1. 19th century British Library newspapers [electronic resource]. [2007 - ]
2. 19th century British pamphlets [electronic resource]. [2009 - ]
3. 19th century masterfile [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
4. 19th century UK periodicals [electronic resource]. [2007 - ]
5. 19th century U.S. newspapers [electronic resource]. [2006 - ]
6. 2000 Zhongguo xian/qu ren kou pu cha zi liao hui bian da quan [electronic resource] = 2000 China county/district population census data assemblies [2004]
2000 中国县/区人口普查资料汇编大全 [electronic resource] = 2000 China county/district population census data assemblies
East Asia Library : Media : HB3654 .Z46 2004 DVD-ROM 1
7. AAPG data systems/publications [electronic resource]. [1999 - ]
8. AATA online [electronic resource] : abstracts of international conservation literature [2002 - ]
9. ABI/INFORM [electronic resource]. [1923 - ]
10. Academic charts online
11. Academic search premier [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
12. Access world news [electronic resource] : the ultimate news archive [2000 - ]
13. Accessible archives Pennsylvania gazette [electronic resource]. [1991 - 2002]
Green Library : HAS-DIGIT (Lane Room) (non-circulating) : F152 .A28
14. AccessScience [electronic resource] : McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of science & technology online [2000 - ]
15. AccessUN [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
16. AccessUNDP [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
17. ACM Digital Library [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
18. Acronyms database [electronic resource] [2000 - ]
19. ACS symposium series [1974 - ]
Chemistry & ChemEng Library (Swain) : Stacks : (no call number)
20. Acta sanctorum database on CD-ROM [electronic resource]. [2002]
Green Library : Media & Microtext Center (Lower level) : BR1710 .A282 2002 BIBLIOGRAPHY
21. ACToR [electronic resource] : Aggregated Computational Toxicology Resource [2009 - ]
22. Ad*Access [electronic resource] [1999]
23. The Adams papers digital edition [electronic resource] [2008 - ]
24. Adherents.com [electronic resource].
25. Ad$pender [electronic resource] [2004 - ]
26. Advanced cruise ship inspection search [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
27. Advanced energy legislation tracker
28. AdViews [electronic resource].
29. AEA member directory [electronic resource].
30. AERADE [electronic resource]. [1999 - ]
31. Aerospace & high technology database [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
32. Aerospace research central [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
33. AES electronic library [electronic resource] [1953 - ]
34. Africa south of the Sahara. African history on the Internet [electronic resource]. [1994 - ]
35. Africa south of the Sahara. African newspapers/Africa news (by country) [electronic resource]. [1994 - ]
36. Africa south of the Sahara [electronic resource] : selected Internet resources [1994 - ]
37. Africa yearbook [2005 - ]
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : In process : DT353 .A367 V.10 2013
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : DT353 .A367 V.9 2012
38. AfricaBib.org [electronic resource]. [1999 - ]
39. African American newspapers [electronic resource] : the 19th century [1998 - ]
40. African American periodicals, 1825-1995 [electronic resource]. [2004 - ]
41. African development indicators [1992 - ]
Green Library : InfoCenter: statistics shelves (non-circulating) : HC800 .A1 A356 2012/2013
Green Library : Stacks : HC800 .A1 A356 2011
42. African index medicus [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
43. African integrated census microdata : AICMD [2010 - ]
44. African journals online [electronic resource] : AJOL : online access to African journals [1990 - ]
45. African Studies Centre catalogue [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
46. African women's bibliographic database [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
47. African-American newspapers , 1827-1998 [electronic resource]. [2009 - ]
48. African-American poetry [electronic resource]. [1996 - ]
49. Africa-wide: NiPAD [electronic resource] [2000 - ]
50. Afro-Americana imprints, 1535-1922, from the Library Company of Philadelphia [electronic resource]. [2012]
51. AGRICOLA [electronic resource]. [1970 - ]
52. AGRIS [electronic resource] [1975 - ]
53. AIDA [electronic resource] : articoli italiani di periodici accademici = Bibliography of Italian periodical literature [1998 - ]
54. AIDSinfo [electronic resource] [2002 - ]
55. The Air University Library's index to military periodicals [electronic resource] : AULIMP [2000 - ]
56. Airiti Library, Hua yi xian shang tu shu guan [electronic resource] : CEPS Zhong wen dian zi qi kan zi liao ku ji ping tai fu wu + CETD Zhong wen shuo bo shi zi liao ku ping tai fu wu. [2006 - ]
Airiti Library, 華藝線上圖書館: [electronic resource] : CEPS中文電子期刊資料庫暨平台服務 + CETD中文碩博士論文資料庫平台服務.
57. AIRNow [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
58. Alberti Magni e-corpus [2009 - ]
59. ALFRED [electronic resource] : archival Federal Reserve economic data : economic data time travel from the St. Loius Fed.
60. All that JAS [electronic resource] : journal abbreviation sources [2000 - ]
61. AllAfrica.com [electronic resource]. [1999 - ]
62. Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon [electronic resource] = Artists of the world
63. Alliance of Crop, Soil, and Environmental Science Societies digital library [2012 - ]
64. Alloy phase diagrams center [electronic resource] [2006 - ]
65. Alternative press index [electronic resource].
Green Library : InfoCenter (non-circulating) : Z7164 .S66 A52
66. Alt-PressWatch [electronic resource]. [2001 - ]
67. Aluka. Struggles for freedom in Southern Africa [electronic resource]. [2007 - ]
68. America, history and life with full text [electronic resource]. [1964 - ]
69. American Antiquarian Society (AAS) historical periodicals collection [electronic resource]. [2010 - ]
70. The American bibliography of Slavic and East European studies [1967 - ]
Green Library : HASRC (Lane Room) (non-circulating) : Z2483 .A4 1994
71. American broadsides and ephemera. Series 1 [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
72. American county histories to 1900 [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
73. American drama, 1714-1915 [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
74. American FactFinder [electronic resource]. [1999 - ]
75. American Indian law collection [electronic resource]. [2011 - ]
Law Library (Crown) : Online resource : INTERNET RESOURCE AMER INDIAN LAW
76. American Law Institute library [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
Law Library (Crown) : Online resource : (no call number)
77. American memory [electronic resource] [1994 - ]
78. American national biography [electronic resource] [2000]
79. American periodicals [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
80. American periodicals from the Center for Research Libraries [electronic resource]. [2009 - ]
81. American periodicals series online. 1740-1900 [electronic resource] [2000 - ]
82. American poetry [electronic resource]. [1996]
83. The American Presidency Project [electronic resource] [1999 - ]
84. American silent feature film database [2013 - ]
85. American slavery [electronic resource] : a composite autobiography [2000 - ]
86. American song [electronic resource]. [2007 - ]
Stanford University Libraries : Online resource : (no call number)
Stanford University Libraries : Stacks : (no call number)
87. American state papers, 1789-1838 [electronic resource]. [2005 - ]
88. American women [electronic resource] : a gateway to Library of Congress resources for the study of women's history and culture in the United States [2003 - ]
89. America's historical newspapers [electronic resource] : featuring Early American newspapers, 1690-1922 [2004 - ]
90. The AmericasBarometer [electronic resource] [2004 - ]
91. The AMICO library [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
92. Analytical abstracts [electronic resource] [1954 - ]
93. L'Année philologique : bibliographie critique et analytique de l'antiquité gréco-latine [1926 - ]
Green Library : HASRC (Lane Room) (non-circulating) : Z7016 .M351 V.82 2011
Green Library : Raubitschek Collection of Papyrology and Epigraphy : Z7016 .M351 V.81 2010
Classics Library : Stacks : Z7016 .M351
94. The annotated bibliography on antisemitism [electronic resource] [1990 - ]
95. Annual bibliography of English language and literature [electronic resource] : ABELL [1998 - ]
Green Library : HAS-DIGIT (Lane Room) (non-circulating) : (no call number)
Green Library : Media & Microtext Center (Lower level) : Z2011 .M693 1920/2005
96. Annual reviews [electronic resource] [1932 - ]
97. Annual state personal income [electronic resource]. [2003 - ]
98. AnthropologyPlus [electronic resource]. [1993 - ]
99. AnthroSource [electronic resource] [2004]
100. AP images [electronic resource].
101. Apparent places of fundamental stars [1941 - ]
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : 528 .G786 V.59 1999
102. Arachne [1995 - ]
103. Archäologische Jahresbibliographie [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
104. Archive finder [electronic resource]. [2008 - ]
105. Archive of Americana [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
106. Archive of Celtic-Latin literature [electronic resource] : (ACLL) [2007 - ]
107. ArchiveGrid [electronic resource] [1993 - ]
108. Archives de l'émigration russe : 1920-1939 : Paris, Berlin, Harbin, Constantinople, Riga = Saĭt-Arkhiv ėmigrantskoĭ pressy : 1920-1939 : Parizh, Berlin, Kharbin, Konstantinopolʹ, Riga = Russians without Russia, press archive : 1920-1939 : Paris, Berlin, Harbin, Constantinople, Riga [2012 - ]
109. Archives Library Information Center (ALIC). Women [electronic resource] [2001 - ]
110. Arctic & antarctic regions [electronic resource]. [1989 - ]
Earth Sciences Library (Branner) : Stacks : (no call number)
111. Argument audio [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
112. Argument transcripts [electronic resource]. [2006 - ]
113. The aria database [electronic resource]. [1996 - ]
114. Aristoteles Latinus database [electronic resource] : ALD. [2006 - ]
115. Armed conflict database [electronic resource]. [2003 - ]
116. Art full text [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
117. Art retrospective [electronic resource]. [1998 - ]
118. Artbibliographies modern [1973 - ]
Art & Architecture Library : Stacks : Z5935 .L2 V.4:NO.2 1973
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : Z5935 .L2 V.27:NO.2 1996
119. ARTFL project, University of Chicago [electronic resource]. [1981 - ]
120. ArticleFirst [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
121. Artnet [electronic resource]. [1995 - ]
122. Arts & humanities citation index [electronic resource]. [1989 - ]
Green Library : InfoCenter (non-circulating) : Z5937 .A8B
123. ARTSTOR [electronic resource]. [2004 - ]
124. ArXiv.org e-Print archive [electronic resource]. [1991 - ]
125. ASCE research library [electronic resource]. [2004 - ]
126. ASFA [electronic resource] : aquatic sciences & fisheries abstracts [1978 - ]
127. Asian American drama [electronic resource]. [2002 - ]
128. AskART.com [electronic resource] : extensive information on 23,000 North American artists [2000 - ]
129. ASMD [electronic resource]. [2003 - ]
130. ASTM digital library [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
131. Astrophysics Data System ADS abstract service [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
132. ATLA religion database with ATLASerials [electronic resource]. [1949 - ]
133. The Atlanta constitution [microform]. [1868 - 2001]
Green Library : Media & Microtext Center (Lower level) : NEWSPAPERS
134. Atlas of historical county boundaries [electronic resource] [2010]
135. Atomic weights and isotopic compositions with relative atomic masses [electronic resource] [1999 - ]
136. Attributions of authorship in the European magazine, 1782-1826 [electronic resource] [1990 - ]
137. Attributions of Authorship in the Gentleman's Magazine [electronic resource] [1997]
138. Australian education index [1958 - ]
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : Z5813 .A85 V.43:PT.2 2000
139. Austrian newspapers online [electronic resource] = Historische österreichische Zeitungen und Zeitschriften online : ANNO [2000 - ]
140. The Avalon Project [electronic resource] : documents in law, history and diplomacy [1996 - ]
141. Avery index to architectural periodicals [electronic resource]. [1990]
142. Aviation Week intelligence network [electronic resource] : AWIN [2006 - ]
143. Bach digital [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
144. Bacteriology abstracts (Microbiology B) [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
145. Balance of payments statistics [electronic resource]. [2002 - ]
Green Library : Social Science Data and Software: Velma Denning Room (non-circulating) : HG3882 .B342 SEP 2014
146. Ballad operas online [electronic resource] [2009 - ]
147. Baltimore Afro-American (1893-1988) [electronic resource]. [1893 - ]
148. Base internationale de lettres électroniques du Moyen Age au XXe siècle (B.A.S.I.L.E.) [electronic resource] : la littérature narrative, romans, contes, nouvelles [2000]
Green Library : Media & Microtext Center (Lower level) : ZMS 1389
149. Basler Bibliographie [electronic resource]. [2003 - ]
150. Bay Area governments [electronic resource]. [2008 - ]
151. The BBC Shakespeare plays [electronic resource] [2009]
152. "BBV" Brahms-Briefverzeichnis [2010 - ]
153. BCIN [electronic resource] : the Bibliographic database of the Conservation Information Network [1987 - ]
154. Beach advisory report [2000 - ]
155. Beethoven-Haus Bonn digital archive [electronic resource]. [2000]
156. The Belfast gazette [electronic resource]. [1921 - ]
157. Benezit dictionary of artists [electronic resource]. [2011 - ]
158. Berg fashion library [electronic resource] [2010 - ]
159. Bibliografia analityczna bibliotekoznawstwa i informacji naukowej. Piśmiennictwo zagraniczne [electronic resource] [1990 - ]
160. Bibliografia polska [electronic resource] [1870 - ]
161. Bibliografia storica nazionale [electronic resource] : BSN.
162. Bibliografie dějin Českych zemi za rok ... [1993 - ]
Green Library : HASRC (Lane Room) (non-circulating) : Z2136 .B51
163. Bibliographie de civilisation médiévale [electronic resource]. [2004 - ]
164. Bibliographie der deutschen Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft [1945 - ]
Green Library : HASRC (Lane Room) (non-circulating) : Z2231 .B5 BD.53 2013
165. Bibliographie des Musikschrifttums [1936 - 1988]
Music Library : Reference (non-circulating) : ML113 .B576 1988
166. Bibliographie des Musikschrifttums [electronic resource]. [2006 - ]
167. Bibliographie zur oberösterreichischen Geschichte [electronic resource]. [1926 - ]
168. Bibliography of Africana periodical literature database [electronic resource]. [1999 - ]
169. Bibliography of American Literature [1955 - ]
Green Library : InfoCenter (non-circulating) : Z1225 .B55 V.1
Special Collections : Reference (non-circulating) : Z1225 .B5
170. Bibliography of Asian studies [electronic resource]. [1998 - ]
171. Bibliography of British and Irish history [electronic resource]. [2009 - ]
172. Bibliography of native North Americans [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
173. The Bibliography of the Hebrew book, 1470-1960 [electronic resource]. [2002 - ]
174. Bibliography of the history of art [electronic resource]. [1973 - ]
175. Bibliography of trafficking in persons [2000 - ]
176. Biblioteka ėlektronnykh resursov [electronic resource] [2000]
177. Bibliotheca Teubneriana Latina [2009 - ]
178. Bibliothèque des rapports publiques [2000 - ]
179. Bielefelder Kataloge Klassik und Jazz [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
180. BIOBASE knowledge library [electronic resource]. [1999 - ]
181. Biocomplexity thesaurus [electronic resource]. [2003 - ]
182. Biodiversity information serving our nation (BISON) [2010 - ]
183. Biography and genealogy master index [electronic resource]. [1997 - ]
184. Biography in context [electronic resource] [1999 - ]
185. Biological macromolecule crystallization database [electronic resource]. [1995 - ]
186. The Biomedical and life sciences collection [electronic resource] : online seminars by leading world experts [2006 - ]
187. BioOne [electronic resource]. [2001 - ]
188. Bio-protocol [2011 - ]
189. BIOSIS citation index [electronic resource]. [2009 - ]
190. Bird species of special concern
191. The birds of North America online [electronic resource]. [2004 - ]
192. bizjournals [electronic resource]. [2009 - ]
193. Black abolitionist papers [electronic resource]. [2004 - 2004]
194. Black drama, second edition [electronic resource]. [2008 - ]
195. Black short fiction and folklore [electronic resource]. [2001 - ]
196. Black studies on disc [electronic resource]. [1990 - 2004]
197. Black thought and culture [electronic resource] [2003 - ]
198. Blackwell reference online [electronic resource]. [2006 - ]
199. Book citation index. Science (BKCI-S) [electronic resource]. [2011 - ]
200. Book citation index. Social sciences & humanities (BKCI-SSH) [electronic resource]. [2011 - ]
201. Book history online [electronic resource] : international bibliography of the history of the printed book and libraries [2001 - ]
202. Book review digest [1906 - ]
Green Library : InfoCenter (non-circulating) : Z1035 .A1 B58 V.109 2012/2013
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : Z1035 .A1 B58 V.108 2011/2012
203. Book review digest plus [electronic resource]. [2002 - ]
204. Book review index [1965 - ]
Green Library : InfoCenter (non-circulating) : Z1035 .A1 B6 2013
Green Library : Stacks : Z1035 .A1 B6 2013
205. Books and journals
206. Books I & I [electronic resource] [2009 - ]
Books I & I
207. Books in print [electronic resource]. [1998 - ]
208. The Boston globe [1960 - ]
Green Library : InfoCenter: newspapers (non-circulating) : NEWSPAPER
209. Bridge design aids [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
210. Brill reference
211. Brill's new Jacoby [electronic resource] [2007 - ]
212. Brill's new Pauly [electronic resource]. [2005 - ]
213. Britannica online [electronic resource]. [1994 - ]
214. British cartoon prints [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
215. British education index [electronic resource]. [1958 - ]
216. The British Geological Survey lexicon of named rock units [electronic resource] [1997 - ]
217. British history online [electronic resource]. [2003 - ]
218. British Library integrated catalog [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
219. British Literary Manuscripts Online [2009 - ]
220. British national bibliography [electronic resource]. [2008 - ]
221. British periodicals [electronic resource]. [2006 - ]
222. British Printed Images to 1700 [2006]
223. Brockelmann online [electronic resource]. [2008 - ]
224. The Brontës and Elizabeth Gaskell [electronic resource]. [1996 - ]
225. BuildingGreen.com [electronic resource]. [2001 - ]
226. Bulletin of the International Seismological Centre = Bulletin du Centre séismologique international [1964 - 2009]
Earth Sciences Library (Branner) : Media : 551.206 .I57 V.46:NO.5-8 2009:MAY-AUG
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : 551.206 .I57 V.46:NO.5-8 2009:MAY-AUG
227. BUND [electronic resource] : British universities newsreel database [2000 - ]
228. Bungei kurabu. Meiji hen. Sōmokuji, shippitsusha sakuin [electronic resource]. [2014]
文芸俱楽部. 明治篇. 総目次・執筆者索引 [electronic resource].
229. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
230. Business law today [electronic resource] : the magazine of the ABA Section of Business Law. [1982 - ]
231. Business monitor international [electronic resource]. [2004 - ]
232. Business source complete [electronic resource]. [2005 - ]
233. C19, the nineteenth century index [electronic resource]. [2005 - ]
234. CAA.reviews [electronic resource]. [1998 - ]
235. CAB Abstracts [electronic resource].
236. CAB eBooks [electronic resource]. [2008 - ]
237. Cablegate's cables [2010 - ]
238. Cairn.info [electronic resource]. [2005 - ]
239. Cairn.info
240. California climate data archive [electronic resource] [2004 - ]
241. California code of regulations [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
242. California criminal law procedure and practice [electronic resource] [1986 - ]
Law Library (Crown) : Online resource : (no call number)
243. California Department of Education Curriculum & Instruction [electronic resource]. [2007 - ]
244. California digital library [electronic resource] : CDL [2000]
245. California digital newspaper collection [electronic resource].
246. California Energy Commission publication database
247. California Ephemera Project
248. California Geological Survey publications database [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
249. California law [electronic resource]. [2000]
250. California NGOs
251. California school directory [electronic resource].
252. California State Government [electronic resource] : ca.gov web archive [2007 - ]
253. California Voter Foundation [electronic resource] : [website]. [2000 - ]
254. Cambridge books online [electronic resource]. [2010 - ]
255. Cambridge histories online [electronic resource]. [2008 - ]
256. Cambridge structural database system [electronic resource] : CSDS
Chemistry & ChemEng Library (Swain) : Permanent reserve : QD921 .C36 2014
257. CAMEO chemicals [electronic resource] : an online database of hazardous materials [2007 - ]
258. Campaign finance disclosure portal
259. Campaign finance reports and data [1990 - ]
260. Canada Supreme Court reports [electronic resource] = Recueil des arrêts de la Cour Suprême du Canada [1970 - ]
261. Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety. Web information service [electronic resource]. [1999 - ]
262. Canadian poetry [electronic resource]. [2002 - ]
263. Caribbean literature [electronic resource]. [2007]
264. Carl Nielsen works catalogue (CNW) [2014]
265. Carl-Maria-von-Weber-Gesamtausgabe : (WeGA) [2005 - ]
266. Catalog of U.S. government publications [electronic resource]. [1994 - ]
267. Catalysts & catalysed reactions [2002 - ]
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : QD501 .C37 F 2009
268. The Catholic periodical and literature index [1968 - 2009]
Green Library : InfoCenter (non-circulating) : Z7837 .C35 V.20 1979/1980
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : Z7837 .C35 V.44 2009
269. Catholic periodical and literature index [electronic resource]. [2004 - ]
270. CB Insights [electronic resource]. [2011 - ]
271. The Cecil papers [electronic resource].
272. Celt [electronic resource] : corpus of electronic texts : the online resource for Irish history, literature, and politics
273. Central and Eastern European Online Library [electronic resource].
274. Central banking : trusted intelligence on central banks policy, regulation, markets & institutions
275. Century journals project [electronic resource] [2005 - ]
276. A century of lawmaking for a new nation [electronic resource] : U.S. Congressional documents and debates, 1774-1875 [1998 - ]
277. CFEO [electronic resource] : Chopin's first editions online [2005 - ]
278. CHANT (CHinese ANcient Texts) [electronic resource] = Han da wen ku. [1998 - ]
CHANT (CHinese ANcient Texts) [electronic resource] = 漢達文庫.
279. ChemACX.com [electronic resource] : chemical searching and buying [1998 - ]
280. ChemExper. [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
281. Chemgold III.
282. Chemical engineering faculty directory [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
283. Chemical hazards in industry [electronic resource]. [1984 - ]
284. ChemIDplus [electronic resource]. [1999 - ]
285. ChemINDEX [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
286. Chemisches Zentralblatt : (CZB) [1907 - 1969]
287. CHEMnetBASE [electronic resource] : chemical databases online [1999 - ]
288. The chemspider journal of chemistry
289. The Chicago defender [microform]. [1905 - 1966]
Green Library : Media & Microtext Center (Lower level) : MFILM N.S. 10887
290. Chicago manual of style [electronic resource] [2001 - ]
291. Chicago tribune [1847 - ]
Green Library : InfoCenter: newspapers (non-circulating) : NEWSPAPER
292. Chicana art [electronic resource] [2000]
293. Chicano database [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
Green Library : InfoCenter (non-circulating) : E184 .M5 C43
Green Library : InfoCenter: CD-ROMS (non-circulating) : (no call number)
294. Child labour statistics [electronic resource].
295. Child welfare outcomes report data : custom report builder
296. Children's literature comprehensive database [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
297. China academic journals [electronic resource]. [2001 - ]
298. China core newspapers full-text database [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
299. China data online [electronic resource]. [2002 - ]
300. China [electronic resource] : trade, politics & culture, 1793-1980 : sources from the School of Oriental and African Studies and the British Library, London [2007]
301. China geo-explorer II. [2010 - ]
302. China proceedings of conference full-text database [electronic resource]. [2004 - ]
303. China statistical yearbooks database [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
304. China yearbooks full-text database [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
305. Chinamaxx digital libraries [electronic resource]
306. Chininjin yŏksa munhwa sirijŭ [electronic resource] [2004 - ]
307. ChoiceReviews.online [electronic resource]. [1988 - ]
308. Chopin early editions [electronic resource]. [2003 - ]
309. Chosŏn ilbo akʻaibŭ [electronic resource] chongi sinmun (PDF) sŏbisŭ. [2003 - ]
조선일보아카이브 [electronic resource] : 종이신문 (PDF) 서비스.
310. The Christian science monitor (1908-1999) [electronic resource]. [1908 - ]
311. Christopher Marlowe, major works [electronic resource]. [1995 - ]
312. The chronicle of philanthropy [electronic resource].
313. Chronicling America [electronic resource] : historic American newspapers [2006 - ]
314. Chŭngbo Yŏnhaengnok ch'onggan : Tong Asea sahoe ŭi sot'ong kwa kyoryu ŭi chihye = Enlarged Yeonhaengrok collections: the wisdom of communication and exchanges in East Asia society = 燕行錄叢刊增補版. [2013]
증보 연행록 총간 : 東 亞細亞 社會 의 疏通 과 交流 의 智彗 = Enlarged Yeonhaengrok collections: the wisdom of communication and exchanges in East Asia society = 燕行錄叢刊增補版.
East Asia Library : Korean Collection : (no call number)
East Asia Library : Media : DS708 .C55 2013 DISC 1-12
315. Ciao : Columbia International Affairs Online [electronic resource]. [1997 - ]
316. CINAHL [electronic resource]. [1982 - ]
317. CINDAS [electronic resource]. [2007 - ]
318. Citation information by NII [electronic resource] : CiNii [2005 - ]
319. CiteSeerX [electronic resource] : scientific literature digital library and search engine [1997 - ]
320. Citizen submissions on enforcement matters [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
321. The Civil War [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
322. CJKV-English dictionary [electronic resource] [1990 - ]
323. The clarinet quintet : a reference tool for string quartet with clarinet [2014 - ]
324. ClasePeriodica [electronic resource]. [2003 - ]
325. Classical music library [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
326. Classical scores library [electronic resource]. [2007 - ]
327. Classification Web [electronic resource] [2002 - ]
328. Classified Index, the Electronic Network
329. Clemency statistics [electronic resource].
330. The clergy of the Church of England database, 1540-1835 [electronic resource]. [2005 - ]
331. Climate change and environmental policy [electronic resource]. [2008 - ]
332. Clotel [electronic resource] [2006]
333. CNKI Gong ju shu guan [2007 - ]
CNKI 工具书馆
334. Coastal Zone Information Center collection [1951 - 1999]
335. The Cochrane library [electronic resource]. [1996 - ]
336. Code of Federal regulations [1949 - ]
Green Library : Reference (non-circulating) : WDRNACL4686
Green Library : Social Sciences Resource Center (non-circulating) : KF70 .A3
337. Codices electronici Sangallenses [electronic resource] : CESG [2005 - ]
338. CogNet library [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
339. CollegeSource online [electronic resource] [1999 - ]
340. Colloques, congrès et conférences, Renaissance européenne [electronic resource]. [2006 - ]
341. Colonial film [electronic resource] : moving images of the British empire
342. Colonial state papers [electronic resource]. [2007 - ]
343. The Columbia gazetteer of the world [electronic resource] [2001 - ]
344. The Columbia Granger's world of poetry [electronic resource]. [1992]
345. ComAbstracts [electronic resource].
346. Combined chemical dictionary [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
347. Combined membership list [electronic resource].
348. Communication & mass media complete [electronic resource]. [2004 - ]
349. Communication studies [electronic resource] : a SAGE full-text collection [2000 - ]
350. Compact memory [electronic resource] : Internetarchiv jüdischer Periodika [2000 - ]
351. Comparative tables on social protection [2004 - ]
352. Comprehensive organic functional group transformations II [2005]
Chemistry & ChemEng Library (Swain) : Reference (non-circulating) : QD262 .C534 2005 V.1
Chemistry & ChemEng Library (Swain) : Stacks : (no call number)
353. Computer science bibliography [electronic resource] [2000 - ]
354. Computing reviews [1960 - ]
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : 016.51078 .C739 V.50 2009
355. Concert programmes [electronic resource] [2007 - ]
356. Conditions & politics in occupied Western Europe, 1940-1945 [electronic resource] [2000 - ]
357. The Conference Board [electronic resource]. [2006 - ]
358. Conference papers index [electronic resource].
359. Conference proceedings citation index [electronic resource] : science [1990 - ]
360. Conference proceedings citation index [electronic resource] : social science & humanities [1990 - ]
361. Confidential print. Africa, 1834-1966 [electronic resource]. [2012 - ]
362. Confidential print. Middle East. [electronic resource].
363. Confined animal and manure nutrient data system [electronic resource]. [ - 2009]
364. Congressional publications [electronic resource].
365. Congressional record : proceedings and debates of the ... Congress [1873 - ]
Green Library : California State Documents : X 1.1:80/2-94/PT.7
Green Library : US Federal Documents : X 1.1:111/2-156/6
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : X 1.1:105/1-143/PT.19/INDEX L-Z
366. Congressional Research Service (CRS) reports [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
367. Congressional Research Service reports [electronic resource] [1990 - ]
368. Congreve database [electronic resource]. [1995]
369. Connected histories [2011 - ]
370. Conservation and art material encyclopedia online [electronic resource] : CAMEO [2000 - ]
371. Conservation directory [electronic resource].
372. Contemporary women's issues [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
373. Contemporary world music [electronic resource]. [2007 - ]
374. The Continental rationalists [electronic resource]. [1992]
375. COPAC [electronic resource] [1990 - ]
376. Corporate business taxation monthly [electronic resource]. [1999 - ]
Law Library (Crown) : Online resource : (no call number)
377. Le corpus des oeuvres de philosophie en langue française [electronic resource]. [1998 - 1998]
378. Corpus medicorum Graecorum [electronic resource]. [1908 - ]
379. Corpus medicorum Graecorum. Supplementum Orientale [1963 - ]
Green Library : Stacks : (no call number)
380. Corpus medicorum latinorum [1915 - 1928]
SAL1&2 (on-campus shelving) : See related record(s) to request item : 610.1 .C822
SAL1&2 (on-campus shelving) : Stacks : (no call number)
381. Corpus Montaigne [2012]
382. Corpus Thomisticum [electronic resource] [2000 - ]
383. Country information [electronic resource] : IMF reports and publications arranged by country [1990 - ]
384. CountryWatch [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
385. County-level population data for Alaska [electronic resource]. [ - 2012]
386. CPONDER [electronic resource] : CDC's PRAMS on-line data for epidemiologic research [2000 - ]
387. CQ almanac [electronic resource] [1945 - ]
388. CQ Congress collection [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
389. CQ electronic library [electronic resource].
390. CQ MoneyLine [electronic resource]. [2007 - ]
391. CQ Supreme Court collection [electronic resource]. [2002 - ]
392. CQ voting and elections collection [electronic resource] : expert analysis, demographics, and data [2003 - ]
393. CQ.com [electronic resource].
394. CRC handbook of chemistry and physics [1978 - ]
Green Library : InfoCenter: Ready Reference (non-circulating) : QD65 .H3 95TH 2014/2015
Biology Library (Falconer) : Reference (non-circulating) : QD65 .H3 95TH ED. 2014/2015
Chemistry & ChemEng Library (Swain) : Reference (non-circulating) : QD65 .H3 94TH 2013/2014
Engineering Library (Terman) : Stacks : QD65 .H3 89TH 2008-2009
Engineering Library (Terman) : Stacks, non-circulating item : QD65 .H3 90TH 2009-2010
Marine Biology Library (Miller) : Reference (non-circulating) : QD65 .H3 93RD 2012/2013
Marine Biology Library (Miller) : Stacks : QD65 .H3 91ST 2010/2011
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : QD65 .H3 60TH 1979/1980
395. CRCnetBASE [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
396. CRISP [electronic resource] : Computer Retrieval of Information on Scientific Projects [1998 - ]
397. CRISP thesaurus [electronic resource]. [2000 - 2006]
398. Cross-national time-series data archive [1997 - ]
399. Crude oil assay database [electronic resource] [2012 - ]
400. Cryptome [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
Green Library : Media & Microtext Center (Lower level) : ZMS 2019 1996/2012:DISC 4
401. Current chemical reactions (CCR-Expanded) [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
402. Current contents connect [2002 - ]
403. Current geographical publications [1938 - 2003]
Green Library : Social Sciences Resource Center (non-circulating) : Z6009 .A47 V.66 2003
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : Z6009 .A47 V.60 1997
404. Current index to statistics [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
405. Current projects from all Research Centers [2006 - ]
406. Current protocols [electronic resource].
407. Current protocols essential laboratory techniques [electronic resource]. [2008 - ]
408. Bukkyō Dendō Kyōkai (BDK) digital texts [2000 - ]
409. Dacheng lao jiu kan quan wen shu ju ku [electronic resource]. [2010 - ]
大成老旧刊全文数据库 [electronic resource].
410. Daily mail historical archive 1896-2004 [1896 - ]
411. Dance in video. Volume I. [2008 - 2014]
412. Dance in video. Volume II. [2014]
413. DART-Europe E-theses portal [electronic resource]. [1999 - ]
414. Data citation index [2012 - ]
415. Data extraction web interface [electronic resource] : DEWI [2000 - ]
416. Data finder
417. Database of African theses and dissertations [electronic resource] : DATAD [2003 - ]
418. Database of conditions of work and employment laws [electronic resource].
419. Database of Jane Austen novels and letters [electronic resource]. [1996]
420. Database of latin dictionaries [electronic resource]. [2005 - ]
421. The database of recorded American music [electronic resource]. [2001 - ]
422. Database of the Constitutions of Sub-Saharan Africa : (DCSSA)
423. data.gouv.fr [electronic resource] : plateforme française d'ouverture des données publiques (open data) [2011 - ]
424. Data.gov [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
425. Data-Planet statistical datasets
426. IZI-Datenbank.de : internationale Literatur, Studien und Forschung zum Kinderfernsehen, Jugendfernsehen und Bildungsfernsehen = IZI-database.org : literature, references, research information on children's, youth and educational television
427. Dave Leip's atlas of the U.S. presidential elections [electronic resource]. [1999 - ]
428. DBpia [electronic resource]. [1994 - ]
429. The Leon Levy Dead Sea scrolls digital library [electronic resource]. [2012 - ]
430. The Dean Peter Krogh foreign affairs digital archives [2009]
431. Declassified documents reference system [electronic resource] : DDRS [1998 - ]
432. Defining gender, 1450-1910 [electronic resource] : five centuries of advice literature online [2003]
433. Derwent innovations index [electronic resource]. [1999]
434. Design and applied arts index [electronic resource] : DAAI [1973 - ]
435. Deutsche Literatur des 18. Jahrhunderts online [electronic resource] : Erstausgaben und Werkausgaben von der Frühaufklärung bis zur Spätaufklärung [2007]
436. Deutsche Nationalbibliografie [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
437. Development experience clearinghouse [electronic resource]
438. Dictionary of Canadian biography [1966 - ]
Green Library : InfoCenter (non-circulating) : F1005 .D49 SUPPL
439. Dictionary of carbohydrates [electronic resource] [2008 - ]
440. The dictionary of commonly cited compounds [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
441. Dictionary of drugs [1990]
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : RS51 .D479 1990 V.1
442. Dictionary of food compounds [electronic resource] : additives, flavors, and ingredients [2004]
443. Dictionary of literary biography [electronic resource].
444. Dictionary of marine natural products [electronic resource] [2008]
445. Dictionary of Old English [electronic resource] [2007 - ]
446. Dictionary of old English web corpus [electronic resource] [1998]
447. The dictionary of substances and their effects [1999]
Chemistry & ChemEng Library (Swain) : Reference (non-circulating) : (no call number)
Chemistry & ChemEng Library (Swain) : Safety Collection (non-circulating) : RA1193 .D53 1999 V.1
448. Dictionnaires des 16e et 17e siècles [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
449. Dietary supplements labels database [electronic resource] : brands, ingredients, and references [2000 - ]
450. Digital atlas of Roman and Medieval civilizations [electronic resource] [2007]
451. The digital culture art course [electronic resource] = Tijit'ŏl munhwa yesul kwangjwa [2000 - ]
The digital culture art course [electronic resource] = 디지털 문화 예술 강좌.
452. Digital cumulative index [electronic resource] [1999]
453. Digital dictionary of Buddhism [electronic resource] [2001 - ]
454. Digital image archive of Medieval music [electronic resource]. [2003 - ]
455. Digital Innovation South Africa [electronic resource] : DISA
456. Digital library of classic Protestant texts [electronic resource]. [2001 - ]
457. Digital national security archive [electronic resource].
458. Digital Sanborn maps, 1867-1970. California [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
459. Digitaler Notenschrank [electronic resource] [2000 - ]
460. Digitalia [electronic resource]. [2008 - ]
461. Digitized Hebrew Manuscripts Catalogue
462. DigiZeitschriften [electronic resource] : das deutsche digitale Zeitschriftenarchiv [2000 - ]
463. Direction of trade statistics [electronic resource] : database [1990 - ]
Green Library : Social Science Data and Software: Velma Denning Room (non-circulating) : HG61 .I57 SEP 2014
464. Directory of crime victim services, an OVC online resource [2003 - ]
465. Directory of open access journals [electronic resource] : DOAJ [2003 - ]
466. Directory of organizations [electronic resource]. [1998 - ]
467. The directory of poetry publishers [electronic resource]. [2011 - ]
468. Directory of published proceedings [electronic resource]. [2005 - ]
469. Directory of rural farmer, rancher, and fishery cooperatives [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
470. The directory of small press/magazine editors & publishers [electronic resource]. [2011 - ]
471. Directory of special libraries and information centers [1963 - ]
Green Library : InfoCenter: Ready Reference (non-circulating) : Z731 .D5 ED.42:V.1:PT.6 2014
Marine Biology Library (Miller) : Reference (non-circulating) : Z731 .D5 V.3 1992
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : Z731 .D5 ED.41:V.1:PT.6 2013
472. The discography : legal encyclopedia of popular music [2010 - ]
473. DiscoveryGate [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
474. Dissertations & theses, A&I [electronic resource]. [1861 - ]
475. Dissertation reviews [electronic resource]. [2010 - ]
Green Library : Online resource : (no call number)
476. Dissertations & theses @ Stanford University [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
477. The Documentary history of the ratification of the Constitution [1976 - ]
Green Library : Stacks : KF4502 .D63 V.1
478. Docuseek2. [2013 - ]
479. DOE green energy [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
480. DOE information bridge [electronic resource]. [1998 - ]
481. DOE R & D accomplishments [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
482. The Dolley Madison digital edition [electronic resource] : letters 1788-June 1836 [2004 - ]
483. Dolmetsch online. Music dictionary [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
484. Donald's encyclopedia of popular music [electronic resource]. [2001 - ]
485. Drevnerusskie berestanye gramoty [electronic resource]. [2004 - ]
Древнерусские берестаные грамоты [electronic resource].
486. Drugs [electronic resource] : synonyms and properties [2004]
487. DTIC online [electronic resource] : information for the defense community [2005 - ]
488. DTSC publications and forms [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
489. DUCKDATA [electronic resource] : a bibliographic data base of North American waterfowl (Anatidae) and their wetland habitats [1997 - ]
490. Duden [electronic resource]. [2006 - ]
491. Duxiu [electronic resource] = duxiu.com [2005 - ]
读秀 [electronic resource] = duxiu.com.
492. Evans early American imprint collection text creation partnership [electronic resource] : Evans TCP [2000 - 1999]
493. Early American imprints. Series I, Evans (1639-1800) [electronic resource]. [2002 - ]
494. Early American imprints. Series I, Supplement from the Library Company of Philadelphia, 1670-1800 [electronic resource]. [2010 - ]
495. Early American imprints. Series II, Supplement from the Library Company of Philadelphia, 1801-1819 [electronic resource]. [2010 - ]
496. Early American imprints. Series II, Shaw-Shoemaker (1801-1819) [electronic resource]. [2004 - ]
497. Early encounters in North America [electronic resource] : peoples, cultures, and the environment [2001 - ]
498. Early English books online [electronic resource]. [1999 - ]
499. Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership [electronic resource]. [1998 - ]
500. Early English newspapers [microform]. [1978 - ]
Green Library : Media & Microtext Center (Lower level) : MFILM N.S. 2179
501. Early English prose fiction [electronic resource]. [1997]
Green Library : HAS-DIGIT (Lane Room) (non-circulating) : PR1293 .E27 1997
502. Early European books [electronic resource] : printed sources to 1700 [2009 - ]
503. The early republic [electronic resource] : critical editions on the founding of the United States [2009 - ]
504. Earmarks [electronic resource] [2007 - ]
505. EarthExplorer [electronic resource].
506. Earthquake engineering abstracts [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
507. Earthquake search [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
508. East View LandScan global 2011 [2012]
509. East View LandScan global 2012 [2013]
510. EastView universal databases [electronic resource]. [2002 - ]
511. Easy access to FBI arrest statistics [2005 - ]
512. Easy access to juvenile court statistics [2005 - ]
513. Easy access to juvenile populations [2005 - ]
514. Easy access to NIBRS : victims of domestic violence [2007 - ]
515. Easy access to State and county juvenile court case counts [2005 - ]
516. Easy access to the census of juveniles in residential placement [2005 - ]
517. Easy access to the FBI's supplementary homicide reports [2005 - ]
518. Ebrary [electronic resource]. [1999 - ]
519. EBSCOhost [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
520. ECOLEX [electronic resource] : the gateway to environmental law. [1997 - ]
521. Ecology abstracts [1980 - ]
Biology Library (Falconer) : Serials : Shelved by title V.8:NO.1-3 1982
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : QH540 .A66 V.15:NO.10-12 1989
522. EconLit [electronic resource]. [1969 - ]
Green Library : InfoCenter (non-circulating) : HB1 .E23 1969-1975
523. EconLit with full text [electronic resource]. [2007 - ]
524. Economic data [electronic resource] : FRED [2003 - ]
525. Economic papers [electronic resource]. [1981 - ]
526. The Economist [1843 - ]
Green Library : InfoCenter: display : (no call number)
Green Library : SSRC: Current Awareness (non-circulating) : (no call number)
SAL1&2 (on-campus shelving) : Temporary shelving : HG11 .E28 1995 JAN.-MAR
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : HG11 .E28 V.409 2013:NOV./2014:JAN.3
527. The economy and war in the Third Reich, 1933-1944 [electronic resource]. [1933 - 1944]
528. ECOTOX database [electronic resource] [1999 - ]
529. The Edinburgh gazette [electronic resource]. [1699 - ]
530. EdITLib [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
531. Education full text [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
532. Education index retro [electronic resource]. [1999 - ]
533. Education week American education news site of record [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
534. Educational technology abstracts [1985 - ]
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : LB1028.3 .E37 V.27 2011
535. e-EROS [electronic resource] : Encyclopedia of reagents for organic synthesis [2001 - ]
536. Efunda [electronic resource] : engineering fundamentals [2000 - ]
537. eHRAF archaeology [electronic resource]. [1998 - ]
538. eHRAF world cultures [electronic resource]. [2008 - ]
539. Eighteenth century collections online [electronic resource]. [2003 - 2010]
540. Eighteenth Century fiction [electronic resource] [1996 - ]
541. Eighteenth century journals [electronic resource] : a portal to newspapers and periodicals, c1685-1815 [2007]
542. EIS. Digests of environmental impact statements [1979 - ]
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : TD194.5 .E2 V.13:NO.1-6 1989
543. EIU country data [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
544. EJView
545. E-korean studies [electronic resource] = Hanʼgukhak teitʻŏ peisŭ. [2008 - ]
E-korean studies [electronic resource] = 한국학 데이터 베이스.
546. Electronic code of federal regulations [electronic resource] : e-CFR.
547. Electronic Enlightenment [electronic resource] [2008 - ]
548. Electronic Monumenta Germaniae Historica [electronic resource] [1996 - ]
Green Library : HAS-DIGIT (Lane Room) (non-circulating) : (no call number)
Green Library : Media & Microtext Center (Lower level) : DD3 .M8 E44 RELEASE 5
549. Electronic preventive services selector [electronic resource] : ePSS for PDA. [2006 - ]
550. Electronic sources of information [electronic resource] : a bibliography [1990 - ]
551. Ėlektronnai͡a biblioteka--dissertat͡sii [electronic resource] = Digital library-- dissertations [2003 - ]
552. Elektronny kataloh "Dzi͡arzhaŭnai͡a biblii͡ahrafii͡a Belarusi" [electronic resource]
Електронны каталог "Дзярзгаўная бібліяграфія Беларусі"
553. EL@ND [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
554. eMarketer [electronic resource]. [1996 - ]
555. EM-DAT [electronic resource] [1988 - ]
556. Emily Dickinson's correspondences [electronic resource] : a born-digital textual inquiry [2008 - ]
557. Employment information in the mathematical sciences [electronic resource] [1990 - ]
558. Encyclopaedia metallum [electronic resource] : the metal archives [2002 - ]
559. The encyclopaedia of Islam [electronic resource]. [2002 - ]
560. Encyclopedia of American studies [electronic resource] : EAS. [2005 - ]
561. Encyclopedia of analytical chemistry [electronic resource] [2000 - ]
562. Encyclopedia of astronomy and astrophysics [2001]
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : QB14 .E534 2001 V.1
563. The encyclopedia of earth [electronic resource].
564. Encyclopedia of governmental advisory organizations [1973 - ]
Green Library : InfoCenter (non-circulating) : JK468 .C7 E5 ED.29 V.3 2014
Green Library : Stacks : JK468 .C7 E5 V.11 1997
565. Encyclopedia of hydrological sciences [electronic resource]. [2005 - ]
566. Encyclopedia of industrial biotechnology [electronic resource] : bioprocess, bioseparation, and cell technology [2009 - ]
567. Encyclopedia of Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry [2011 - ]
568. The encyclopedia of Judaism [2000 - 2004]
Green Library : HASRC (Lane Room) (non-circulating) : BM50 .E53 2000 SUPPL.1
Green Library : Stacks : (no call number)
569. Encyclopedia of polymer science and technology [electronic resource]. [2002 - ]
570. Encyclopedia of statistical sciences [electronic resource]. [2005]
571. Encyclopedia of women & Islamic cultures [2003 - ]
Green Library : InfoCenter (non-circulating) : HQ1170 .E53 2003 V.1
Green Library : Stacks : (no call number)
572. Energy citations database [electronic resource] : 1948-present [2001 - ]
573. Energy Commission publications [electronic resource]
574. Energy resources engineering (and petroleum engineering) Stanford University graduate research reports [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
575. Engineering index [1906 - ]
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : Z5851 .E62 V.95:PT.10 1996
576. Engineering village [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
577. English drama [electronic resource]. [1996 - ]
578. English literary periodicals [electronic resource] [1995 - ]
579. English poetry [electronic resource]. [1990 - 1996]
580. English poetry [electronic resource] : the English poetry full- text database [2001]
Green Library : Media & Microtext Center (Lower level) : PR1174 .E65 2001
581. English prose drama [electronic resource] : the full-text database [1997]
582. English short title catalogue [electronic resource] : ESTC [1992 - ]
583. Enigma.io. [2012 - ]
584. Entrez [electronic resource] : the life sciences search engine [1996 - ]
585. Entrez [electronic resource] : the life sciences search engine [1996 - ]
586. Environment & Energy Publishing [electronic resource] [2000 - ]
587. Environment index [electronic resource]. [2003 - ]
588. Environmental Conservation Online System [electronic resource].
589. Environmental data explorer [electronic resource]. [2002 - ]
590. Environmental engineering abstracts [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
591. Environmental fate data base [electronic resource].
592. The Environmental history bibliography [electronic resource]. [1997 - ]
593. Environmental sciences & pollution management [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
594. Envirostor [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
595. EOLSS [electronic resource]. [2004 - ]
596. EPA employee directory [electronic resource].
597. ERIC [electronic resource] : the educational resources information center [1990 - ]
598. Espacenet [2000 - ]
599. ESRI business analyst online [electronic resource].
600. Essay and general literature index [1933 - 2011]
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : AI3 .E752 V.15 2005-2009
601. Essay and general literature index (H.W. Wilson) [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
602. Essay and general literature retrospective (H.W. Wilson) [electronic resource]. [1900 - 1984]
603. ETDEWEB [electronic resource] : energy information sources [1999 - ]
604. Ethnic American newspapers from the Balch collection, 1799-1971 [electronic resource] : selected from America's historical newspapers [2000 - ]
605. Ethnic newsWatch [electronic resource]. [1998]
606. Ethnographic video online [electronic resource]. [2010 - ]
607. Ethnomusicology musical instrument collection [electronic resource] [2003 - ]
608. EU whoiswho [electronic resource] : the official directory of the European Union [1995 - ]
609. Eurasienbibliographie des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts [electronic resource]. [1998 - ]
610. EUREKA!. [2010 - ]
611. EUR-Lex [electronic resource]. [1998 - ]
612. Europa [electronic resource] : gateway to the European Union [1995 - ]
613. Europa sacra-- online [electronic resource]. [2004 - ]
614. The Europa world year book [1989 - ]
Green Library : InfoCenter: Ready Reference (non-circulating) : JN106 .E85 ED.50 V.2 2009
Green Library : Social Sciences Resource Center (non-circulating) : JN106 .E85 ED.44 V.2 2003
Green Library : Stacks : JN106 .E85 ED.46 V.2 2005
615. European bibliography of Slavic and East European studies (EBSEES) [electronic resource] = Bibliographie européenne des travaux sur l'ex-URSS et l'Europe de l'est = Europäische Bibliographie zur Osteuropaforschung [2000 - ]
616. The European Library [electronic resource]. [2005 - ]
617. European Organ Index : EOI. [2011 - ]
618. European views of the Americas, 1493-1750 [electronic resource]. [2010 - ]
619. Eurostat electronic library [electronic resource]. [2001 - 2005]
Green Library : Social Science Data and Software: Velma Denning Room (non-circulating) : HA1107 .A15 2003 ARCHIVE V. 1/2
Hoover Library : Stacks : HA1107 .A15 CDROM 2001 NO.4
620. Everyday life & women in America [electronic resource] : c.1820-1900 [2006 - ]
621. EVIA digital archive [electronic resource] : ethnographic video for instruction & analysis [2001]
622. Evidence based medicine reviews [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
623. Export administration regulations database [electronic resource].
624. Fa lü fa gui [electronic resource]. [2005 - ]
法律法規 [electronic resource].
625. The Faber poetry library [electronic resource]. [1999]
Green Library : Media & Microtext Center (Lower level) : PR1225 .F33 1999
626. Factiva [electronic resource]. [2001 - ]
627. Facts on File world news digest [electronic resource] : U.S. and world news : 1940-present [1940 - ]
628. FactSet
629. Faculty of 1000 [electronic resource] : F1000 [2009 - ]
630. Family studies database [electronic resource]. [1995 - ]
Green Library : InfoCenter: desk (non-circulating) : HQ1 .F367
Green Library : Reference Desk (non-circulating) : (no call number)
631. FAOSTAT statistical database [electronic resource] [1997 - 1997]
Green Library : Social Science Data and Software: Velma Denning Room (non-circulating) : HD9000.4 .F36
632. Faulkner database [electronic resource]. [1996 - ]
633. Faulkner's advisory for IT studies [electronic resource]. [2001 - ]
634. FBI records [electronic resource] : the vault [2010 - ]
635. FDsys [electronic resource] [2009 - ]
636. The Federal bulletin board [electronic resource]. [1994 - ]
637. Federal criminal case processing statistics
638. Federal justice statistics program resource guide [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
639. Federal Justice Statistics Resource Center [electronic resource] [1999 - ]
640. Federal register [1936 - ]
Green Library : US Federal Documents : AE 2.106:71/244-247
641. Federal research in progress [electronic resource].
642. Federal sector appellate decisions [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
643. Fedstats [electronic resource]. [1997 - ]
644. The Felix Posen Bibliographic Project on Antisemitism [electronic resource] [1999 - ]
645. FIAF international index to film periodicals plus [2006 - ]
646. Film & television literature index [electronic resource]. [2006 - ]
647. Film index international [electronic resource]. [2003 - ]
648. Film literature index [1973 - 2004]
Green Library : InfoCenter (non-circulating) : Z5784 .M9 F53 V.32 2004
649. Financial disclosure reports [2008 - ]
650. The Financial times historical archive, 1888-2007 [electronic resource]. [1888 - ]
651. The financial times [electronic resource]. [1888 - ]
652. FIRST [electronic resource]. [2004 - ]
653. The First World War. Propaganda and recruitment [electronic resource]. [2013]
654. Fixed assets accounts tables [electronic resource].
655. Follow the money [electronic resource] [1999 - ]
656. Food availability (per capita) data system [electronic resource]. [2001 - ]
657. Food environment atlas [electronic resource]. [2010 - ]
658. Forced migration online [electronic resource] : a world of information on human displacement : FMO. [2004 - ]
659. Foreign & international law resources database (FILRD) [electronic resource]. [2007 - ]
Law Library (Crown) : Online resource : INTERNET RESOURCE FOREIGN & INTL LAW
660. Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) daily reports [electronic resource] / Readex [1974 - 1996]
661. Foreign direct investment statistics [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
662. Foreign law guide [electronic resource] : current sources of codes and basic legislation in jurisdictions of the world [2000 - ]
Law Library (Crown) : Online resource : (no call number)
663. Foreign Office files for China [1919-1980] [electronic resource] : complete FO 371 and FCO 21 and additional files from The National Archives, Kew. [2009 - ]
664. Foreign Office Files for India, Pakistan and Afghanistan [electronic resource]. [2011 - ]
665. Foreign relations of the United States [1861 - ]
Green Library : Social Sciences Resource Center (non-circulating) : JX233 .A3 1977-80 V.21
Green Library : US Federal Documents : S 1.1:961-963/V.21
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : In process : S 1.1:977-980/V.21
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : S 1.1:977-980/V.13
666. Fossil energy R&D project data base [electronic resource]. [2001 - ]
667. The Foundation directory online [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
668. FRANCIS [electronic resource] : International, multilingual, multidisciplinary humanities and social sciences [1984 - ]
669. FRASER [electronic resource] : Federal Reserve archival system for economic research [2004 - ]
670. Freedom of Information (FOIA) [electronic resource]. [2007 - ]
671. French Revolution digital archive [2013 - ]
672. Frescobaldi thematic catalogue online [electronic resource] : (FTCO) [2010 - ]
673. Front for the mathematics arXiv [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
674. FTSS recherche [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
675. Fundamentalʹnai͡a ėlektronnai͡a biblioteka Russkai͡a literatura i folʹklor [electronic resource] : FEB. [2002 - ]
676. Gale directory library [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
677. Gale directory of databases [1993 - ]
678. Gale directory of publications and broadcast media [1990 - ]
Green Library : InfoCenter: Ready Reference (non-circulating) : Z6951 .A97 ED. 150 V. 5 2014
Green Library : Stacks : Z6951 .A97 ED. 149 V. 5 2013
679. Gale guide to Internet databases [electronic resource]. [1995 - ]
680. Gale newsvault [electronic resource]. [2010 - ]
681. Gale Virtual reference library [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
682. Gale's ready reference shelf [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
683. Gallica [electronic resource] : la bibliothèque numérique [1990 - ]
684. GALLOPP : Government and Legislative Libraries Online Publications Portal [2013 - ]
685. Gallup analytics
686. The Garland encyclopedia of world music [1998 - ]
Green Library : InfoCenter (non-circulating) : ML100 .G16 1998 V.1
Music Library : Recordings : MCD 4950 V.1
Music Library : Reference (non-circulating) : ML100 .G16 1998 V.1
687. GATT digital library [electronic resource] : 1947-1994 [2004 - ]
688. Genamics JournalSeek [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
689. Gender Jurisprudence and International Criminal Law Project [2011 - ]
Law Library (Crown) : Online resource : INTERNET RESOURCE GENDER JURIS INTL CR L
690. GenderWatch [electronic resource]. [1998 - ]
691. Geobase [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
692. The GeoDirectory [electronic resource] : people and places of the geosciences [2010 - ]
693. Geographic locator codes [electronic resource]. [2002 - ]
694. Geologic guidebooks of North America [electronic resource] [1996 - ]
695. GeoRef [electronic resource].
696. GeoRef-In-Process [electronic resource].
697. GeoRegister [electronic resource] [1999 - ]
698. GeoScienceWorld [electronic resource]. [2004 - ]
699. Geothermal technologies subject portal [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
700. The Gerritsen collection [electronic resource] : women's history online, 1543-1945 [2000 - ]
701. GIDEON [electronic resource]. [1994 - ]
702. Global change master directory [electronic resource] : GCMD [1990 - ]
703. Global development finance [1997 - 2009]
Green Library : Stacks : HJ8899 .W672 2009
704. Global development finance. External debt of developing countries [2010 - 2012]
Green Library : Stacks : HJ8899 .W672 2012
705. Global economic monitor [electronic resource] [2000 - ]
706. Global financial data [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
707. Global health [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
708. Global Health Observatory data repository [2013 - ]
709. Global Legal Information Network [electronic resource] : GLIN [1990 - ]
710. The global population dynamics database [electronic resource] [2000 - ]
711. Global Volcanism Program [electronic resource] : volcanoes of the world [2000 - ]
712. GlobalComms database [electronic resource]. [2008 - ]
713. GlobalData Power
714. Gluck-Gesamtausgabe. Werkverzeichnis [2000 - ]
715. Godefroy, dictionnaire de l'ancienne langue française [electronic resource] [2002]
716. Godey's lady's book (1830-1880) [electronic resource].
717. Goldstein on copyright [electronic resource]. [2005 - ]
Law Library (Crown) : Online resource : (no call number)
718. Google books [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
719. Google U.S. government search [electronic resource]. [1999 - ]
720. Gordon's print price annual [electronic resource]. [1978 - ]
721. Gov info, maps, data. International documents [electronic resource]. [2002 - ]
722. Government finance statistics [electronic resource] : database [2002 - ]
Green Library : Social Science Data and Software: Velma Denning Room (non-circulating) : HJ101 .G682 1972/1989 SUPPL
723. Government publications and maps. International governmental organizations [electronic resource] [1990 - ]
724. GovTrack.us [electronic resource]. [2004 - ]
725. Grand corpus des grammaires françaises, des remarques et des traités sur la langue (XIVe-XVIIe s.) [electronic resource] [2011]
726. Le Grand Ricci online [2013]
727. Le grand Robert de la langue française : dictionnaire alphabétique et analogique de la langue française [2001]
Green Library : InfoCenter (non-circulating) : PC2625 .R63 2001 V.1
728. The grand tour [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
729. Grants.gov [electronic resource]. [2002 - ]
730. Green sheet report [electronic resource] : a list of the most recent inspection scores [2000 - ]
731. GreenFILE [electronic resource]. [2008 - ]
732. GSA Global Supply [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
733. GTK FINGEO [electronic resource] : bibliography of Finnish geological literature, 1971- [1990 - ]
734. The guardian and The observer [electronic resource]. [1791 - 2003]
735. Guide to reference [electronic resource]. [2008 - ]
736. Handbook of biosensors and biochips [electronic resource] [2007 - ]
737. Handbook of Latin American studies [1935 - ]
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : Z1605 .H23 V.68 2013
738. Handbooks in economics [electronic resource]. [2005 - ]
739. Handling subpoenas (action guide) [electronic resource] [1987 - ]
Law Library (Crown) : Online resource : (no call number)
740. Hanʼguk yŏksa munhwa chosa charyo teit'ŏbeisŭ [electronic resource] = Korean history & culture research database [2003 - ]
한국역사문화조사자료데이터베이스 [electronic resource] = Korean history & culture research database
741. Hanʼgukhak chŏnja tosŏgwan [electronic resource] = Kdatabase [2002 - ]
한국학전자도서관 [electronic resource] = Kdatabase
742. HAPI, Hispanic American periodicals index [1974 - ]
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : AI17 .H5 2006
743. Harper's magazine [1850 - ]
Green Library : InfoCenter: display : (no call number)
SAL1&2 (on-campus shelving) : Stacks : 051 .H295 V.327 2013:JUL.-DEC
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : 051 .H295 V.311 2005:AUG.-DEC
Special Collections : Felton Collection (non-circulating) : AP2 .H3
Special Collections : Robinson Collection (non-circulating) : AP2 .H29
744. Harper's weekly [1857 - 1976]
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : 071 .H295 F V.62 1916:JAN.1-MAY.13
745. Hart diesel fuel news [electronic resource]. [1996 - ]
746. HATHITRUST Digital Library [2008 - ]
747. Hazardous substances data bank [electronic resource] : HSDB [1990 - ]
748. Haz-map [electronic resource] : occupational exposure to hazardous agents [2000 - ]
749. Health & Environmental Research Online (HERO) [electronic resource] [2009 - ]
750. Health & safety sciences abstracts [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
751. Health and psychosocial instruments [electronic resource].
752. Health hotlines [electronic resource] : toll-free numbers from the National Library of Medicine [2000 - ]
753. Healthy city [electronic resource]. [2003 - ]
754. Hebrew printing in India
755. HeinOnline [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
756. HEP - INSPIRE-HEP. [2012 - ]
757. HHS grants forecast [electronic resource].
758. HHS grants forecast. [Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)] [electronic resource].
759. Hispanic American newspapers, 1808-1980 [electronic resource] [2000 - ]
760. Historical abstracts with full text [electronic resource]. [2010 - ]
761. The historical index to the New York times, 1851-1922 [electronic resource] [1998 - ]
762. Historical Jewish press [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
763. Historical newspapers online [electronic resource]. [1999 - ]
764. Historical statistics of the United States : earliest times to the present [2006]
Green Library : InfoCenter: statistics shelves (non-circulating) : HA202 .H57 2006 V.1
Green Library : Stacks : HA202 .H57 2006 V.1
Education Library (Cubberley) : Reference (non-circulating) : HA202 .H57 2006 V.1
765. History of international law [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
Law Library (Crown) : On order : (no call number)
766. History of science, technology, and medicine [electronic resource]. [1995 - ]
767. HLAS online [electronic resource] : handbook of Latin American studies [1936 - ]
768. Home health care management & practice [electronic resource]. [1996 - ]
769. Homeland security digital library [electronic resource] [2005 - ]
770. House and Senate journals. Series I, 1789-1817 [electronic resource]. [2006 - ]
771. House of Commons parliamentary papers [electronic resource]. [2005 - ]
772. Household products database [electronic resource] : health & safety information on household products [2003 - ]
773. Hrčak : Portal znanstvenih časopisa Republike Hrvatske = Hrčak : portal of scientific journals of Croatia [2006 - ]
774. Hua yi Zhong wen dian zi shu [electronic resource]. [2008 - ]
華藝中文電子書 [electronic resource].
775. Human development report [1990 - ]
Green Library : InfoCenter: statistics shelves (non-circulating) : HD72 .H85 2013
Green Library : Social Sciences Resource Center (non-circulating) : HD72 .H85 2006
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : HD72 .H85 2011
776. Human resources abstracts [electronic resource] [2000 - ]
777. Human Rights Watch [electronic resource] [1990 ... ]
778. Humanities & social sciences index retrospective [electronic resource]. [2003 - ]
779. HuriSearch [electronic resource] : a HURIDOCS tool [2006 - ]
780. IAGA global paleomagnetic database [electronic resource] [1990 - ]
781. IBISWorld [electronic resource]. [1999 - ]
Business Library : Online resource : E-RESOURCE
782. IBISWorld [electronic resource] [1999 - ]
783. IBSS extra [electronic resource] : the international bibliography of the social sciences
784. ICOMOS open archive : EPrints on cultural heritage
785. IDC [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
786. IDEAS [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
787. IEEE expert now course catalog [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
788. IEEE Xplore [electronic resource]. [1998]
789. IET digital library [electronic resource] : IET books [2000 - ]
790. IGI Global: Database Search [2010 - ]
791. IHS Jane's defense & security intelligence & analysis [electronic resource]. [2010 - ]
792. IKER-Magyar nemzeti bibliográfia. Időszaki kiadványok repertóriuma [electronic resource].
793. I-lab. [2010]
794. The Illustrated London news [1842 - 2003]
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : 072 .I29 F V.281 1993
795. Images of the American Civil War [electronic resource] : photographs, posters, and ephemera [2008 - ]
796. Immigration: records of the INS, 1880-1930 [2013 - ]
797. IMODOCS [electronic resource] [2000 - ]
798. In motion [electronic resource] : the African-American migration experience [2005 - ]
799. In Mozart's words [2011 - ]
800. In the first person [electronic resource] : an index to letters, diaries, oral histories and personal narratives [2000 - ]
801. In their own words [electronic resource] : British novelists : interviews with remarkable writers [2000 - ]
802. InCites essential science indicators [electronic resource]. [2001]
803. Inclusionary housing database [electronic resource]. [2007 - ]
804. Indeḳs tsu der Yidisher peryodiḳ [electronic resource] = Index to Yiddish periodicals = Mafteaḥ ʻitonut Yidish
אינדקס צו דער יידישער פעריאדיק [electronic resource] = Index to Yiddish periodicals = מפתח עיתונות יידיש /
805. Index chemicus (IC) [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
806. Index Islamicus [electronic resource]. [2003 - ]
807. Index of Christian art database [electronic resource]. [1997 - ]
808. Index of IMO resolutions [1987 - ]
Green Library : Social Sciences Resource Center (non-circulating) : K4150 .A49 I53 F 2ND ED. 1959/1990
809. Index Religiosus : international bibliography of theology, church history and religious studies : IR. [2014 - ]
810. Index to current urban documents [electronic resource]. [1972 - ]
811. Index to foreign legal periodicals [electronic resource]. [1985 - ]
Law Library (Crown) : Online resource : (no call number)
812. Index to Jewish periodicals [1963 - ]
Green Library : InfoCenter (non-circulating) : Z6367 .I5 V.23-25 1985-1987
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : Z6367 .I5 V.51:PT.2 2013
813. Index to legal periodicals & books [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
814. Index to motion picture credits [electronic resource] [2005 - ]
815. Index to nineteenth century American art periodicals [1999]
Art & Architecture Library : Reference (non-circulating) : Z5937 .S36 1999 V.1
Art & Architecture Library : Stacks : (no call number)
816. Index to printed music, collections & series [electronic resource] [2004 - ]
817. Index to the Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) daily reports [electronic resource] [ - 1996]
818. Index to theses [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
819. Index translationum. Répertoire international des traductions. International bibliography of translations [1948 - 1989]
Green Library : HASRC (Lane Room) (non-circulating) : Z6514 .T7 I42 V.26-31
820. Indexes to communication serials [electronic resource].
821. Indiastat.com [electronic resource] : revealing India-- statistically [2000 - ]
822. Indo-European etymological dictionaries online [electronic resource] [2010 - ]
823. Industrial & applied microbiology abstracts (Microbiology A) [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
824. Informe! [electronic resource] : revistas en Español. [2001 - ]
825. Infotherm [electronic resource] : thermophysical properties database [2003 - ]
826. IngentaConnect [electronic resource]. [2004 - ]
827. INIS database [electronic resource]. [1997 - ]
828. Inorganic crystal structure database [electronic resource] : ICSD [1990 - ]
829. INSPEC [electronic resource].
830. Intergovernmental organization search engine [2012]
831. International bibliography of art [electronic resource]. [2008 - ]
832. International bibliography of theatre & dance with full text [electronic resource]. [2005 - ]
833. International chemical safety cards (ICSCs) [electronic resource] : An international programe on chemical safety project [1990 - ]
834. International compendium of health indicators [electronic resource]. [2005 - ]
835. International data base (IDB) [electronic resource] [1997 - ]
836. International debt statistics [2013 - ]
Green Library : Stacks : HJ8899 .W672 2014
837. International directory of medievalists [electronic resource]. [2004 - ]
838. International encyclopedia of the social & behavioral sciences [2001]
Green Library : Social Sciences Resource Center (non-circulating) : H41 .I58 2001 V.1
839. International financial statistics [electronic resource] [1993 - ]
840. International historical statistics [electronic resource]. [2010 - ]
841. International index to music periodicals [electronic resource]. [1996 - 2006]
Music Library : Recordings : MCDI 9
842. International labour migration statistics [electronic resource]. [1996 - ]
843. International medieval bibliography [electronic resource]. [1993 - ]
Green Library : InfoCenter: CD-ROMS (non-circulating) : (no call number)
844. International migration flows - to and from selected countries. The 2010 revision [2011 - ]
845. International Relations and Security Network (ISN) [electronic resource]. [1994 - ]
846. Internet archive. Ebook and texts archive [electronic resource]. [2001 - ]
847. Internet Broadway database [electronic resource] : IBDB [1996 - ]
848. The Internet encyclopedia of philosophy [electronic resource] [1995 - ]
849. The Internet movie database [electronic resource]. [1990]
850. Interstate milk shippers list [electronic resource]. [1980 - ]
851. Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research [electronic resource] : ICPSR direct [1990 - ]
852. Investor-state lawguide [electronic resource]. [2011 - ]
Law Library (Crown) : Online resource : INTERNET RESOURCE INVESTOR-STATE LAWGUID
853. IPCS INCHEM [electronic resource] : chemical safety information from intergovernmental organizations [1990 - ]
854. iPoll databank @ the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research [electronic resource]. [2003 - ]
855. IRIS, institutional repository for information sharing
856. Irish women poets of the Romantic period [electronic resource]. [2007 - ]
857. ISI Journal citation reports [electronic resource]. [1999 - ]
858. Iskusstvo kino digital archive [electronic resource]. [2010 - ]
859. ItalNet * OVI database home [electronic resource] [1981 - ]
860. Iter [electronic resource] : gateway to the Middle Ages and Renaissance [1997 - ]
861. IUPAC-NIST solubility database [electronic resource]. [2003 - ]
862. Jacob's Pillow Dance Interactive [electronic resource] [2011 - ]
Stanford University Libraries : Stacks : (no call number)
863. Jahrbuch über die Fortschritte der Mathematik [microform]. [1868 - 1942]
Green Library : Media & Microtext Center (Lower level) : MFICHE 1812
864. Jake : [electronic resource]. [1999 - 2002]
865. Jane Austen's fiction manuscripts [electronic resource] [2010 - ]
866. Japanknowledge [electronic resource] : chishiki tansaku saito = Japan narejji : encyclopedias, dictionaries and databases [2001 - ]
Japanknowledge [electronic resource] : 知識探索サイト = Japan narejji : encyclopedias, dictionaries and databases
867. The jazz discography [electronic resource] [2000 - ]
868. Jazz music library [electronic resource]. [2009 - ]
869. The Jean-Baptiste Lully Collection [electronic resource]. [1997 - ]
870. The "Jewish question" in German-speaking countries, 1848-1914 [electronic resource] : (ANT) [1990 - ]
871. Jewish roots of Eastern Christian mysticism [electronic resource] [2002 - ]
872. Jewish survey question bank [2013 - ]
873. Jewish women [electronic resource] : a comprehensive historical encyclopedia [2009 - ]
874. Jie fang jun bao.
East Asia Library : Newspapers : NEWSPAPER
SAL Newark (off-campus storage) : Use restricted to East Asia Library : (no call number)
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Use restricted to East Asia Library : NEWSPAPER 2010/1/1-2011/12/31
875. Jitsū [electronic resource] [2005]
字通 [electronic resource]
876. JODI database [2005 - ]
877. Johannes Tinctoris: complete theoretical works [2013 - ]
878. John Foxe's Book of martyrs [electronic resource] : Actes and monuments of matters most speciall and memorable [2004 - ]
879. The John Johnson collection : an archive of printed ephemera [electronic resource]. [2009]
880. John Milton, Paradise lost and Paradise regained [electronic resource]. [1996]
881. The Johns Hopkins guide to literary theory & criticism [electronic resource] [2005 - ]
882. The Josquin Research Project [2010 - ]
883. Journal of Emily Shore [1891]
Green Library : Stacks : PR5450 .S5 Z468 1991
884. Journal of the virtual explorer [2000 - ]
Earth Sciences Library (Branner) : Stacks : QE1 .J68 V.8-9 2002
885. Joyce database [electronic resource]. [1995 - 1996]
886. JPOLL [electronic resource] [1998 - ]
887. J-STAGE [electronic resource] : Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic [1999 - ]
888. JSTOR. Arts & Sciences IX Collection
889. JSTOR. Arts & sciences X collection [2011 - ]
890. JSTOR. Arts & sciences XI collection [2012 - ]
891. JSTOR. Biological sciences collection [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
892. JSTOR [electronic resource] [1995 - ]
893. JSTOR. Jewish studies
894. Jüdisches biographisches Archiv [electronic resource] = Jewish biographical archive [1990 - ]
895. KA Arabic e-library [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
896. Kartograficheskai͡a letopisʹ : organ gosudarstvennoĭ bibliografii [1931 - ]
Green Library : Stacks : Z6021 .K3 2001-2003
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : Z6021 .K3 2000
897. Keesing's world news archives [electronic resource]. [2001 - ]
898. The Kenya Indexing Project [electronic resource] : [index]. [2003 - ]
899. Kikuzō II bijuaru for libraries [electronic resource] : Asahi shinbun onrain kiji dētabēsu. [2006 - ]
聞蔵IIビジュアルfor libraries [electronic resource] : 朝日新聞オンライン記事データべース.
900. Kindlers Literatur Lexikon online [electronic resource]. [2009 - ]
901. Kino onlaĭn besplatno
Кино онлайн бесплатно.
902. KISS [electronic resource]. [2001]
903. The Kissinger telcons [electronic resource] : National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 123 [2004 - ]
904. Knizhnai͡a letopisʹ [1993 - ]
SAL Newark (off-campus storage) : Stacks : Z2491 .K5 2001:NO.17
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : Z2491 .K5 2003:PT.3 INDEX
905. Knovel critical tables [electronic resource] [2003 - ]
906. Knovel [electronic resource] : answers for science and engineering [2003 - ]
907. KoreaA2Z [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
908. [Kotobarabia Modern Arab Renaissance collection].
909. KPjournal [electronic resource] [2003 - ]
KPjournal [electronic resource]
910. KPM [electronic resource]. : Chosŏn ŏllon chŏngbo kiji [2006 - ]
KPM : 조선 언론 정보 기지 [electronic resource].
911. KRpia Hanʼguk ŭi chisik kʻontʻenchʻŭ [electronic resource] = Korean database [1999 - ]
Krpia 한국 의 지식 콘텐츠 [electronic resource] = Korean database
912. KVK [electronic resource] : Karlsruhe virtual catalog [1999 - ]
913. Kyobo Mun'go sŭk'olla [electronic resource] : Kyobo Mun'go ka mandŭn kungnae haksul nonmun chŏnmun sait'ŭ. [2000 - ]
교보 문고 스콜라 [electronic resource] : 교보 문고 가 만든 국내 학술 논문 전문 사이트.
914. Labor Agreement Information Retrieval System [electronic resource] : LAIRS [2008 - ]
915. Labor Agreement Information Retrieval System. Negotiability determinations [electronic resource]. [2008 - ]
916. Laboratory hazards bulletin [electronic resource]. [1981 - ]
917. LABORSTA Internet [electronic resource]. [1998 - ]
918. Ladino digital library [electronic resource]. [2007 - ]
919. Lancaster index to defence & international security literature [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
920. Lane catalog [electronic resource]. [1980 - ]
921. Latin America Data Base [electronic resource] : LADB : a news and educational service on Latin America
922. Latin American government documents archive [electronic resource] [2000 - ]
923. Latin American newsstand [electronic resource]. [2007 - ]
924. Latin American women writers [electronic resource]. [2005 - ]
925. Latino literature [electronic resource] [2004 - ]
926. Latinobarómetro [electronic resource]. [2004]
927. Law practice management [electronic resource]. [1990 - 2003]
928. LawnB [electronic resource] = Lo aen pi. [1998 - ]
LawnB [electronic resource] = 로 앤 비.
929. Laws & regulations : a composite of laws [2000 - ]
930. Laws of South Africa : consolidated legislation [2013 - ]
Law Library (Crown) : Online resource : INTERNET RESOURCE LAWS OF SOUTH AFRICA
931. Lectrix [electronic resource] : ancient classics in a new light [2000 - ]
932. Left index [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
933. Legacy Tobacco Documents Library [electronic resource]. [2002 - ]
934. Legal Information Institute [electronic resource] : LII. [1992 - ]
935. Legal tools database [2000 - ]
Law Library (Crown) : Online resource : INTERNET RESOURCE LEGAL TOOLS DATABASE
936. Legislative database on the right to food [2009 - ]
937. Leḳsiḳon ha-sifrut ha-ʻIvrit ha-ḥadashah [electronic resource] : leḳsiḳon biyo-bibliyografi shel ha-sifrut ha-ʻIvrit ha-ḥadashah mi-shenot ha-shishim shel ha-meʼah ha-ʻeśrim ʻad le-yamenu eleh = Modern Hebrew literature : a bio-bibliographical lexicon [2004 - ]
לקסיקון הספרות העברית [electronic resource] : לקסיקון ביו־ביבליוגראפי של הספרות העברית החדשה משנות הששים של המאה העשרים עד לימינו אלה = Modern Hebrew literature : a bio-bibliographical lexicon /
938. Letopisʹ avtoreferatov dissertat͡siĭ [1993 - ]
Green Library : Stacks : Z2491 .K523 2003:NO.11
939. Letopis' gazetnykh stateĭ. [1936 - ]
SAL1&2 (on-campus shelving) : Stacks : AI15 .L35 2003:NO.41-51
SAL1&2 (on-campus shelving) : Temporary shelving : AI15 .L35 1968:NO.7-12
940. Letopisʹ izoizdaniĭ. [1976 - ]
SAL Newark (off-campus storage) : Stacks : Z5961 .R9 V823 2002:NO.1
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : Z5961 .R9 V823 2003:NO.4
941. Letopisʹ ret͡senziĭ. [1934 - ]
SAL Newark (off-campus storage) : Stacks : Z2495 .L65 2000:NO.1-12+INDEX
SAL1&2 (on-campus shelving) : Temporary shelving : Z2495 .L65 1987 INDEX
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : Z2495 .L65 2004:NO.1
942. Letopisʹ zhurnalʹnykh stateĭ. [1938 - ]
Летопись журнальных статей.
SAL1&2 (on-campus shelving) : Stacks : AI15 .L4 2003:NO.48-52 + INDEX
SAL1&2 (on-campus shelving) : Temporary shelving : AI15 .L4 1965:NO.46-52
943. The letters of Christina Rossetti [1997 - 2004]
Green Library : Stacks : PR5238 .A4 1997 V.1
944. Letters of delegates to Congress, 1774-1789 [electronic resource] : volume 1-25. [1998]
Green Library : Media & Microtext Center (Lower level) : JK1033 .L472
945. The letters of Matthew Arnold [1996 - 2001]
Green Library : Stacks : PR4023 .A44 1996 V.1
946. Lexicons of Early Modern English [electronic resource] : LEME [2006 - ]
947. Lexikon des Mittelalters-- online [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
948. LexisNexis [electronic resource] : academic [2002 - ]
949. LexisNexis state capital [electronic resource]. [1998 - ]
950. LGBT life with full text [electronic resource]. [2003 - ]
951. Li dai shi ke shi liao hui bian [electronic resource] [2013 - ]
历代石刻史料彙编 [electronic resource]
952. Liberation journals index [electronic resource].
953. The liberator [electronic resource]. [1831 - 1865]
954. Liberty. [microform] [1924 - 1951]
Green Library : Media & Microtext Center (Lower level) : MFILM N.S. 3356
955. Library, information science & technology abstracts [electronic resource]. [2005 - ]
956. Library journal index (1876-1897) [electronic resource]. [1999 - ]
957. Library literature & information science [1999 - ]
Green Library : Stacks : Z666 .L69 2011
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : Z666 .L69 2008
958. The Library Network [electronic resource] : serving the World Bank Group and IMF. [2000 - ]
959. Library of Congress authorities [electronic resource]. [1995 - ]
960. The Library of Congress [electronic resource]. [1996 - ]
961. Library of Congress online catalog [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
962. Library of Latin texts [electronic resource] : CLCLT [2002 - ]
Green Library : InfoCenter: desk (non-circulating) : (no call number)
963. LibraryMusicSource.com [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
964. I libri database [electronic resource] = Italian bibliography on-line [1996 - ]
965. Libweb [electronic resource] : library servers via WWW. [1995 - ]
966. License search for professional geologists and geophysicists [electronic resource].
967. The Lily [microform]. [1849 - 1856]
Green Library : Media & Microtext Center (Lower level) : MFILM N.S. 1553
968. Linguistics and language behavior abstracts : LLBA [1985 - 2004]
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : P1 .L26 V.27 PT.2 1993
969. LIRA : [electronic resource] : letteratura italiana repertorio automatizzato [1995 - ]
Green Library : HAS-DIGIT (Lane Room) (non-circulating) : (no call number)
Green Library : Media & Microtext Center (Lower level) : Z2353.3 .L57 V.5 1985/2003
970. The Listener [1929 - 1991]
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : 808.2805 .L773 V.125 1991:JAN
971. Literary manuscripts [electronic resource] : 17th and 18th century poetry from the Brotherton Library, University of Leeds [2006]
972. Literary manuscripts [electronic resource] : Victorian manuscripts from the Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of the New York Public Library [2008 - ]
973. Literary research guide [electronic resource] : an annotated listing of reference sources in English literary studies [2009 - ]
974. Literary theory [electronic resource]. [1999 - ]
975. Literature online [electronic resource]. [1996 - ]
976. LitFinder [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
977. Litopys z͡hurnalʹnykh stateĭ = Letopisʹ zhurnalʹnykh stateĭ. [1936 - ]
Лiтопис журнальних статцй
SAL1&2 (on-campus shelving) : Stacks : AI15 .L5 2005:NO.18-23
978. LLMC digital [electronic resource]. [2003 - ]
Law Library (Crown) : Online resource : (no call number)
979. Local area personal income [electronic resource]. [1974 - ]
980. Local market audience analyst [electronic resource]. [2009 - ]
981. Locus [electronic resource] : SIAM's online journal archive, 1952-1996 [2005]
982. The London gazette [1665 - ]
Green Library : Stacks : 328.428 .L8
983. London low life [electronic resource] : street culture, social reform and the Victorian underworld [2010 - ]
984. London's past online [electronic resource] : a bibliography of London history [2003 - ]
985. Los Alamos technical reports and publications [electronic resource] [2002 - ]
986. Los Angeles sentinel [1933 - ]
Green Library : InfoCenter: newspapers (non-circulating) : NEWSPAPER
987. The Los Angeles times [1881 - ]
Green Library : InfoCenter: newspapers (non-circulating) : NEWSPAPER
988. Ludwig Senfl, Werke, musikalische Quellen, Dokumente = Senfl, works, sources, documents [2008 - ]
989. Lux Research
990. Maʻagar ʻade ha-nusaḥ shel ha-Talmud ha-Bavli : ʻa. sh. Sol ṿe-Eṿlen Henḳind = Sol and Evelyn Henkind Talmud text databank [2006 - ]
מאגר עדי הנוסח של התלמוד הבבלי: ע"ש סול ואוולין הנקיינד = Sol and Evelyn Henkind Talmud text databank
991. Maʼagarim [electronic resource] : mifʻal ha-milon ha-hiṣtori la-lashon ha-ʻIvrit = Ma'agarim : the Hebrew language historical dictionary project [2000 - ]
מאגריםיםelectronic resource] : מפעל המילון היסטורי ללשון העברית = Ma'agarim : the Hebrew language historical dictionary project. ]
992. The macromolecular structure database [electronic resource] [2000 - ]
993. Mafteaḥ le-khitve-ʻet be-ʻIvrit [electronic resource]
994. Magyar Elektronikus Könyvtár [electronic resource] : =Hungarian Electronic Library [1994 - ]
995. Mainichi Shinbunsha no dētabēsu, maisaku [electronic resource]. [2011 - ]
每日新聞社のデータベース, 每索 [electronic resource].
996. Making of America. [Cornell University Collection] [electronic resource]. [2003 - ]
997. Making of America. [University of Michigan Collection] [electronic resource]. [2003 - ]
998. The making of modern law. Foreign, comparative and international law, 1600-1926 [electronic resource]. [2012]
999. The making of modern law. Legal treatises 1800-1926 [electronic resource]. [2004 - ]
1000. The making of modern law. Trials, 1600-1926 [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
1001. The making of the modern world [electronic resource] : the Goldsmiths'-Kress library of economic literature [2004 - ]
1002. Malmad [electronic resource] : merkaz le-sherute medaʻ digiṭaliyim = MALMAD : Israel Center for Digital Information Services : [website]. [1998 - ]
1003. Manuscripts catalogue [electronic resource] [2000 - ]
1004. MapAmericas : mapping results for Latin America and the Caribbean
Green Library : Online resource : (no call number)
1005. Maplight [electronic resource] : revealing money's influence on politics [2000 - ]
1006. Maps of Africa [electronic resource] [2000]
1007. MARC code list for organizations [electronic resource] [2000 - ]
1008. Mark Twain, novels and essays [electronic resource]. [1999]
1009. MarketResearch.com academic [electronic resource]. [1999 - ]
1010. MarketResearch.com academic [electronic resource]. [1999 - ]
Business Library : Online resource : E-RESOURCE
1011. Marquis who's who [electronic resource].
1012. The Martin Luther King, Jr. papers project at Stanford [electronic resource] [1990 - ]
1013. Mary Webb digital archive [2010 - ]
1014. Material conneXion [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
1015. Materials for medical devices database [electronic resource]. [2007 - ]
1016. MathSciNet [electronic resource] [1979 - ]
1017. MatWeb [electronic resource] : the online materials information resource [1997 - ]
1018. McGraw-Hill's AccessEngineering [electronic resource] : authoritative content, immediate solutions [2009 - ]
1019. Media history digital library [electronic resource]. [2010 - ]
1020. Media Intelligence Center [electronic resource]. [2007 - ]
1021. Medic@ bibliothèque numérique [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
1022. Medical device standards portal--U.S.A. [electronic resource] [2000 - ]
1023. Medical eTrack [electronic resource]. [2007 - ]
1024. medici.tv [electronic resource]. [2008 - ]
1025. Medieval and modern thought text digitization project [electronic resource] [2002 - ]
1026. Medieval family life [electronic resource] : the Paston, Cely, Plumpton, Stonor and Armburgh papers [2010 - ]
1027. Medieval travel writing [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
1028. MEDLINE [electronic resource].
1029. Meet the Press [electronic resource]. [2014]
1030. Melvyl [electronic resource]. [1980 - ]
1031. Mendocino County school districts [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
1032. The Merck index [1968 - ]
Green Library : InfoCenter: Ready Reference (non-circulating) : RS356 .M524 2001
Biology Library (Falconer) : Reference (non-circulating) : RS356 .M524 ED.15 2013
Biology Library (Falconer) : Stacks : RS356 .M524 ED.14 2006
Chemistry & ChemEng Library (Swain) : Reference (non-circulating) : RS356 .M524 ED.15 2013
Marine Biology Library (Miller) : Reference (non-circulating) : RS356 .M524 ED.14 2006
SAL1&2 (on-campus shelving) : Stacks : RS356 .M524 ED.12 1996
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : RS356 .M524 ED.14 2006
1033. Mergent webreports [electronic resource]. [2004 - ]
1034. Merriam-Webster's collegiate dictionary [1993]
Biology Library (Falconer) : Reference (non-circulating) : PE1628 .M36 1993
1035. MetaCore [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
1036. MetaLib [electronic resource] [2010 - ]
1037. Meteorological & geoastrophysical abstracts [1950 - ]
Earth Sciences Library (Branner) : Ask at circulation desk : 016.5515 .M589 V.35:NO.1-2 1984
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : 016.5515 .M589 V.24 1973:SEP.-DEC
1038. Methods in organic synthesis [1984 - ]
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : QD262 .M48 2009:NO.1,3-12
1039. Middle English compendium [electronic resource]. [1998 - ]
1040. Mideastwire.com [electronic resource]. [2005 - ]
1041. Migrinter : migrations internationales [2005 - ]
1042. Mikrozensus-Arbeitskräfteerhebung
1043. Milon rav-milim [electronic resource]. [2000]
1044. MIMO : musical instrument museums online [2011 - ]
1045. Mineral Resources On-Line Spatial Data [electronic resource]. [2006 - ]
1046. Minguo shi qi qi kan quan wen shu ju ku, 1911-1949. Di 1-6 ji [electronic resource]. [2010 - 2012]
民国时期期刊全文数据库, 1911-1949 [electronic resource]. 第1-6辑
1047. Mint global [electronic resource] [2006 - ]
1048. Mintel [electronic resource]. [2004]
1049. Minutes of the Federal Open Market Committee [electronic resource].
1050. The MIT encyclopedia of the cognitive sciences [1999]
Green Library : InfoCenter (non-circulating) : BF311 .M556 1999
Green Library : Social Sciences Resource Center (non-circulating) : BF311 .M556 1999
1051. MLA directory of periodicals: a guide to journals and series in languages and literatures [1979 - ]
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : Z7006 .M642 1999
1052. MLA international bibliography [electronic resource]. [1981 - ]
1053. Monographien der Bibliographie zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte Europas (RGK), 1992-2006 [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
1054. Monthly bulletin of statistics [1947 - 2012]
Green Library : International Government Documents : ST/ESA/STAT/SER.Q/465-468
Biology Library (Falconer) : Serials : Shelved by title V.23:NO.1-3 1969
1055. Monthly catalog of United States government publications [1951 - 2004]
Green Library : SSRC: Government Documents (non-circulating) : GP 3.8:976/7-12/INDEX
Green Library : US Federal Documents : GP 3.8:996/1
Marine Biology Library (Miller) : Stacks : Z1223 .A18
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : Z1223 .A18 1976 PT.2:NO.6257-10040
1056. Morningstar investment research center [electronic resource]. [2002 - ]
1057. Morningstar investment research center [electronic resource]. [2002 - ]
Business Library : Online resource : E-RESOURCE
1058. MOTET Online Database [2003 - ]
1059. Motif-index of folk-literature; a classification of narrative elements in folktales, ballads, myths, fables, mediaeval romances, exempla, fabliaux, jest-books, and local legends [1955 - 1958]
Green Library : Stacks : GR67 .T52 V.1
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : GR67 .T52 V.1
1060. MPMD [electronic resource] [2003 - ]
1061. MUGI : Musik und Gender im Internet [2001 - ]
1062. Multilaterals Project [electronic resource]. [1992 - ]
1063. Music & dance reference. The online bibliography [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
1064. The Music index [1949 - 2009]
Archive of Recorded Sound : Reference (non-circulating) : (no call number)
Music Library : Reference (non-circulating) : ML113 .M987 V.21:K-Z 1969
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : ML113 .M987 V.60 2008
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Use restricted to Archive of Recorded Sound : ML113 .M987 V.61 2009
1065. The music index online [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
1066. Music made in Switzerland : Swiss music compendium online
1067. The music of Gustav Mahler [electronic resource] : a catalogue of manuscripts and printed sources. Using the catalogue [2007 - ]
1068. Music online [electronic resource]. [2009 - ]
1069. Musical America [electronic resource]. [1999 - ]
1070. Musicians & composers of the 20th century [2009]
Music Library : Reference (non-circulating) : ML105 .M883 2009 V.1
1071. The music-in-print series [electronic resource]. [2002 - ]
1072. Musikalische Werke [MICROFORM] [1908 - 1936]
Music Library : Microtext : M/F 130 REEL 1
1073. Muzieckschatten
1074. MyiLibrary [electronic resource]. [2005 - ]
1075. Nachlassverzeichnis Friedrich Niggli [electronic resource] : (1875-1959) [2002]
1076. NASA technical reports server [electronic resource]. [1994]
1077. NASAD directory lists
1078. The Nation digital archive [electronic resource] : since 1865 [1865 - ]
1079. National Academies Press [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
1080. National Agricultural Statistics Service [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
1081. National Bureau of Economic Research [electronic resource] [2000]
1082. National Center for Charitable Statistics [electronic resource] : NCCS : a project of the Center on Nonprofits & Philanthropy at the Urban Institute [1999 - ]
1083. National Center for Education Statistics [electronic resource] ; [website] [1995 - ]
1084. National Center for Health Statistics [electronic resource] : --monitoring the nation's health [1990 - ]
1085. National Coal Resources Data System (NCRDS) [electronic resource] [1990 - ]
1086. National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws - archive publications [electronic resource]. [2008 - ]
1087. National environmental methods index [electronic resource]. [2002 - ]
1088. National environmental publications Internet site (NEPIS) [electronic resource]
1089. National geologic map database [electronic resource]. [1996 - ]
1090. National historical geographic information system [electronic resource] : NHGIS [2004 - ]
1091. National jukebox [electronic resource] : historical recordings from the Library of Congress [2010 - ]
1092. National library of energy : the Department of Energy's national resource for energy literacy, innovation and security [2013 - ]
1093. National Register of Archives [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
1094. National review [1955 - ]
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : 051 .N278 V.35-36 1983-1984
1095. The National Security Archive index on CD-ROM [electronic resource]. [1994]
1096. National social worker finder [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
1097. National Technical Reports Library V3.0 [electronic resource] [2000 - ]
1098. National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections [electronic resource] : (NUCMC) [1997 - ]
1099. National Vulnerability Database [electronic resource] : automating vulnerability management security measurement and compliance checking
1100. NatLaw world [electronic resource] [1995 - ]
1101. Natural product updates [1987 - ]
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : QD415 .A1 N372 2009
1102. Naxos music library [electronic resource]. [2004 - ]
1103. Naxos music library. Jazz [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
1104. Naxos video library [electronic resource]. [2009 - ]
1105. Nei ge da ku dang an [electronic resource] = Grand secretariat archives [1981 - ]
內閣大庫檔案 [electronic resource] = Grand secretariat archives
1106. Nekommercheskoe partnerstvo Rukopisnye pami͡atniki Drevneĭ Rusi : ėlektronnyĭ arkhiv iz fondov otechestvennykh bibliotek, muzeev, chastnykh kollekt͡siĭ. [2000 - ]
Некоммерческое партнерство Рукописные памятники Древней Руси : электронный архив из фондов отечественных библиотек, музеев, частных коллекций
1107. Neue Mozart-Ausgabe [electronic resource] = Digital Mozart Edition [1955]
1108. New palgrave dictionary of economics online [electronic resource] [2008]
1109. The new republic [1914 - ]
Green Library : InfoCenter: display : (no call number)
Green Library : SSRC: Current Awareness (non-circulating) : (no call number)
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : 051 .N54 V.244 2013:FEB.-JUL
1110. New York Daily Tribune index (1875-1906) [electronic resource]. [1999 - ]
1111. New York Philharmonic digital archives [electronic resource]. [2001 - ]
1112. New York times [electronic resource] : archive [1857 - ]
1113. Newsletters in print [1989 - 2006]
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : Z6941 .N3 ED.17 2003
1114. Newspaper map. [2011]
1115. NewspaperCat [electronic resource]. [2011 - ]
1116. New-York tribune [electronic resource]. [1866 - 1924]
1117. NFPA [electronic resource]. [2004 - ]
1118. NHI catalog [electronic resource]. [2008 - ]
1119. NIH intramural research reports [1990 - ]
1120. Nihon kokugo daijiten [2000 - 2003]
East Asia Library : Japanese Collection : (no call number)
East Asia Library : Reference (non-circulating) : PL675 .N54 2000 SUPPL
1121. Nikkei terekon21 [electronic resource] = Nikkei Telecom 21 [1997 - ]
日経テレコン 21 [electronic resource] = Nikkei Telecom 21.
1122. Nineteenth Century collections online [electronic resource]. [2012 - ]
1123. Nineteenth century short title catalogue [electronic resource] : NSTC [2004 - ]
1124. Nineteenth-century fiction [electronic resource]. [1999 - 2000]
Green Library : HAS-DIGIT (Lane Room) (non-circulating) : PR1301 .N56 1999
1125. NIST atomic spectra database [electronic resource]. [1995 - ]
1126. NIST chemistry webbook [electronic resource]. [1998]
1127. NIST chemistry webbook [electronic resource]. [1997 - ]
1128. NIST data gateway [electronic resource]. [2001 - ]
1129. NIST X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy database [2012]
1130. The Nixon years, 1969-1974 [electronic resource]. [2008 - ]
1131. NK news [electronic resource]. [2010]
1132. NLM catalog. Journals referenced in the NCBI databases [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
1133. NNDC climate data online [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
1134. NOAA & MMS marine minerals bibliography & geochemical data base [electronic resource] [1990 - ]
1135. Non-governmental organizations search [2012]
1136. NORMLEX : information system on international labour standards [2012 - ]
1137. North American Indian thought and culture [electronic resource]. [2005 - ]
1138. North American business browser [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
1139. North American immigrant letters, diaries, and oral histories [electronic resource]. [2003 - ]
1140. North American transportation statistics database
1141. North American women's drama [electronic resource]. [2004 - ]
1142. North American women's letters and diaries [electronic resource] : Colonial to 1950 [2001 - ]
1143. Notnai͡a letopisʹ; gosudarstvennyĭ bibliograficheskiĭ ukazatel'. [1931 - ]
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : ML120.R8 N91 2003:NO.1-4 (+INDEX)
1144. NSG, NewSpace Global [electronic resource] : providing our customers with market data and strategic analyses on the NewSpace industry [2013 - ]
1145. Nuclear science abstracts [1948 - 1976]
Green Library : US Federal Documents : Y 3.AT 7:33/11-12
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : QC770 .U64 V.33 1976 SUB
1146. Nuclear science information of Japan. Oral presentation [electronic resource]. [2006 - ]
1147. NYPL, digital library [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
1148. OATD -- Open access theses and dissertations
1149. Obtaining a writ of attachment (action guide) [electronic resource] [1990 - ]
Law Library (Crown) : Online resource : (no call number)
1150. Occupational health guidelines for chemical hazards [electronic resource]. [1981 - ]
1151. Oceanic abstracts [1984 - ]
1152. ODS [electronic resource] : official documents of the United Nations
Green Library : International Government Documents : ST/CS/SER.A/37/REV.1/ADD 1
1153. OECD iLibrary [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
1154. OECD national accounts statistics [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
1155. OECD.Stat [electronic resource] [2007 - ]
1156. Official California legislative information [electronic resource]. [1994 - ]
1157. Official documents [electronic resource] [1997 - ]
1158. Official documents [electronic resource] [1997 - ]
1159. The official index to the Times [1914 - 1957]
SAL1&2 (on-campus shelving) : Stacks : AI21 .T46 1948:OCT./DEC
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : AI21 .T46 1956:OCT./DEC
1160. OFFSTATS [electronic resource] : official statistics on the Web [1998 - ]
1161. OldMaps.com [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
1162. OnePetro [electronic resource]. [2007 - ]
1163. Online Archive of California [electronic resource] : OAC. [1990 - ]
1164. The online books page [electronic resource] [1993 - ]
1165. Online dictionary of crystallography
1166. Online guide to computing literature [electronic resource]. [2001 - ]
1167. Online Public Access [electronic resource] [1990 - ]
1168. Online testimony catalog [electronic resource] [2000 - ]
1169. Open Kenya : Transparent Africa
1170. Open opportunities [electronic resource].
1171. OpenCongress [electronic resource] [2000 - ]
1172. Opening night! : opera & oratorio premieres [2013 - ]
1173. Opensecrets.org [electronic resource] : Money in Politics--See Who's Giving & Who's Getting [1990 - ]
1174. Opera in video [electronic resource]. [2008]
1175. Optics infobase [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
1176. Oral history online [electronic resource]. [2004 - ]
1177. Orange book [electronic resource] : approved drug products with therapeutic equivalence evaluations [1985 - ]
1178. ORBIS [2012]
1179. Organic reactions [1942 - ]
Chemistry & ChemEng Library (Swain) : Reference (non-circulating) : QD251 .O7 V.84 2014
Marine Biology Library (Miller) : Stacks : QD251 .O7 V.16
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : QD251 .O7 V.74 2009
1180. Organic syntheses : an annual publication of satisfactory methods for the preparation of organic chemicals ... [1921 - ]
Chemistry & ChemEng Library (Swain) : Reference (non-circulating) : QD262 .O723 V.90 2013
Marine Biology Library (Miller) : Stacks : QD262 .O7 V.52
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : QD262 .O723 V.74 1997
1181. Orlando [electronic resource] : women's writing in the British Isles from the beginnings to the present [2006 - ]
1182. OSH references collection search [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
1183. OSHA occupational chemical database [electronic resource].
1184. OskiCat [electronic resource] : UCB library catalog [1990 - ]
1185. Otsar ha-ḥokhmah [electronic resource] [2003]
אוצר החכמהר [electronic resource]
1186. Ovid : choose a database [electronic resource].
1187. Oxford African American studies center [electronic resource] : the online authority on the African American experience [2006 - ]
1188. Oxford art online [electronic resource]. [2007 - ]
1189. Oxford bibliographies. African studies [2012 - ]
1190. Oxford bibliographies. American literature [electronic resource]. [2012 - ]
1191. Oxford bibliographies. Anthropology [electronic resource] [2009 - ]
1192. Oxford bibliographies. Atlantic history [electronic resource]. [2010 - ]
1193. Oxford bibliographies. British and Irish literature [electronic resource] [2009 - ]
1194. Oxford bibliographies. Buddhism [electronic resource]. [2010 - ]
1195. Oxford bibliographies. Classics [electronic resource] [2009 - ]
1196. Oxford bibliographies. Communication [electronic resource] [2011 - ]
1197. Oxford bibliographies. Hinduism [electronic resource]. [2011 - ]
1198. Oxford bibliographies. International relations [electronic resource] [2011 - ]
1199. Oxford bibliographies. Latin American Studies [electronic resource] [2011 - ]
1200. Oxford bibliographies. Latino studies [electronic resource]. [2013 - ]
1201. Oxford bibliographies. Linguistics [electronic resource]. [2011 - ]
1202. Oxford bibliographies online. Jewish studies [electronic resource] [2009 - ]
1203. Oxford bibliographies online. Medieval studies [electronic resource]. [2010 - ]
1204. Oxford bibliographies online. Music [electronic resource] [2011 - ]
1205. Oxford bibliographies online. Renaissance and Reformation [electronic resource]. [2010 - ]
1206. Oxford bibliographies online. Victorian literature [electronic resource] [2011 - ]
1207. Oxford bibliographies. Philosophy [electronic resource] [2010 - ]
1208. Oxford bibliographies. Political science [electronic resource] [2010 - ]
1209. Oxford bibliographies. Public health [2011 - ]
1210. Oxford bibliographies. Sociology [electronic resource] [2009 - ]
1211. Oxford classical dictionary [electronic resource]. [2002]
1212. The Oxford companion to philosophy [electronic resource] [2005]
1213. Oxford dictionary of national biography : in association with the British Academy : from the earliest times to the year 2000 [2004]
Green Library : InfoCenter (non-circulating) : DA28 .O95 2004 INDEX
1214. The Oxford encyclopaedia of the music of India [electronic resource] [2011 - ]
1215. Oxford English dictionary [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
1216. Oxford handbooks online [electronic resource]. [2009 - ]
1217. The Oxford history of western music [2005]
Music Library : Reference (non-circulating) : ML160 .T18 2004 V.1
Music Library : Stacks : ML160 .T18 2004 V.1
1218. Oxford Islamic studies online [electronic resource]. [2007 - ]
1219. Oxford language dictionaries online [electronic resource]. [2007 - ]
1220. Oxford music online [electronic resource]. [2007 - ]
1221. Oxford reference online [electronic resource]. [2002 - ]
1222. Oxford scholarship online [electronic resource]. [2003 - ]
1223. Oxford Shakespeare [electronic resource]. [1996]
1224. Oyez [electronic resource] : U.S. Supreme Court media [1996 - ]
1225. PAIS international in print [1991 - ]
Green Library : InfoCenter (non-circulating) : Z7163 .P3 V.23 PT.3 2014
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : Z7163 .P3 V.22:PT.2 2013
1226. Palmer's index to the Times newspaper [microform]. [1790 - 1905]
Green Library : Media & Microtext Center (Lower level) : MFILM 016.1
1227. Palo Alto City Library catalog [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
1228. PANGAEA [electronic resource] : data publisher for Earth & environmental science [2001 - ]
1229. The papers of Alexander Hamilton [1961 - 1987]
Green Library : Stacks : E302 .H247 V.1
1230. The papers of Dwight David Eisenhower [electronic resource] [2003]
1231. The papers of Eliza Lucas Pinckney and Harriott Pinckney Horry digital edition [electronic resource]. [2012]
1232. Papers of George Washington [electronic resource]. [1995]
1233. The papers of James Madison [electronic resource] : digital edition [2010 - ]
1234. The papers of John Marshall [electronic resource] : digital edition [2014]
1235. The papers of Thomas Jefferson [electronic resource] : digital edition [2009 - ]
1236. PapersFirst [electronic resource]. [2002 - ]
1237. The Paris review. Interviews [electronic resource]
1238. Parker Library on the web [electronic resource]. [2008 - ]
1239. Passport GMID [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
1240. Past masters [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
1241. Patai's Chemistry of functional groups [electronic resource]. [1999 - ]
1242. Patrologia Latina database [electronic resource]. [1995]
Green Library : Media & Microtext Center (Lower level) : BR60 .P37 1995
1243. Penny illustrated paper [electronic resource]. [1861 - 1907]
1244. People of the founding era : a prosopographical approach [2013 - ]
1245. Perdita manuscripts [electronic resource] : women writers, 1500-1700 [2008]
1246. Periodicals archive online [electronic resource]. [2001 - ]
1247. Periodicals index online [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
1248. PERSEE [electronic resource] : portail des revues scientifiques en sciences humaines et sociales [2005 - ]
1249. The Perseus digital library [electronic resource] [1990 - ]
1250. PETDB [electronic resource] : petrological database of the ocean floor [1996 - ]
1251. Peterson's [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
1252. The PGM database [electronic resource].
1253. Pharmaceutical substances [electronic resource] [2003 - ]
1254. Phase equilibria diagrams online [electronic resource] . [2008]
1255. The Philosopher's index [1968 - ]
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : Z7127 .P4 V. 39 NO.4 2005
1256. Philosophy online [electronic resource]. [1999 - ]
1257. Picture post [1938 - 1957]
Hoover Library : Stacks : SERIAL GREAT BRITAIN V.39 NO.4:1948 APR
1258. Pivot [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
1259. PLoL [electronic resource] : the public library of law. [2000 - ]
1260. Policy archive [electronic resource]. [2008 - ]
1261. PolicyFile [electronic resource] : public policy research and analysis [1990 - ]
1262. Political science [electronic resource] : a SAGE full-text collection [2000 - ]
1263. Polling the nations [electronic resource]. [1998 - ]
: : (no call number)
1264. Pollution abstracts [1970 - ]
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : TD180 .P6 V.30:NO.10-12 1999
1265. POPLINE [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
1266. Popular music library [2011]
1267. Population estimates [electronic resource].
1268. Portal de dados do país: Moçambique
1269. Post-war Europe [electronic resource] : Refugees, exile and resettlement, 1945-1950 [2008 - ]
1270. Prague Concert Life, 1850-1881 [2000 - ]
1271. Preprints & working papers [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
1272. Preqin
1273. Presidential recordings of Lyndon B. Johnson [electronic resource] : digital edition [2010 - ]
1274. PRIMO database
1275. Principal global indicators [2009 - ]
1276. Printed sacred music database : printed sacred music in Europe 1500-1800 [2009 - ]
1277. PrivCo [electronic resource] : private company financial data authority [2011 - ]
1278. PrivCo [electronic resource] : private company financial data authority [2011 - ]
Business Library : Online resource : E-RESOURCE
1279. Proceedings [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
1280. The proceedings of the Old Bailey, London 1674 to 1834 [electronic resource] [2003 - ]
1281. Production, supply and distribution online [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
1282. Project Gutenberg [electronic resource]. [1971 - ]
1283. Project Muse. Premium collection
1284. Project Posner [electronic resource] : the opinions of Judge Richard A. Posner [2006 - ]
Law Library (Crown) : Online resource : (no call number)
1285. Properties of organic compounds [electronic resource]. [2002]
1286. ProQuest digital microfilm [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
1287. ProQuest historical annual reports [electronic resource]. [2006 - ]
1288. ProQuest historical newspapers. Chinese Newspapers Collection (1832-1953) [1832 - 1953]
1289. ProQuest historical newspapers. New York tribune/Herald tribune (1841-1962) [1841 - 1922]
1290. ProQuest historical newspapers. Norfolk journal and guide [electronic resource]. [1921 - 2003]
1291. Proquest historical newspapers Pittsburgh courier [electronic resource]. [1911 - 2002]
1292. ProQuest history vault. Black freedom struggle in the 20th century [electronic resource]. [2011 - ]
1293. ProQuest history vault. NAACP papers [electronic resource]. [2012 - ]
1294. ProQuest history vault. Vietnam War and American foreign policy, 1960-1975 [electronic resource].
1295. ProQuest news & newspapers [electronic resource]. [2011 - ]
1296. ProQuest newsstand [electronic resource]. [2011 - ]
1297. ProQuest. Research library [electronic resource]. [1998 - ]
1298. ProQuest statistical abstract of the United States [2013 - ]
Green Library : InfoCenter: statistics shelves (non-circulating) : HA202 .A483 2014
Green Library : SSRC: Government Documents (non-circulating) : C 3.134:2013
Green Library : Social Science Data and Software: Velma Denning Room (non-circulating) : HA202 .A483 2014
Biology Library (Falconer) : Reference (non-circulating) : HA202 .A483 2014
Education Library (Cubberley) : Reference (non-circulating) : HA202 .A483 2014
1299. ProQuest statistical insight [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
1300. Protein lounge [electronic resource]. [2006 - ]
1301. Proteopedia [electronic resource] : life in 3-D. [2000 - ]
1302. PsycARTICLES [electronic resource]. [2001 - ]
1303. PsycCritiques [electronic resource]. [2005 - ]
1304. PsycINFO [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
1305. PsycTESTS [electronic resource]. [2011 - ]
1306. Public papers of the Presidents of the United States
Green Library : Social Sciences Resource Center (non-circulating) : J80 .A283
Green Library : US Federal Documents : AE 2.114:
1307. Public service announcements [electronic resource]. [2002 - ]
1308. Publications and information products [electronic resource] [1990 - ]
1309. Publishers directory [1985 - ]
Green Library : InfoCenter: Ready Reference (non-circulating) : Z473 .B65 ED.39 V.3 2014
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : Z473 .B65 V.7:NO.1:O-Z 1987
1310. PubMed [electronic resource]. [1997 - ]
1311. Punch historical archive, 1841-1992 [1841 - 1992]
1312. Putevoditeli po Arkhivam Rossii [electronic resource] [2004 - ]
Путеводители по Архивам России [electronic resource]
1313. Qing dai gong zhong dang zou zhe ji jun ji chu dang zhe jian quan wen ying xiang zi liao ku [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
清代宮中檔奏摺及軍機處檔摺件全文影像資料 庫 [electronic resource].
1314. Qing dai shi liao wen xian [electronic resource] [2013 - ]
清代史料文献 [electronic resource]
1315. The Quakeline database [electronic resource] [1987 - ]
1316. Quan guo bao kan suo yin [electronic resource] = National index to Chinese newspapers & periodicals [2006 - ]
全国报刊索引 [electronic resource] = National index to Chinese newspapers & periodicals
1317. Quarterly index of African periodical literature [electronic resource]. [2002 - 2011]
1318. Quarterly index of African periodical literature [electronic resource]. [2002 - ]
1319. Queen Victoria's journals [electronic resource]. [2012 - ]
1320. Quick stats [electronic resource]. [2005 - ]
1321. Radical scatters [electronic resource] : Emily Dickinson's fragments and related texts, 1870-1886 [1999]
1322. Rand California [electronic resource] : an online source on public policy and economics [1998 - ]
1323. Rarebooks.info [electronic resource] : RB. [2000 - ]
1324. Readers' guide retrospective [electronic resource] [1997 - ]
1325. Reaxys [electronic resource]. [2008 - ]
1326. Reconstituted debates
1327. Red de bibliotecas virtuales de ciencias sociales de América Latina y el Caribe. Sala de lectura [electronic resource]. [1996 - ]
1328. Reference universe [electronic resource]. [2002 - ]
1329. ReferenceUSA [electronic resource]. [1999 - ]
1330. Refworld [electronic resource] = Refmonde [1996 - 1999]
Green Library : Media & Microtext Center (Lower level) : ZMS 938 ED.9 2000
1331. Regional business news [electronic resource]. [2002 - ]
1332. Regionalbibliographie Sachsen-Anhalt [electronic resource].
1333. Registry of toxic effects of chemical substances [1975 - 1986]
Green Library : US Federal Documents : HE 20.7112:
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : RA1215 .N37 1985/1986:V.5
1334. Regulations.gov [electronic resource] : your one stop site to comment on federal regulations [2003 - ]
1335. People's daily [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
1336. Ren min ri bao [electronic resource] : dian zi ban (1946-2005) = People's daily [1946 - ]
人民日報 [electronic resource] : 电子版 (1946-2005) = People's daily
1337. Répertoire international de la presse musicale [1988 - ]
Music Library : Reference (non-circulating) : ML128 .P24 R4 + CALL # VARIES
1338. Répertoire International des Sources Musicales. Schweiz - Suisse - Svizzera - Switzerland [2009 - ]
1339. Répertoire International des Sources Musicales, United Kingdom [electronic resource]. [2003 - ]
1340. Research centers directory [1965 - ]
Green Library : InfoCenter: Ready Reference (non-circulating) : AS25 .R4 ED.44:V.5 2014
Marine Biology Library (Miller) : Reference (non-circulating) : AS25 .R4 V.2 1986
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : AS25 .R4 ED.43 V.5 2013
1341. Research into higher education abstracts [1967 - ]
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : LB2300 .R4 V.44 2011
1342. Research portfolio online reporting tool (RePORT) [electronic resource]. [2009 - ]
1343. Reshimat ma'amarim be-madaʻe ha-yahadut [1966 - ]
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : Z6367 .R43 V.50 2000
1344. The Responsa project [electronic resource]. [2007 - ]
1345. Retrospektive Digitalisierung wissenschaftlicher Rezensionsorgane und Literaturzeitschriften des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts aus dem deutschen Sprachraum [electronic resource]. [2002 - ]
1346. Rhizome.org [electronic resource]. [1996 - ]
1347. The Richard Rufus of Cornwall project [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
1348. RILM abstracts of music literature [1967 - 1999]
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : ML118 .R574 V.33 1999 INDEX
1349. Risk abstracts [1984 - ]
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : HB615 .R5 V.16 1999
1350. Risk [electronic resource].
1351. RISM, Répertoire international des sources musicales. Serie A/II, Manuscrits musicaux apr̀es 1600 [electronic resource] : Catalogue thématique = RISM, International inventory of musical scores. Serie A/II. Music manuscripts after 1600 : thematic catalog = RISM, Internationales Quellenlexikon der Musik. Serie A/II. Musikhandschriften nach 1600 : Thematischer Katalog [1990 - ]
Music Library : Recordings : (no call number)
Music Library : Reference (non-circulating) : MCDI 49
1352. Le Riviste database [electronic resource] = Italian periodicals on-line [1997 - ]
1353. rock'sbackpages [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
1354. Romanticism [electronic resource] : life, literature & landscape, ca. 1606-1983 1750-1910 [2011]
1355. Routledge encyclopedia of philosophy [1998]
Green Library : InfoCenter (non-circulating) : B51 .R68 1998 V.1
Philosophy Library (Tanner) : Reference (non-circulating) : B51 .R68 1998 V.1
1356. Routledge politics and international relations online [electronic resource]. [2004 - ]
1357. The Royal Historical Society bibliography [electronic resource] : a guide to writing about British and Irish history [2004 - ]
1358. RSC e-book collection [electronic resource].
1359. Russian Academy of Sciences bibliographies [electronic resource]. [1992 - ]
1360. Russian national bibliography [electronic resource]. [2003 - ]
1361. Russia/NIS statistical publications [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
1362. SA ePublications [electronic resource]. [2003 - ]
1363. Saarländische Bibliographie online [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
1364. Sabin Americana, 1500-1926 [electronic resource]. [2005 - ]
1365. SAE digital library [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
1366. Safari books online [electronic resource]. [2001 - ]
1367. SAGE open [2011 - ]
1368. Sage urban studies abstracts [1973 - 2007]
Green Library : InfoCenter (non-circulating) : HT101 .S2 V.35 2007
SAL1&2 (on-campus shelving) : Stacks : HT101 .S2 V.24 1996
1369. San Francisco chronicle [1869 - ]
Green Library : InfoCenter: newspapers (non-circulating) : NEWSPAPER
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : NEWSPAPER 2013/2/1-2013/2/28
1370. San Francisco Public Library home page [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
1371. SBRnet [electronic resource]. [1996 - ]
Business Library : Online resource : E-RESOURCE
1372. SCC online [electronic resource]. [2013 - ]
Law Library (Crown) : Online resource : (no call number)
1373. Scholarly electronic publishing bibliography [electronic resource] [1996 - ]
1374. School district demographics system [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
1375. Schubert-Autographs [electronic resource] : the largest collection on the internet = Schubert-Autographe : die grösste Sammlung im Internet [2001 - ]
1376. Das Schweizer Buch [electronic resource] : schweizerische Nationalbibliografie [2000 - ]
1377. SciELO citation index [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
1378. Science accelerator [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
1379. Science citation index expanded [electronic resource]. [1945 - ]
1380. Science of synthesis [electronic resource] : Houben-Weyl methods of molecular transformations [2000 - ]
1381. ScienceDirect [electronic resource]. [1999 - ]
1382. Science.gov [electronic resource] : FirstGov for science : connects you to U.S. government science and technology [2002 - ]
1383. Scientific American [1845 - ]
Green Library : InfoCenter: display : (no call number)
Biology Library (Falconer) : Serials : Shelved by title V.303 2010
Chemistry & ChemEng Library (Swain) : Serials : Shelved by title V.301 2009
Engineering Library (Terman) : Serials : (no call number)
Marine Biology Library (Miller) : Serials : Shelved by title V.309 2013
SAL1&2 (on-campus shelving) : Stacks : T1 .S5 N.S.V.309 2013:JUL.-DEC
SAL1&2 (on-campus shelving) : Temporary shelving for Folio materials : T1 .S5 SER.1:V.14 SEP.1858-JUN.1859
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : 605 .S416 1978-1988 INDEX
Special Collections : Rare Books Collection (non-circulating) : T1 .S5 F
1384. SciFinder [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
1385. SCIPIO [electronic resource] : art and rare book sales catalogs [1997 - ]
1386. SciSearch [electronic resource]. [1900 - ]
1387. SciTech connect [2013 - ]
1388. SciTech connect [2013 - ]
1389. SCI-TECHnetBASE [electronic resource]. [2008 - ]
1390. SciVerse - hub.
1391. SCOLA [electronic resource].
1392. Scopus [electronic resource]. [2004 - ]
1393. Scottish library and information resources online [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
1394. Scottish women poets of the Romantic period [electronic resource]
1395. Search legal opinions [2012 - ]
1396. Selected resources for patents, inventions, and technology transfer [electronic resource] [1998 - ]
1397. Senate executive journals. Series I, 1789-1866 [electronic resource]. [2006 - ]
1398. Serial set (1789-present) [electronic resource]. [2004 - ]
1399. Session laws library [electronic resource]. [2007 - ]
Law Library (Crown) : Online resource : INTERNET RESOURCE SESSION LAWS
Check Preview to see all copies and current status
1400. Session laws library [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
1401. Shakespearean prompt-books of the seventeenth century [1960 - ]
Green Library : Stacks : PR2757 .E9 F V.1:PT.1-2
1402. Shi ji qi kan ren wen she ke jing pin shu ju ku [electronic resource] = Century journals social sciences [2005 - ]
世紀期刊人文社科精品數據庫 [electronic resource] = Century journals social sciences
1403. Si bu cong kan [electronic resource] [2013 - ]
四部叢刊 [electronic resource]
1404. Wen yuan ge si ku quan shu dian zi ban nei lian wang ban [electronic resource] [2005]
文淵閣四庫全書電子版内聯網版 [electronic resource]
1405. SIAM e-books [electronic resource]. [2001 - ]
1406. The Significant earthquake database [electronic resource] [2005 - ]
1407. Slave narratives : [microform] a folk history of slavery in the Unites States from interviews with former slaves [1941]
Green Library : Media & Microtext Center (Lower level) : MFILM N.S. 806
1408. Slavery & anti-slavery [electronic resource] : a transnational archive [2009 - ]
1409. Slavery, abolition and social justice, 1490-2007 [electronic resource] [2007 - ]
1410. Slavery and the law [electronic resource]. [2012 - ]
1411. Slovenska bibliografija [electronic resource] = The Slovenian national bibliography [2004 - ]
1412. The small press record of books in print [electronic resource]. [2011 - ]
1413. Smart building index [electronic resource] : SBI [2006 - ]
1414. Smithsonian global sound for libraries [electronic resource]. [2003 - ]
1415. SMPTE digital library [electronic resource]. [2011 - ]
1416. SNL [electronic resource]. [2003 - ]
1417. Social explorer [electronic resource]. [2005 - ]
1418. Social science electronic data library [electronic resource]. [2001 - ]
1419. Social Science Research Network [electronic resource] : SSRN [1990 - ]
1420. Social sciences citation index [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
1421. Social security worldwide [electronic resource] : SSW [1998 - ]
1422. Social services abstracts [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
1423. Social theory [electronic resource]. [2006 - ]
1424. Sociological abstracts [1953 - ]
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : HM1 .S67 V.52:NO.6 2004
1425. Sociology of education abstracts [1965 - ]
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : 370.5 .S682 V.45-47 2009-2011
1426. Sociology [electronic resource] : a SAGE full-text collection [2000 - ]
1427. Socrates [electronic resource] : Stanford's Online Catalog [1980 - ]
1428. Solid waste information system [electronic resource] : SWIS [1995 - ]
1429. Sourcebook of criminal justice statistics [electronic resource]. [2003 - ]
1431. South Asian newspapers [electronic resource]
1432. South Carolina newspapers [electronic resource]. [2007 - ]
1433. South China morning post (1903- ) [electronic resource].
1434. Southern life and African American history, 1775-1915, plantations records. Part 1 [electronic resource]. [2012 - ]
1435. Sovetskai͡a kulʹtura digital archive [2013 - ]
1436. Spectra data base : (UV/Vis+ photochemistry data base) [2010 - ]
1437. Spectral database for organic compounds SDBS [electronic resource]. [2001 - ]
1438. SPIE digital library [electronic resource].
1439. Spinelli's law librarian's reference shelf [electronic resource]. [2011 - ]
Law Library (Crown) : Online resource : INTERNET RESOURCE SPINELLIS REF SHELF
1440. Spin-trap database [electronic resource]. [1999 - ]
1441. Sports business research network [electronic resource]. [1996 - ]
1442. SPRESIweb [electronic resource].: chemical structure and reaction database [1990 - ]
1443. Springer Protocols [electronic resource]. [2003 - ]
1444. SpringerImages [electronic resource] [2009 - ]
1445. SpringerLink [electronic resource]. [1997 - ]
1446. SpringerMaterials [electronic resource] : the Landolt-Börnstein database [1900 - ]
1447. Standard & Poor's netAdvantage [electronic resource]. [2001 - ]
1448. Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy [electronic resource]. [1997 - ]
1449. Stanford Geological Survey [electronic resource] [2000]
1450. State agency databases [electronic resource]. [2007 - ]
1451. State Attorney General reports and opinions [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
1452. State Attorney General reports and opinions [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
Law Library (Crown) : Online resource : (no call number)
1453. State blue books [electronic resource]. [2006 - ]
1454. State fact sheets [electronic resource].
1455. State of the states [electronic resource] : a stateline.org report
1456. State papers online [electronic resource] : the government of Britain, 1509-1714 [2008 - ]
1457. State reports [electronic resource] : a historical archive [2014 - ]
Law Library (Crown) : Online resource : INTERNET RESOURCE STATE REPTS HIST ARCHI
1458. State statutes: a historical archive [2013 - ]
1459. Statewide database [electronic resource] : reports & documentation [2000 - ]
1460. Statista [electronic resource]. [2007 - ]
1461. Statistical abstract of the United States [1878 - 2012]
Green Library : SSRC: Government Documents (non-circulating) : C 3.134:2012
Green Library : US Federal Documents : C 3.134:2012
Education Library (Cubberley) : Stacks : HA202 .A483
Marine Biology Library (Miller) : Reference (non-circulating) : HA202 .A483 2001 121ST ED
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : HA202 .A483 2012
1462. Status of irrigation districts with respect to federal reclamation law [electronic resource]. [2006 - ]
1463. Struggle for women's rights, organizational records, 1880-1990 [electronic resource]. [2012 - ]
1464. Subject compilations of state laws [electronic resource]. [2008 - ]
1465. Summary of the bulletin of the International Seismological Centre [2010 - ]
Earth Sciences Library (Branner) : Media : 551.206 .I57 2010:JULY./DEC
Earth Sciences Library (Branner) : Stacks : (no call number)
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : 551.206 .I57 V.47:NO.7/12 2010:JUL./DEC
1466. The Sunday Times; an independent newspaper [1822 - ]
Green Library : InfoCenter: newspapers (non-circulating) : NEWSPAPER
1467. Sustainability science abstracts [electronic resource].
1468. Synthesis [electronic resource] : the digital library of engineering and computer science [2005 - ]
1469. Taishō no Yomiuri shinbun [electronic resource]. [1912 - 1926]
大正の讀賣新聞 [electronic resourse].
SAL1&2 (on-campus shelving) : Locked Stacks : CD-ROM 3
1470. Taiwan dian zi qi kan fu wu wang [electronic resource] = Taiwan electronic periodical services [2007 - ]
台灣電子期刊服務網 [electronic resource] = Taiwan electronic periodical services
1471. Taiyō [electronic resource].
太陽 [electronic resource].
1472. Tax Foundation archive publications
Law Library (Crown) : Online resource : INTERNET RESOURCE TAX FNDTN ARC PUBS
1473. Taxation & economic reform in America, Parts I & II, 1781-2011 [electronic resource]. [2009 - ]
Law Library (Crown) : Online resource : INTERNET RESOURCE TAXATION & ECON REFORM
1474. Teatro español del siglo de oro [electronic resource] : baso de datos de texto completo [1998]
Green Library : Media & Microtext Center (Lower level) : PQ6217 .T43 1998
1475. Technical reports and technical notes [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
1476. Techstreet [electronic resource]. [1999 - ]
1477. Television News Archive [electronic resource] [1990 - ]
1478. Testaments to the Holocaust [electronic resource] [2005 - ]
1479. Textes de la Renaissance [electronic resource]. [2006 - ]
1480. Theatre in video [electronic resource]. [2006 - ]
1481. Theodore Roosevelt Center at Dickinson State University [1999 - ]
1482. Thermophysical properties of fluid systems [electronic resource] [1998]
1483. Thesaurus Linguae Graecae [electronic resource] : TLG : a digital library of Greek literature [2001 - ]
1484. Thesaurus linguae Latinae [2006 - ]
1485. Thesaurus Linguae Latinae [electronic resource] : TLL. [2009 - ]
1486. Thesaurus Precum Latinarum [electronic resource] = Treasury of Latin Prayers [1998 - ]
1487. Thieme E-Book library [electronic resource]. [2004 - ]
1488. THOMAS [electronic resource] : legislative information on the Internet [1995 - ]
1489. The Thomas M. Cooley journal of practical and clinical law [electronic resource]. [1997 - ]
1490. ThomasNet [electronic resource]. [1997 - ]
1491. Thomson ONE banker [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
1492. Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center [electronic resource] : [web site]. [2000 - ]
1493. The Times [1785 - ]
Green Library : InfoCenter: newspapers (non-circulating) : NEWSPAPER
1494. The Times of India
Green Library : InfoCenter: newspapers (non-circulating) : NEWSPAPER
1495. The TLS historical archive, 1902-2007 [electronic resource] [2000 - ]
1496. Torrossa [electronic resource] : Casalini full text platform [2011 - ]
1497. Tourism factbook [electronic resource] [2005 - ]
1498. Toxic Substance Hydrology Program bibliography [electronic resource].
1499. Toxicological profile [1980 - ]
Green Library : SSRC: Microfiche (non-circulating) : HE 20.7918:
1500. Toxicology abstracts [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
1501. TOXLINE [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
1502. TOXNET [electronic resource] : toxicology data network [1990 - ]
1503. TPMD [electronic resource]. [2007 - ]
1504. Trade, law and development [electronic resource]. [2009 - ]
Law Library (Crown) : Online resource : INTERNET RESOUR TRADE LAW AND DEVELOPMEN
1505. Trade law guide [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
Law Library (Crown) : Online resource : (no call number)
1506. TradeStats Express [electronic resource]. [1990 - ]
1507. Trail technical report archive & image library [electronic resource] [2010 - ]
1508. Travel writing, spectacle and world history [electronic resource]. [2009 - ]
1509. Trees of Stanford
1510. TRIS online [electronic resource]. [1999 - 2010]
1511. Trucost online
1512. TV news : search captions, borrow broadcasts : TV archive [2012]
1513. Twentieth century advice literature [electronic resource] : North American guides on race, sex, gender, and the family [2008 - ]
1514. Twentieth century American poetry [electronic resource]. [1999 - ]
1515. Twentieth century drama [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
1516. Twentieth century North American drama [electronic resource]. [2005 - ]
1517. Twentieth-century African American poetry [electronic resource]. [1999 - ]
1518. Twentieth-Century American poetry [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
1519. Twentieth-century English poetry [electronic resource] : incorporating the Faber poetry library [2000]
Green Library : Media & Microtext Center (Lower level) : PR1225 .T946 2000
1520. Typee [electronic resource] : a fluid-text edition [2006]
1521. Ulrich's periodicals directory [2001 - ]
Green Library : InfoCenter: Ready Reference (non-circulating) : Z6941 .U45 ED.52:V.4 2014
Green Library : Social Sciences Resource Center (non-circulating) : Z6941 .U45 ED.50:V.4 2012
Green Library : Stacks : Z6941 .U45 ED.50:V.1 2012
Biology Library (Falconer) : Ask at circulation desk : Z6941 .U45 ED.46:PT.3 2008
Marine Biology Library (Miller) : Reference (non-circulating) : Z6941 .U45 ED.41:V.5 2003
SAL3 (off-campus storage) : Stacks : Z6941 .U45 ED.51:V.4 2013
1522. UN commodity statistics trade database [electronic resource] : UN comtrade [2003 - ]
1523. UN news centre [electronic resource].
1524. UNBISnet [electronic resource] : United Nations Bibliographic System [1990 - ]
1525. UNdata [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
1526. UNEP.Net [electronic resource] : the environment network [2000 - ]
1527. UNESCAP Statistics Division data centre [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
1528. UNESCO documents and publications [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
1529. UNHCR population statistics [2012 - ]
1530. Union list of geologic field trip guidebooks of North America [1996]
Earth Sciences Library (Branner) : Bibliographies & Indexes section : Z6034.N65 U5 1996
Earth Sciences Library (Branner) : Reference (non-circulating) : Z6034.N65 U5 1996
1531. United Nations Division for Sustainable Development. National information [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
1532. United Nations law collection [electronic resource]. [2008 - ]
Law Library (Crown) : Online resource : INTERNET RESOURCE UN LAW COLLECTION
1533. United Nations legal publications [electronic resource] : global search [2000 - ]
Stanford University Libraries : On order : (no call number)
1534. United Nations treaty collection [electronic resource] = Collection des traités des Nations Unies [1996 - ]
1535. United Nations yearbook collection [electronic resource]. [1946 - ]
Green Library : InfoCenter: CD-ROMS (non-circulating) : JZ4947 V. 1/56 1946/2002
1536. United States Census 2000 [electronic resource] [2000 - ]
1537. United States code [electronic resource]. [2003 - ]
1538. United States congressional serial set. [1817 - ]
Green Library : SSRC: Microfiche (non-circulating) : MFICHE 1808
Green Library : US Federal Documents : Y 1.1/2:14902
1539. United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims [electronic resource] : decisions and opinions [2007 - ]
1540. United States statutes at large [1937 - ]
Green Library : Social Sciences Resource Center (non-circulating) : KF50 .U5 V.125 PT.2 2011
1541. Universal databases. Central newspapers [electronic resource]. [1999 - ]
1542. Universal databases. CIS & Baltic periodicals [electronic resource]. [1999 - ]
1543. Universal databases. Government publications [electronic resource]. [1999 - ]
1544. Universal databases. Military & security periodicals [electronic resource]. [1999 - ]
1545. Universal databases. Regional newspapers [electronic resource]. [1999 - ]
1546. Universal databases. Social sciences & humanities [electronic resource] [1999 - ]
1547. Universal databases. Ukrainian publications [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
1548. Universal human rights index [electronic resource].
1549. University of California Berkeley Library [electronic resource] : [website]. [1990 - ]
1550. The University of Minnesota biocatalysis/biodegradation database [electronic resource] [1998 - ]
1551. University press scholarship online [2012 - ]
1552. Uniworld [electronic resource]. [2006 - ]
Business Library : Online resource : E-RESOURCE
1553. UNODC human trafficking case law database [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
1554. Urban studies abstracts [electronic resource]. [2007 - ]
1555. U.S. Census Bureau [electronic resource] : [website]. [1999 - ]
1556. US Hispanic newsstand [electronic resource]. [2009 - ]
1557. U.S. national strategy documents [electronic resource].
1558. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. SEC Filings & forms (EDGAR) [electronic resource]. [1994 - ]
1559. U.S. Supreme Court records and briefs, 1832-1978 [electronic resource]. [2005 - ]
1560. USA counties [electronic resource]. [1998 - ]
1561. USA counties [electronic resource]. [1998 - ]
1562. USA trade online [electronic resource]. [2000 - ]
1563. USDA national nutrient database for standard reference [1990 - ]
1564. U.S.G.S. planetary GIS Web server [electronic resource] : PIGWAD : planetary interactive G.I.S.-on-the-Web analyzable database [2000 - ]
1565. USGS publications warehouse [electronic resource].
1566. UTNetCAT [electronic resource] : the catalog of the University of Texas Libraries [1990 - ]
1567. Vestniki Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta (UDB-MGU)
Вестники Московского государственного университета (UDB-MGU)
1568. Victorian popular culture [electronic resource]. [2008 - ]
1569. The Vietnam-era prisoner-of-war/missing-in-action database [electronic resource] [2003 - ]
1570. ViFaMusik : Virtuellen Fachbibliothek Musikwissenschaft [2007 - ]
1571. Virginia Tech multimedia music dictionary [electronic resource] [2000 - ]
1572. A vision of Britain through time [electronic resource]. [2004 - ]
1573. Visual history archive [electronic resource]. [2001 - ]
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