl Giles, Martin Rowson, and Steve Bell, amongst many others.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: JISC Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
British Education Index (BEI)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The British Education Index database provides bibliographic references to 350 British and selected European English-language periodicals in the field of education and training. Monographic, report and conference literature is limited, but increasing. The database's coverage ranges from early year education to the education of older adults, including coverage of relevant training and management literature.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: ProQuest Professionalruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
British History Onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
British History Online is a digital library of the core printed primary and secondary sources for the medieval and early modern history of Britain. To date, the project has digitised and made freely available more than 450 volumes, including such central resources as the Victoria County History of England, and the Journals of the Houses of Commons and Lords. Users can register for additional functionality e.g. personal bookshelf of links to the most useful resources in your research area. ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
British Humanities Index (BHI)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
BHI includes material from British journals, newspapers and magazines. Coverage includes art, literature, music, history, local history, archaeology, religion, politics, and general interest subjects including women's studies, ethics of science and technology, and environmental concerns.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: CSAruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
British Museum Imagesruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The British Museum collection database online provides searchable access to almost two million objects from the entire Museum collection, including almost 100,000 images relating to early modern and 19th-century Britain.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: The British Museumruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
British National Formularyruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The BNF is a biannual joint publication of the British Medical Association and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society, providing prescribers, pharmacists and other healthcare professionals with up-to-date information on the selection, prescribing, dispensing and administration of medicines.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
As a registered user (and once you have logged in) you will be able to access the full text of the current BNF for up to 30 minutes at each visit. However, visitors to BNF.org are not entitled to download a significant amount of material from the site for personal use, nor is it permitted to download material for re-publication or use in commercial offerings. These are infringements of our copyright and Terms of Use.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
When prompted, use this username: elibrary@exeter.ac.uk with this password: bnfexeter (exactly as shown here).ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: BMJ Group & RPS Publishing Availability: Separate Login Requiredruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
British National Formulary for Childrenruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The BNF is a biannual joint publication of the British Medical Association and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society, providing prescribers, pharmacists and other healthcare professionals with up-to-date information on the selection, prescribing, dispensing and administration of medicines for children.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
As a registered user (and once you have logged in) you will be able to access the full text of the current BNF for up to 30 minutes at each visit. However, visitors to BNF.org are not entitled to download a significant amount of material from the site for personal use, nor is it permitted to download material for re-publication or use in commercial offerings. These are infringements of our copyright and Terms of Use.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
When prompted, use this username: elibrary@exeter.ac.uk with this password: bnfexeter (exactly as shown here).ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: BMJ Group & RPS Publishing Availability: Separate Login Requiredruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
British Newspapers 1600-1900ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This resource offers a combined search facility to The Burney Newspaper Collection and 19th Century British Library Newspapers. Off campus users will be prompted to log in via the University's Single Sign On service (UoE username and password).ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Gale Cengage Availability: Separate Login Required for Off Campus Onlyruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
British Nursing Indexruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
British Nursing Index (BNI) with Full Text is a full-text version of the British Nursing Index (BNI), a leading bibliographic database supporting the practice, education, and research for nurses, midwives, and health providers in the UK and the greater nursing community. This full text database provides abstracting and indexing for hundreds of titles, with coverage dating back to 1993. Literature coverage focuses on titles published in the UK, Australia and Canada, plus a selection of important international nursing titles.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: ProQuestruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
British Patheruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
An archive of vintage film footage with more than 90,000 videos from 1897-1970.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
British Periodicals Collections I and II (British Periodicals Online)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
British Periodicals Online traces the growth of the periodical press in Britain from its origins in the 17th century through to the Victorian 'age of periodicals' and beyond (1680s to the 1930s). There are 2 separate collections:ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Collection I consists of more than 160 journals that comprise the UMI microfilm collection Early British Periodicals, the equivalent of 5,238 printed volumes. Topics covered include literature, philosophy, history, science, the fine arts and the social sciences.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Collection II consists of more than 300 journals from the UMI microfilm collections English Literary Periodicals and British Periodicals in the Creative Arts together with additional titles. Topics covered include literature, music, art, drama, archaeology and architecture.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Access instructions: Click on 'Change' at the top of the page and select British Periodicals.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Proquestruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
BUBL Linkruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
BUBL Link is a catalogue of databases selected by librarians and arranged in categories based on the Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: BUBL Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Burney Newspaper Collection (17th-18th Century Burney Collection Newspapers)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This collection contains information from 1 million newspaper pages. It covers:ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Newspapers, newsbooks, Acts of Parliament, addresses, broadsides, pamphlets, proclamations.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The most comprehensive collection of early English newspapers.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Titles from London, British Isles, and colonies.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Off campus users will be prompted to log in via the Library Catalogue (UoE username and password).ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Gale databases Availability: Separate Login Required for Off Campus Onlyruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Business Expert Press E-Booksruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This is a trial resource – please send us your comments. The trial ends on 30 June 2013ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Established in 2008 with input from faculty and academic librarians and now used by hundreds of thousands of students, Business Expert Press publishes concise, practical treatments of the topics taught in MBA programs. Their born-digital books are written by professors who translate real-life business experiences into teaching tools, and serve as curriculum-oriented, cost-effective alternatives to high-priced textbooks by providing the kind of information that's not offered in introductory textbooks or case studies. This trial provides access to 160 titles from the 2010, 2011 and 2012 Digital Libraries.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Library ‘Essentials’ guideruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Business Expert Press Expected subscription cost: 2013 collection: $4500 (75 books), 2012 collection: $3000 (50 books), Archive $4400 (110 books) ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Business Source Complete (BSC)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Business Source Complete is a business research database that provides selected full text for over 3,300 journals and is updated daily (it is the upgraded version of Business Source Premier). It also provides financial data, books, monographs, major reference works, conference proceedings, case studies, investment research reports, industry reports, market research reports, country reports, company profiles, SWOT analyses, faculty seminars (videos), and more. Subjects covered include: accounting, economics, finance, marketing and management. Coverage dates are different for each journal but many key titles are covered from the 1950's and 1960's onwards. More informationruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: EBSCOhostruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Cabinet Papers (1915-1978)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Cabinet Papers is a free, JISC-funded online resource allowing access to over half a million images pertaining to the full-text British Cabinet papers from 1915-1978. The collection consists of minutes, maps and memoranda of the British government, covering both peace and wartime in the 20th century.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: The National Archives & JISC Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
California Digital Library - eScholarship Editions (Public Editions)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Several hundred books from selected academic presses are available free of charge in the California Digital Library. Topics include art, science, music, history, religion and fiction.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: The Regents of the University of California Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Cambridge Books Onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Access to over 2,000 ebooks from Cambridge Books Online collections, including Classics, Drama, Economics and Management, English, History 2004-2011, Politics and Theology . Not every published title will be available to view from the website but title level links can be accessed from the Library Catalogue.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Cambridge University Pressruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Cambridge Companions Complete Collectionruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Cambridge Companions are lively, accessible introductions to major writers, artists, philosophers, topics and periods. This collection includes over 360 titles covering literature, classics, philosophy, religion and culture.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Cambridge University Pressruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Cambridge Journals Digital Archiveruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Cambridge Journals Digital Archive contains over 100 journal archives covering a broad range of academic subjects including: Classics, Drama, Economics, History, Law, Linguistics, Mathematics & Computer Science, Philosphy and Politics. The majority of these journals are available now, with 60 more titles scheduled to go live by August 2011.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Cambridge University Press/JISCruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Cambridge University Press Online Journals (CUP)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
We have access to the journals for which the university has subscriptions to the print editions. It is also possible to read the tables of contents and abstracts of articles of journals to which we do not subscribe.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
To Login: Select Federation= 'UK Federation' and Institution= 'University of Exeter'. Then login with your username & password.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Cambridge University Pressruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
CAMIO (Catalogue of Art Museum Images Online)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
CAMIO — OCLC's Catalog of Art Museum Images Online — is a growing online collection documenting works of art from around the world, representing the collections of prominent museums. CAMIO highlights the creative output of cultures around the world, from prehistoric to contemporary times, and covering the complete range of expressive forms.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
CAMIO is licensed for use by students, faculty, and researchers at subscribing institutions. Works of art may be used for educational and research purposes during the term of the subscription, if they are properly credited. Images may not be published or otherwise distributed.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
When prompted, use this username: 100-402-719 with this password: MYCAMIO (exactly as shown here).ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: OCLCruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Campbell Collaboration Reviewsruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Campbell Collaboration is an international research network that produces systematic reviews of the effects of social interventions.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: The Campbell Collaborationruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Canadian Poetryruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Created in partnership with the Electronic Text Centre at the University of New Brunswick Libraries, this unique collection contains the full text of more than 19,000 poems by 177 poets including Bliss Carman, Isabella Valancy Crawford, Archibald Lampman, Charles G. D. Roberts and Duncan Campbell Scott, offering a comprehensive survey of Canadian poetry from the eighteenth century to the early twentieth.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Proquestruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Carlyle Letters Online: A Victorian cultural referenceruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Carlyle Letters Online is the electronic edition of the collected letters of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle. The archive features thousands of letters written by the Scottish author and historian Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881) and his wife Jane Welsh Carlyle (1801-1866).ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Duke University Pressruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Casetrack provides access to full text transcripts of judgments for the Court of Appeal, Administrative Court, High Court, Employment Appeal Tribunal and the VAT Tribunal. It also includes searchable links to House of Lords and Privy Council judgments, access to judgments from the Northern Irish Courts and selected judgements from the European Court of Human Rights and the European Court of Justice. The database is updated daily and is a useful means of keeping up to date with recent judgments.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
When prompted, use this username: EXETER with this password: 0202STDAVIDS (exactly as shown here).ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Availability: Separate Login Requiredruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
CasWeb (Census Dissemination Unit)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Casweb provides access to statistics and digital boundary data from the United Kingdom Census of Population. It covers the years 1971/81/91 and 2001. Registration required before using for first time. Click on 'Log in to CasWeb using UK Federation' and select University of Exeter.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Census Registration Serviceruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Cause Papersruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
A searchable catalogue of more than 14,000 cause papers relating to cases heard between 1300 and 1858 in the Church Courts of the diocese of York.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: University of York Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
CCH Onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The University has a subscription to the Accountancy resources on CCH Online. This includes: Accountancy magazine archive, accounting standards, auditing standards, companies legislation, UK GAAP, PwC Manual of Accounting.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Please log in at the top of the screen, using the username and password below. If you're not directed straight to the list of products, please click on 'Access my products' at the top of the screen to browse a list of available resources.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
When prompted, use this username: C868470UN with this password: CCHexeter (exactly as shown here).ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: CCH/Wolters Kluwer Availability: Separate Login Requiredruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Census.ac.uk, home of the ESRC Census Programme, provides a one stop gateway to data and support services, which allow users and researchers in UK Higher and Further Education to access the 1971, 1981 and 2001 UK censuses. You need to register in order to use the Census Data resources. Registration also covers you to use the Economic and Social Dta Services (ESDS).ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Census.ac.uk has now been migrated to the UK Data Service. This record will be removed shortly.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: UK Data Archiveruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Centre for Bioscience ImageBankruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This resource gives access to free images, all relating to the biosciences, which are copyright cleared for educational use. Images are contributed by individuals, industries and academics.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Centre for Interaction Data Estimation and Research (CIDER)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
CIDER is a Data Support Unit with the specific remit of providing access to and supporting interaction data sets produced from UK Censuses of Population. Census interaction data are data that relate to flows of people between places. Whereas most Census data relate to counts of people at specific locations, interaction data describe interactions between origins and destinations. CIDER was previously known as Census Interaction Data Service (CIDS). Registration is required on first use.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: ESDSruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Chadwyck Healey Literature Collectionsruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Individual links to a set of literature collections from Chadwyck Healey, including American Poetry, Early American Fiction, Faber Poetry Library and English Poetry. The collections are cross-searchable via the Literature Online interface.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Chadwyck Healeyruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Chardstock Historical Record Group Web Museum (CHRG)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Web Museum was created in August 2009 by the Chardstock Historical Record Group as the most effective way of making information about the history of the Parishes of Chardstock and All Saints available to the greatest number of people world-wide.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: CHRDruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Charles Booth Archiveruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Charles Booth Archive provides access to guides, digitised images and maps from the Booth archive collections at the London School of Economics and Political Science and the Senate House Library. It includes the original records from Booth's survey into life and labour in London, dating from 1886 to 1903, and Booth family papers from 1799 to 1967.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: London School of Economics and Political Science and the Senate House Libraryruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ChemSpider is a freely available chemistry search engine. It has been built with the intention of aggregating and indexing chemical structures and their associated information into a single searchable repository and make it available to everybody, at no charge.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online help ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Chinese Science Citation Database: 1989-present: via ISI Web of Knowledge (Chinese Science Citation Database)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This is a trial resource – please send us your comments. The trial ends on 25 August 2013ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Provides bibliographic information and citations to articles in 1200 core science and engineering journals published in the People’s Republic of China. To access and search the index, log into Web of Knowledge and select the index from the 'Select a database' tab.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Thomson Reutersruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapersruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
As part of the National Digital Newspaper Program (NDNP), this site allows you to search and view newspaper pages from 1860-1922 and find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present. Chronicling America is sponsored jointly by the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Library of Congressruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online help ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
CIA FOIA Reading Roomruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
View formerly classified documents made public under Freedom of Information Act requests. ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: CIA Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
CIAO (Columbia International Affairs Online)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
CIAO is a source for theory and research in international affairs. It includes working papers, projects, books, journals and other documents from 1991 onwards. It also includes teaching materials and case studies.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Columbia University Pressruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
CINAHL Plus with Full Textruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
CINAHL Plus with Full Text is the world's most comprehensive nursing & allied health research database providing indexing for more than 4,600 journals from the fields of nursing and allied health. In addition, this database offers access to health care books, nursing dissertations, selected conference proceedings, standards of practice, educational software, audiovisuals and book chapters. The database provides full text access to more than 770 journals and more than 275 books/monographs.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: EBSCOhostruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Clase Periodicaruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
CLASE indexes documents published in Latin American journals specializing in the social sciences and humanities. PERIóDICA covers journals specializing in science and technology. They offer access to more than 400,000 bibliographic citations from documents published in 2,600 scholarly journals published in the Spanish, Portuguese, French and English languages and contain information from articles, essays, book reviews, monographs, conference proceedings, technical reports, interviews and brief notes published in journals edited in 24 different countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as from publications that focus on Pan-American issues.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: OCLCruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Classic Latin textsruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This electronic collection of Latin texts was put together by the Packard Humanities institute.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Packard Humanities instituteruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Clergy of the Church of England Database 1540-1835ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This is a database published by King's College London containing details of the careers of more than 130,000 clergymen of the Church of England between 1540 and 1835, from over 50 archives in England and Wales.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: King's College Londonruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Cochrane Libraryruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Cochrane Library is an electronic publication designed to supply high quality independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making. It includes evidence from Cochrane and other systematic reviews, protocols and clinical trials and is aimed at all health practitioners.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Wiley Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Cold War International History Projectruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Part of the Woodrow Wilson International Center. Provides free access to hundreds of documents relating to the history of the Cold War. Includes US and Soviet declassified materials. ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Wilson Center Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Compendex (Compendex)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
A comprehensive interdisciplinary engineering information, with over 3 million summaries of journal articles and conference proceedings, and 220,000 new additions every year. Off campus access via Shibboleth, please select University of Exeter as an institution and follow the steps.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Elsevierruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Connected Historiesruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Connected Histories provides an integrated search facility for 11 major electronic resources in early modern and 19th-century British history. It was created by a partnership between the University of Hertfordshire, the Institute of Historical Research, University of London, and the University of Sheffield.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Library ‘Essentials’ guideruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: University of Hertfordshire, the Institute of Historical Research, University of London, and the University of Sheffield.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
CORE (COnnecting REpositories tool)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
CORE is the UK's first open access full-text search engine, which can be used to search the full text of items held in all 142 approved Open Access repositores.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Open University/Knowledge Management Institute Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Corpus Vitrearum Medii Aeviruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
There are thousands of images of stained glass windows in this digitised archive, providing a fascinating insight into the visual culture of the religious, heraldic and memorial glass used to decorate churches, homes and other notable buildings during the period.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Images can be browsed by county listing, map, search and by inventory number. A comprehensive glossary of stained glass terms and techniques features alongside articles on the conservation of stained glass and links to further reading and related websites.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: JISC / University of Yorkruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This resource is the digital platform of the Institut francaise du Royaume -Uni offering a wide range of e-books, audiobooks, lectures, films, documentaries and plays online. Registration is required to view the materials.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Current Contents Connect: via ISI Web of Knowledge (Current Contents Connect)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This is a trial resource – please send us your comments. The trial ends on 25 August 2013ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Complete tables of contents and bibliographic information from the world’s leading scholarly journals and books; also includes relevant, evaluated Web sites and documents. To access and search the index, log into Web of Knowledge and select the index from the 'Select a database' tab.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Thomson Reutersruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Current Index to Statistics (CIS)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
CIS is the online version of the printed Current Index to Statistics, published by the American Statistical Association. It includes over 250,000 entries covering books, journals and conference proceedings in the area of statistics.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online help ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Dalloz.FR is the online service of Editions Dalloz, one of the oldest and most respected legal publishers in France. Our subscription is limited to Dalloz actualite and Dalloz jurisprudence and does not include the Codes and Revues sections.Our subscription provides access to legislation and case law in four major subject areas: administrative, business, civil, European and international law. The database is only available in French.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
To access the database, click on the red button at the top right of the screen that says ‘Acces abonnes: Identification’ and log in using the username and password provided.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
When prompted, use this username: DALma2d95d with this password: 511649 (exactly as shown here).ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Dalloz.FRruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
DART-Europe E-Theses Portalruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
DART-Europe is a partnership of research libraries and library consortia. The portal currently contains over 164,000 freely available full-text research theses from approximately 282 contributing universities across 18 European countries.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: DART-Europeruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Darts-ip is a provider of global intellectual property case law with databases in the following specific areas: Trademark, Patent, Design and Models and Domain. It includes over 660,000 decisions from around the world with links from trade mark and patent numbers to details of litigation and legal analysis.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The help tab includes detailed user guides.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
When prompted, use this username: P.C.Overy@exeter.ac.uk with this password: 978679 (exactly as shown here). ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Darwin's libraryruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
A digital reconstruction of Charles Darwin's library, this resource, uniting facimilies of books in his library side by side with his marginal notes (renowned for the extent and passion) traces the development of Darwin's thought following his return from the voyage of the Beagle, through to the publication of the Origin of Species.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This collection is a collaboration between Cambridge University Library, The Natural History Museum, American Natural History Museum and the Biodiversity Heritage Library.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: JISC / University of Cambridgeruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Dawsonera is a platform for accessing some of the ebooks that the University of Exeter has subscriptions to. To browse available titles, click on the 'eBook Catalogue' tab at the top of the screen, or to search content, click on the 'Advanced Search tab'. Individual title level links are available from the Library Catalogue.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: DawsonEraruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Defining Gender, 1450-1910ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Defining Gender, 1450-1910 is a collection of original source material from British and European archives for those studying history, literature, sociology, education and cultural studies from a gendered perspective. It contains a broad range of thematically organised documents from 21 libraries.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Adam Matthew Digitalruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Department of Healthruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Department of Health and its Arm's Length bodies publish a large amount of information relating to health and social care in England.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Department of Healthruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Derwent Innovations Index (1963-): via ISI Web of Knowledge (Derwent Innovations Index )ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This is a trial resource – please send us your comments. The trial ends on 25 August 2013ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Value-added patent information fromDerwent World Patent Index® as well as patent citation information fromPatents Citation Index®. To access and search the index, log into Web of Knowledge and select the index from the 'Select a database' tab.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Thomson Reutersruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Digimap Ordnance Survey Data Collectionruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Digimap is an EDINA service that delivers Ordnance Survey Map Data to UK Tertiary Education. Data is available either to download to use with appropriate application software such as GIS or CAD, or as maps generated by Digimap online. Digimap allows users to view and print maps of any location in Great Britain at a series of predefined scales. Online registration required on first use, for details see Library Guide below.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online help / Library ‘Essentials’ guideruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Edina Availability: Electronic Library Login Requiredruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Digital Book Indexruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Digital Book Index provides links to more than 165,000 full-text digital books from more than 1800 commercial and non-commercial publishers, universities, and various private sites. More than 140,000 of these books, texts, and documents are available.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Digital book Index Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Digital Images for Education (previously Education Image Gallery)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Digital Images for Education provides over 500 hours of film and 56,000 images capturing local, UK and world history during the last 25 years. Films range from footage of Gorbachev’s accession to power in the Soviet Union in 1985 to the financial crisis of 2009, and powerful raw footage of the 9/11 attacks is included, as well as coverage of key issues such as deforestation and global warming. Photographs from a wide variety of providers range from nineteenth-century life in the Scottish Highlands to contemporary youth culture.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This resource is incorporated into the JISC MediaHub. To access this resource, click on the link above and select the option to 'Search and download via UK federation' - select the University of Exeter.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: JISCruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Digital Theatre Plusruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Digital Theatre Plus brings together a unique catalogue of filmed performances from leading theatre companies along with specially commissioned documentaries and interviews. Subscription includes full access to the Production catalogue, a wide range of documentaries and interviews and other learning resources.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
To log in, go to the Digital Theatre Plus homepage and click on 'Log into your account' in the top right corner and log in using the username and password provided below.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
When prompted, use this username: UNID8901D01 with this password: exeterlibrary2011 (exactly as shown here). ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Directory of Free Arab Journalsruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This database is at a more experimental and early developmental stage promising a coverage of more than 120 journals from the Arab World. Best results if searching in Arabic.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Directory of (and links to) free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals. The number of titles covered is over 1100 and increasing, and the aim is to cover all subjects and languages.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Lund University Libraries Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Directrory of Open Access Books (DOAB)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The primary aim of DOAB is to increase discoverability of Open Access books. Academic publishers are invited to provide metadata of their Open Access books to DOAB. Libraries are able to integrate the directory into their catalogues and online database collections, helping scolars and students to discover these books.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: OAPEN Foundationruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The National Archives holds over 11 million historical government and public records, one of the largest archive collections in the world. From Domesday Book to modern government papers and digital files, our collection includes paper and parchment, electronic records and websites, photographs, posters, maps, drawings and paintings.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: National Archivesruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Documenting the American Southruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Documenting the American South (DocSouth) is a digital publishing initiative that provides Internet access to texts, images, and audio files related to southern history, literature, and culture. ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Documents on Irish Foreign Policy (DIFP)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Documents on Irish Foreign Policy is a project of the Royal Irish Academy, the Department of Foreign Affairs and the National Archives of Ireland and was established in 1997. The project publishes essential source material for anyone interested in the development of Irish foreign policy since 1919.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Royal Irish Academy, Department of Foreign Affairs & National Archives of Irelandruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Driver (Digital Repository Infrastructure Vision for European Research)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Driver (Digital Repository Infrastructure Vision for European Research) is a multi-phase effort whose vision and primary objective is to establish a cohesive, pan-European infrastructure of Digital Repositories, offering sophisticated functionality services to both researchers and the general public. It sets out to build an advanced infrastructure for the future knowledge of the European Research Area.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online help ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
E U Bookshopruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The EU Bookshop allows online ordering of most official EU Publications since 2004, plus free PDF versions to download. Thousands are already available, from short pamphlets to major reports.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: European Union Publications Office Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Early American Fiction 1789 - 1875ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Early American Fiction 1789–1875 offers the full text of 875 first editions of American novels and short stories by such authors as Louisa May Alcott, Herman Melville, Harriet Beecher Stowe and Mark Twain, as well as a host of minor writers of the period.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This database is cross-searchable with other literature collections via Literature online.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Proquestruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Early English Lawsruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Early English Laws is a project to publish online and in print new editions and translations of all English legal codes, edicts, and treatises produced up to the time of Magna Carta 1215.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: University of London Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Early English Prose Fictionruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
A collection of more than 200 works from the period 1500–1700, exploring the rich diversity of prose fiction in English in the period preceding the emergence of the realist novel as its dominant form.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This database is cross-searchable with other literature collections via Literature online.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Proquestruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Early European Booksruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Early European Books traces the history of printing in Europe from its origins through to the close of the 17th century, offering full-color, high-resolution facsimile images of rare and hard-to-access printed sources. The collection includes material printed across Europe and works in many European languages, including Latin, Danish, German, English, Icelandic, Swedish and Ancient Greek.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Proquestruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
East London Theatre Archive (ELTA)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The East London Theatre Archive (ELTA) is a database of around 15,000 performing arts resources, from playbills and programmes to press cuttings and photographs, taken from different East London Theatres and V&A Theatre Collections. ELTA is led by the University of East London and is funded by the JISC Digitisation Programme. Themes include: Animal Performers, Pantomime and Stage Adaptations, among others.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: JISC Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
eBooks at Adelaideruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
eBooks at Adelaide is the online library of the University of Adelaide, offers free classic literature, philosophy, science and medicine ebooks ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: University of Adelaide Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Ebooks on demand (EOD)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
European libraries are hosting millions of books published from 1500 to 1900. Due to their age and value they are often only accessible to users actually present at these libraries. With the EOD service users are able to order high-quality digital copies of these out of copyright books via the participating libraries catalogues for a fee. The libraries then digitise the requested item and send it to the user via the EOD service network. The books digitised in this way are incorporated into the digital libraries of the participating libraries. Over 20 libraries in 12 European countries are currently taking part in the service. As of 2009, these books can also be ordered as a reprint in the form of a "real" trade paper book in addition to the digital version. ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: EODruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
EBSCO A-Zruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
EBSCO A-Z is a subject based gateway to all of the University of Exeter's e-journal subscriptions. You can search by title, or browse by subject or service provider.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: EBSCOruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
EBSCO E-Journalsruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
EBSCO E-Journals is a 'host' service, providing access to a large number of online journals, all of which can be accessed via the Library catalogue and other online journal services. You have the ability to search at article level through a browse, simple or advanced search gateway.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: EBSCOruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
EBSCO eBook Collectionruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Full text of over 400+ electronic books purchased by the University. The default homepage is a search screen, to browse the e-books available, please click on 'eBooks' at the top of the screen. ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: OCLCruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ECCO (Eighteenth Century Collections Online)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Eighteenth Century Collections Online includes the digital images of every page of 150,000 books published during the 18th Century. It allows searching of the full-text of 33 million pages in the fields of history, literature, religion, law, fine arts and science. You can now cross-search ECCO with EEBO (Early English Books Online).ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Thomson Galeruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ECLAS (European Commission Libraries Catalogue)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ECLAS, the catalogue of the European Commission Library, includes articles, official documents, books and working papers on all aspects of European law and policy.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: European Commission Library Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
EconLit indexes journal articles, books, articles from collective volumes, book reviews, dissertations and working papers on economics. Approximately 750 journals are indexed by the database, covering dates from 1969 onwards. It is updated monthly.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: EBSCOhostruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Full text access to The Economist (including illustrations) from 1991 onwards. Please note this does not include the Special Reports.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
When prompted, use this username: elibrary@exeter.ac.uk with this password: economist10 (exactly as shown here).ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Economist.com Availability: Separate Login Required for Off Campus Onlyruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Economist Historical Archiveruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Economist Historical Archive ('EHA') is the fully searchable complete facsimile edition of The Economist, the weekly paper which is essential reading for anyone engaged in politics, current affairs and all aspects of business and trade worldwide. Containing every issue since its launch in 1843 and more than 600,000 pages, EHA offers full-colour images, multiple search indexes, topic and area supplements and surveys. Altogether this is an unrivalled multidisciplinary primary source for researching and teaching the 19th and 20th centuries.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Gale Cengage Learningruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
EDP Sciencesruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
At present Europhysics Letters is the only journal from this publisher to which we have online access as it is the only one we subscribe to.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: EDP Sciencesruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Education Research Completeruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Education Research Complete is a bibliographic and full text database covering scholarly research and information relating to all areas of education. Topics covered include all levels of education from early childhood to higher education, and all educational specialties, such as multilingual education, health education, and testing. This database also covers areas of curriculum instruction as well as administration, policy, funding, and related social issues. The database provides indexing and abstracts for more than 1,730 journals, as well as full text for nearly 830 journals. This database also includes full text for 67 books and monographs, and full text for numerous education-related conference papers.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: EBSCOhostruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
EEBO (Early English Books Online)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Early English Books Online (EEBO) makes available online more than 125,000 titles published between 1473 and 1700, starting with the earliest printed works in the English language. It reproduces the works listed in the Short-Title Catalogue I (Pollard & Redgrave, 1475-1640); the Short-Title Catalogue II (Wing, 1641-1700); the Thomason Tracts, a compendium of broadsides on the English Civil War printed between 1640 and 1661; and the Early English Books Tract Supplements. There is an online community called EEBO Interactions which you can register for in order to enhance your EEBO experience (for more details see the Electronic Library, Social networking sites).ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Chadwyck Healeyruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
EEBO Interactions (Early English Books Online Interactions)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
EEBO Interactions is an experimental forum designed to let users engage collaboratively with the works in ProQuest’s Early English Books Online (EEBO) database. Participants can use EEBO Interactions to share their insights or questions about particular works or authors. Contributions can be as brief as a comment on the date of a work, or as lengthy as an introduction complete with a bibliography and links to other resources. EEBO Interactions is intended to enhance the EEBO experience through scholarly dialogue and comment. ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Please note: you must register to use the service by logging into EEBO, and clicking on the EEBO Interactions registration link on the right-hand side of the screen. Follow the instructions to set up your personal EEBO Interactions username and password. ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Chadwyck-Healeyruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Eighteenth - Century Fictionruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
A collection of 96 complete works of English prose from the period 1700–1780 by writers from the British Isles. Key figures covered include Daniel Defoe, Henry Fielding, Eliza Haywood, Samuel Richardson, Tobias Smollett, Laurence Sterne and Jonathan Swift.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This database is cross-searchable with other literature collections via Literature online.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Proquestruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Electronic Capito Projectruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Electronic Capito Project provides the text of letters from and to Wolfgang Faber Capito (c. 1478-1541) which are either unpublished or have been published before 1850 and are therefore difficult to access. Scroll down the list of Iter resources to find the link.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Iter Availability: Separate Login Required for Off Campus Onlyruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Embase is a biomedical and pharmacological database covering drug and pharmaceutical research, clinical and experimental medicine, health policy and management, and biotechnology and biomedical engineering.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Ovid SPruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This is an online resources of care medical references available to physicians and other healthcare professionals. The evidence-based content provides the latest practice guidelines in 38 clinical areas. The eMedicine Clinical Knowledge Base containes articles on over 6,500 diseases and medical topics and is richly illustrated with some 28,000 multimedia files.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Medscape Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Emerald Business, Management and Economics eBook Series Archive (1991-2010)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This collection currently offers online access to a collection of more than 550 volumes from more than 70 book series titles. Featuring relevant, international and trusted content in many fields including strategy, economics, accounting and finance and human resource management. The archive covers from 1991-2010 only. Individual title level links are available from the Library Catalogue.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Emeraldruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Emerald Management eJournals (EMeJ) (Emerald Insight)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Emerald Management eJournals collection contains over 170 full-text journals. The University also has access to over 120 of the Emerald journal backfiles. Individual title level links are available from the Library Catalogue.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Emeraldruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Encyclopaedia of Islam (Brill Online Reference Works)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online access to the 2nd and 3rd editions of the Encyclopaedia of Islam via the new Brill Online Reference Works platform.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Brillruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Encyclopaedia of the Qur'an (Brill Online Reference Works)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Encyclopaedia of the Qur’ān Online is an encyclopaedic dictionary of qur’ānic terms, concepts, personalities, place names, cultural history and exegesis extended with essays on the most important themes and subjects within qur’ānic studies.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Brillruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Encyclopedia of Forms and Precedentsruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents is a comprehensive source of transactional precedents for use in non-contentious fields of practice. It contains over 12,000 forms and precedents and covers areas such as sale of land, landlord and tenant, commercial law, wills and trusts, and family law. It also includes checklists, procedural tables and guidance on land registration, stamp duty and tax. It is available via the LexisNexis Butterworths service.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: LexisNexis Butterworthsruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Energy Citations Database (ECD)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Energy Citations Database provides free access to over 2,443,000 bibliographic citations for energy and energy‑related scientific and technical information collected by the US Department of Energy and its predecessor agencies. It includes citations to report literature, conference papers, journal articles, books, dissertations, and patents. There are currently over 289,000 full-text electronic documents in the ECD, with continued growth through regular updates; you can limit your search to find only records with full text available.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: US Department of Energy Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
English Dramaruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
A unique collection of more than 3,900 plays in verse and prose tracing the development of drama in English from the medieval mystery cycles to the comedies of Oscar Wilde.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This database is cross-searchable with other literature collections via Literature online.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Proquestruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
English Poetry 2nd Editionruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
English Poetry, Second Edition builds on the achievement of the original English Poetry collection with enhanced functionality and the addition of more than 20,000 poems. It offers representation both of the literary heritages of former colonial countries and of the poetic legacies of English writers who have only been brought back to scholarly attention during the last thirty years.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This database is cross-searchable with other literature collections via Literature online.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Proquestruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
English Reports via Hein Onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
HeinOnline allows you to search or browse all 176 volumes of the English Reports, Full Reprint along with its "Index of Cases" and "Index Chart." This collection encompasses the decisions of the English Courts prior to the commencement of the Law Reports in 1865. It represents reprints of 275 separate series of reports, arranged by the English Courts: House of Lords, Chancery, Rolls Court, etc. The English Reports, Full Reprint contains over 100,000 cases reprinted verbatim and spans the years 1220 to 1867.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Hein Onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
English Short Title Catalogue (ESTC)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The essential resource for historians, English language and literature scholars, and all those interested in early printed books, periodicals and ephemera, the English Short Title Catalogue (ESTC) provides bibliographic records for all known British printed material before 1801, held by the British Library and over 2000 other institutions worldwide. ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: British Libraryruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Enlightening Scienceruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This collection seeks to shed further light on the breadth and depth of Newton’s work and theories by creating a group of ‘learning objects’ based around themes. It includes resources such as video and audio interviews with Newtonian experts, alongside explanatory secondary material and Newton’s actual transcripts.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: JISC / University of Sussexruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Environment Completeruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This resource offers deep coverage in applicable areas of agriculture, ecosystem ecology, energy, renewable energy sources, natural resources, marine & freshwater science, geography, pollution & waste management, environmental technology, environmental law, public policy, social impacts, urban planning, and more.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Environment Complete™ contains more than 2.5 million records from more than 2,350 domestic and international titles dating back to 1888 (including over 1,350 active core titles). The database contains full text for more than 930 journals, including many of the most used journals in the discipline, such as Environment (back to 1975), Ecologist, Conservation Biology, etc. Additionally, Environment Complete provides full text for 190 monographs, such as Encyclopedia of World Environmental History (3 volumes), Advances in Water Treatment & Environmental Management, etc.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: EBSCOhostruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
EPPI Centre (Evidence for Policy and Practice Information and Co-ordinating Centre)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The EPPI-Centre offers support and expertise to those undertaking systematic reviews.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: EPPI-Centreruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ERIC is the complete file of educational materials from the Educational Resources Information Center. Subfiles include "Resources in Education" (RIE) (1966 forward, records assigned ED accession numbers), and "Current Index to Journals in Education" (CIJE) (1969 forward, records assigned EJ accession numbers). The ERIC files taken together correspond to File 1 (ERIC) online. Coverage is from 1966 to the present, with 530,000 records. It is updated quarterly.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: ProQuest Professionalruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ERIC PlusTextruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ERIC Plustext is the ERIC education database plus the full text of around 260 leading education journals.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Proquestruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Érudit platform provides access to several types of documents in the humanities and social sciences, as well as the natural science disciplines: academic journals, e-books, proceedings, theses and other documents and data. It includes two translation journals, Meta and TTR.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Please note that journals may have a two year embargo current content, but over 80% of content is freely available via open access.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Ethnographic Video Online Vols. 1 and 2 (incorporating Anthropology Online)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
With over 750 hours of classic and contemporary documentaries, published and unpublished fieldwork footage and select feature films, Ethnographic Video Online is a comprehensive resource for the study of human culture and behaviour. Ethnographic Video Online: Volume II offers 450 additional hours of classic and contemporary documentaries, unpublished footage from renowned anthropological archives and field recordings. The companion resource Anthropology Online adds associated written ethnographies, field notes memoirs and more.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Alexander Street Pressruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The EThOS database contains 250,000+ records about theses from UK Higher Education Institutions. It allows download of an increasing number of electronic and digitised theses direct to the desktop. The final versions of doctoral theses from UK Higher Education Institutions are eligible for inclusion. The database can be fully searched without logging in or registering, but please note that you must register in order to download theses.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Availability: Personal registration requiredruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Eton Myers Collection Virtual Museumruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
As well as displaying fine examples of ancient Egyptian decorative artwork, this collection provides a view into the world of travellers in 19th century Egypt and the Middle East. The items on display include statues of both mortals and gods, mummy masks, jewellery, pottery and coins. 3D models bring these objects to life.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: JISC / VISTAruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
EUR-Lex is the portal to European Union law. The domains included in this portal are The Official Journal of the European Union, the Treaties, legislation, legislation in preparation, case-law, parliamentary questions and documents of public interest.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: European Union Publications Office Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
EuroDocs: Online Sources for European Historyruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Links to European primary source documents that are transcribed, reproduced in facsimile or translated, covering all periods of history.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: EuroDocs Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
EUROPA is the European Union's portal web site. Information is made available by the institutions and bodies of the European Union, including the European Parliament, the Council of the Union, the Commission, the Court of Justice, the Court of Auditors, the Economic and Social Committee, the Committee of the Regions, the European Central Bank and the European Investment Bank.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: European Commission Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
European Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies (EBSEES)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
EBSEES lists book, journal articles, reviews and theses on Eastern Europe. It includes documents eight Western European countries, whether published in that country’s language or in the languages of the countries studied. Subject coverage includes: social sciences, humanities, literature, linguistics and art.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
European History Primary Sourcesruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Cretaed by the European University Institute this site offers hundreds of annotated links to online primary source collections covering all aspects of European History. ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: European University Institute Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
European Library (The European Library)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The European Library is a joint portal for all the national libraries in Europe. It offers free access to the resources of the 48 national libraries of Europe in 20 languages.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Conference of European National Librarians Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
European Sources Online (Previously KnowEurope)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
European Sources Online (ESO) is an online database which provides access to information on the institutions and activities of the European Union, the countries, regions and other international organisations of Europe, and on the issues of importance to European citizens and stakeholders.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
When prompted, use this username: exeteruni with this password: learning (exactly as shown here). ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
European views of the Americas, 1493-1750ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The database contains more than 32,000 entries and is a comprehensive guide to printed records about the Americas written in Europe before 1750. It covers the history of European exploration as well as portrayals of Native American peoples. A wide range of subject areas are covered; from natural disasters to disease outbreaks and slavery.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: EBSCOhostruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Europeana is about ideas and inspiration. It links you to 6 million digital items. Some of these are famous - othes are hidden gems from Europe's galleries, museums, archives and libraries.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online help ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Eurostat (the Statistical Office of the European Communities) collects and publishes statistics from the member states and from other countries and international agencies for the information of EU institutions. The database includes online publications, datasets and data by sector.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Statistical Office of the European Communities Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Exeter Digital Archives onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
EXETER DIGITAL ARCHIVES consist of several archives which have been brought together under one imprint in order to acknowledge the dynamic range of contemporary performance practice. They are available as a resource for performance practice research.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This resource lists the contents of the Exeter Digital Archives and off-air recordings held in the Drama Department, most of which can be viewed online. DVD copies are also available in the Postgraduate Suite at Thornlea or in the Special Collections in the Old Library.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: University of Exeterruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Exeter Health Library Online Journalsruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
A directory of online medical journals maintained by the Exeter Health Library. Most are accessible by Honorary and full Medical School staff, 3rd – 5th Year Medical Undergraduates and NHS staff only. Check the website if you are unsure of your access rights.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Exeter Local Maritime Archives Project (ELMAP)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Exeter Local Maritime Archives Project (ELMAP) has created a searchable online database of references to records with maritime and naval significance that are held in local record offices and other archives across England and Wales. The database is fully searchable on keywords or dates and provides the user with a brief description and the reference number and details of the archive in which the material is held. At present the database comprises material received and held by local archives up to 1997. There are currently over 12,000 entries and new material is being added on a regular basis.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Centre for Maritime Historical Studiesruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Exeter Research and Institutional Content archive (ERIC)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ERIC is a set of services provided by the Collections and Research Support Division (Academic Services) to the University members for the management, preservation and dissemination of their digital research output and data sets. It is an online, Open Access collection which includes articles, conference papers, book chapters, reports and associated data.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
F1000 Postersruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
F1000 Posters is a repository for posters and slide presentations in biology and medicine, which is free to access as well as deposit materials.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: F1000 Research ltd Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
F1000 Researchruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
F1000Research is an alternative Open Access journal in biology and medicine. Papers are published within one week and with all supporting data must be submitted along with the paper. In addition, the peer review process is carried out entirely in the open, and all revisions from the original submission are track-able.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: F1000 Research ltd Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Faber Poetry Libraryruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
A collection of some of the most influential poets of the twentieth century. The Faber list spans the seventy-year history of this major publishing house, and includes the poetry of Thom Gunn, Siegfried Sassoon, T.S. Eliot, Ted Hughes, Sylvia Plath, Wendy Cope and Seamus Heaney. In total The Faber Poetry Library contains 140 volumes by 50 poets.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This database is cross-searchable with other literature collections via Literature online.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Proquestruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Factiva is a global news and business information service that combines the content sets of Dow Jones Interactive and Reuters Business Briefing. It covers sources from over 150 countries in over 20 languages, and includes foreign language newspapers. More informationruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Factiva Availability: On Campus Access Onlyruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Fame database contains information for companies in the UK and Ireland. The database contains information on 3.8 million companies, 2.8 million of which are in detailed format. The database also contains information on 4 million inactive companies available for historical research.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Please note: off campus users will need to log in using the username and password below, and register to create an individual username and password in order to access the database.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Bureau van Dijkruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Family Law Onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Family Law online offers you a comprehensive portfolio of family law publications from Jordans for example Family Court Practice, Hershman's and McFarlane's Children Law and Practice, Duckworth: Matrimonial Property and Finance and a Comprehensive Legislation Service, Forms Library and the full archive and latest cases from Family Law Reports.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
To navigate the resource, select the title you want to search, e.g. Family law journal, and click on the + sign to navigate the contents pages. To find a specific case in Family law reports enter search terms in the Case search box at the bottom of the screen.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Jordansruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Collaboration between the National Technical Information Service and Public.Resource.Org. Provides free access to historic films from the American government.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: National Technical Information Service and Public.Resource.Org Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
FIAF Plus - International Film Archiveruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The FIAF Plus International Film Archive Database is published by the International Federation of Film Archives (FIAF) and contains several databases: the International Index to Film Periodicals, the International Index to Television Periodicals, the List of Periodicals Indexed, the Treasures from the Film Archives, the Bibliography of FIAF Members Publications and the International Directory of Film and TV Documentation Collections. FIAF Plus comes as part of the Film Indexes Online package from Proquest which also includes the American Film Institut Catalog and Film Index International. Use the link above to search FIAF Plus individually, or cross-search across all 3 databases in the Film Indexes Online package.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Proquestruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Film and Sound Online (JISC MediaHub)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
10 collections of film and video clips for use in teaching and learning. This resource is now incorporated into JISC MediaHub. To access this resource, click on the link above and select the option to 'Search and download via UK federation' - select the University of Exeter.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: JISCruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Film and Sound Online Medical Restrict Service (JISC MediaHub)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Medical School staff/students use only. Film and video clips for use in teaching and learning. This service is restricted to Medical School staff and students only. If you have problems accessing this resource, please contact elibrary@exeter.ac.uk.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This resource has been incorporated into JISC MediaHub. To access this resource, click on the link above and select the option to 'Search and download via UK federation' - select the University of Exeter.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: JISC Availability: Electronic Library Login Requiredruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Film Index Internationalruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Film Index International is produced in collaboration with the British Film Institute. It covers all areas of film studies from arts house films to blockbusters from over 170 countries. FII comes as part of the Film Indexes Online package from Proquest which also includes the American Film Institut Catalog and FIAF Plus. Use the link above to search Film Index International individually, or cross-search across all 3 databases in the Film Indexes Online package.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Chadwyck Healeyruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Film Indexes Online (FIO)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Film Indexes Online (FIO) from Proquest includes the American Film Institut Catalog, Film Index International and FIAF Plus. Use the link above to cross-search all of the FIO databases together, or access them individually.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Proquestruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Financial Timesruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Access to the Financial Times archive from 1982- via Nexis UK.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
To search the Financial Times, click on the Source tab, select the Browse source tab, enter Financial Times into the 'Find source' box and click Go. Tick the Financial Times (London) and Financial Times Online archive, and click the red 'OK - Continue' button. Enter your search terms into the box.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online help / Library ‘Essentials’ guideruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Nexisruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Financial Times Historical Archiveruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Financial Times Historical Archive, 1888-2007, is the complete searchable facsimile run of the world's most authoritative daily business newspaper. Every article and advertisement ever printed in the paper can be searched and browsed individually and page by page. This is an essential, comprehensive and unbiased research tool for everyone studying public affairs, and economic and financial history of the last 120 years.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Gale Cengage Learningruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
First World War Poetry Digital Archive (The First World War Poetry Digital Archive)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The First World War Poetry Digital Archive is an online repository of over 4000 items of text, images, audio, and video for teaching, learning, and research with primary material from major poets of the period, including Wilfred Owen, Isaac Rosenberg, Robert Graves, Vera Brittain, and Edward Thomas. This is supplemented by a comprehensive range of multimedia artefacts from the Imperial War Museum and a set of specially developed educational resources. This resource also includes The Great War Archive, which contains over 6,500 items contributed by the general public between March and June 2008.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: University of Oxford & JISC Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
First World War: Personal Experiencesruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This digital resource brings to life the reality of the First World War for the men and women who experienced it firsthand. Containing digital images of a wide range of original documents, including diaries, letters, personal narratives, trench journals, scrapbooks, objects, and a wealth of visual sources, this resource provides a rich seam of information on personal experiences of war. It is designed for both teaching and study, from undergraduate to research students and beyond.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Adam Matthew Digitalruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
FirstSearch acts as a gateway to a number of bibliographical databases - including WorldCat, WorldCat Dissertations, ArticleFirst, ProceedingsFirst, PapersFirst, Clase Periodica, GPO, ERIC, MEDLINE and World Almanacruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: OCLCruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) Daily Reports 1974-1996ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This database contains daily reports from Africa, Asia, Australia/Oceania, Caribbean, Europe, Middle & Near East, North and South America in a variety of article types such as Speeches, Interviews, Highlights/Reviews and Summaries. The 'Events' tab displays a list of topics with further links to relevant articles.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
For Off Campus users please select University of Exeter from the list of organisations.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: NewsBank/Readex (JISC)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Frantext is a corpus of French texts covering the 16th to 20th centuries produced by the Institut National de la Langue Française. The database contains the full text of approximately 3,500 works: 80% of these are literary texts, the other 20% are principally scientific. The subscription to Frantext also provides access to L'encyclopédie de Diderot et d'Alembert, an electronic version of the 1st edition, with full search facility.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: ATLIFruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Freeze Frameruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Freeze Frame is a JISC funded project in conjunction with the University of Cambridge giving access to historic polar images (1845-1982) from the Scott Polar Research Institute. The collection brings together photographs from both Arctic and Antarctic expeditions, with detailed catalogue entries and original captions provided for each image, where known.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: JISC Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
French Book Trade in Enlightenment Europe, 1769-1794ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
A major resource for bibliographical, historical and literary scholarship, it is now made freely available to academics and the wider public.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The database, funded by a £355,485 grant from the British Arts and Humanities Research Council, tracks the dissemination of over 400,000 copies of almost 4,000 editions of 3,600 works around Europe by a celebrated Swiss publisher-bookseller, the Société typographique de Neuchâtel (STN), in the period 1769-1794.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: University of Leeds Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Gale NewsVaultruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Gale NewsVault can be used to cross-search the Gale historical newspaper collections that the University of Exeter subscribes to including: Burney Collection, 19th Century British Library Newspapers, Illustrated London News Historical Archive, Times Digital Archive and the Times Literary Supplement Historical Archive. Basic search options include: Keyword, Entire Document, Date, with an Advanced search option available.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Galeruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Gene Journey (with Mitosis and Meiosis) (Mitosis and Meiosis)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Gene Journey is a regularly updated online resource on genetics. It includes presentations, videos, articles and more.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
When prompted, use this username: uoejul12 with this password: exe2844pt (exactly as shown here).ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Illumination Educational Software Ltdruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
An online geography resource for 16 to 19-year old students.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
When prompted, use this username: 16550 with this password: welcome (exactly as shown here). ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Geology Digimapruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
View and download contemporary British Geological Survey map data. 1:50,000, 1:250,000 and 1:625,000 scales available in ESRI and MapInfo formats, plus information from the Lexicon of Named Rock Units. Online registration required on first use, for details see Library Guide below.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online help / Library ‘Essentials’ guideruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: EDINA Availability: Personal registration requiredruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
German History in Documents and Images (GHDI)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
German History in Documents and Images (GHDI) is a comprehensive collection of primary source materials documenting Germany's political, social, and cultural history from 1500 to the present. It comprises original German texts, all of which are accompanied by new English translations, and a wide range of visual imagery.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Go-Geo! is an online resource discovery tool which allows for the identification and retrieval of records describing the content, quality, condition and other characteristics of geospatial data that exist within UK tertiary education and beyond. The portal supports geospatial searching by interactive map, grid co-ordinates and place name, as well as the more traditional topic or keyword forms of searching.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
For personalised features you will need to log into Go-Geo! and create your profile. To do this, click on 'My Go-Geo'. If you have not previously logged into a University of Exeter authenticated resource, you will be prompted to log in via the UK Federation. Select the University of Exeter from the drop-down list and follow the steps.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: EDINAruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Google Booksruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Google Books hosts an ever growing selection of electronic books and magazines in a variety of genres and subject matters.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Googleruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Google News Archiveruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Google News Archive through the News Archive Partner Program provides a way for publishers and repositories to partner together and make historical newspaper achives discoverable online. It’s a collection of hundreds of digitised newspapers from around the world, with some titles being represented by just a few issues, but some have thousands of issues available.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Googleruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
GPO covers all types of U.S. government documents, including Congressional reports, hearings, debates, and records; judiciary materials; and documents issued by executive departments (Defense, State, Labor, Office of the President, etc.) and includes a bibliographic citation in each record.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: OCLCruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
GreenFILE is a freely accessible research database focusing on the relationship between human beings and the environment, with well-researched but accessible information on topics ranging from global warming to recycling to alternate fuel sources. GreenFILE is comprised of scholarly and general interest titles, as well as government documents and reports. It connects the environment to disciplines such as agriculture, law, education, health & technology. GreenFILE's intial release will include indexing and abstracting for more than 600 titles, and full text for more than 4.600 records (from open access titles).ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: EBSCOruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Gulf Research Centerruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Premium membership access to the GRC website, including access to publications, research programs and news. ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
When prompted, use this username: exeter with this password: exeter1234 (exactly as shown here). ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Hathi Trust Digital Libraryruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Consortium of research libraries (US based) that are creating a digital archive of their major research materials. This includes the full texts of books and pamphlets out of copyright. All subject areas are covered.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Hathi Trust Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Health and Safety Executive (HSE Statistics)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Health and Safety Executive website provides access to their official statistics and data.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: HSEruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Health Sciences Onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
HSO is a non profit site which provides free online linkages to a comprehensive collection of top-quality courses and references in medicine, public health, pharmacy, dentistry, nursing, basic sciences, and other health sciences disciplines. These materials are donated, hosted, and maintained by a range of collaborators including the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, World Bank, the American College of Preventive Medicine and the University of British Columbia. Contents currently number over 50,000 resources, hand-selected by clinicians and other experts from already-existing reliable sources and resource collections.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: HSO Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
HeinOnline : Law Journal Libraryruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
HeinOnline's Law Journal Library is a fully searchable and browsable archive of academic law journals. The majority of the titles are from the United States, but an increasing number of UK and international titles are included. Coverage for each journal title begins with the first published issue, meaning that many titles are available back to the late 19th century. The journals are scanned into the database in PDF format, providing exact page images of the printed copies.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: William S. Hein & Co., Inc.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
HeinOnline: Kluwer Law International Journal Libraryruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
21 International law journals published by Kluwer. Coverage from inception with a 3 year delay on current content.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: HeinOnlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
HeinOnline: Selden Society publicationsruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The collection contains official publications from the Selden Society including the Selden Society Annual Series Vols. 1-119 (1887-2002) , the Supplementary Series Vols. 1-13 (19 65-2000) , and the Centenary Guide to the Publications of the Selden Society. It also includes the Publications of the Ames Foundation and a number of legal classics, digests, encyclopedias and abridgments.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: HeinOnlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Henry Stewart Talks: Marketing and Management Collectionruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Marketing and Management Collection includes over 600 specially prepared audio-visual lectures, organised into 59 comprehensive series and delivered by a) principals, managers and advisors from the business world and b) leading academics. It makes available a wide range of detailed, practical knowledge on subjects as diverse as Change Management, Strategy as Practice, Organizational Behaviour, Business Ethics, Information Technology, Bargaining and Negotiations, Business Continuity and Risk Management, Data Mining, Branding and Product Specialisation in Hotels, Retail Marketing, Bayesian Analysis, Sport Marketing, Practical Pricing and Revenue Management, Pharmaceutical Marketing, Supply Chain Management and Export Marketing to name just a few series. ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Henry Stewart Talks Ltd.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Histology Learning Systemruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Database of images to help you to identify cells, tissues, organs, and parts of organs correctly.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Histology Learning Systemruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Historic Digimap (Previously Digimap Historic Map Collection)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This service is part of the Digimap suite of on-line mapping services. It provides access to the Landmark historic map data. The digital scans of OS paper map sheets include: all available County Series maps at 1:2,500 and 1:10560 scales published between 1843 and 1939; and all available National Grid maps at 1:1,250, 1:2,500 and 1:10560/10,000 scales published from 1945 and before the introduction of the Ordnance Survey's digital Land-Line products. Online registration required on first use, for details see Library Guide below.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online help / Library ‘Essentials’ guideruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Edinaruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Historical Abstractsruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Historical Abstracts covers world history from 1450 to the present (excluding the USA and Canada). It covers the details of articles in over 1700 journals, as well as books and dissertations.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: EBSCOruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Historical Association Student Zoneruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Student Zone contains resources such as 'How to' guides, podcasts, articles and career advise. It is primarily aimed at post 16 education students, but may be useful for first year undergraduate study.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
When prompted, use this username: 25440 with this password: helpkeep52 (exactly as shown here).ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Historical Associationruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
History Data Serviceruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The History Data Service (HDS) collects, preserves, and promotes the use of digital resources, which result from or support historical research, learning and teaching. The History Data Service is a successor service to AHDS History which from 1996 to March 2008 was one of the five centres of the Arts and Humanities Data Service. Registration is required to use this service.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: UK Data Archiveruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Drawing its information from the UK census, the Registrar General, legislation, essays and the National Archives, this online collection covers the births, deaths, marriages and other social habits of the British population from 1801 to 1937.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: JISC / University of Essexruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
HMIC (Health Management Information Consortium )ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Health Management Information Consortium (HMIC) database is a compilation of data from two sources, the Department of Health's Library and Information Services and King’s Fund Information and Library Service. DH-Data is the database of the Department of Health's Library and Information Services and contains in excess of 174,000 records relating to health and social care management information. King’s Fund Database holds records of the material in the library of the King's Fund, an independent health charity working to develop and improve the management of health and social care services.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Ovidruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
House of Commons Parliamentary Papersruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Fully searchable full text of House of Commons parliamentary papers from the 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st centuries (1688-).ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Proquestruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Humanities International Completeruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Humanities International Complete provides full text of hundreds of journals, books and other published sources from around the world. Produced by Whitston Publishing (an imprint of EBSCO Publishing), this database includes all data from Humanities International Index™ (more than 2,300 journals and more than 2.9 million records) plus unique full-text content, much of which is not found in other databases. The database includes full text for more than 1,200 journals.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: EBSCOhostruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
IBFD (International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
IBFD (International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation) provides a comprehensive database of tax treaties, legislation, case law and commentary on national and international taxation. It includes the text of tax treaties as well as several journals.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Our subscription is to IBFD Tax Research Platform. Within the Platform, you can either search or browse the contents of your subscriptions in different information collections, such as News, Country, Treaties, Topical Analyses, EU Law and Case Law.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: IBFDruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
IBSS (International Bibliography of the Social Sciences)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS) is one of the largest and most comprehensive social science databases in the world. It indexes over 2600 journals and other publications in the subject areas of anthropology, economics, sociology and politics. Coverage is from 1951 to the present.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Proquestruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ICE Virtual Library Archive (Institution of Civil Engineers Virtual Library Archive)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The ICE Virtual Library gives access to one of the largest repositories of full text civil engineering papers in the world. You can search the archive from 1836 to 2001.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: JISC/ICEruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ICLR Onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This is a trial resource – please send us your comments. The trial ends on 22 April 2014ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Incorporated Council of Law Reporting (ICLR) has published the official source of law reports in England since 1865. In 2011 it launched ICLR Online to widen access to its series of official law reports. Exeter has just started a free trial lasting 12 months. The trial includes The Law, Weekly Law Reports, Industrial Case Reports, Business Law Reports, and Public and Third Sector Law Reports.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
When prompted, use this username: exeterlaw with this password: exeterlaw (exactly as shown here).ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: ICLR Expected subscription cost: Quote forthcoming ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
IEEE Xplore Digital Library (IET Electronic Library)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The IEEE Xplore Digital Library contains more than 2 million documents, including access to full-text PDF images of all IET and IEEE journal and magazine articles, conference papers, and approved and published standards such as:ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
*Peer-reviewed articles from the top-cited journals in the field (IEEE transactions and IET journal package)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
*Cutting-edge conference papersruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
*All IEEE published and approved standardsruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
*Complete backfile to 1988, with select publications to 1893ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Content Online Ltdruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
IET Digital Libraryruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
From the IET Digital Library you can access full-text articles from 1994 onwards, from each of the 20 IET Research Journals. Archive access to all content from 1872-1993 is also available via the site. Individual title level links are available from the Library Catalogue.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: IETruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
IET Digital Library Journals Archiveruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The IET Digital Library Journals Archive is the complete collection of research journals published by the Institution between 1872 and 1993, covering over 130 years of peer reviewed articles. The collection also includes the Electronics Letters with archive content available from 1965–1993.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Supplier: The IETruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Illustrated London News Historical Archive (1842-2003)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Illustrated London News launched in 1842 and was the world's first pictorial weekly newspaper. The inaugral issue covered a fire in Hamburg, Queen Victoria's fancy dress ball, the war in Afghanistan and the latest fashions in Paris. This archive provides full text access (with images) to the historical archive from 1842-2003.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Gale Cengageruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Image Pathruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Belonging to the University of Leeds and comprised of three separate archives that hold pathology slides of rare diseases from the 20th century, this collection features illnesses that were once common but are now becoming increasingly rare. The project currently holds over 5000 slides of close to 1800 cases, from archives including the Matthew Stewart collection – named after the former Chair of Pathology at Leeds, who held tenure from 1918 to 1951. ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: JISC / University of Leedsruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
IMMAGE (Information on Mining, Metallurgy and Geological Exploration)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
IMMAGE (Information on Mining, Metallurgy and Geological Exploration) is the world's foremost reference database of abstracts and citations of scientific and engineering literature for the international minerals industry.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Covering material published from 1979 to the present, IMMAGE now contains over 110,000 records, with two to three thousand references being added each year.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
To produce this high-quality, internationally recognised and reputable database, selection, abstracting and indexing are carried out by experienced and technically qualified staff and the content is indexed with controlled vocabulary and thesaurus terms.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Choose Subscriber login on the left of the page to access. Off campus users will be prompted to log in via the University's Single Sign On service (UoE username and password).ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online help / Library ‘Essentials’ guideruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: IOM3ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
In the bigynnyngruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The John Rylands University Library’s collection of medieval, or Middle English, manuscripts contain some of the finest surviving examples of illuminated texts, with archived work produced by some of the period’s well-known figures, including John Lydgate and Geoffrey Chaucer. The collection’s name is taken from the opening of John Wycliffe’s 14th century translation of the New Testament. This collection holds 41 priceless medieval manuscripts, many of which are not available for public study, and has been rendered into 12,000 separate images.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: JISC / University of Manchesterruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
In the First Personruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
A free, high quality, professionally published, in-depth index of more than 3,350 collections of personal narratives in English from around the world. Some of these archival documents are freely available online, while others are available in archives or by subscription only (note: we do not have subscriptions to these resources). ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Alexander Street Press Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Index Islamicusruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Index Islamicus indexes literature from over 3,000 journals on Islam, the Middle East and the Muslim world. Records go back as far as 1906.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Index to Theses of Great Britain and Irelandruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
An index of theses (with abstracts) accepted for higher degrees by the Universities of Great Britain and Ireland. Index to Theses provides links to some 50,000 full text theses available online for free downloads from university repositories as well as the EThOS site.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Supplier: Expert Information Ltdruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Infoterra UK National Archive of Satellite Data. Individuals must register and accept terms and conditions before downloading any data.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: MIMASruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Provides access to full text articles in journals, for which we have subscriptions, from a wide range of publishers (however we do not have subscriptions to all the journals in Ingenta).ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Supplier: Ingentaruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitaniaruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Classical Roman inscriptions from the area of modern Libya. This collection is concerned with inscriptions on public monuments, such as panels, altars, slabs and statue bases and includes pagan and Christian texts in full and fragment form and in various texts.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Inspire is a High-Energy Physics literature database, created by the CERN, DESY, Fermilab and SLAC accelerator laboratories. Its contents date back to 1961, and many records link to the full-text document (e.g. a journal article, thesis or conference paper).ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: US Department of Energy Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Institute of Physics Electronic Journalsruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Access to the online versions of those journals published by Institute of Physics for which we have subscriptions. Access to articles in non-subscribed journals is limited to the abstracts.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Supplier: Institute of Physicsruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Institute of Physics Journal Archivesruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Access to the IoP Journal Archives. The University of Exeter has archive access from 1874-2006 for most journal titles.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Supplier: Institute of Physicsruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
International Medieval Bibliography Onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
An interdisciplicary database of the European Middle Ages covering Europe, the Middle East and North Africa from 400-1500. It includes bibliographic information from 4500 periodicals and 5000 other sources such as conference proceedings and Festscriften.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Brepolisruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Internet Archaeologyruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Internet Archaeology has been publishing on the web since 1996, and is the premier e-journal for archaeology. The journal publishes quality academic content, which utilise the potential of electronic publication - such as video, audio, searchable datasets, full colour images, annimations and interactive mapping. International in scope and only available online, all journal content is subject to rigorous peer-review.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Council for British Archaeologyruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Internet Archiveruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Internet Archive is a non-profit resource that was founded to build an Internet library. Its purposes include offering permanent access for researchers, historians, scholars and the general public to historical collections that exist in digital formatruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Internet History Sourcebooksruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Includes the Ancient, Medieval and Modern History Sourcebooks, each of which provide links to primary sources in a wide variety of subject areas. Links are organized topically and by time period. ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Fordham University Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Internet Library of Early Journalsruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Digitised runs of at least 20 consecutive years of a small collection of 18th & 19th century journals - Gentleman's Magazine, Annual Register, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Notes & Queries, The Builder, Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine. Individual journal links are available from the Library Catalogue.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: ILEJ Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Intute Sport and Leisure Practice (Previously Sport & Leisure Index)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Intute: Sport and Leisure Practice provides free access to high quality resources on the Internet. Each resource has been evaluated and categorised by subject specialists based at UK universities.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Intute Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Iraqi Academic Scientific Journalsruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Iraqi Academic Scientific Journals includes 217 Academic peer-reviewed journals, 38 institutions and 58172 articles.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Full text feature. Can be searched in English or Arabic . Arabic keywords received more hits than their English translations.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Ireland Collection (JSTOR) (Digital Library of Core E-Resources on Ireland)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Ireland Collection, developed in cooperation with Queen's University Belfast, is an interdisciplinary collection of journals and other materials. At its expected completion in 2009, it will contain a minimum of 75 journals, including journals with moving walls between 1 and 5 years and ceased journals from the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online help ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ISI Journal citation reportsruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ISI JCR is a comprehensive and unique resource tool for journal evaluation, using citation data drawn from over 8,400 journals from over 3,000 publishers worldwide. The JCR includes virtually all specialties in the areas of science, technology, and social sciences.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Thomson ISIruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ISI Proceedingsruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ISI Proceedings is an index to the published literature of the most significant conferences, symposia, seminars, colloquia, workshops, and conventions in a wide range of disciplines, from anthropology to zoology. The source publications for ISI Proceedings are books, journals, reports, series produced by publishers or societies, and sets of preprints (when preprints are the only publications from a conference). Coverage includes international proceedings - coverage is not limited to papers published in English.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Thomson ISIruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ISI Web of Knowledge (Web of Knowledge)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Web of Knowledge is the new name and new access route (integrated portal) for the ISI Web of Science service (which gives access to the ISI databases Science Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, Conference Proceedings Citation Index and Arts & Humanities Citation Index), the ISI Journal Citation Reports and ISI Proceedings. Web of Science and the Proceedings are cross-searchable.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Thomsonruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ISI Web of Scienceruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ISI Web of Science consists of the Science Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, and Arts & Humanities Citation Index. They provide bibliographic details of articles from thousands of academic journals and abstracts are available for many articles.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Thomson Gale Availability: Electronic Library Login Requiredruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
A freely accessible Web site that gives research professionals working in a variety of occupations an invaluable tool to identify individuals, departments and laboratories that have made fundamental contributions to the advancement of science and technology in recent decades.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Thomson ISIruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Italinemo is a fully searchable bibliographic database that contains records (with abstracts), indexing issues from a growing number of journals in the field of Italian studies. The records refer to journals published since 2000, with regular updates to the database.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Italinemo Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Iter - Gateway to the Middle Ages and Renaissanceruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Includes access to Iter's Bibliography, which covers all literature pertaining to the Middle Ages and Renaissance (400-1700). Citations for journal articles, reviews, review articles, bibliographies, catalogues, abstracts and discographies are included. Also included are citations for monographs, and material published in monographs and collections of essays.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Iter, Inc. Availability: Separate Login Required for Off Campus Onlyruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Jane Austen Manuscripts Onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Jane Austen’s fiction manuscripts are the first significant body of holograph evidence surviving for any British novelist. They represent every stage of her writing career and a variety of physical states: ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
working drafts, fair copies, and handwritten publications for private circulation. This resource is freely available for a period of three years from June 2010.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: University of Oxford and King's College Londonruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
JISC Historic Booksruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
JISC Hstoric Books is a JISC funded full text archive containing over over 300,000 books published in England before 1800, and 65,000 19th century books from the British Library collection never seen before.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This resource incorporates content from Early English Books Online (EEBO) and Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO) as well as a new collection - Nineteenth Century Books from the British Library, which contains digitised versions of more than 65,000 first editions from the 19th century, covering philosophy, history, poetry and literature.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
If prompted, select University of Exeter to log in.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: JISCruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
JISC Journal Archivesruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
JISC Collections has licensed a selection of journal archives for perpetual access by member institutions. JISC Journal Archives, enables simple and fast conceptual searching across more than 450 journals published by Brill, Institution of Civil Engineers, Institute of Physics, ProQuest, Oxford University Press and the Royal Society of Chemistry.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
To access the resource, click on the link to 'Log-in via your institutional username and password' and select University of Exeter if prompted.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: JISCruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
JISC MediaHubruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
JISC MediaHub is a new single platform which merges over 3,500 hours of film and over 50,000 images from across three major services provided by JISC Collections: NewsFilm Online, Film & Sounds Online and Digital Images for Education (currently known as Education Image Gallery). ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
To access this resource, click on the link above and select the option to 'Search and download via UK federation' - select the University of Exeter.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: JISC Collectionsruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
John Johnson Collection (John Johnson Collection of Printed Ephemera)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The John Johnson Collection of Printed Ephemera is the result of a digitisation project between JISC, Proquest and the Oxford University Library Services. The material selected for conservation, cataloguing and digitisation comprises a wide array of different types of printed document, including posters and handbills for theatrical and non-theatrical entertainments, broadsides relating to murders and executions, book and journal prospectuses, popular topographical prints, and a wealth of different kinds of printed advertising material. The collection offers unique insights into the changing nature of everyday life in Britain in the eighteenth, nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Proquestruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
John Strype's Survey of London Onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
John Strype's Survey of London Online is a full-text electronic version of John Strype's survey of 1720, complete with maps and plates, which depict the prominent buildings, street plans and ward boundaries of the late Stuart capital.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: HRI Online Publicationsruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
registration is requried on first use. ">Only available to registered University staff. JORUM is a free online repository service for teaching and support staff in UK Further and Higher Education Institutions. Resources range from simple materials such as Word documents or Powerpoint presentations, to complex learning packages that combine various multimedia formats such as video, audio and animation. registration is requried on first use.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: JISC/MIMASruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
JournalTOCs is the largest freely available collection of scholarly journal Tables of Contents (TOCs), and is for anyone looking for the latest and most current papers published in the scholarly literature. This service searches the Tables of Contents of the current issues of over 20,000 journals that produce TOC RSS feeds. Journals that do not produce TOC RSS feeds are not searched by this service. JournalTOCs replaces the ticTOCs service, which was discontinued in March 2012.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: JISCruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
JRC Publications Repository ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The JRC Publications Repository is an online service giving access to data of research publications produced by the European Commission's Joint Research Centre.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Supplier: European Commissionruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
JSTOR (The Scholarly Journal archive)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
An archive of back issues of a wide range of journals on various subjects. In nearly all cases there is a gap of about 2-5 years, sometimes more, between the most recently published issues and the most recent available ones in JSTOR. That gap is a "moving wall" and therefore it will remain the same each year.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Supplier: JSTORruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
JSTOR Plant Scienceruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
JSTOR Plant Science is an online environment that brings together content, tools, and people interested in plant science. It provides access to foundational content vital to plant science – plant type specimens, taxonomic structures, scientific literature, and related materials, making them widely accessible to the plant science community as well as to researchers in other fields and to the public. It also provides an easy to use interface with powerful functionality that supports research and teaching, including the ability to measure and record plant specimens, share observations and objects with colleagues and classmates, and investigate global plant biodiversity.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
You will need to register individually for personalisation features.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: JSTORruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
JURN is a curated academic search-engline, indexing over 4,000 free ejournals in the arts and humanities.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
JustCite is a legal reference search engine which provides a fully cross-referenced index to a comprehensive collection of authoritative UK and European legal information. It is updated on a daily basis. It combines searchable content from different publishers within a single interface.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Justis Publishing Ltd.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Justis: UK Statutes & Statutory Instrumentsruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Justis: UK Statutes & Statutory Instruments database provides access to a fully searchable online collection of statutes from 1235 to present, and statutory instruments from 1671 to present. Repealed legislation is included and all acts appear as enacted with links to amended and amending legislation plus relevant case law, allowing you to trace the development of the law.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Justis Publishing Ltd.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Key Noteruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Key Note is the leading provider of market intelligence in the UK, on the UK, to the UK and has been providing commercially relevant market insight and analysis to the business and academic world for 35 years. Offering a combination of market research and company information, on one easy-to-use platform, Key Note provides its customers with all they need to make informed, strategic business decisions. With an integrated search facility built into the homepage you can perform a dual search for company information and market research in one simple step.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Key Note Ltd.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
King James Bibleruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The King James or Authorized Version of the Bible was printed in 1611 and became the standard edition of the Bible for nearly three centuries. Arguably the most influential single document for English literary studies, this fully searchable online version presents the full text (of the ‘He’ version) with all introductory matter, annotation, calendars, genealogies and tables.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This database is cross-searchable with other literature collections via Literature online.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Proquestruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Landmap is a satellite image data service provided by MIMAS. It provides digital images from Landsat, SPOT and ERS. We are entitled to use the Landmap download and Mediterranean download facilitites. Users will be required to agree to a copyright acknowledge before they can download data.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: MIMASruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Larousse Dictionaries Onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
21 free online dictonaries including English to French, German, Spanish, Italian, as well as other combinations of languages.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Larousseruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
LBC/IRN Audio Archive (London Broadcasting Company / Independent Radio News audio archive)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The London Broadcasting Company / Independent Radio News audio archive consists of 7,000 reel-to-reel tapes in a collection that runs from 1973 to the mid-1990s, with approximately 3,000 hours of recordings relating to news and current affairs. The digitised archive contains invaluable recordings of a wide range of broadcasts including coverage of the Falklands war, the miners' strike, Northern Ireland, the whole of the Thatcher period of government and recordings of the first hour of UK commercial radio including the first commercial radio news bulletin. Digitisation of this resource has been funded via the JISC Digitisation Programme.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
You will need to Login to download the audio files. Select University of Exeter from the list given, then enter your usual username & password.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: JISC Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Legacies of British Slave-ownershipruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Legacies of British Slave-ownership is the umbrella for two projects based at UCL tracing the impact of slave-ownership on the formation of modern Britain: the ESRC-funded Legacies of British Slave-ownership project, now complete, and the ESRC and AHRC-funded Structure and significance of British Caribbean slave-ownership 1763-1833, running from 2013-2015.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This website is manages by The National Archives on behalf of HM Government. The database includes the text of all Acts of Parliament since 1988 and Statutory Instruments since 1987 as originally published. It also shows amendments which may have been made since the original publication. Secondary legislation is included, without amendments and separate sections include all legal acts from Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. This new service is replacing the OPSI and Statute Law Database.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: The National Archivesruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Lexis®Library (LexisNexis Butterworths)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Lexis®Library is the new name for LexisNexis Butterworths and replaces LexisNexis Professional, which ceased in October 2007. It is an online research tool offering access to extensive legal information from the Butterworths suite of products. It provides full text access to UK, US and international case law, legislation and articles in legal journals, plus an online version of Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
One-to-one training and further information on using Lexis is also provided by the student associate, Luke Grimes, who can be contacted at ltg202@exeter.ac.uk ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: LexisNexisruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Library of Congress Digital Collectionsruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Access to print, pictorial and audio-visual collections. Collections include: American History & Culture, Chronicling America (historical newspapers), THOMAS (legislative information), Veterans History.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Library of Congress Online Catalogruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Library of Congress Online Catalog contains approx. 14 million searchable records and covers all post-1982 accessions to the USA's national library. In addition to these records, it also provides cross-references, notes, circulation status, and information about Library materials still in the acquisitions stage.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Library of Congress Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Library PressDisplayruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This is a trial resource – please send us your comments. The trial ends on 23 June 2013ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Library PressDisplay provides instant access to current newspapers from 97 countries in 54 languages.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
There are +140 UK publications including The Guardian, The Independent, The Observer, The London Evening Standard, The Daily Mail, The Daily Express and many more, all available before the print editions hit the news stands. Access is also provided to +2,000 titles from around the world, including The Washington Post, USA Today, Der Tagesspiegel, Le Monde etc.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Library ‘Essentials’ guideruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
When prompted, use this username: exeter@library.pressdisplay.com with this password: welcome (exactly as shown here).ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Newspaper Direct, Inc. Expected subscription cost: 3 users = £5,801; 4 users = £7,086; 5 users = £8,712; 6 users = £9,493; 7 users = £10,686; 8 users = £11,907 (Special Offer! - buy 8 user licenses and get 2 free!) All for 12 month subscriptions ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA) indexes more than 600 periodicals, plus books, research reports and proceedings. Subject coverage includes librarianship, classification, cataloging, bibliometrics, online information retrieval, information management and more. Coverage in the database extends back as far as the mid-1960s.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: EBSCOruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Linguistic geographies : the Gough map of Great Britain ( )ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Gough Map is internationally-renowned as one of the earliest maps to show Britain in a geographically-recognizable form. Yet to date, questions remain of how the map was made, who made it, when and why.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This website presents an interactive and searchable edition of the Gough Map, together with contextual material, a blog, and information about the project and the Language of Maps colloquium.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Arts and Humanities research councilruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
LISA (Library and Information Science Abstracts)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Library and Information Science Abstracts is an international abstracting and indexing tool designed for library professionals and other information specialists. LISA currently abstracts over 440 periodicals from more than 68 countries and in more than 20 different languages. Coverage is from 1969 and includes material covering artificial intelligence, internet technology, medical information and telecommunications, as well as library and information science. Access is for CILIP members only by registration, using personal membership number.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: CILIP Availability: Personal registration requiredruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Literary Encyclopediaruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Literary Encyclopedia is an expanding global literary reference work written by over 1800 specialists from universities around the world, and currently provides more than 4800 authoritative profiles of authors, works and literary and historical topics and grows by over 60 articles per month. The Literary Encyclopedia offers good coverage of canonical literature originally written in English, French, German and Russian, and is extending its coverage of Spanish, Latin and Greek.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: University of East Angliaruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Literature Online (LION)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Literature Online is the leading online resource for the study and teaching of literature in English. It is a fully integrated service that combines the texts of over 350,000 works of literature with huge resources of criticism and reference. The resource includes: 20th Century English Poetry, 20th Century American Poetry and much more.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Chadwyck Healeyruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Litterature audio.comruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Litterature audio.com is a website listing more than 3000 freely available French audiobooks.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Living Books About Liferuc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Living Books About Life is a series of curated, open access books about life -- with life understood both philosophically and biologically -- which provide a bridge between the humanities and the sciences. Produced by a globally-distributed network of writers and editors, the books in the series repackage existing open access science research by clustering it around selected topics whose unifying theme is life: e.g., air, agriculture, bioethics, cosmetic surgery, electronic waste, energy, neurology and pharmacology.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: JISC Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Locating London's Pastruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This website allows you to search a wide body of digital resources relating to early modern and eighteenth-century London and to map the results to a fully GIS compliant version of John Rocque's 1746 map.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: JISCruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
London Gazetteruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The London Gazette is a highly specialised publication, yet caters to a wide range of users in the public, private and voluntary sectors, libraries and researchers.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online help ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
London Lives 1690 - 1800 : Crime Poverty and Social Policy in the Metropolisruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
London Lives makes available, in a fully digitised and searchable form, a wide range of primary sources about eighteenth-century London, with a particular focus on plebeian Londoners. This resource includes over 240,000 manuscript and printed pages from eight London archives and is supplemented by fifteen datasets created by other projects. It provides access to historical records containing over 3.35 million name instances. Facilities are provided to allow users to link together records relating to the same individual, and to compile biographies of the best documented individuals.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: ESRCruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
London Review of Books (LRB)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The LRB website gives access to more than 12,000 essays, reviews and poems published since 1979. The didgital archive includes the work of more than 2,000 writers: 8,000 book reviews, 900 essays, 600 diaries, 1,2000 poems, 200 ehibition reviews, 6,000 letters and every film review, interview and memoir written for the publication.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Login with the email address and password below. Do not choose the option to log in via institution or library.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
When prompted, use this username: elibrary@exeter.ac.uk with this password: LRBexeter11 (exactly as shown here).ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: LRBruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
MAGIC is a web-based interactive map showing datasets for England, Scotland, Wales and marine areas, from a partnership project involving six government organisations who have responsibilities for rural policy-making and management. Its freely available; users only need to supply their name, email address, organisation, address, postcode and telephone number when using the Dataset Information & Download Facility.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Manufacturing Pastsruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Manufacturing Pasts is a project led by the University of Leicester and funded by Jisc. The resources tell the story of what life was like and how quickly it changed in British industrial cities during the second half of the twentieth century. Taking Leicester as a powerful example of these changes, the historical sources include photographs, maps, architectural drawings, oral history interviews, company publications and newspaper articles. The related learning resources include videos, visual guides and selected historical sources.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online library to download over 29,000 free ebooks. ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Marandet collection of French playsruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
An archive of French theatre scripts from the 18th and 19th centuries, originally amassed by the French actor and playwright Amédée Marandet, and offering an insight into popular drama in France during key times of change and upheaval within the country.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: JISC / University of Warwickruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
MarketLine Business Information Centre (Datamonitor 360)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
MarketLine Business Information Center (MBIC) provides more than 10,000 company profiles, 2000 industry profiles and 50 country profiles. These profiles are based on secondary data and published research and cover the Automotive, Consumer Markets, Energy, Financial Services, Healthcare and Technology sectors. From November 2010, this information has been merged onto the Datamonitor 360 platform.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Datamonitorruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Mass Observation Communities Onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Mass Observation has recorded everyday life in Britain since 1937, through the collection of diaires, the taking of photographs, the completion of questionnaires and anthropological observation of activities such as political meetings and sporting activities. Running for six months, until September 2010, Mass Observation Communities Online involved community groups across Britain using Mass Observation techniques to record early 21st Century life.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Including digitised examples from the original Mass Observation Archive as inspiration, the website offers access to the newly collected material as well as tutorials and practical guides for groups using Mass Observation techniques in their own projectsruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: JISC / University of Sussexruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Mass Observation Onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Mass Observation was a pioneering social research organisation whose papers provide insights into the cultural and social history of Britain from 1937 to 1965. This material archived at the University of Sussex is now available online through Mass Observation Online, offering an unparalled insight into everyday life in the 1930s and 1940s. It covers a range of topics and includes file reports, books, pamphlets, topic collections, day surveys, directives and personal letters and diaries.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Adam Matthew Digitalruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
MathSciNet (Mathematical Reviews on the Web)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
A database with abstracts of papers on mathematics. The coverage extends back more than 60 years.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: American Mathematical Societyruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Lawruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This is the fully updated online edition of the Encyclopedia of Public International Law published in print between 1991 and 2001, including search functionality and click-through cross references to other Encyclopedia entries as well as related content in the online service Oxford Reports in International Law.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Oxford University Pressruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Media History Digital Libraryruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Media History Digital Library is a non-profit initiative dedicated to digitize collections of classical media periodicals that belong in the public domain for full public access. The project is supported by owners of materials, who loan them for scanning. Currently over 200,000 pages have been scanned and that number is growing. The collections feature extensive runs of several important trade papers and fan magazines.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online help ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Medici Archive Projectruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Medici Granducal Archive, 1537-1743, is a fully searchable database, consisting mostly of letters, offering the most complete record of any princely regime in Renaissance and Baroque Europe. Scroll down the list of Iter resources to find the link.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Iter Availability: Separate Login Required for Off Campus Onlyruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
MEDLINE (EBSCO)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The MEDLINE database covers all aspects of human medicine and related biomedical research, including comprehensive information on drugs and toxicology, clinical medicine, biotechnology and bioengineering, health affairs, dentistry, psychiatry and forensic medicine. MEDLINE includes data from approximately 3,800 biomedical journals published worldwide, dating back to 1966. The database contains more than 10 million records and is updated weekly.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: EBSCO Hostruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
MEDLINE (FirstSearch)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The MEDLINE database covers all aspects of human medicine and related biomedical research, including comprehensive information on drugs and toxicology, clinical medicine, biotechnology and bioengineering, health affairs, dentistry, psychiatry and forensic medicine. MEDLINE includes data from approximately 3,800 biomedical journals published worldwide, dating back to 1966. The database contains more than 10 million records and is updated weekly.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: OCLC FirstSearchruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
MEDLINE (Ovid)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The MEDLINE database covers all aspects of human medicine and related biomedical research, including comprehensive information on drugs and toxicology, clinical medicine, biotechnology and bioengineering, health affairs, dentistry, psychiatry and forensic medicine. MEDLINE includes data from approximately 3,800 biomedical journals published worldwide, dating back to 1966. The database contains more than 10 million records and is updated weekly.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Ovidruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
MEDLINE (Pubmed) (Pubmed)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The MEDLINE database covers all aspects of human medicine and related biomedical research, including comprehensive information on drugs and toxicology, clinical medicine, biotechnology and bioengineering, health affairs, dentistry, psychiatry and forensic medicine. MEDLINE includes data from approximately 3,800 biomedical journals published worldwide, dating back to 1966. The database contains more than 10 million records and is updated weekly. The PubMed version has the advantage of being free of charge to any user anywhere in the world regardless of whether they are members of any academic or medical institution.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: U.S. National Library of Medicineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Middle East Economic Survey (MEES)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The MEES archives are one of the most important sources of financial and business information on the Middle East. ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
When prompted, use this username: 61905 with this password: paul (exactly as shown here).ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Middle East Economic Survey Availability: Separate Login Requiredruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Mideastwire.com is an Internet-based news service that employs a team of translators around the region to gather important stories from and about the Middle East, covering news from all 22 Arab countries, Iran, and the Arab media Diaspora generally.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
To receive the daily newsletter by e-mail, please send your Exeter e-mail address to info@mideastwire.com or mideastwire@gmail.com.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: MideastWire.comruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Minerals UK - Free Downloadsruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This site offers publications made available for free download where the material is used for non-commercial purposes. It features a range of British Geological Survey material and also third party copyright materials, such as World Mineral Production/World Mineral Statistics.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: British Geological Survey Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Mining, Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy (knovel)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Knovel is a web-based application integrating technical information with analytical and search tools to drive innovation and deliver answers engineers can trust.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The collection of ebooks included is divided into seven subsections, including Economic Geology, Mine Design & Construction and Sustainability & Environment. Publications from the AusIMM and SME are featured including the SME Mining Engineering Handbook. ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Choose the Shibboleth option and your Exeter username and password when promptedruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: knovelruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
MIT Open Courseware ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) is a web-based publication of virtually all MIT (Massachusets Institute of Technology)course content. OCW is open and available to the world and is a permanent MIT activity.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: MITruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
MLA International Bibliographyruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The MLA International Bibliography is a classified listing and subject index of scholarly books and articles on modern languages, literatures, folklore, and linguistics which has been compiled by the Modern Language Association of America since 1926. The electronic version includes the Bibliography's entire print run, and currently contains more than 2 million records. In addition, the MLA Directory of Periodicals gives full information on over 7,100 journals and book series.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This database is cross-searchable with other literature collections via Literature online.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Proquestruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Modernist journal projectruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Modernist Journals Project is a major resource for the study of modernism in the English-speaking world, with periodical literature as its central concern. It produces digital editions of culturally significant magazines from around the early 20th century and makes them freely available.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Brown University/University of Tulsaruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
MORE Humanities & Social Sciences Collection (Maney)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This is a trial resource – please send us your comments. The trial ends on 31 December 2013ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Maney is providing us with free access via ingentaconnect to its complete MORE Humanities & Social Sciences Collection of electronic journals until 31st December 2013. ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Maneyruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Morningstar Company Intelligence (previously Hemscott Company Guru Academic)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Morningstar provides in-depth analysis and financial data for 300,000 of the UK's top companies. Detailed information on directors is available, alongside share prices, trades and charts and live news feeds. Information is included on both UK listed companies and private companies.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online help ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Moving Historyruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Moving History is a research guide to the UK's twelve public sector moving image archives. This resource contains detailed information and over 100 selected film clips.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The MyiLibrary collection includes a number of e-books which the University has purchased, on a variety of subjects.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Coutts MyiLibraryruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
National Academies Press (NAP)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
NAP produces more than 200 books a year on a wide range of topics in science, engineering, and health, capturing the best-informed views on important issues.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
**Personal registration is required to access the free PDFs**ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
National Archives: Public Information Filmsruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The National Archives' website provides a selection of some of the most memorable and influential Central Office of Information (COI) public information films, covering some fasinating events from Britain’s post-war history (1945 -2006). The public information films are freely available to view.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: The National Archives Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
National Marine Biological Library Catalogueruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Libweb, the NMBL's online catalogue, includes references to selected journal articles, books, book chapters, reports, conference papers, CDs, etc from an extensive range of marine biological and ecological literature. The catalogue is updated monthly.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
When prompted, use this username: exeter with this password: libex (exactly as shown here).ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: National Marine Biological Library Availability: Separate Login Requiredruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Full text access to the journal Nature, including the archive from 1869-.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Nature Publishing Groupruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Nature Climate Changeruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Nature Climate Change is a monthly journal dedicated to publishing the most significant and cutting-edge research on the impacts of global climate change and its implications for the economy, policy and the world at large.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Nature Publishing Groupruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Nature Geoscienceruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Nature Geoscience is a monthly multi-disciplinary journal aimed at bringing together top-quality research across the entire spectrum of the Earth Sciences along with relevant work in related areas.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The journal's content reflects all the disciplines within the geosciences, encompassing field work, modelling and theoretical studies.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Nature Geoscience is committed to publishing significant, high-quality research in the Earth Sciences through a fair, rapid and rigorous peer review process that is overseen by a team of full-time professional editors.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Natureruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
NCBI Bookshelfruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
NCIB Bookshelf provides free access to over 700 texts in life science and healthcare. A vital node in the data-rich resource network at NCBI, Bookshelf enables users to easily browse, retrieve, and read content, and spurs discovery of related information.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: NCBIruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
NDLTD (The Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
NDLTD is an international organisation that, through leadership and innovation promotes the adaptation, cration, use, dissemination and preservation of electronic theses and dissertations. The NDLTD encourages and supports the efforts of institutions of higher education and their communities to develop electronic publishing and digital libraries (including repositories), thus enabling them to share knowledge more effectively in order to unlock the potential benefits worldwide.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: NDLTDruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
NetAnatomy is designed to teach human anatomy to students of the health professions, including undergraduate medical, health sciences, and nursing students. NetAnatomy also serves as a place to review anatomy after one’s initial exposure to the subject, e.g. students beginning a clinical rotation, USMLE (National Board) preparation, etc.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Net Anatomyruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Netter Anatomy Presenter (Atlas of Human Anatomy)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Vividly visualize the anatomy relevant to your practice, and educate your patients and staff, with hundreds of exquisite, hand-painted illustrations created by, and in the tradition of, pre-eminent medical illustrator Frank H. Netter, MD.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Netter Referenceruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
New Pauly Online: Encyclopaedia of the Ancient World (Brill Online Reference Works)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online access to Brill's New Pauly and Der Neue Pauly - Encyclopaedia of the Ancient World, via Brill's new Online Reference works platform.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online help ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
New Scientist archiveruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The archive includes the full text of all the articles from 1988 onwards, and it is searchable by keyword. For full text access click on 'Enter' under 'Institutional IP login'.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Off-campus users should use the username and password below if they have problems with access.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
When prompted, use this username: universi964 with this password: 8958 (exactly as shown here).ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Reed Business Information Ltd.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
New York Public Libraryruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The New York Public Library offers thousands of free ebooks in various formats.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: New York Public Library Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
New York Review of Books (NYRB)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Full text of the New York Review of Books, including archives going back to 1963.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: NYREV, Inc.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
NewsFilm Online (JISC MediaHub)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
NewsFilm Online is a JISC funded service and offers access to over 3,000 hours of downloadable television news and cinema newsreels, selected from the huge ITN/Reuters Television archives.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This resource is now incorporated into the JISC MediaHub. To access this resource, click on the link above and select the option to 'Search and download via UK federation' - select the University of Exeter.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: JISCruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Newsplayer - The 20th century captured on filmruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Newsplayer is a collection of over 15000 online videos spanning the 20th century. The Newsplayer library contains footage of some of the most significant events of the 20th century and covers 130 countries worldwide. Most footage is short newsclips.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: ITN, alison mercer, Boston Stock and Associated Pressruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Nexis UK (Previously LexisNexis Business and News)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Nexis UK (previously LexisNexis Business and News) is a comprehensive news, business and industry information service which is updated daily. It provides full text access to all UK national newspapers, regional newspapers, international news sources and a range of trade journals and magazines, such as Accountacy Age, Investors Chronicle and Management Today. A large range of company, financial and industry information is also provided, such as company annual reports, company and director profiles and directories and market reports. More informationruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Lexis Nexisruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
NICE Guidance: evidence into practiceruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
NICE Guidance: Evidence into Practice has been developed for NICE in conjunction with Leeds and St George’s Medical Schools and is delivered by e-Learning for Healthcare (e-LfH). The interactive e-learning offers practical advice about using national guidance in daily practice.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Registration Instructions: ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Please email the following details to the e-LfH team at nice@e-lfh.org.uk ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Your full name, Your medical school, Your role: student/academic/administrator, Your University ID number: student ID number or staff ID number, Expected year of graduation: if applicable. You will then receive an email with a username and password, together with additional advice and instructions for logging on to the e-learning. For more information visit www.e-lfh.org.uk/nice_guidance.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Please use Internet explorer for this resource.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: e-LfHruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Nineteenth - Century Fictionruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
A collection of 250 British and Irish novels from the period 1782 to 1903, stretching from the golden age of Gothic fiction to the Decadent and New Woman novels of the 1890s. Major novelists of the period such as Austen, Scott, Mary Shelley, Dickens, Eliot, Hardy and the Brontës feature alongside popular romances, sensation fiction, colonial adventure novels and children's literature.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This database is cross-searchable with other literature collections via Literature online.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Proquestruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Norwich Image Interpretation Courseruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Norwich Image Interpretation Course is aimed primarily at radiographers who provide a "red dot" service to A&E, however it will also benefit those keen to revise their image interpretation skills. Each module covers a particular anatomical area, and both the appendicular and axial skeleton are covered. Relevance to the paediatric skeleton is included in each section.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Heidi & David Nunn Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
OAIster is a union catalog of millions of records representing open access resources that was built by harvesting from open access collections worldwide using the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH).Today, OAIster includes more than 25 million records representing digital resources from more than 1,100 contributors.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: OCLCruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
OAPEN (Open Access Publishing in European Networks)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
OAPEN (Open Access Publishing in European Networks) is a collaborative initiative to develop and implement a sustainable Open Access publication model for academic books in the Humanities and Social Sciences. The OAPEN Library aims to improve the visibility and usability of high quality academic research by aggregating peer reviewed Open Access publications from across Europe.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Oapen Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Observing the 1980sruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Observing the 1980s brings together voices from the Mass Observation Project and British Library Oral History Collections alongside ephemera from the University of Sussex Library. The material offers a unique and inspiring insight into the lives and opinions of British people from a range of social classes and regions, combined with publications dealing with contemporary issues such as the Poll Tax, AIDS and the Falklands Conflict during the 1980s.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: University of Sussexruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
OECD iLibraryruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
OECD iLibrary is OECD’s Online Library for Books, Papers and Statistics and the gateway to OECD’s analysis and data. Users can find - and cite - tables and databases as easily as articles or chapters. A short help guide on Statistics on OECD ilibrary explains how to download statistics. Full details of the collection are in the 72-page brochure.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: OECDruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Old Bailey Online, 1674-1913ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Old Bailey Online contains accounts of the trials conducted at London's central criminal court between 1674-1913, as well as the Ordinary's Accounts (detailed narratives of the lives and deaths of convicts executed at Tyburn, published between 1676-1772).ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: HRI Online Publicationsruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Old Maps Onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Old Maps Online is an easy-to-use gateway to historical maps in libraries around the world. It allows the user to search for online digital historical maps across numerous different collections via a geographical search. Search by typing a place-name or by clicking in the map window, and narrow by date. The search results provide a direct link to the map image on the website of the host institution.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Old Weatherruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Old weather harnesses 'citizen scientists' to transcribe weather reports from Royal Navy ships in the early twentieth century. The project has compiled the records of 238 vessels which will provide a dataset invaluable for those researching climate change.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Digitised log book pages are made available and following a tutorial, you can transcribe these, charting temperature and location and gaining 'promotion' through the ranks as you do, gaining new scientifc skills as well as contributing to the development of the dataset.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: JISC / University of Oxfordruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
OneMine is a collaborative effort among multiple societies to place the world's most comprehensive collection of mining and minerals based research in one place. This aggregate includes: ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Technical Documents ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Conference Papers ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Articles ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Pre-prints ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Late Papers ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
For off campus access, when prompted, use this username: exeter with this password: mineral (exactly as shown here)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: OneMineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online Books Pageruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Index to free e-books maintained by Penn University. Highlights individual titles and large e-book directories. Over 1 million titles currently listed. Covers all subject areas.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Penn University Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online Historical Population Reports (OHPR)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
OHPR is an AHDS History project, funded by JISC, which offers online access to 200,000 pages of all the published population reports created by the Registrars-General of, and its predecessors for, England and Wales and for Scotland for the period 1801–1920. It includes all Census Reports for the period 1801–1937, along with ancillary archival material from The National Archives and critical essays contextualising much of the material.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: JISC Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Open Libraryruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Over 1 million classic literature ebooks, free to download.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Open Library Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
OpenDOAR is an authoritative directory of academic open access repositories. As well as providing a simple repository list, OpenDOAR lets you search for repositories or repository contents. The OpenDOAR service is being developed incrementally, developing the current service as new features are introduced. ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: University of Nottingham Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
OU Openlearn materialsruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Open Learn website gives free acces to Open University course materials. This is the Learning Space where you will find hundreds of free study units, each with a discussion forum.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: The Open Universityruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Oxfam Policy & Practiceruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Oxfam provides authoritative content on international development policy and practice informed by our global programmes. The Oxfam Policy & Practice website provides free access to 3,300 research reports, journal articles, policy briefs, programme evaluations and training resources across a wide range of themes.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Oxfamruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Oxford Bibliographiesruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This is a trial resource – please send us your comments. The trial ends on 5 July 2013ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Oxford Bibliographies offers exclusive, authoritative research guides. Combining the best features of an annotated bibliography and a high-level encyclopedia, this cutting-edge resource guides researchers to the best available scholarship across a wide variety of subjects.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Oxford University Press Expected subscription cost: quotes on request ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Oxford Bibliographies Online: Classicsruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Oxford Bibliographies is a library of disciplined-based subject modules. In each subject module, leading scholars have produced a literary guide to the most important and significant sources in an area of study they know best. The guides feature a selective list of bibliographic citations supported by direct recommendations about which sources to consult. Each topic has a unique editorial commentary to show how the cited sources are interrelated. The citations promote discoverability as they link out to the sources via your library collection or through Google books and more.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Oxford University Pressruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Oxford Dictionaries Proruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This is a trial resource – please send us your comments. The trial ends on 5 July 2013ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Oxford Dictionaries Pro is an extensive, integrated, smart-linked English language resource. It offers quick search access to definitions of words, phrases, and idioms, with expert guidance on style and usage, grammar, and spelling.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
To access click on 'Go to Oxford Dictionaries Pro' on the left hand side of the screen.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Oxford University Press Expected subscription cost: quotes on request ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (ODNB)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online version of the major reference work for information about people who are no longer alive who have helped shape British history, life and culture from the earliest times to the present. It contains over 50,000 signed articles, one in five of which is accompanied by an image of the article’s subject. The online edition is updated three times per year.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Oxford University Pressruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Oxford English Dictionary Online (OED Online)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Oxford English Dictionary is the accepted authority on the evolution of the English language over the last millennium. It is an unsurpassed guide to the meaning, history, and pronunciation of over half a million words, both present and past. Updated quarterly with at least 1000 new and revised entries, OED Online offers unparalleled access to the "greatest continuing work of scholarship that this century has produced" (Newsweek).ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Oxford University Pressruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Oxford Handbooks Onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This is a trial resource – please send us your comments. The trial ends on 5 July 2013ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Oxford Handbooks Online the home of scholarly research reviews, is a collection of the best Handbooks in 14 subject areas. It brings together the world’s leading scholars to discuss the latest thinking in a range of major topics. Oxford Handbooks contain in-depth, high-level articles by scholars at the top of their field.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Oxford University Press Expected subscription cost: quotes on request ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Oxford Handbooks Online: Business & Managementruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Oxford Handbooks in Business & Management bring together the world's leading scholars to discuss research and the latest thinking in a range of major topics in business and management. Containing specially commissioned essays with extensive referencing to further reading, the handbooks offer both thorough introductions to topics in the discipline, and a useful reference resource for scholars, advanced students, and practitioners. We have access to 27 handbooks.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Oxford University Pressruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Oxford Indexruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Oxford Index is a free search and discovery tool from Oxford University Press, designed to help users begin their research journey, by providing a single, convenient search portal for trusted scholarship from Oxford and directing them to the most relevant related materials from journal articles to scholarly monographs.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Please note that access to full-text content will depend on subscriptions e.g. to Oxford Journals, Oxford Scholarship Online and Oxford Bibliographies Online.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: OUPruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Oxford Language Dictionaries Onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Oxford Language Dictionaries Online offers fully searchable, completely comprehensive bilingual dictionaries, and unique study materials that provide extra help with learning and using an expanding range of languages. Dictionaries are available in French, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish. ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Oxford University Pressruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Oxford Reference Online: Core, Premium and Literature collectionsruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Core Collection brings together 100 language and subject dictionaries and reference works - containing well over 60,000 pages - into a single cross-searchable resource. It covers the complete subject spectrum, from general reference and language to science and medicine, and from humanities and social sciences to business and professional. The Premium Collection includes key titles from the Oxford Companions Series and the Oxford Dictionary of Quotations.The Literature Collection provides comprehensive coverage of literary periods, genres, and writers.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Oxford University Pressruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Oxford Reports on International Lawruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Oxford Reports on International Law brings together a wide range of cases, with expert analysis and commentary, covering International courts and tribunals, Domestic courts and International ad hoc tribunals.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Oxford University Pressruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Oxford Scholarly Editions Onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This is a trial resource – please send us your comments. The trial ends on 5 July 2013ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Oxford Scholarly Editions Online is a major new publishing initiative from Oxford University Press that provides an interlinked collection of authoritative Oxford editions of major works from the humanities. Each title within the collection presents the full text of the work, as established by an authoritative editor, accompanied by the editor’s record of important variations in that text, and interpretative and explanatory notes.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Oxford University Press Expected subscription cost: quotes on request ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Oxford Scholarship Onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Oxford Scholarship Online is a vast and rapidly expanding cross-searchable library which now offers quick and easy access to the full text of 6,000 ebooks from 18 subject areas, covering the humanities, social sciences, sciences, medicine, and law. The University has access to all of the collections, apart from the Palliative care collection. Individual title level links are available from the Library Catalogue.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Oxford University Pressruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Oxford Text Archiveruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Oxford Text Archive contains over 2,500 resources for research and teaching in the Arts & Humanities. They include examples of texts in over 25 languages, and are downloadable in a choice of formats.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Oxford University Press Online Journals (OUP)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Access to the electronic journals for which the University holds a subscription. We also have a subscription to the Oxford Journal Archive, comprising of approximately 142 journals, covering from 1849-1995.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Oxford University Pressruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Palgrave Connect: Business & Management Collectionruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The University has access to over 750 e-books from the Palgrave Connect Business & Management e-book collections.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Palgrave Connect: Economics & Finance Collectionruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The University has access to over 850+ ebooks in the Palgrave Connect Economics & Finance Collections.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Palgrave Connect: History Collections (2002-2010)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The University currently has access to over 600 ebooks from the Palgrave Connect: History Collections from the 2002-2010 collection sets. To browse an A-Z list of available titles, please click here.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Palgraveruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Palgrave Connect: Literature Collections (2011 and 2012)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The 2011 and 2012 Literature Collections from Palgrave Connect offers access to a total of 330 ebook titles in PDF format.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Pagrave Macmillanruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Palgrave Connect: Theatre and Performance Collections (2010-2012)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The University now has access to a total of 103 ebooks from the Palgrave Connect Theatre and Performance Collection.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Palgrave Macmillanruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Palgrave Dictionary of Economicsruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online version of the 2nd edition of the New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Palgrave Macmillanruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Papers Pastruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Papers Past contains more than two million pages of digitised New Zealand newspapers and periodicals. The collection covers the years 1839 to 1945 and includes 77 publications from all regions of New Zealand.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: National Library of New Zealandruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
PapersFirst covers every published congress, symposium, conference, exposition, workshop and meeting received by The British Library Document Supply Centre.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: OCLCruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Passport (formerly Passport GMID) from Euromonitor has global industry data, market research and country reports. It also has detailed company profiles for the top international players in services and industry, compiled in a standardised format for cross analysis. It supports a wide range of courses, including international business and marketing, economics, social sciences, humanities, international relations, travel and tourism, hospitality management and food marketing. Over 205 countries are researched, both developed and emerging markets.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
You can register for personalisation features to allow you to save searches etc. You will need to agree to terms and conditions before entering the website.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online help ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Past Masters: Letters of Thomas Hardyruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Since 2001, InteLex has been producing the largest collection of English Letters in electronic form, in conjunction with Oxford University Press and Pickering & Chatto. This collection encompasses the letters, correspondence, and in some instances the diaries and the notebooks of the most significant figures in English literature, letters, politics, the church and the arts.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: InteLexruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
PathCAL is a set of web based tutorials designed to help students understand the basic pathological principles of disease by exploiting techniques in learning psychology. It can be used by beginners for learning the subject for the first time or by more advanced students for review and self-assessment.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: University of Edinburghruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Patrologia Latinaruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
An electronic version of the first edition of Jacques-Paul Migne's Patrologia Latina, published between 1844 and 1855, and the four volumes of indexes published between 1862 and 1865. The Patrologia Latina comprises the works of the Church Fathers from Tertullian in 200 AD to the death of Pope Innocent III in 1216. The database contains the complete Patrologia Latina, including all prefatory material, original texts, critical apparatus and indexes. Migne's column numbers, essential references for scholars, are included.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Proquestruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Perfect Information Navigatorruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
A financial and capital markets database providing access to over 14 million global company filings including annual reports, M&A (Mergers and Acquisitions), IPOs (Initial Public Offerings), bond prospectuses and news announcements.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Perfect Informationruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Periodicals Archive Onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Archive access to 80 multidisciplinary journal titles, from Vol.1 (dates vary), up until the end of 1995.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Proquestruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collectionruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection, from the University of Texas at Austin, contains maps from all over the world including Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Africa and the United States. ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: University of Texas in Austinruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Persée is a program which was created for the digital publication of French scientific journals in the field of the humanities. The entire printed collection of journals is digitized and published online through a portal which offers access to the collections as well as advanced functionalities which facilitate and enhance use of the portal’s resources.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
To navigate the site in English, click on the English flag. Journal contents are in French.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online help ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Philosopher's Indexruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Philosopher's Index, produced by the Philosophers Information Center, is a current and comprehensive bibliographic database covering scholarly research in all major fields of philosophy. The database covers the fifteen fields of philosophy: aesthetics, axiology, philosophy of education, epistemology, ethics, philosophy of history, philosophy of language, logic, metaphysics, philosophical anthropology, metaphilosophy, political philosophy, philosophy of science, social philosophy, and the philosophy of religion.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Please note: this database is restricted to 4 simultaneous users. If you cannot log in at first, please try again later.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: EBSCOruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Physical Review Online Archive (PROLA)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Access to older issues of American Physical Society journals, such as Physical Review, A,B C, D & E, Physical Review Letters.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Supplier: American Physical Societyruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The PILOTS bibliographic database, covering the Published International Literature On Traumatic Stress, is produced at the headquarters of the National Center for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in White River Junction, Vermont. The PILOTS database is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Its goal is to include citations to all literature on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other mental-health sequelae of traumatic events, without disciplinary, linguistic, or geographical limitations, and to offer both current and retrospective coverage. Coverage starts from 1871-.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Access Instructions: Select 'UK (UK Federation)' from the first list, then 'University of Exeter' from the list of institutions. The login with your username & password.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Proquest CSAruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Pleiades project holds historical information and research about the Ancient Greek and Roman worlds in a geographical context, using the tool of interactive mapping to store and display content.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The site is available for all to view and registered users can contribute via their own designated workspace. Blogs, news and other features supplement the site’s main content, which draws its data from the Barrington Atlas of the Ancient World.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: JISC / New York Universityruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
PLoS ONEruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
An interactive open-access journal for the communication of all peer-reviewed scientific and medical research.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Pompeii in the Sydenham Crystal Placeruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This unique project has interests for those studying the up-to-the-minute subjects of programming and 3-D animation, alongside classical scholars and 19th century specialists. In AD79, Mount Vesuvius erupted and buried the Roman settlement of Pompeii in volcanic ash, preserving much of the site for excavation from the 18th century onwards.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Crystal Palace, which was originally located in Hyde Park and was home to the Great Exhibition of 1851, was moved to Sydenham in 1854 – where a life-size replica of the Pompeii court was built for the enjoyment of visitors. The replica perished when the Crystal Palace burnt down in 1936 but this new, virtual, 3-D animated version was created in 2008 and enables visitors to virtually tour the court and interact with visitors, experts and objects.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: JISCruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Pre-Raphaelite Online Resourceruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The JISC-funded 'Pre-Raphaelite Online Resource' offers free access to the Birmingham Museums & Art Gallery's digitised collection of Pre-Raphaelite art, including: 2000 fine and decorative art works ranging from oil paintings, tapestries and drawings, to prints, illustrated books, watercolours and archive material. It includes works by John Everett Millais, Dante Gabriel Rossetti and Edward Burne-Jones, among others.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Birmingham Museums & Art Gallery + JISC Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Primary sources on Copyright (1450-1900)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This is a digital archive of primary sources on copyright from the invention of the printing press (c. 1450) to the Berne Convention (1886) and beyond. The initial phase, completed in 2008, was funded by the UK Arts and humanities research council focused on key materials from Renaissance Italy (Venice, Rome), France, the German speaking countries, Britain and the United States. Material from Spain and the Netherlands has now been added.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Documents include statutes and other legal materials together with contemporary letters, essays and treatises.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Arts & Humanities Resaerch Council Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Printed Maps of Devonruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
In 1996 Francis Bennett and Kit Batten published their first book about the maps of Devon and listed all known maps printed between 1575 and 1837 showing the county of Devon on either one or two sheets. This site is the internet version of the revised Second Edition of The Printed Maps of Devon. Since the original work was published (now out of print) more maps have come to light and new information discovered so that the present work includes a total of 120 maps incorporating over 300 states (i.e. including variations) and referenced nearly 1200 sources of atlases and maps. These are all included in the site.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Kit Batten & Francis Bennett Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Prints and photographs online catalogruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Prints & Photographs Online Catalog (PPOC) provides access through group or item records to more than 50% of the Division's holdings, as well as to some images found in other units of the Library of Congress. Many of the catalog records are accompanied by digital images--about one million digital images in all. Not all images displayed are in the public domain, and it is the researcher's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in the Library's collections.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Library of Congressruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ProceedingsFirst covers every published congress, symposium, conference, exposition, workshop and meeting received by The British Library Document Supply Centre. It contains in each record a list of the papers presented at each conference.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: OCLCruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Project Gutenbergruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Project Gutenberg is the oldest producer of electronic books on the internet. It includes over 15,000 titles, all of which are free to download for non-commercial use. ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Project MUSEruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Project Muse is a not-for-profit collaboration between participating publishers and John Hopkins University Press, providing online access to over 350 humanities and social sciences journals from over 60 scholarly publishers.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: John Hopkins University Pressruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ProQuest Business Collectionruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The ProQuest Business Collection provides access to 6 separate databases: ABI/INFORM Complete, Accounting & Tax, Banking Information Source, International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS), ProQuest Asian & Business Reference and ProQuest Entrepreneurship. More informationruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: ProQuestruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ProQuest Historical New York Times Archiveruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The New York Times Archive (1851-2008) provides genealogists, researchers and scholars with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
To access the archive select the News & Newspapers icon on the ProQuest homepage.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Proquest LLCruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The Guardian and The Observerruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The Guardian (1821-2003) and The Observer (1791-2003) provides genealogists, researchers and scholars with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Proquestruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ProQuest Sociologyruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ProQuest Sociology gives users access to the full-text of more than 275 journals in sociology and social work. This collection provides full-text coverage of many core titles included in Sociological Abstracts and Social Services Abstracts.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: ProQuestruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
PsycARTICLES, from the American Psychological Association (APA), is a definitive source of full-text, peer-reviewed scholarly and scientific articles in psychology. The PsycARTICLES database covers general psychology as well as specialized, applied, clinical and theoretical research. The database contains more than 134,000 articles from 63 journals - 50 published by the APA and its imprint, the Educational Publishing Foundation (EPF) - and 13 from allied organizations. It includes all journal articles, book reviews, letters to the editor, and errata from each journal. Coverage spans 1894 to present; nearly all APA journals go back to Volume 1, Issue 1.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: EBSCOhostruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Extensive bibliographic database covering psychology and related disciplines.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: EBSCOruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
PsycINFO via Ovid platformruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Extensive bibliographic database covering psychology and related disciplines.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
When connected click on Continue at the top of the screen. Select UK Management federarion from the drop down menu and then select University of Exeter from the list of institutions.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Ovidruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
PubMed Centralruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
PubMed Central (PMC) is the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) free digital archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature. All the articles in PMC are free (sometimes on a delayed basis). Some journals go beyond free, to open access.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: US National Institutes of Health Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Queen Victoria's Journalsruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Publication of this first release of Queen Victoria's Journals marks not only the anniversary of Queen Victoria's birth (24 May 1819), but also the current Diamond Jubilee celebrations of HM Queen Elizabeth II. It makes available online digital images of every page in the entire sequence of Queen Victoria's diaries, and provides full transcriptions and keyword searching of the journal entries covering the period from Queen Victoria's first diary entry in July 1832 to her marriage to Prince Albert in February 1840.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Queen Victoria's Journals resource is the product of a unique partnership between the Bodleian Libraries and the Royal Archives, working in collaboration with the online publisher ProQuest.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This website reproduces as high-resolution colour images, every page of the surviving volumes of Queen Victoria's journals, along with separate photographs of the many illustrations and inserts within the pages.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Each page is also being meticulously transcribed and re-keyed, allowing for journals to be searched. At the time of launch, only a portion of the transcribed text will be available. More transcriptions are being added regularly as the project progresses.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Royal Archives Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Rasor Bibliographyruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This comprehensive British naval and maritime history bibliography covers the period from 55 B.C. to today and will be constantly updated to keep up with new scholarship. It represents the culmination of Dr. Rasor's 40-year academic career, and of his extraordinary talent as a naval historian and bibliographer. The bibliography comprises over 26,000 entries which can be searched and browsed in a variety of ways. Academically significant entries are annotated with critical analysis.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: University of Exeter: Centre for Maritime Historical Studiesruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Read Printruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Read Print is a free online books library of thousands of novels, essays, poems and stories for students, teachers and the classics enthusiast. ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Read Print Publishingruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Reaxys contains 3 databases: Crossfire Gmelin, Beilstein and the Patent Chemistry database, all searchable from one platform. The database is web-based and accessible 24/7, with no need for specialised software (apart from Java 1.5 required for the Structure Editor). The database also links to Scopus for article information.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Elsevierruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Records of London's Livery Companies Online (ROLLCO)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This site is providing records of Apprentices and Freemen in the City of London Livery Companies between 1400 and 1900. The Records of London's Livery Companies Online project is a partnership between the Centre for Metropolitan History,The Clothworker's Company, The Drapers' Company,The Goldsmiths' Company and The Mercers' Company to provide a fully searchable database of their members over time. Searches can be made for individuals or statistical 'trends' within the Companies' membership, and the results can be downloaded for printing and analysis. ROLLCO is a not-for-profit project, and access is free to all.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
At present the database includes all of the extant information about apprentices and registers from the Clothworkers' (1545-1908) and the Drapers' (c.1400-1900), with a sample of data from the Goldsmiths' (1600-1700). Future updates will include the complete records of the Mercers' (planned for early 2013).ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Institute of Historical Researchruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Religion and Philosophy Collectionruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Religion & Philosophy Collection is a comprehensive database, including almost 300 full text journals, covering such topics as world religions, major denominations, biblical studies, religious history, epistemology, political philosophy, philosophy of language, moral philosophy and the history of philosophy. ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: EBSCOhostruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Religious and Theological Abstracts (RTA Online)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Religious and Theological Abstracts provides objective summaries of articles from a wide variety of periodical literature in the fields of Religion and Theology, including Christian, Jewish, and other World religions.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Religious and Theological Abstractsruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Renaissance and Reformation (Renaissance et Réforme)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Renaissance and Reformation/Renaissance et Reforme is a quarterly peer-reviewed, bilingual journal publishing essays in English or French on any aspect of the Renaissance and Reformation period. Scroll down the list of Iter resources for the link.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Iter Availability: Separate Login Required for Off Campus Onlyruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Répertoire de la litterature de l'art (RILA)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Répertoire de la litterature de l'art (RILA) and Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA) include European art from late Antiquity to the present; American art from the European arrival to the present and Christian and European art in Africa, Asia, and Australia. They give references to journal articles, monographs, collections of essays, conference proceedings, and exhibition catalogues.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: J. Paul Getty Trust Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Reportlinker.com is a search engine, offering access to the largest online collection of Industry, company and country reports available. They identify all industry reports, company profiles and market statistics published by Private and Public Organizations and compile them in one easy to access site. On a single search page interface, ReportLinker provides full access to more than 1 million reports, published by 200,000 reliable public sources. Please note: Exeter does not subscribe to the full service.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ResearchGATE is a professional network for scientists which allows you to connect with fellow researchers, share and collaborate and find information about conferences, papers and scientific jobs. You can either register, or use your existing Facebook or LinkedIn accounts to join the site.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Right Web: Tracking militarists’ efforts to influence U.S. foreign policyruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Right Web is a program of the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) that assesses the work of prominent organizations and individuals—both in and out of government—who promote militarist U.S. foreign and defense policies, with a special focus on the “war on terror” and the Middle East. Right Web aims to foster informed public debate about these policies with feature articles and profiles of individuals and organizations that examine political discourses and institutional allegiances over time.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy (REP Online)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The online version of Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy builds on the success of the printed original by providing that invaluable combination for a reference work; top quality content combined with the full searchability and accessibility of the Internet. ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Routledgeruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Royal College of Psychiatrists Electronic Journalsruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Access to journals that we subscribe to in print (in this case the British Journal of Psychiatry only).ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Royal College of Psychiatristsruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Royal Society of Chemistry Electronic Journalsruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Access to the online versions of eight RSC journals for which the University has subscriptions to the print editions, i.e. Chemical Communications, Chemical Society Reviews, Dalton Transactions, Faraday Transactions, Journal of Chemical Research, Journal of Material Chemistry, and Perkin Transactions I and II.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Off-campus access: When accessing articles the site will ask for a login. Click on the link 'Login via Athens or your home institution' and select University of Exeter from the 'UK Federation' list. Then login using your university username & password.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Royal Society of Chemistryruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Royal Society of Chemistry Electronic Journals Archive: 1841-2004ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online access to the full archive of journals published by the Royal Society of Chemistry, from 1841-2004.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Off-campus access: When accessing articles the site will ask for a login. Click on the link 'Login via Athens or your home institution' and select University of Exeter from the 'UK Federation' list. Then login using your university username & password.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Royal Society of Chemistryruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Sage Encyclopedia of Qualitative Researchruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
E-book version of the Sage Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Sageruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Sage Encyclopedia of Social Science Research Methodsruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
E-book version of the Sage Encyclopedia of Social Science Research Methods.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Sageruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Sage Journals Onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
SAGE Journals online is the delivery platform that provides online access to the full text of individual Sage Journals. Please note, we do not have a subscription to every title on this platform.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online help ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Sage Management & Organization Studies collectionruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The University now has access 56 journals in the Sage Management & Organziation Studies journal collection, including a number of business and management titles. Some journals in this collection may also be of interest to those studying education, tourism and psychology.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
To browse a list of titles, select 'Social Science and Humanities' discipline, then click on 'Management & Organization Studies' for a list of journals. Individual title level links are also available from the Library Catalogue.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Sageruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
SAGE Openruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
SAGE Open is an open access publication from Sage which publishers peer-reviewed, original research and review articles in an interactive, open access format. Coverage spans the social sciences, behavioural sciences and humanities.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Sage Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Sage Research Methods Online (SRMO)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
SAGE Research Methods Online (SRMO) links over 100,000 pages of SAGE’s renowned book, journal and reference content with search and discovery tools. SRMO contains content from 600 books, dictionaries, encyclopaedias, and handbooks, the entire “Little Green Book,” and Little Blue Book” series, two Major Works collating a selection of journal articles, and newly commissioned videos.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Sageruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Samples of Anonymised Records (SARS)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The SARs are samples of individual records from the 1991 and 2001 Censuses, provided by the Cathie Marsh Centre for Census and Survey Research (CCSR). Registration is required on first use.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: UK Data Archiveruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Science Magazineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online access to recent years of Science Magazine in full text. Between this subscription and JSTOR for older issues, all years are covered from 1880 to the present.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: American Association for the Advancement of Scienceruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The full text of over 2,000 journals is available, as well as over 200 journal backfile titles and over 400 electronic books. Select the 'NESLI University of Exeter Shibboleth' option after clicking on the link. Off campus users accessing ScienceDirect via the Library Catalogue may need to do an additional login (see Help URL below), before accessing full text.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Elsevier Availability: Personal registration requiredruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ScienceDirect ebooksruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
A browsable alphabetical list of ScienceDirect ebooks subscribed to by the University. Individual links are also available from the Library Catalogue.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online help ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ScientificWorldJOURNAL (TheScientificWorldJOURNAL)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
TheScientificWorldJOURNAL (TSWJ), is a peer-reviewed, open access journal covering a wide range of subjects in science, technology, and medicine.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Hindawi Publishing Corporation Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Scirus is a scientific search engine. With over 410 million scientific items indexed at last count, it allows researchers to search for not only journal content but also scientists' homepages, courseware, pre-print server material, patents and institutional repository and website information.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
SciVerse Hub (beta version)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
SciVerse Hub is a single discovery platform for searching across ScienceDirect (thousands of journals & e-books), SCOPUS, SciTopics and web content from Scirus. It is still in beta development, so new functionality is being added all the time, including the development of some mobile applications.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Library ‘Essentials’ guide (PDF file) ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Scopus provides abstracts of articles in over 14,000 journals, from the mid-1960s to the present. Subject areas include health & life sciences, medicine, psychology, economics, mathematics, chemistry, physics, general science and social science. Off campus users must register online before first use.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Elsevier Availability: Electronic Library Login Requiredruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Searchable Greek inscriptionsruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Packard Humanities Institute has put together a searchable collection of Greek Inscriptions.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Packard Humanities Instituteruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Serving Soldierruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
A growing and varied digital archive, currently covering the lives of soldiers from 1899 to 1918 and spanning the Second Boer War, Younghusband Expedition and World War One. Letters, photographs, posters, military booklets and campaign notes create a vivid picture of life as a serving solder.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: JISC / King's College, Londonruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Shamaa database contains articles from 100 refereed periodicals, both paper and electronic, specialized in the educational sciences, the humanities, and social sciences. Shamaa also subscribes to 60 periodicals, with full text coverage, dating back to 2007. These are received regularly, so that the articles are documented and indexed with precision.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Shamaa Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
SHERPA Searchruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
SHERPA is a trial search service for the full-text of material held in UK open access repositories. Users of this service can search through all UK repositories of freely available research information, with the assurance that each of these repositories has been assembled by these institutions for the purposes of disseminating academically relevant research information. This quality controlled approach will minimise (but not eliminate!) spurious or junk results, and lead more directly to useful and relevant information.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Social Care Onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Social Care Online (formerly Caredata) is a freely available database from the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE). It contains over 50,000 abstracts of books, central and local government reports, research papers, and publications of voluntary organisations, and articles from a wide range of journal titles - academic, research, practice and news-orientated. The database covers UK, North American and other English-language resources.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Social Care Institute for Excellence Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Social Policy & Practiceruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Social Policy and Practice represents an important source of evidence-based social science research for policy-makers, practitioners, educators and students working within economic and social development, social administration, social services, and care management. The database comprises over 320,000 bibliographic records, with a significant number citing important "grey literature" sources such as semi-published reports, surveys and statistics. Once you have logged in, select Social Policy and Practice from the list of databases.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Ovidruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Social Science Spaceruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Social Science Space is a place to explore, shape and share the issues facing social scientists. Personal registration is required.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Sageruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Society and College of Radiographers Policy and Guidance Document Libraryruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Document Library contains all policy and guidance documents published by the Society and College of Radiographers (SCoR). Access to the full text of documents varies. They may be available to view online, to download in various formats (as a PDF to your desktop; to a Kindle; or as an ePub file to an iPad or iPhone) or be available via login to members of the SCoR only.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Society and College of Radiographers Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
South Eastern Gazette (via ukpressonline)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This regional newspaper archive allows you to search, view and download issues of the South Eastern Gazette from 1852-1912. The archive has been funded by the 'Your Heritage Lottery Fund' and free access has been made available to all UK universities. ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: ukpressonlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Spoken Word Servicesruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
A repository of audio and video clips, in partnership with the BBC Archives. Personal registration is required.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Glasgow Caledonian Universityruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
SPORT Discusruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The SPORT Discus dataset, now available via the web, covers a wide range of material, including sports medicine, exercise philosophy, biomechanics, psychology, training techniques, coaching, physical education, physical fitness, recreation history, facilities and equipment.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: EBSCOruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Access is to all SpringerLink and Kluwer Online journals and to selected Springer E-books. There is also access to over nearly 1,000 journal backfiles.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Springerruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
SpringerLink e-books: Business & Economics Collectionruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The University has access to nearly 1,500 in the Business & Economics collection of electronic books via SpringerLink. Publication dates range from 2005-2011.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Springerruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
St Andrews Studies in French History and Cultureruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The purpose of this series is to publish a range of shorter monographs and studies, between 25,000 and 50,000 words long, which illuminate the history of this community of peoples between the end of the Middle Ages and the late twentieth century. The series covers the full span of historical themes relating to France: from political history, through military/naval, diplomatic, religious, social, financial, cultural and intellectual history, art and architectural history, to literary culture.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: St Andrews Digital Research Repositoryruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophyruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Free online access to authoratative peer-reviewed philosophy material.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Stanford University Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
State Papers Online. Part 1: The Tudors, 1509-1603ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
State Papers Online, is a searchable archive of 16th- and 17th-century State Papers Domestic, Foreign, Scotland, Ireland and Registers of the Privy Council for research and teaching projects in politics, government, and social, economic, and religious history. The University has access to Part 1 of this collection, the Tudors, 1509-1603.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Please note, this database is restricted to single-user access only, if you cannot access it immediately, please try again later. When you have finished using the database, please click on the Logout link in the top right-hand corner of the screen. Off campus users will be prompted to log in via the University's Single Sign On service (UoE username and password).ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Proquest Availability: Separate Login Required for Off Campus Onlyruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Stormont Papersruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
From 1921 to 1972, Northern Ireland was under the administrative control of a devolved parliament based at Stormont. This digitised archive holds 92,000 pages that cover and document this key time in Northern Ireland’s history.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The papers follow the Hansard model - the verbatim reporting of debates in the UK Houses of Parliament, which are released on a daily basis – and contain indexes of information on bills, speakers, MPs, cabinet members and parliamentary officers to further aid research. Biographies of key members of parliament are also available within the ‘Context’ section of the archive’s website.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: JISC / Queen's University, Belfastruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Sudan Archive at Durhamruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
In the year after Sudanese independence, the Sudan Archive was formed to collect and preserve papers from former officials, soldiers, missionaries, businessmen, and individuals who served or lived in the Sudan during the Anglo-Egyptian Condominium period (1899-1955). Durham University's digitised Sudan Archive also features coverage of the Mahdist War (Mahdist Revolt) and offers online access to many of the archive's materials.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Digitised materials include intelligence reports, annual reports, staff lists, government gazettes, Arabic material, correspondence, reports and memoranda, diaries, letters, photographs, cinefilms, slides, sound recordings and maps.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This archive was granted designated status by the Museum, Libraries and Archives Council in 2005 as an outstanding collection.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: JISC / University of Durhamruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Taylor & Francis Online (Journals)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Taylor and Francis Online allows you to search all their online journal content. Full-text access is available for those journals which the University subscribes to and is indicated by a green box when browsing journal archives or searching for articles. ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Taylor & Francisruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Taylor & Francis Online eBook Libraryruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Full text access to approx. 200 key Education textbooks online. From July 2011- the e-books will be hosted on the MyiLibrary ebook platform. To browse the Education books, you can either browse by subject, or browse by Publisher (Taylor & Francis). ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Taylor & Francis/MyiLibraryruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Taylor and Francis Geography, Planning, Urban and Environment Online Archive (Taylor and Francis Geography Archive)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
With a focus on environment studies, geography, planning studies and urban studies, this resource gives access to the backfiles of 28 journals published under the Routledge imprint, until 1996.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Informa plcruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Teachers TVruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
UK-based Teachers TV has been producing instructional videos showing actual classroom footage since 2008. The content is used by educators worldwide and was government funded until the site closed down in 2011. Alexander Street Press has licensed this material and made it available to all libraries in the U.K.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Teachers TV content covers every possible subject area— Bullying, Behavior Management, ADHD in the classroom, Early Language, Secondary Maths, Art Workshop, Guided Reading, Primary Science, Dealing with Family Breakdown and more. ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Alexander street pressruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Thesaurus Linguae Graecae: a digital library of Greek Literature (TLG)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
TLG represents the first effort in the Humanities to produce a large digital corpus of literary texts. Since its inception the project has collected and digitized most texts written in Greek from Homer (8 c. B.C.) to the fall of Byzantium in AD 1453 and beyond. Its goal is to create a comprehensive digital library of Greek literature from antiquity to the present era. Please note, you may need to install a polytonic Greek font on your PC - full instructions are available from the website.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: TLG Projectruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Thesaurus linguae Latinae (TLL)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Thesaurus linguae Latinae is not only the largest Latin dictionary in the world, but also the first to cover all the Latin texts from the classical period up to about 600 A.D.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: de Gruyterruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Theses Canadaruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search Canada's freely available national online library catalogue for all theses in the National Library of Canada theses collection, plus full text access to more recent theses.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Library and Archives Canada Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Thomas Telford electronic journalsruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Full text access to the Institution of Civil Engineers journals that we take in print.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Thomas Telfordruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Times Digital Archiveruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search the complete digital edition of The Times (London), using keyword searching and hit-term highlighting to retrieve full facsimile images of either a specific article or a complete page. The entire newspaper is captured, with all articles, advertisements and illustrations/photos divided into categories to facilitate searching. Covers the entire period 1785-1985. Off campus users will be prompted to log in via the Library Catalogue (UoE username and password).ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Thomson Gale Availability: Separate Login Required for Off Campus Onlyruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Times Literary Supplement Historical Archive (1902-2005) (TLS Historical Archive)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The full archive of the Times Literary Supplement from 1902-2005. From July 2011- an additional year of content will be added annually. Off campus users will be prompted to log in via the Library Catalogue (UoE username and password).ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Gale Cengageruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Databaseruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database has information on almost 35,000 slaving voyages that forcibly embarked over 10 million Africans for transport to the Americas between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries.It offers researchers, students and the general public a chance to rediscover the reality of one of the largest forced movements of peoples in world history.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Emory University Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Transatlantic Archaeology Gatewayruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
One of the primary outputs of archaeology is vast amounts of primary data. In the United Kingdom this is preserved by the ADS – the national repository for UK historic environment data. In the United States, the Digital Archaeological record (tDAR) performs a similar function.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
TAG allows you to cross search these two resources via a simple to use query-builder. Results link directly to the two repositories allowing you to quickly access relevant datasets for your research.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: JISC / University of Yorkruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Transportation Research Information Services (TRIS)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Transportation Research Information Services provide access to the Transportation Research Board Library and Databases a bibliographic source on transportation information.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: The Transportation Research Boardruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
TRILT (Television & Radio Index for Learning and Teaching)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Television and Radio Index for Learning and Teaching is an extensive online database of UK television and radio programmes including terrestrial, cable, and satellite television (with regional variations), all national and many local radio stations. Data is available at least 10 days before transmission, building an archive of programme information and schedules. Selected programmes of value to higher and further education are evaluated and information is added, including bibliographies, weblinks and indications of sources of post-transmission copies, including the BUFVC's own off-air recording backup service.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: British Universities Film & Video Councilruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
TRIP Databaseruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
TRIP Database Plus is a searchable database of evidence-based medicine resources, including articles, e-textbooks and medical images.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Centre for Evidence-Based Medicineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Trove is a free search service containing many online resources relating to Australia and Australians.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
TVTiP (TV Times Project)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
TVTiP provides unique online access to listings data from the London Edition of the TV Times; information which was previously only available in rare printed editions. It includes data on programmes, production staff, and performers relating to Independent Television broadcast schedules in the London region. TVTiP covers the period September 1955 - March 1985, and is hosted by the BUFVC.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: BUFVCruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Twentieth - Century African American Poetryruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
A database of modern and contemporary African American poetry, featuring almost 9,000 poems by 62 of the most important African American poets of the last century, including Langston Hughes, Jean Toomer, Imamu Amiri Baraka, Audre Lorde and Rita Dove.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This databse is cross-searchable with other literature collections via Literature online.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Proquestruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Twentieth - Century American Poetryruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This collection includes 50,000 poems drawn from 750 volumes by over 300 poets, including Adrienne Rich, Andrei Codrescu, Ezra Pound, William Carlos Williams, Denise Levertov, Wallace Stevens, Langston Hughes, Lucille Clifton, and Cathy Song.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This database is cross-searchable with other literature collections via Literature online.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Proquestruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Twentieth - Century English Poetryruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
A collection of more than 600 volumes of poetry by 283 poets from 1900 to the present day, including W.B. Yeats, Rudyard Kipling, Thomas Hardy, Wilfred Owen, Thom Gunn, Fleur Adcock, Paul Muldoon, Tony Harrison, Benjamin Zephaniah and Carol Ann Duffy, and incorporating the poets in The Faber Poetry Library.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This database is cross-searchable with other literature collections via Literature online.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Proquestruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
UK Clinical Research Network Portfolio Databaseruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The UKCRN Portfolio Database contains details of eligible studies in the UKCRN portfolio for topic specific and primary care research.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Library ‘Essentials’ guide (PDF file)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: UK Clinical Research Networkruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
UK Colonial Registers and Royal Navy Logbooksruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Long before official records were kept of weather conditions, the captains of naval vessels were recording changes in climate via their official ship’s log - this project holds information on the climates of past centuries via the digitised ship’s logs of 200-year-old voyages. Archives from lighthouses in the Caribbean further enhance the meteorological information available, alongside links to other international climate statistics databases.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The voyages covered were all commissioned with goals linked to further exploration of the North Pole region and the search for the North West Passage. As such, they serve as invaluable early 19th century sources of climactic data for the Arctic region.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: JISC / University of Sunderlandruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
UK Data Archiveruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The UK Data Archive (UKDA) is an internationally-renowned centre of expertise in data acquisition, preservation, dissemination and promotion; and is curator of the largest collection of digital data in the social sciences and humanities in the UK. The UKDA provides resource discovery and support for secondary use of quantitative and qualitative data in research, teaching and learning as a lead partner of the Economic and Social Data Service. The UKDA also houses AHDS History and Census.ac.uk. You can use the Data Catalogue to search across all ESDS/Census data services. Registration required to use this service.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online help ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
UK Data Serviceruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The UK Data Service is a comprehensive resource funded by the ESRC to support researchers, teachers and policymakers who depend on high-quality social and economic data. Here you will find a single point of access to a wide range of secondary data including large-scale government surveys, international macrodata, business microdata, qualitative studies and census data from 1971 to 2011. Registration is required if you wish to download, order or analyse data online, where this is possible.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
UK Data Service has incorporated the Economic and Social Data Services (ESDS) and Census.ac.uk.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: ESRCruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
UK Parliament websiteruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Official website of the UK Parliament.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
UK World War One Collectionsruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
An accessible online database which captures information on UK university, archive, library and museum holdings relating to the conflict.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Of the collections digitised and available online, a listing and assessment of the most commonly used popular and expert websites that support teaching, learning and research has also been included. This work builds on the important contribution made by a 'pathfinder' survey undertaken by the Imperial War Museum in 2011, supported by JISC and the Wellcome Trust.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: JISC Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This resource provides digitsed boundary datasets of the UK for educational use. The data can be downloaded and used in GIS and CAD software to create thematic maps and for visualising boundaries.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: EDINAruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
University of Chicago Press electronic journalsruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Access is to those journals for which the University has subscriptions, i.e. the American Naturalist, the Journal of Modern History, the Journal of Political Economy, the American Journal of Sociology and the Journal of Consumer Research.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: University of Chicago Pressruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
University of Exeter Digital Collections (Digital Collections Repository)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Welcome to Digital Collections Online. Search this website for digital images of Exeter's most prestigious research collections, including over 2000 images showcasing Victorian culture. There are 1000s of images to choose from, all free to use in your teaching and learning.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: University of Exeter Special Collectionsruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
University of Exeter Special Collections catalogueruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The University of Exeter Library's archival collections are of regional and national significance, particularly strong in their representation of South West cultural heritage. Poets, novelists, historians, scientists, photographers, and politicians all figure, with collection strengths in the field of literature and cinema, history, and Arabic and Islamic studies.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
University of Exeter Thesesruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Since the 2008/9 academic year, research students are mandated to deposit their theses into ORE (Open Research Exeter). Wherever possible, the full text of thesis is made available on open access. The repository currently holds nearly 1000 e-theses.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
University Press Scholarship Onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This is a trial resource – please send us your comments. The trial ends on 5 July 2013ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
University Press Scholarship Online brings together the best scholarly publishing from around the world. Aggregating monograph content from leading university presses, UPSO offers an unparalleled research tool, making disparately published scholarship easily accessible, high discoverable, and fully cross-searchable through a single online platform.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Oxford University Press Expected subscription cost: quotes on request ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Medical School staff/students use only. UpToDate® is an evidence-based clinical decision support system authored by physicians to help clinicians make the right decisions at the point of care.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: UpToDate Availability: On Campus Access Onlyruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Valley of the Shadowruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Detailed life in the North and South from 1859 to 1870. Includes original letters, diaries, census records, church records, newspapers and speeches. ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: University of Virginia Library Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Versita Openruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Versita Open is one of the world’s leading Open Access platforms, hosting full texts of nearly 200 scholarly journals that concurrently belong to many societies, universities and research institutes.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Victorian Popular Cultureruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Victorian Popular Culture contains a wide range of source material relating to popular entertainment in America, Britain and Europe in the period from 1779 to 1930, and shows how interconnected these worlds were. The database is split into three separate sections:ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Spiritualism, Sensation and Magic ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Circuses, Sideshows and Freaks ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Music Hall, Theatre and Popular Entertainment ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Moving Pictures, Optical Entertainments and the Advent of Cinemaruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Adam Matthew Digitalruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Victorian Webruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Victorian Web is a subject gateway focusing on British literature, history and culture during the Victorian age. ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Virtual Manuscript Roomruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Parchments from an array of mostly Middle Eastern manuscripts that date back well over 1000 years are available to study in this online archive from the University of Birmingham. Early examples of texts from Islam, Judaism and Christianity are available alongside more esoteric texts, such as 19th century magic texts from Ethiopia.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The online collection holds digitised fragments of one of the earliest Qur’ans, which has recently been dated to the late 7th century and is written in the Kufic style of Arabic script. A number of beautifully illustrated Persian manuscripts are also available, as well as a variety of different versions of the gospels from different points in the history of Christianity.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: JISC / University of Birminghamruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Vision of Britain (A Vision of Britain)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This web site provides a window into the Great Britain Historical 'Geographical Information System', showing a description of Britain and its localities and how they have changed through the centuries. It is useful for research into national topics like the origins of the north-south divide, or long-run trends in land use. It includes: topographical, land use and administrative maps from the 19th and 20th Centuries, historical British travel writing, results from every British parliamentary election since 1833 and Census reports since 1801.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: JISC Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Visual Arts Data Service (VADS)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Students and academics looking for visual arts images now have online access to a stunning collection of over 100,000 images with the launch of VADS. The website has been developed by VADS (the Visual Arts Data Service) and contains collections as diverse as the National Inventory of Continental European Paintings, the Woolmark Company Archive, and the Central Saint Martins Museum and Study Collection.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Visualising Chinaruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Visualising China offers researchers free open access to major online collections such as Historical Photographs of China (University of Bristol), the Sir Robert Hart Collection (Queen’s University, Belfast) and Joseph Needham’s Photographs of Wartime China (Needham Research Institute, Cambridge), as well as to previously unseen and private collections and a selected Google Books library of China-related publications.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Researchers may submit comments or annotations to the image entries, organise images on to their own workbenches, download low-resolution images, and explore the collections by word searches, date ranges, photographer, people depicted, maps and classification terms.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Wellcome Arabic Manuscripts Onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Arabic manuscripts collection of the Wellcome Library (London) comprises around 1000 manuscript books and fragments relating to the history of medicine. For the first time this website enables a substantial proportion of this collection to be consulted online via high-quality digital images of entire manuscripts and associated rich metadata.This has been made possible by a pioneering partnership between the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, the Wellcome Library and King's College London, with funding from the JISC Islamic Studies programme.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Wellcome Film Libraryruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Free access to over 450 titles relating to 20th-century healthcare and medicine. They include public health promotion videos.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Wellcome Library Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Welsh Ballads Onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Welsh Ballads Online includes about 4,000 digitised ballads, mainly dating from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, from the collections of the National Library of Wales and Cardiff University Library. Those from the National Library are available now while the Cardiff University Library ballads will be available shortly.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Help tips will appear on all search and results pages.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: National Library of Walesruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Welsh Voices of the Great War Onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The National Library of Wales is host to a large archive of Welsh and English texts that encompass subject areas across the arts, humanities, science, technology and the social sciences. Publications currently digitised date from 1821 to the present day and the scope of the archive is scheduled to increase over time.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Users can browse journals or search by keyword. Titles available include Bathafarn, Heddiw, Y fflam and The Pembrokeshire Historian.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: JISC / National library of Walesruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Westlaw UKruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
WestLaw UK provides primary and secondary sources of UK law, European Union law, and US Federal and State law, including full text legislation and case law. A wide range of full text journals (many from the US) is also provided. An online version of the British Legal Journals Index is available. This contains details (citations and abstracts) of over 400 UK and European journals.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
One-to-one training and further information on using Westlaw is also provided by the student associate, Anna Greco, who can be contacted at ag339@exeter.ac.ukruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Sweet & Maxwellruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Provides data in finance, accounting, banking, economics,mamagement, marketing and public policy. Academic staff and PhDs may register for personal accounts by clicking on the 'Account Request' link. Undergraduates and Masters students should consult their tutor, or the account administrator, Jane Shen (J.Shen@exeter.ac.uk) or (Business-school-data-help@exeter.ac.uk)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Wharton, University of Pennsylvaniaruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Wiley Interdisciplinary Review: Climate Change (WIREs: Climate Change)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
WIREs Climate Change combines an online review journal with an encyclopedic reference model. Article types include: overviews, advanced reviews, focus articles and opinions. Articles can be browsed by topic, or by issue.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Wileyruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Wiley Online Library (formerly Wiley Interscience))ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Wiley Online Library was formerly known as Wiley InterScience. Wiley and Blackwell journals that we have subscriptions to are available on this platform, including a number of backfile archive collections. Please note, some journals (Wiley only) are restricted to single use access, you may need be turned away if its already in use.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Off-campus Access: Click on 'Institutional Login' at the top-right of the screen, then click 'Select institution' (if a pop-up box appears, click OK). Select University of Exeter from the list of institutions, then login as normal.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Wiley InterScienceruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Wiley Open Accessruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Wiley have announced the launch of Wiley Open Access, a new publishing program of open access journals. Wiley Open Access journals are supported by a network of high-quality journals and societies as well as internationally-renowned editorial board members. The Wiley Open Access journals will be launching throughout 2011 and will be taking submissions soon.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Windpower Monthlyruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Windpower Monthly is the leading news magazine of the international wind energy business, publishing non-stop since 1985. Fiercely protective of its independent status, the magazine provides balanced quality information on wind power and only wind power.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Our focus is on business, policy and economics. Windpower Monthly's authoritative articles from around the world provide a concise yet detailed overview of the essential political, industrial, environmental and technical developments in the global wind energy arena. National news updates are backed by regular charting of market forces, thought-provoking editorials and incisive analyses of business and economic trends.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
When prompted, use this username: elibrary@exeter.ac.uk with this password: 362921F9 (exactly as shown here). ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
World Almanacruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
World Almanac offers a fundamental reference source for students, library patrons, library reference staff, and scholars alike and includes biographies, encyclopedia entries, facts, statistics. ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: OCLCruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
World Almanac of Islamruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The American Foreign Policy Council’s World Almanac of Islamism is a comprehensive resource designed to track the rise or decline of radical Islam on a national, regional and global level. This database focuses on the nature of the contemporary Islamist threat around the world, and on the current activities of radical Islamist movements worldwide.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
World Digital Libraryruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
World Digital Library makes it possible to discover, study and enjoy cultural treasures from around the world on one site.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
World Health Organisationruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The World Health Organisation supplies information on a wide variety of WHO publications and health related topics, including epidemiologic and demographic data, deseases and conditions.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: WHOruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
World Shakespeare Bibliography Onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Provides annotated entries for all important books, articles, book reviews, dissertations, theatrical productions, audio-visual materials etc related to Shakespeare and published since 1965. International coverage.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: John Hopkins University Pressruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
WorldCat is a union catalogue of the resources held by the major research libraries in the United States, with recent additions from libraries outside North America. The database provides full bibliographic details of books (including electronic books), journal titles, audio-visual materials (such as videos and DVDs), sound recordings, musical scores and maps. A sister service called 'WorldCat Dissertations' also provides bibliographic details of theses.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: FirstSearchruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
OCLC Catalog of dissertations and theses available in OCLC member libraries. To access the database, select WorldCatDissertations from the drop down list in the '--Select a topic or database--' box.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: FirstSearchruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
WWW Virtual Libraryruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The WWW Virtual Library (VL) is the oldest catalogue of the Web, run by a confederation of volunteers, who compile pages of key links for particular areas in which they are expert.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Your Paintingsruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Your Paintings is a website which aims to show the entire UK national collection of oil paintings, the stories behind the paintings, and where to see them for real. It is made up of paintings from thousands of museums and other public institutions around the country. Your Paintings is a joint initiative between the BBC, the Public Catalogue Foundation and participating collections and museums from across the UK.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: BBC Availability: Freely available onlineruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ZETOC (Electronic Table of Contents from the British Library)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Zetoc is one of the world's most comprehensive research databases, giving you access to over 28,000 journals (of which over 21,500 are current), 45 million article citations and conference papers through the British Library's electronic table of contents.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: MIMASruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Zoological Record (1864-): via ISI Web of Knowledge (Zoological Record)ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This is a trial resource – please send us your comments. The trial ends on 25 August 2013ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The world’s leading taxonomic reference and oldest continuing database of animal biology. To access and search the index, log into Web of Knowledge and select the index from the 'Select a database' tab.ruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online helpruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplier: Thomson Reutersruc蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新