Abbreviationes OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Abbreviationes is a dictionary of medieval Latin abbreviations, designed for use in both learning and teaching of medieval Latin paleography and as a reference and research tool. The Main Dictionary is based on manuscripts from libraries throughout Europe including Catania, Uppsala, Coimbra, and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ABELL (PQ)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ABELL contains records covering monographs, periodical articles, critical editions of literary works, book reviews, collections of essays and doctoral dissertations published anywhere in the world from 1920 onwards. The subject areas covered include: English language, English literature, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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ABI/INFORM GlobalxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Journal articles and abstracts pertaining to: business, management, accounting, auditing, economics, finance, taxation, marketing, advertising, personnel, banking, public administration, and nonprofit organizations.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Database includes: ABI/Inform Global, ABI/Inform Trade & Industry, ABI ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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ABIA South and Southeast Asian Art and Archaeology IndexxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The database ABIA South and Southeast Asian Art and Archaeology Index is fully searchable and is freely accessible. The ABIA Index is a bibliographic database on South and Southeast Asian art and archaeology compiled by an international team of specialists. ABIA index supplies annotated and indexed ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ABMS Directory of Board Certified Medical Specialists (BoardCertifiedDocs)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Check physicians' board certification status, medical education and work history. Updated daily, BoardCertifiedDocs provides instant access to complete and verified professional credentials on 580,000 board certified physicians.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
About Herbs, Botanicals & other ProductsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
About Herbs, Botanicals & Other Products contains information for oncologists and healthcare professionals, including a clinical summary for each agent and details about constituents, adverse effects, interactions, and potential benefits or problems. Evaluations of alternative or unproved cancer ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
American Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies provides information on East-Central Europe and the former Soviet Union. Some of the subjects covered include anthropology, culture & the arts, economics, education, and geography. Sources indexed include journals, books, dissertations, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Academia HistoricaxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Academic Guide to Jewish HistoryxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Six hundred resources are listed in the Academic Guide to Jewish History. The guide is highly selective, and includes major resources only. The subject area is Jewish History. Resources pertaining to Bible, rabbinics, liturgy, Jewish philosophy, Hebrew literature and genealogy are not included. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Academic OneFile (Gale)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Academic OneFile is a premier source for peer-reviewed, full-text articles from the world's leading journals and reference sources. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
With extensive coverage of the physical sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences, the arts, theology, literature and other subjects, Academic OneFile is both ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Academic Search PremierxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Academic Search Premier is a scholarly, multi-disciplinary full text database for many journals with indexing and abstracts for many more journals in the collection. Nearly every area of academic study is included: computer science, engineering, physics, chemistry, language and linguistics, arts & ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Access NewspaperARCHIVExAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Access NewspaperARCHIVE contains tens of millions of searchable newspaper pages, dating as far back as the 1700s. It is your gateway to searching and reading historical newspapers online. NewspaperARCHIVE.com, the world's largest archive of online newspapers, is providing this valuable research ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Access PediatricsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
AccessPediatrics from McGraw-Hill is an integrated online resource that provides medical students, pediatric residents, and practicing pediatricians with a broad range of content that covers the entire span of pediatric practice, from neonatology through adolescent medicine. Organized around a set ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Access Science: McGraw-Hill Online Encyclopedia of Science and TechnologyxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Access Science provides access to all the articles, fully illustrated, from the latest edition of the McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology, Research Updates from the McGraw-Hill Yearbooks, thousands of illustrations, and the latest Science News® headlines, biographies, and more.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Access: Supplementary Index to PeriodicalsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
For more than two decades, Access has provided a unique indexing resource for popular periodicals. It does not duplicate any indexing in the Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature and following Access' publication on the internet in 1999 any indexing found in the general indexes of the H.W. Wilson ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Pain Management, Critical Care & Perioperative Medicine xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online medical resource for anesthesiology professionals preparing for cases and for board certification and recertification xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
• Many of the leading McGraw-Hill medical textbooks on anesthesiologyxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
• Customizable curriculum with which ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
AccessEmergency MedicinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Constantly being updated by a team of experts that are dedicated to meeting the needs of the emergency medicine specialist.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
AccessEngineering from McGraw-Hill is a dynamic online resource offering quick and unparalleled access to the world's most trusted collection of critical, must-have engineering information.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
AccessEngineering delivers McGraw-Hill's multidisciplinary engineering information in a dynamic ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Accessible ArchivesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Accessible Archives provides a searchable collection of American newspapers from the 18th & 19th centuries. Eras covered include the Colonial Period, the French & Indian War, the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, African-American History, Industrial Revolution, and Genealogy.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Updated daily by world-renowned physicians and expanded continuously, AccessMedicine is designed for direct access to the information necessary for completing evaluations, diagnoses, case management decisions, conducting research, medical education, or self-assessment and board review.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
An integrated online resource that provides medical students, surgical residents, and practicing surgeons with quick answers to surgical inquiries from trusted sources. Organized around the ACGME's (Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education) mandate for a Core Curriculum, AccessSurgery ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Indexing and some full text access to United Nations documents and publications published from 1944 to present, including Official Records, masthead documents, draft resolutions, meeting records, UN Sales Publications, and the UN Treaty Series citations. Access is by subject, title, author, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The foremost index to a finite collection of United Nations Development Programme Project Reports issued and held by UN headquarters between the years 1972-1998. The index provides access to evaluative, technical and terminal reports (available in full-text on microfiche from NewsBank/Readex) ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ACLS Humanities E-Book projectxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ACLS History E-Book Project is now the ACLS Humanities E-Book, a collaboration of eight learned societies, nearly 75 contributing publishers, and librarians at the University of Michigan's Scholarly Publishing Office. The result is an online, fully searchable collection of works of major ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ACM Digital Library - Publications from ACM and Affiliated OrganizationsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Full-text access to every article ever published by the ACM (Association for Computing Machinery), including journals and conference proceedings.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Paper equivalent(s): ACM guide to computing literaturexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
System Requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader needed to view full text of articles.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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ACP PIERxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ACP PIER (Physicians' Information and Education Resource) is an evidence-based clinical guidance tool produced by the American College of Physicians to provide rapid access to clinical information at the point of care. PIER includes recommendations based on all levels of medical evidence including ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Acta SanctorumxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Acta Sanctorum, a principal source of research into the societies and cultures of early Christian and medieval Europe and the lives of the saints, contains the text of the sixty-eight printed volumes published in Antwerp and Brussels by the Société des Bollandistes, from the two January volumes ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Ad*Access ProjectxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Ad*Access Project presents images and database information for over 7,000 advertisements printed in U.S. and Canadian newspapers and magazines between 1911 and 1955 concentrating on five main subject areas: Radio, Television, Transportation, Beauty and Hygiene, and World War II, providing a ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Adams Papers Digital EditionxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The definitive record of the nation’s first great political family, The Adams Papers Digital Edition comprises John Adams’s complete diaries, selected legal papers, and the ongoing series of family correspondence and state papers. This XML edition presents in a searchable online environment all ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Africa - Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Africa-Wide InformationxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Africa-Wide:NIPAD, produced by NISC South Africa, combines databases from around the world to form a multidisciplinary aggregation offering unique and extensive coverage of all facets of Africa and African studies. This includes content from South African Studies, African Studies, and African ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Africa YearbookxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Africa Yearbook covers major domestic political developments, foreign policy and socio-economic trends in sub-Sahara Africa. The Yearbook contains articles on all sub-Saharan states and on each of the four sub-regions (West, Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa), focusing on major ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Africabib is a combination of bibliographic databases providing access to periodical and other material on Africa. The two major databases include Africana Periodical Literature, a bibliography of citations from periodicals, covering a range of topics relating to Africa and African Women's Database ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
African American Newspapers, 1827-1998xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
African American Newspapers, 1827-1998 provides online access to approximately 270 U.S. newspapers chronicling a century and a half of the African American experience. This unique collection features papers from more than 35 states—including many rare and historically significant 19th century ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
African American Newspapers: The 19th CenturyxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
African American Newspapers: The 19th Century is one component of Accessible Archives, a searchable collection of American newspapers from the 18th & 19th centuries. Eras covered include the Colonial Period, the French & Indian War, the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, African-American History, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
African American Periodicals, 1825-1995 (Readex)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
African American Periodicals, 1825-1995 features more than 170 wide-ranging periodicals by and about African Americans.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
African-American Poetry- 1750-1900xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
African-American Poetry contains nearly 3,000 poems by African-American poets of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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African-American poetry of the nineteenth century : an anthology; CCL, Stacks PS591 N4 A38 1992xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
African American Studies -- Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
African Collection Yale University LibraryxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Africana in North America, if not the world. The first acquisition of Africa-related material goes back to the earliest days of the University’s existence, and the impressive depth and breadth of holdings reflects the diversity of the University Library’s strengths as well as generations of ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
African Journal OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
African Journals Online (AJOL) provides access to African published research. AJOL is a database of African-published journals, publishing in a range of academic disciplines. The objective of AJOL is to give greater visibility to the participating journals, and to the research they convey.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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African Writers SeriesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This full text database offers access to works from Heinemann's African Writers Series. This series provides seminal works from the canon of twentieth century African literature, covering such authors as Steve Biko, Ama Ata Aidoo, and Buchi Emecheta. Novels and short stories, drama and poetry, are ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
AGRICOLA (Ovid)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
AGRICOLA indexes more than 2,000 serial titles as well as books, pamphlets, conference proceedings, research reports, government documents, monographs, theses, patents, software, audiovisual content, and microforms pertaining to all aspects of agriculture. The topics covered in this database ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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AIDA Online (De Gruyter)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Bibliography Articoli italiani di periodici accademici (AIDA) indexes journal articles from journals covering the humanities and social sciences. AIDA's coverage exceeds coverage of the Italian academic press by IBZ. Working together with Italian librarians ensures that the journals indexed in ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Air University Library Index to Military PeriodicalsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
A subject index to articles, book reviews, and editorials from English language military and aeronautical periodicals. Indexes titles including Air Power History and Military History. Online coverage begins in 1988.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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SML, Reference Z6723 +A57 (LC) (Covers 1953-1987) xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Mudd, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Akten der Reichskanzlei. Weimarer RepublikxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Alexander Street literaturexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Alexander Street Literature is a comprehensive, cross-searchable package of collections covering literatures of place, race, and gender. It includes poetry, short fiction, and novels, along with full-text plays and film scripts.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Alt-Press Watch (ProQuest XML)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Alt-Press Watch™ showcases unique, independent voices from some of our nation’s most respected and cited grassroots newspapers, magazines, and journals. The database features over 670,000 articles from more than 210 publications, offering a wide range of unfettered, critical coverage of the ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Alternative Press Index Archive (Ebsco)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Alternative Press Index is a biannual subject index to over 300 alternative, radical and left periodicals, newspapers and magazines....The Index is international and interdisciplinary, spanning the social sciences and humanities, with its central focus on the practice and theory of socialism, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Alternative Press Index (Ebsco)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Alternative Press Index is a biannual subject index to over 300 alternative, radical and left periodicals, newspapers and magazines....The Index is international and interdisciplinary, spanning the social sciences and humanities, with its central focus on the practice and theory of socialism, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Citations/abstracts covering a selection of journals in complementary medicine, palliative care and several professions allied to medicine. Subjects covered include acupuncture, osteopathy, Chinese medicine, homeopathy, hypnosis, herbalism, chiropractic, holistic treatments and rehabilitation and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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America: History & Life (EBSCO)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
America: History and Life is a bibliographic reference to the history of the United States and Canada from prehistory to the present. Published since 1964, the database comprises bibliographic entries, covering journals published worldwide. In addition to covering all key English-language ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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American Antiquarian Society Historical Periodicals Collection: Series 1xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
EBSCO partners with American Antiquarian Society (AAS), the premier library documenting the life of America's people from the Colonial Era through the Civil War and Reconstruction, to provide digital access to the most comprehensive collection of American periodicals published between 1691 and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
American Book Prices CurrentxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
An annual record of books, manuscripts, autographs, maps and broadsides sold at auction.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
American Broadsides & Ephemera, Series IxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
American Broadsides and Ephemera, based on the American Antiquarian Society's collection, offers searchable facsimile images of broadsides printed between 1820 and 1900 and pieces of ephemera printed between 1760 and 1900. The subjects of these broadsides range from contemporary accounts of the ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
American Civil War: Letters & DiariesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The American Civil War: Letters and Diaries include more than 400 sources of diaries, letters, and memoirs providing access to thousands of views on almost every aspect of the war. The writings of politicians, generals, slaves, landowners, seaman, wives, and even spies are included. The letters and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
American Civil War Research DatabasexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The American Civil War Research Database™ is the definitive online resource for researching the soldiers, regiments, and battles of the American Civil War. Originally created by Historical Data Systems, Inc., the database contains indexed, searchable information on over 4 million soldiers and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
American drama (1714-1915)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Plays by American dramatists that chronicle the history and culture of America through its dramatic writing.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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American Drama SML, Stacks, LC Classification PS350 A428xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
American Film Institute CatalogxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The online AFI Catalog draws its content from six printed volumes that document every American film from 1893 to 1972 (except 1951 to 1960). Search records by keywords; film titles; cast, crew, and character names; subject; genre; release year and more. Most records include extensive plot ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
American Film Scripts OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
American Film Scripts Online (AFSO) contains scripts by writers together with detailed, fielded information on the scenes, characters and people related to the scripts. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The collection includes more than 1,000 scripts and over 100,000 scenes of life as portrayed in the movies.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
American Foreign Relations since 1600xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The product of a unique partnership between the publisher and the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR), this title is an exhaustive updating of the original 2003 edition. It will be conveniently updated twice a year. Features include: xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
•32 chronologically organized ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
American Jewish Archives JournalxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The American Jewish Archives Journal (AJAJ) has provided its readers for over sixty years with informative articles, interesting documentary analyses, and helpful review essays. The Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives (AJA) is now pleased to present the entire run (114 issues ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
American Men & Women of SciencexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
American Men & Women of Science (AMWS) remains without peer as a chronicle of scientific endeavor and achievement in the United States and Canada. The present work is the twenty-seventh edition, and was first compiled as American Men of Science by J. McKeen Cattell in 1906. In its 104 year history, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
American National BiographyxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
American National Biography offers portraits of more than 17,400 men and women -- from all eras and walks of life. The online edition is updated quarterly, with hundreds of new entries each year and revisions of previously published entries to enhance their accuracy and currency. The ANB Online ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
American Periodical SeriesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This full-text-/full-image resource contains 1000 magazines published between 1741 and 1900. Titles include Benjamin Franklin's General Magazine, the first American professional journals, and several consumer magazines still in publication, such as Vanity Fair, Harper's, and Ladies' Home Journal. ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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American Periodicals (Center for Research Libraries)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
American Periodicals from the Center for Research Libraries is a full-text resource containing full-color scans of original documents archived by the Center for Research Libraries. The collection spans the nineteenth century through the dawn of the twentieth century, containing labor, trade, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
American Poetry (1600-1900)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This database contains the complete poetic works of more than 200 American writers, from the Colonial Period to the early 20th century. It includes the complete text of poems and covers the works of all major poets, such as Emily Dickinson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Phillis Wheatley, Walt ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
American Spectator Archive (1967-present)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The American Spectator is conservative U.S. monthly magazine. This database allows users to browse issues by date or search by keywords.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
American State Papers, 1789-1838xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
U.S. Congressional materials from 1789 through 1838. Precedes and somewhat overlaps with the U.S. Congressional Serial Set (which began in 1817).xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
American West (Adam Matthew Digital)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Electronic resource comprised of ms. documents, printed ephemera, published books and maps relating to the exploration and settlement of the American West, drawn chiefly from the Graff Collection at the Newberry Library with additional materials from the Library's general and map ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
America's Historical Newspapers (Readex)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This archive of American historical newspapers provides access to full text digitized versions of primary source material, Early American Newspapers, Series I - IX. It includes titles from all 50 present states. It is produced through partnerships with the American Antiquarian Society (AAS), ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Latin American Public Opinion Project (LAPOP), directed by Mitchell A. Seligson, and initiated over two decades ago, is hosted by Vanderbilt University. LAPOP began with the study of democratic values in one country, Costa Rica, at a time when much of the rest of Latin America was caught in the ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
An-Nahar Newspaper ArchivesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
One of the leading research centers of the Middle East. The Archives of “An-Nahar” online give you access to the database of the An-Nahar Newspaper. Through our program, ANAIS, you may consult 18 years of the database ofxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
An-Nahar’s index (bibliographical notices) on internet and retrieve ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Analecta Hymnica OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
An online searchable version of the 19th century Dreves edition, the most comprehensive published source for medieval and Renaissance Latin Hymnody available today. The massive 55 volume work lays the foundation for the history and appreciation of Latin hymns. It includes previously unedited and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Anatomy ClinicxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Virtual anatomy lab developed by faculty at the Yale School of MedicinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Ancestry Library EditionxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
United States and United Kingdom genealogical resources, offering coverage of the United States and the United Kingdom, including census; military; court, land, and probate; vital and church records; directories; passenger lists and more, as well as some similar record collections from Canada and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Annual Register - a record of world eventsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Annual Register is a year-by-year record of British and world events covering 1758 to the present and including contemporary opinion, historical context and biographical information. From the American War of Independence, through western industrialisation and world wars, The Annual Register has ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Anthropological Index Online (AIO)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Royal Anthropological Institute, a not-for-profit anthropological organization we contribute to through our subscription, developed this Anthropological Index Online which indexes all branches of anthropology and archaeology. All geographical regions are covered, and the library has ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and LinkxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Anthropology -- Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Anthropology Plus (EBSCO)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Anthropology Plus is the world's most comprehensive, focused index of bibliographic materials from the late 1800s to today in the fields of social, cultural, physical, biological, and linguistic anthropology; ethnology, archaeology, folklore, and material culture; and interdisciplinary studies. ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
AnthroSource is a fully integrated information resource with an evolving, interactive repository of research and communications tools designed to bring credible and relevant of anthropological scholarship together in one place and to support a strong community of scholars, teachers, and students in ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Apabi Chinese Reference Book DatabasexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Apabi Chinese Reference Book Database 中国工具书资源全文数据库contains full-text articles and pictures from hundreds of authoritative Chinese reference books. Currently, we have acquired 158 titles (320 volumes), including 汉语大词典, 辞海, 中国大百科全书, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Applied Science & Technology Full Text (H.W. Wilson)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Covering of a wide variety of applied science specialties—from acoustics and aeronautics, to neural networks and nuclear & civil engineering—Applied Science & Technology Full Text™ provides full-text content and in-depth indexing and abstracts from leading trade and industrial journals, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Aquatic Biology, Aquaculture and Fisheries ResourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
CD-ROM available at Kline Science Library. This database of literature references points to published and some unpublished sources on aquatic organisms and their environments. Topics include: ichthyology, marine birds, mammals, plants, microorganisms, cetaceans, pollution, management and culture, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Arab e-MarefaxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Arab e-Marefa is the leading Arabic language research database providing full text for 950 academic journals and statistical reports issued by various bodies in the Arabic world including universities, research centers, public statistical departments, central banks, scientific associations and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Arab-Israeli Relations 1917-1970xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
An overview of the political history of the Middle East in the 20th Century, based on primary source documents from The National Archives, London. Original source material from the Foreign Office, Colonial Office, War Office and Cabinet Papers from the 1917 Balfour Declaration through to the Black ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ARBAonline: American Reference Books AnnualxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ARBAonline, the online edition of American Reference Books Annual, is the most xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
comprehensive and authoritative database for quality reviews of print and xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
electronic reference works and, increasingly, for Web resources as well. It xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
includes reviews of reference works from more than 400 ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Archive FinderxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Archive Finder is a current directory which describes over 206,200 collections of primary source material housed in thousands of repositories across the United States, the United Kingdom and Ireland. Researchers can search descriptions of manuscript collections in the United States, link to ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Archive of Celtic-Latin Literature OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Archive of Celtic-Latin Literature Online (ACLL) is a full-text xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
database of the corpus of Latin literature produced in Celtic-speaking xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Europe, together with the Latin works of the Continental 'peregrini', from the period 400-1200 AD / CE. It contains more than 400 Latin works spanning the ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ArchiveGrid describes primary sources for material on family and corporate histories, personal papers, and historical records with direct search access to dispersed collections and collection descriptions. Locate relevant research institutions, arrange visits, or request copies from libraries, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Archives Made EasyxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The London School of Economics (LSE) online guide to archives around the world serves the global research community by providing transparency of the costs and processes involved in an archive. The site is constantly growing. At present, content has come from the doctorate students of LSE's ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Archives Unbound (Gale)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Archives Unbound presents topically-focused digital collections of historical documents that support the research and study needs of scholars and students at the college and university level. Collections in Archives Unbound cover a broad range of topics from the Middle Ages forward-from Witchcraft ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ArchNet is an international Online community developed at the MIT School of Architecture and Planning and the University of Texas at Austin, School of Architecture, in close cooperation with, and with the full support of The Aga Khan Trust for Culture, an agency of the Aga Khan Development Network. ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Aristoteles Latinus DatabasexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The complete corpus of medieval translations of the works of Aristotle. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This database contains those texts that have been critically edited in the printed Aristoteles Latinus series. Other corpora complete the database, whether editions that have already been published or ones in preparation or ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Arizona Republican (1890-1922)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This historical newspaper provides genealogists, researchers and scholars with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Armed Conflict DatabasexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This database covers international and internal conflicts, as well as terrorism, including information on refugees and returnees, internally displaced persons, weapons used and their flows, fatalities, costs, historical backgrounds, and timelines. Users can generate reports, download data, and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Art Full Text (H.W. Wilson)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Researchers can track the careers of artists and review their materials and methods, and find books by and about artists, as well as interviews, profiles, and much more. Indexing of art reproductions helps users find virtually any work of interest—including works by emerging artists—as well as ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Art Index Retrospective : 1929-1984 (H.W. Wilson)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Covering content for more than 55 years of art journalism, this retrospective resource includes articles, interviews, reviews and much more from over 600 publications.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Art Index Retrospective: 1929-1984 features coverage English-language periodicals, yearbooks and museum bulletins published in ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ARTbibliographies Modern on the WebxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Abstracts of journal articles, books, essays, exhibition catalogs, dissertations, and exhibition reviews. The scope of ARTbibliographies Modern extends from artists and movements beginning with Impressionism in the late 19th century, up to the most recent works and trends in the late 20th century. ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ARTFL- American & French Research on the Treasury of the French LanguagexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
In 1957 the French government initiated the creation of a new dictionary of the French language, the Trésor de la Langue Francaise. In order to provide access to a large body of word samples, it was decided to transcribe an extensive selection of French texts for use with a computer. Twenty years ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Arts - Architecture - Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Arts - Art - Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Arts - Classics - Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Arts & Humanities Citation Index (ISI Ver.3.0)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Fully indexes over 2300 arts and humanities journals, as well as selected items over 250 scientific and social sciences journals— 1975 to present.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ARTstor is an image database and presentation tool, which currently contains approximately 300,000 digital images. By 2006, it is expected to contain over 500,000. The image collections in ARTstor cover architecture, painting, sculpture, photography, decorative arts, design, and many other forms of ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and Display xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
arXiv (PrePrint Service)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
arXiv is an e-print service covering physics, mathematics, computer science, nonlinear sciences, quantitative biology, and statistics. arXiv content is maintained and operated by the Cornell University Library and is supported by Cornell University, the Simons Foundation, and arXiv’s member ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Asahi Shimbun Asia & Japan WatchxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Asahi Shimbun AJW is the English-language digital version of The Asahi Shimbun, Japan's leading daily newspaper. Its editorial policy is to offer in-depth coverage of China, the Korean Peninsula and the rest of Asia, in addition to extensive coverage of Japanese politics, business and society. ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ASEP/JDS DatabankxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Provides online data analysis of the results from surveys conducted in different countries and by different organization, including Afrobarometer, East-Asian Barometer, the Spanish CIRES (Centre for Research on the Social Reality), the Spanish Immigrants Collection, Comparative Studies on Electoral ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Asian American DramaxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Asian American Drama brings together more than 250 plays, along with related biographical, production, and theatrical information, so providing a comprehensive overview of this growing field. The collection begins with the works of Sadakichi Hartmann in the late nineteenth century and it is planned ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ASM HandbooksxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ASM International, the Materials Information Society, is the premiere resource for information and networking for materials engineers, scientists, researchers, teachers, and students. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ASM Handbooks Online features the complete content of twenty ASM Handbook volumes plus two ASM Desk Editions.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Association of Religion Data Archives (ARDA)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Association of Religion Data Archives (ARDA) strives to democratize access to the best data on religion. Founded as the American Religion Data Archive in 1997 and going online in 1998, the initial archive was targeted at researchers interested in American religion. The targeted audience and the ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ASTIS- Arctic Science and Technology Information SystemxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Arctic Science and Technology Information System (ASTIS) database contains over 47,000 records describing publications and research projects about the physical, earth, biological and social sciences, engineering and technology, natural resources, government, economic and social conditions, land ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ASTM Standards and Engineering Digital LibraryxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
A collection of industry-leading standards and technical engineering information. Covers a broad range of engineering disciplines, including aerospace, biomedical, chemical, civil, environmental, geological, health and safety, industrial, materials science, mechanical, nuclear, petroleum, soil ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Astronomy -- Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Astrophysics Data System (ADS)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ADS (Astrophysics Data System) provides indexing to references, searching of star catalogs, and links to full text for the majority of the astronomy literature. It is provided as a free service by NASA and other government organizations.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ATLA/ATLAS Religion DatabasexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The ATLA/ATLAS Religion Database is a comprehensive database designed to support religious and theological scholarship in graduate education and faculty research. The file contains citations from international titles and 13,000 multi-author works in and related to the field of religion. It also ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Atlanta ConstitutionxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Atlanta Constitution (1868-1929) offers full page and article images with searchable full text back to the first issue. The collection includes digital reproductions providing access to every page from every available issue.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Atlanta Daily World (1931 - 2003) (ProQuest)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Atlanta Daily World (1932-2003) offers full page and article images with searchable full text. The collection includes digital reproductions providing access to every page from every available issue. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Click on Databases Selected to see the complete list. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Other Newspapers: xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Atlanta ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and LinkxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Audio-Digest FoundationxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Audio file downloads of Continuing Medical Education (CME) programs for physicians and other health professionals.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Audio DramaxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Audio Drama: The L.A. Theatre Works Collection delivers, for the first time online, more than 300 important dramatic works in streaming audio from the curated archive of the nation’s premiere radio theatre company. The plays - which include some of the most significant dramatic literature of the ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Aufbau Indexing ProjectxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The goal of the Aufbau Indexing Project is to index all the announcements of birth, engagement, marriage, death and other special occasions that appeared in the pages of Aufbau between 1934 and 2004. This project will allow individuals researching their German-Jewish ancestry to easily locate ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Augusta Chronicle NewspapersxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
AugustaArchives.com is a searchable internet database of The Augusta Chronicle newspapers, including editions of Daily Chronicle & Sentinel, The Augusta Chronicle and Gazette of the State, and The Daily Chronicle & Constitution. The archive shows the page as it was originally published - with ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Avalon ProjectxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The purpose of the Avalon Project is to present digital historical documents relevant to the fields of law, economics, politics, diplomacy and government on the World Wide Web. In addition to making available the static text, we plan to add value to the text by linking to supporting documents ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals (CSA) (ProQuest XML)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals database offers a comprehensive listing of journal articles on architecture and design, including bibliographic descriptions on subjects such as the history and practice of architecture, landscape architecture, city planning, historic preservation, and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Balance of Payments StatisticsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Available at the Social Science Library, all workstations, the BOPS is a statistical product of the International Monetary Fund and corresponds to the printed Balance of Payments Statistics Yearbook (BOPSY).xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Request the most current data cd from closed reserve at the circulation desk (HG3881 ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Baltimore Afro-AmericanxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Founded by former slave John Henry Murphy Sr. when he merged three church publications, The BaltimorexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Afro-American became one of the most widely circulated African-American newspapers on the Atlantic Coast.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
In addition to featuring the first black female reporter (Murphy’s daughter) and female ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Baltimore Sun (ProQuest)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Bates Visual Guide to Physical ExaminationxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Teaching resource consisting of 18 anatomy and system specific videotapes. Each video shows a step by step examination. What is unique is how well they represent a broad spectrum of ages and cultural backgrounds for both patients and clinicians. This 4th edition includes new information on health ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
BBC News Country ProfilesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Full profiles provide an instant guide to history, politics and economic background of countries; included are basic statistics, profiles of governmental leaders, and other relevant data. They also include audio and video clips from the BBC archives.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Beinecke Digital Collections DatabasexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Digital Images Database: The Beinecke Digital Images database contains approximately 55,000 images of photographs, manuscripts, correspondence, artwork, objects, and illustrations and selected pages from printed works in the Beinecke's collections. The images were scanned from the Photonegative ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Berg Fashion LibraryxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Berg Fashion Library is a unique online portal which offers fully cross-searchable access to an expanding range of Berg content collections – including the Berg Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion online, e-books, reference works, images, and much more. For a full list of content click ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Best Practices and Local Leadership DatabasexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Contains over 2150 proven solutions from more than 140 countries to the common social, economic and environmental problems of an urbanizing world. It demonstrates the practical ways in which public, private and civil society sectors are working together to improve governance, eradicate poverty, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Bible In EnglishxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Bible in English contains twenty-one different versions of the English Bible. In addition to thirteen complete Bibles, there are five texts that comprise New Testaments only, two that contain just the Gospels, and William Tyndale's translation of the Pentateuch, Jonah, and New Testament.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
BibleWorks is a Bible concordance and morphological analysis program. It contains the Hebrew Bible, the Greek New Testament, the Greek Septuagint, the Latin Vulgate, and many other translations of the Bible.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Biblical Archaeology Society Online ArchivexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The BASarchive includes these Online Journals: xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
* Bible Review xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
* Archaeology Odyssey xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
* Biblical Archaeology Review xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
And Online Books: xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
* Ancient Israel xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
* Aspects of Monotheism xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
* Feminist Approaches to the Bible xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
* The Rise of Ancient Israel xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
* The Search for JesusxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Bibliografía de la Literatura Española desde 1980xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
La base de datos Bibliografía de la Literatura Española desde 1980es la más completa y única bibliografía sobre la Literatura Española actual. Pone a su disposición referencias bibliográficas de obras, ediciones, traducciones de originales y estudios sobre los mismos, aparecidos a partir de ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Bibliografía MesoamericanaxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Bibliographie de Civilisation MédiévalexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
A current bibliography of monographs worldwide and listings of miscellany volumes (conference proceedings, essay collections or Festschriften). xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The bibliography focuses on the Central Middle Ages, with coverage expanding in stages to cover both the Early and Late Middle Ages. The Bibliographie de ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Bibliographie der deutschen Sprach- und LiteraturwissenschaftxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Der aktuelle Datenbestand umfaßt den Berichtszeitraum 1985 bis 2002. Im Frühjahr steht Ihnen zusätzlich das Berichtsjahr 2003 vollständig zur Verfügung. Nach einer Übergangsphase erfolgt ein vierteljährliches Update. Die retrospektive Erweiterung der online zugänglichen Daten bis ins ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Bibliography of American LiteraturexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
A comprehensive bibliographic guide, the Bibliography of American Literature (BAL) provides records of the literary works of approximately 300 American writers.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Bibliography of Arabic Books OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
BABO aims to become a comprehensive bibliographic database containing information about virtually all books published in Arabic before 1960, and then continuing up to the present. The bibliography will ultimately contain over 80,000 records and almost 35,000 unique name records.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Bibliography of Asian StudiesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This on-line version of the Bibliography of Asian Studies (BAS) contains citation records on all subjects (especially in the humanities and the social sciences) pertaining to East, Southeast, and South Asia published in Western-languages from 1971 to the present. The online BAS has all the data ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Bibliography of British and Irish HistoryxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Bibliography of British and Irish History (BBIH) provides bibliographic data on historical writing dealing with the British Isles, and with the British Empire and Commonwealth, during all periods for which written documentation is available - from 55BC to the present. It is the successor to the ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Bibliography of Linguistic LiteraturexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Bibliographie Linguistischer Literatur (BLL is one of the major sources of information on the internet for general linguistics with all its neighbouring disciplines and subdomains as well as English, German and Romance linguistics. Other languages are also covered to a smaller extent. The ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Bibliography of Native North AmericansxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
A bibliographic database covering all aspects of native North American culture, history, and life. This resource covers a wide range of topics including archaeology, multicultural relations, gaming, governance, legend, and literacy. BNNA contains more than 80,000 citations for books, essays, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Bibliography of Oriental StudiesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This is the web version of Toyogaku bunken ruimoku (東洋学文献類目), an important bibliography for East Asian studies complied by the Documentation and Information Center for Chinese Studies, Kyoto University. It indexes journal articles and books in Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Western ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA) and RILAxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA) is the world's most comprehensive bibliography of scholarly writing about the history of western art.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
BHA includes articles from over 1,200 journals.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Bibliography of Theology & PeacexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The online Bibliography of Theology and Peace contains titles subject indexed using descriptors. Literature relevant to research into peace ethics from the individual disciplines of theology and other sciences has been taken into account.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Bibliotheca Teubneriana LatinaxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The new digital online versions of theThesaurus linguae Latinae (TLL)and theBibliotheca Teubneriana Latina (BTL)replace the former CD-Rom versions of BTL 4 and TLL 5. They offer both an extension of the data, and a fundamentally remodelled user interface, which – for the first time – allows to ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Bibliothek deutscher KlassikerxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Bibliothek deutscher Klassiker series has been in publication since 1981. It covers the works of major authors spanning eleven centuries and includes historical, philosophical, theological, political and art history texts. Collections of essays, speeches and other non-literary material add ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
BIOBASE Knowledge LibraryxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The BIOBASE Knowledge Library™ (BKL), an expanded version of the Proteome Bioknowledge Database, is a collection of gene-regulation and protein oriented scientific databases created from the peer-reviewed scientific literature. The TRANSFAC®, TRANSPATH® and PROTEOME™ products are included in ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Biochemistry Tutor (NMS)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This CD accompanies the book by the same title and is available on 3-Day Reserve.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Biographisch-literarisches Handworterbuch der exaktenxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
DVD format. Check out at Kline Science Library circulation desk. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Features biographical and bibliographic entries on approximately 29,000 natural scientists including mathematicians, astronomers, physicists, chemists, mineralogists, geologists, and other scientists. A good bibliographic source for ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Biography & Genealogy Master IndexxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Biography and Genealogy Master Index is a comprehensive index to biographical sketches in more than 2700 volumes and editions of current and retrospective reference books, covering both contemporary and historical figures throughout the world.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Biography in Context (Gale)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Biography in Context includes nearly a million biographical entries spanning history and geography. It offers media-rich content in context that's updated daily. Includes: 600,000+ biographies covering more than 525,000 individuals; 170 Gale reference titles; 50,000 new or updated bios added ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Biography Index Past and Present (H.W. Wilson)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Biography Index: Past and Present is a trusted, biographical resource. Featuring retrospective coverage from Biography Index back to its first publication in 1946, it combines retrospective coverage with current indexing to produce a comprehensive biographical resource for students, scholars, media ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Biological & Agricultural Index Plus (H.W. Wilson)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Featuring the full text of core literature in biology and agriculture, as well as podcasts, abstracts and indexing of hundreds of publications, Biological & Agricultural Index Plus is a powerful working, learning, and research tool.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The database features the full text of articles from over 100 ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Biology - Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
BioOne is a unique aggregation of high-impact bioscience research journals. We are a global, not-for-profit collaboration bringing together scientific societies, publishers, and libraries to provide access to critical, peer-reviewed research in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
BIOSIS/Biological AbstractsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Biosis, the online version of Biological Abstracts and Biological Abstracts- Reports, Reviews, Meetings contains literature references from all of the life sciences including: agriculture, cell biology, nutrition, public health, botany, biochemistry, biophysics, genetics, zoology, psychology. This ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Birds of North America OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This resource is composed of illustrated accounts for more than 700 bird species nesting in the U.S. or Canada. Information for each species includes systematics, behavior, breeding, food habits, migration, distribution, habitat, sounds, appearance, measurements, and other distinguishing ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Black abolitionist papers (ProQuest)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This primary source collection presents the international impact of African American activism against slavery, in the writings and publications of the activists themselves. Covering the period 1830-1865, the approximately 15,000 articles, documents, correspondence, proceedings, manuscripts, and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Black Drama Second EditionxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This initial release of Black Drama, Second Edition contains approximately 1310 plays by 210 playwrights, together with detailed, fielded information on related productions, theaters, production companies, and more. The database also includes selected playbills, production photographs and other ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and LinkxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Black Short Fiction and FolklorexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Black Short Fiction and Folklore is the most comprehensive collection yet created of stories from African and the African Diaspora. When complete, it will feature 8,000 stories and folk tales published in more than 15 countries from the mid-1900s to the present. In addition to these published ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Black Studies CenterxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Black Studies Center combines three resources for research and teaching in Black Studies: Schomburg Studies on the Black Experience, International Index to Black Periodicals (IIBP), and The Chicago Defender. This fully cross-searchable database to Black Studies includes scholarly essays, recent ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Black Thought & CulturexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Black Thought and Culture is a collection of non-fiction writings by major black leaders in North America, including Frederick Douglass, W.E.B. Du Bois, Carter G. Woodson, Alain Locke, Sidney Bechet, Paul Robeson, Booker T. Washington, Marcus Garvey, Langston Hughes, Sammy Davis, Jr., Charlotte ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Black women writersxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Celebrates the many voices of women from Africa and the African Diaspora. Offering fiction, poetry, and essays from three continents and 20 countries; gives an unparalleled view of black women’s struggles through time. New content is uploaded on a biweekly basis, giving users immediate access to ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Blackwell Reference OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
A library of authoritative and up-to-date reference material in the humanities and social sciences published by Blackwell Publishing. Access is provided by broad subject areas presented on the home page, by individual title (through Quicklink searching), and across the content of the entire ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Note: Available only in the Center for Science and Social Science Information (CSSSI). Use is restricted to currently enrolled Yale students and faculty for classroom assignments or research and to library staff assisting Yale faculty and students for classroom assignments and research.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
About ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Book Review Digest Plus (H.W. Wilson)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Book Review Digest Plus is an essential library tool that brings together book reviews on a wide range of topics, from a variety of sources.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Unlike reviews on book-sale sites and the open Internet, many of the reviews are serious, academic works. This invaluable resource for literary and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Book Review Index Online PlusxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Book Review Index Online Plus indexes reviews from scholarly and popular English-language journals from 1965 to the present, primarily in the fields of general fiction and non-fiction, the humanities, and the social sciences. It includes review citations and full-text reviews, as well as providing ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Books at OvidxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Books@Ovid includes the full text, references, updates, and graphics from some of the most respected sources in medicine, nursing, and pharmacology. A searcher can choose to run a search in one text, selected texts, or all texts. Color diagrams, charts, and other textbook illustrations are ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Books In Print/Out of PrintxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Books In Print/Out of Print llistxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Books24x7 - NetID loginxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Login using your Yale NetID/password. Books 24 x 7 is a database of full-text, electronic books in computing and information technology.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Books24x7 - Personal loginxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
First time users must register for a free personal username and password.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Books 24 x 7 is a database of full-text, electronic books in computing and information technology.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Booms and Busts: Economic History (1630s-Present)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Nearly 400 signed articles cover events from Tulipmania in the 1630s to the U.S. economic stimulus package of 2009, introducing readers to underlying concepts, economic theories, recurring themes, major institutions, events, and notable figures. Written in a clear, accessible style, Booms and Busts ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Boston GlobexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Boston Globe (1872-1979) offers full page and article images with searchable full text back to the first issue. The collection includes digital reproductions providing access to every page from every available issue.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Brechts WerkexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
All texts follow the Große kommentierte Berliner und Frankfurter Ausgabe, although the collection here is not his complete works, but rather the six volume Jubiläumsausgabe of his selected works edited by Werner Hecht, Wolfgang Jeske und Jan Knopf.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
BRENDA, the comprehensive enzyme information systemxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This database is useful for properties of enzymes, their structure, molecular weight, interactions, names, synonyms, related numbers, and acidity or alkaline values and other data. In early 2004 an announcement adding a substructure search function for some activities appeared in Nucleic Acids ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Brill Dictionary of ReligionxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
A comprehensive, multi-media reference source which covers the many and various forms of religious commitment. It includes entries on the different theologies and doctrinal declarations of official institutionalized religions and gives equal consideration to other religious phenomena and practices ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Brill onlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Subscription includes: xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Africa YearbookxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Brill Dictionary of Religion xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Brill's New Pauly xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Brillʼs New Jacoby xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Der Neue Pauly xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Die Fragmente der Griechischen Historiker xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Encyclopaedia of Judaism xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Encyclopaedia of ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Brill's Companions in Classical Studies Online: Collection IxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Brill's companions in classical studies is a leading series of handbooks providing graduate-level synthesis of debate and the state of scholarship on key authors and subjects from Antiquity. Each volume contains an up-to-date general bibliography. Volumes published have covered authors such as ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Brill's New JacobyxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Brill's New Jacoby (BNJ) is a new edition of the 856 fragmentary historians that comprise F. Jacoby's monumental Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker Parts I-III, but with significant additions. Each author has a Greek text (updated from that of Jacoby where relevant); facing English ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
British and Irish Women's Letters and Diaries 1500-1950 (Alexander Street Press)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
British and Irish Women's Letters and Diaries (BWLD) includes the immediate experiences of 91 women, as revealed in diaries and letters. Particular care has been taken to index this material so that it can be searched more thoroughly than ever before. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The collection includes more than 100,000 ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
British History OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
British History Online digital library contains some of the core printed primary and secondary sources for the medieval and modern history of the British Isles.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
British Humanities Index (CSA)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
An international abstracting and indexing tool for research in the humanities, BHI indexes over 320 internationally respected humanities journals and weekly magazines published in the UK and other English speaking countries, as well as quality newspapers published in the UK, including the ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
British Literary Manuscripts Online (Gale)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
British Literary Manuscripts Online xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
presents facsimile images of literary manuscripts, including letters and diaries, drafts of poems, plays, novels, and other literary works, and similar materials. Searching is based on tags and descriptive text associated with each manuscript. Images of the ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
British Muslims Monthly SurveyxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
A monthly abstract of press reporting on Islam in Britain with complete coverage of the subject available today. BMMS has followed the development of the Muslim Council of Britain since it was founded in 1993, covering the growing recognition of Islam in public life nationally and locally. The ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
British Official Publications Current Awareness Service- BOPCASxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
BOPCAS stands for British Official Publications Current Awareness Service. It includes the House of Commons and House of Lords Hansard, full-text acts of Parliament from 1995 onwards, full-text statutory instruments from 1997 onwards, policy awareness discussion lists and links to UK government web ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
British Periodicals - Collection I and II (PQ)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Access to the searchable full text of hundreds of periodicals from the late seventeenth century to the early twentieth, comprising millions of high-resolution facsimile page images of xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
English Literary Periodicals and British Periodicals in the Creative Arts. Topics covered include literature, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
British Printed Images to 1700xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This website, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, makes available a database of thousands of prints and book illustrations from early modern Britain in fully-searchable form. It also offers ancillary facilities aimed to enhance users’ understanding and appreciation of the material ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Brockelmann OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Brockelmann Online consists of both original volumes Geschichte der arabischen Litteratur (GAL) by Carl Brockelmann (1868-1956), as well as the three supplement volumes, including the indexes. It is full-text searchable, making it much easier to consult for researchers and students. The ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Brockhaus Enzyklopädie onlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The new Brockhaus encyclopedia online gives a full text access to entire 30 volumes of the Brockhaus Enzyklopädie in print. The current 21st edition contains about 300,000 entries on 24,000 pages, with about 35,000 maps, graphics and tables. It is the largest German language encyclopedia in the ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
BuildingGreen SuitexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The BuildingGreen Suite of online tools provides information on green design. This online resource features comprehensive, practical information on a wide range of topics related to sustainable building--from energy efficiency and recycled-content materials to land-use planning and indoor air ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Burke's Peerage & GentryxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Burke's Peerage is the definitive historical guide to the UK & Irelands titled and landed families. There are more than 1 million names in 15,000+ family records, gathered from the following collections: xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
* Burke's Peerage & Baronetage 107th Edition, including Knights, Scottish Chiefs and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Business and Management - Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Business & Company Resource CenterxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Provides business, company and industry information including articles, corporate structure, financial and earning estimates, company histories, brands, market share data and industry overviews. Includes information from major business directories such as the Graham and Whiteside Major Company ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Business Source Complete (EBSCO)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Contains full text journals in "business, marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance and economics, as well as data... case studies, investment research reports, market research reports, country reports, company profiles, SWOT analyses and more." (Description from Epnet.com)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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CAB Abstracts (Ovid)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Literature references, with abstracts, for publications in agriculture and applied biology research from around the world are found. Plant and animal breeding, horticulture, protozoology, grasslands, soil and dairy science technology, agricultural engineering and economics, rural development, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Cambodian Genocide ProgramxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Cambodian Genocide Program at Yale is studying the events of this era, to learn as much as possible about the tragedy, and to help determine who was responsible for the crimes of the Pol Pot regime. Site includes Cambodian Genocide Databases and a link to the Documentation Center of Cambodia.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Cambridge Companions OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Complete Companions Collection includes reference titles published by Cambridge University Press in the fields of literature, classics, philosophy, religion and cultural studies. The database is updated with 20-30 new titles every year as soon as they become available, so the collection will ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Cambridge Histories OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Cambridge Histories Online offers searchable full-text of over 250 well-known, used and trusted volumes in over fifteen subject areas including history, history of science, history of the book, language and literature, literary studies, music, philosophy, political and social theory, area ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Cambridge Structural DatabasexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) is a repository of small molecule crystal structures. The CSD records bibliographic, chemical and crystallographic information for organic molecules and metal-organic compounds whose 3D structures have been determined using x-ray diffraction and neutron ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Canadian Encyclopedia OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
A general reference work in French and English with several comprehensive resources, which can be accessed together or separately through the search engine or browsed through their own Subject Indexes. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Includes xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
*A selection of articles since 1995 from Maclean’s - Canada's Weekly Newsmagazine. ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Canadian Poetry (PQ)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Canadian Poetry has been created and published in collaboration with the Electronic Text Centre at the University of New Brunswick Libraries. Canadian Poetry comprises essentially the complete canon of English-language Canadian poetry from the seventeenth century up to the early twentieth. The ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The purpose of CancerNet is to provide recent and accurate cancer information from the National Cancer Institute (NCI), the principal agency of the Federal Government for cancer research. The NCI is a component of the National Institutes of Health.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Cardiosource PlusxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
An online cardiovascular information and educational resource produced by the American College of Cardiology. Cardiosource enables cardiovascular professionals to easily stay up-to-date with the most relevant research findings and best practices, with analysis and commentary by experts in the field ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Cardiothoracic ImagingxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This multimedia atlas, developed at Yale, provides a comprehensive introduction to cardiothoracic imaging techniques including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT), coronary angiography, mammography, chest radiography, echocardiography, SPECT and planar myocardial perfusion ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Caribbean LiteraturexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Caribbean Literature is a searchable collection of poetry and fiction produced in the region during the 19th and 20th centuries. Among the titles selected are numerous rare and hard-to-find works written in English, French, Spanish, Dutch, and various Creole languages.Caribbean Literature is a ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Carlyle Letters OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Browse the collected letters of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle by date, by recipient, by subject, and by volume. Explore correspondence that features some of the most influential artistic, philosophic, and literary personalities of the day.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Catalog of U.S. Government PublicationsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The CGP is the finding tool for federal publications that includes descriptive records for historical and current publications and provides direct links to those that are available online. Users can search by authoring agency, title, subject, and general key word, or click on "Advanced Search" for ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Catalogus Afrika StudiecentrumxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Catalogus Afrika Studiecentrum (Universiteit Leiden) - This African studies database contains titles of monographs, journal articles and chapters from edited works acquired since 1988. Most entries include in-depth abstracts.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Catholic Periodical & Literature Index OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Catholic Periodical and Literature Index Online is the product of a partnership between ATLA and the Catholic Library Association which covers all aspects of the Catholic faith and lifestyle. The database includes indexed citations to articles published in Roman Catholic periodicals, papal ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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CBETA e-TripitakaxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
CBETA e-Tripitaka is based on Taisho Tripitaka (大正新脩大藏經), an important text in East Asian Buddhism. Researchers can read or download this e-tripitaka for free (Please view the CBETA copyright statement for details).xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
CEIC DataxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
CEIC Data's "best in class" databases deliver the most accurate and timely economic, sector and financial data from around the globe. Our analysts on the ground compile and update hundreds of thousands of data series from hard to get sources, delivering a suite of databases relied upon by top ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Cell Biology and Histology (Board Review Series)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This CD accompanies the book by the same title and is available to check out on 3-Day Reserve.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Census 2000 GatewayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Census 2000 Gateway provides access to the American Factfinder, 2000 Census tables, 1990 Census Tables, and the Historical Census Browser.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Census DVD Research PackagexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
***Available at the Center for Science and Social Science Information. Ask for DVDs at the Information Desk; for use on Windows workstations #8-9, #11-12, #14-15.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Also known as "The Time Series Research Package," this DVD set includes the following Geolytics products: xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Census 2000 Short Form ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Center for Chinese Studies (Taiwan) - DatabasesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Center for Chinese Studies (Taiwan) web site has:xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
1. Subject databases: Full-text database of CCS publications, CCS online catalog, database of mainland periodicals, foreign sinologists dissertation abstract database, indexes of articles in Chinese philosophy, literature, and Dunhuang ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Center for Research LibrariesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The CRL Catalog is the online catalog of the Center for Research Libraries in Chicago. Its primary purpose is to collect those research materials not targeted by the North American research institutions. The Center collects heavily in the follow materials: archival materials, newspapers and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Central and Eastern European Online Library - CEEOLxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
C.E.E.O.L.'s intention is to be an online LIBRARY and DOCUMENT SHOP. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Its CONTENT is provided by numerous publishers and editors, mainly from Central European countries, along with those from the West who deal with Eastern Europe, its histories, languages and literatures, along with its cultural, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Central Asia - Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
CHANT- Chinese Ancient TextsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
CHANT (CHinese ANcient Texts) (漢達文庫)provides access to transmitted texts and excavated texts from ancient China. The transmitted texts originated in the period from antiquity to late 6th century and cover the subjects of philology, classics, philosophy, literature, and science and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Chemistry - Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Full text access to Combined Chemical Dictionary (including Dictionary of Commonly Cited Compounds, Dictionary of Drugs, Dictionary of Inorganic and Organometallic Compounds, Dictionary of Natural Products, and Dictionary of Organic Compounds), The Handbook of Chemistry & Physics, Polymers: A ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Chicago Manual of StylexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The online edition of the Chicago Manual of Style, “the bible of the publishing and research community”, reflects extensive revision of the Manual’s content, topics, and perspectives on editing, the editorial process, and publishing. Content includes new coverage of journals and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Chicago TribunexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Chicago Tribune offers full page and article images with searchable full text back to the first issue. The collection includes digital reproductions providing access to every page from every available issue.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Other Versions: xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Chicago tribune SML, Microform (Non-Circulating) Film An C435 ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Chicano DatabasexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Chicano Database identifies all types of material on Mexican-American topics and about Chicanos. The Chicano Database covers at least 1967 to the present, with more than 48,000 records. Records added since 1992 have expanded its scope to include the broader Latino experience, including Puerto ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Chicano Database (Ebsco)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Chicano Database identifies all types of material on Mexican-American topics and about Chicanos. The Chicano Database covers at least 1967 to the present, with more than 48,000 records. Records added since 1992 have expanded its scope to include the broader Latino experience, including Puerto ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Children's Literature Comprehensive DatabasexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Children's Literature Comprehensive Database (CLCD), an acquisition, research, and reference service that offers MARC records and reviews of children's books, all full text searchable from 22 sources of critical reviews. Materials covered include children's books, ranging from the earliest baby ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
China Core NewspapersxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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China Core Newspapers Database collects core newspaper articles from nearly 1,000 newspaper titles published in mainland China since 2000.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
China: Culture and Society (Adam Matthew Digital)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Spanning three centuries (c1750-1929), this resource makes available for the first time extremely rare pamphlets from Cornell University Library’s Charles W. Wason Collection on East Asia. The resource is full-text searchable, allowing for the collection to be comprehensively explored and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
China Data OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Provides access to China Yearly and Monthly Macro-Economics Statistics (National), China Monthly Macro-Economics (National, Provincial, City), China County Statistics, China Census Data, China Statistical Yearbooks, and more.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
China Geo-ExplorerxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
China Geo-Explorer is created by China Data Center of the University of Michigan (UMCDC) and the State Key Laboratory for Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing (LIESMARS) of Wuhan University. With this spatial intelligence, you'll be able to make rapid, accurate spatial ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
China INFOBANKxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
China INFOBANK provides access to statistics, business reports, economic news, and legal regulations from contemporary China.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
China: Trade, Politics and Culture, 1793-1980 (Adam Matthew Digital)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This digital collection answers a need for clear, intelligible and informative English-language sources relating to China and the West, 1793-1980, which can be accessed online and used in the classroom or in course packs. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
It is also ideal for independent projects on almost any aspect of Chinese ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
China Yearbooks Full-Text DatabasexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
*****Click here for Chinese interfacexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
China Yearbooks Full-text Database (CYFD) is a full-text searchable database consisting of over 1,900 yearbook titles. Yale subscribes to the Series J “Economics & ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Chinese Academic JournalsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
*****Click here for Chinese interfacexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Chinese Academic Journals provides access to full text Chinese journal articles in Medicine/Hygiene, Literature/History/Philosophy, Economics/Political Science/Law, and Education/Social Science (a total of 2000+ ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Chinese Archives and Documents on CD-ROMxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Chinese Archives and Documents on CD-ROM includes primary sources from the Qing Dynasty to 20th century China. It has three sections:xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
imperial archives from the reigns of three Qing emperors (Kangxi, Yongzheng, and Qianlong) and other collections of Qing archives; xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
government documents from ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Chinese Christian Texts DatabasexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Chinese Christian Texts Database (CCT-Database) is a research database of primary and secondary sources concerning the cultural contacts between China and Europe in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries (from 1582 to ca. 1840). The cultural contacts comprise documents in the various fields ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Chinese Periodical Full-text Database 民国时期期刊全文数据库xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Chinese Periodical Full-text Database (1911-1949) 民国时期期刊全文数据库, created by the Shanghai Library, is the largest full-text database of periodicals published during the Republican Period. It includes more than 20,000 titles, such as Cosmic Wind 宇宙風, The Young Companion ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Chinese Studies - Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
CHOICE: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries reviews significant current books and electronic resources of interest to those in higher education. Each year CHOICE publishes more than 6,500 reviews by subject experts. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ChoiceReviews.online provides Web access to the entire database of CHOICE ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Choson Ilbo ArchivexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Choson Ilbo Archive is a full text database of the Choson Daily Newspaper Archives from its beginning issue in 1920 to the present. The database is searchable by keyword, journalist, date, and so on.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Christian Science MonitorxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Christian Science Monitor is a major daily newspaper covering national and international news and noted for unbiased, concise, and comprehensive coverage. 1988-current xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The full historical run of The Christian Science Monitor has complete coverage from 1908-1991. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The database delivers every ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Christianity -- Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Churchill Archive: a Window on HistoryxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Churchill Archive is a massive resource that brings together online nearly a million documents amassed by Winston Churchill through out his lifetime, including hand-written notes and private letters. It will also offer an expanding range of additional materials - pedagogical resources and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
CINAHL with Full Text (EBSCO)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
CINAHL® with Full Text is the world's most comprehensive source of full text for nursing & allied health journals. With full-text coverage dating back to 1981, CINAHL with Full Text is the definitive research tool for all areas of nursing and allied health literature. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This database also provides ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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The Cinemagoing and related documents are produced by Dodona Research, a leading provider of information and analysis about the cinema industry worldwide. The company serves the motion picture industry -- the studios, exhibitors, major banks and financial institutions, suppliers to the industry and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
CiNii enables a user to search journals published by academic societies as well as research bulletins published by academic institutions. The database provides articles citations and information on their references. Each article entry also includes data on derived works. Since the database offers ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Civil War: A Newspaper PerspectivexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Civil War: A Newspaper Perspective is one component of Accessible Archives, a searchable collection of American newspapers from the 18th & 19th centuries. Eras covered include the Colonial Period, the French & Indian War, the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, African-American History, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Civil War Era (ProQuest)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Civil War Era is a resource for American history scholars with comprehensive primary source materials that were previously unavailable digitally. It covers a vast range of topics including the formative economic factors and other forces that led to the abolitionist movement, the 600,000 battle ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Classic Mexican CinemaxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Mexican Cinema, from its beginnings in the late 1890s to its “Golden Age” (1930s to 1960), was consistently the largest and most important of all the Spanish-speaking countries. During its heyday, the Mexican film industry produced an average of one hundred films annually and supplied screen ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Classical Scores LibraryxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Classical Scores Library is a database of the most important scores and manuscripts in the Western art music canon, allowing for the study and analysis of more than 8,000 scores. As of September 2007 it includes 1113 scores.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Classics Library, Yale Univeristy, Selected Internet ResourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Local links, WWW Gateways for Classics, Associations and Departments, Reference Resources, Electronic Texts, Electronic Journals and Discussion Groups.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Classiques Garnier en lignexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
All collections from Classiques Garnier are published simultaneously on paper and on-line.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
That does not mean publication on-line of isolated texts in pdf, but the creation of a data-base for each collection in image-hidden text and full-text modes, allowing complex searches on structured texts ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Classiques Garnier NumériquexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Classiques Garnier Numérique offers to universities, public, private and research libraries online access to databases in the fields of literature and the humanities:xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
• French and francophone literature (Europe, Africa, Indian Ocean, Americas, Asia)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
• Patrologia græcaxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
• Dictionaries and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
E&E's newest daily publication, ClimateWire, is designed to bring readers unmatched coverage of the debate over climate policy and its effects on business, the environment and society.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Climate issues have become so pervasive, and our clients' interest in climate change has become so intense, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Clinical EvidencexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Clinical Evidence is produced by the BMJ Publishing Group and is updated twice a year. It provides a concise account of the current state of knowledge, ignorance, and uncertainty about the prevention and treatment of a wide range of clinical conditions based on thorough searches and appraisal of ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Clinical Human EmbryologyxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This program explores how the human body develops from a single-cell fertilized egg to the complex set of organ systems seen in the newborn. Clinical cases of congenital malformations or syndromes are used to introduce and highlight key sequences in normal development. Areas of interest can be ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
An online search tool designed to provide answers to clinical questions. ClinicalKey draws from a collection of clinical resources published by Elsevier covering every medical and surgical specialty. It includes journals, books, practice guidelines, patient education, drug information and MEDLINE ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Current information about human clinical research supported by both federal and private institutions. Detailed information about a trial’s purpose, participants, location and contact information is readily accessible.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Investigators may also register their own trial.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
CLIPP (Computer Assisted Learning in Pediatrics Program)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Computer-assisted Learning in Pediatrics Program (CLIPP) is a comprehensive internet-based learning program for use by third-year medical students during their pediatric clerkship.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Cochrane LibraryxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Cochrane Library is an electronic publication designed to supply high quality evidence to inform people providing and receiving care, and those responsible for research, teaching, funding and administration at all levels. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Cochrane Library contains several databases: xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Cochrane ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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CogNet (MIT Press)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
MIT CogNet is an electronic community for the cognitive and brain sciences. CogNet brings together current and classic resources in the field and provides services and utilities to enhance research, collaboration and teaching. Full texts of major references works include The MIT Encyclopedia of ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Cold Spring Harbor ProtocolsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
New and classic research techniques in cell and molecular biology, genetics, bioinformatics, computational biology, plant biology, immunology, neuroscience, protein science, and imaging and microscopy are found in this database. Protocols are keyword searchable or may be browsed by subject. ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Collections on the RenaissancexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Éditions Classiques Garnier offers libraries access to the collections regularly and simultaneously updated (paper and digitized versions).xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The collections on the Renaissance (- Renaissance Literary Library - 3rd series; - Conferences and congresses on the European Renaissance; - International ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Collins Dictionary of QuotationsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Available through Xreferplus along with Bloomsbury Thesaurus, Chambers 21st Century Dictionary, Collins English Dictionary, Merriam-Webster's Collegiate(R) Dictionary, Roget's II: The New Thesaurus, The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, The Macquarie Dictionary, and The ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Colonial State PapersxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Colonial State Papers provides access to thousands of papers concerning English activities in the American, Canadian, and West Indian colonies between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Also included is a digitised version of The Calendar of State Papers, Colonial: North America and the ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Columbia Gazetteer of the WorldxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The online Gazetteer's geographical information allows you to search by any word or set of descriptors, not just place-names, to summon and segment the places of the world that meet your criteria. Searh by place, type of place, alternate name, size, location, topography, natural resources, economic ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Columbia International Affairs Online (CIAO)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Provides access to scholarly research in international affairs published from 1991 to present. Includes working papers from university research institutes, occasional papers series from NGOs, foundation-funded research projects, proceedings from conferences, journal articles, book chapters, case ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Combined Chemical DictionaryxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Chapman &Hall/CRC Combined Chemical Dictionary is a structured database holding information on chemical substances. It includes descriptive and numerical data on chemical, physical and biological properties of compounds; systematic and common names of compounds; literature references; structure ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Commentary Digital ArchivexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Commentary is a monthly magazine with analysis of politics, religion, foreign affairs, social policy, culture, and the arts, as well as for outstanding reviews of current books. The magazine’s letters section is a forum for debate about issues of the day. The magazine is primarily known as the ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Commonweal (1924-present)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Founded in New York in 1924, Commonweal is a monthly Catholic opinion magazine. This database allows users to browse issues by date or search by keywords.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Commonwealth History - Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Communication and Mass Media CompletexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Communication & Mass Media Complete is the result of the merging of two communication and mass media studies databases -- CommSearch (formerly produced by the National Communication Association (NCA)), and Mass Media Articles Index (formerly produced by Pennsylvania State University). CommSearch ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Comparative Literature -- Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Ei Compendex is a comprehensive interdisciplinary engineering database, with over 9.5 million summaries of journal articles, technical reports, and conference papers and proceedings. Abstracts from over 5,000 international journals, conferences papers and technical reports are included. Each year, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Compendex and Inspec - Combined SearchxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Compendex and Inspec are two premier databases for locating journal articles in Engineering. Use this option to search both databases at one time.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Complementary Medicine -- Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Complete index to world film since 1895xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
With coverage beginning in 1895, this database, compiled by Alan Goble, contains information on over 428,500 films from 175 countries. It also contains over 458,000 references to books and journals.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Conditions & Politics in Occupied Western Europe 1940-1945 Digital Archive (Gale)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Here is the complete record of political life in Occupied Western Europe available to the British Government during World War II from the original intelligence reports received by the British Foreign Office following the breakdown of normal diplomatic relations during wartime from class “FO ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Conference BoardxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Full-text research reports on the latest issues in business management and US and global economics. Economics material includes topline US and global economic indicators and analysis and forecasts of US and international economic conditions by the chief economist. Includes studies of F500 companies ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Confidential Print: Africa, 1834-1966 (Adam Matthew Digital)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Confidential Print series, issued by the Foreign and Colonial Offices since around 1820, is one of the fundamental building blocks for research that should be possessed by any academic library and one of the most important series produced by the British Government.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The series originated out ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Confidential Print: Latin America, 1833-1969 (Adam Matthew Digital)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
aThe Confidential Print series originated from a need for the British Government to preserve the most important papers generated by the Foreign and Colonial Offices. Some of these were single page letters or telegrams, others were large volumes or texts of treaties. All items marked 'Confidential ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Confidential Print: Middle East, 1839-1969 (Adam Matthew Digital)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Confidential Print: Middle East , 1839-1969 is the second of our complete online series of ‘Confidential Print’ documents issued by the United Kingdom Foreign and Colonial Office since c1820.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
From the Egyptian reforms of Muhammad Ali Pasha in the nineteenth century, the Middle East ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Confidential Print: North America (Adam Matthew Digital)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Confidential Print series issued by the Foreign and Colonial Offices since c1820 is one of the fundamental building blocks for research and one of the most important series produced by the British Government.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The series originated out of a need for the Government to preserve all of the most ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Congress and the NationxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Covers events, trends, and controversies in the U.S. Congress and the presidency. Provides in-depth review and analysis of legislation and policy during each Congressional session and presidential term. Includes tables, graphs, and charts. Appropriate for research on politics, U.S. history, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Text of congressional bills and resolutions, bill status and summary information, public laws, roll call votes, the Congressional Record, schedules and calendars, committee reports, and information on the legislative process.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Connecticut archives onlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Connecticut Archives Online (CAO) is a project that aims to unify and simplify searching of archival holdings in Connecticut. CAO can bring researchers to the rich collections held in Connecticut's libraries, universities, colleges, museums and historical societies through one simple interface.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Connect to the Cambridge Structural Database via the ConQuest interface at one workstation in the Chemistry Library.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ConQuest is the interface for searching and retrieving information from the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD). ConQuest provides a full range of text/numeric database search ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Conservation Information NetworkxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
BCIN is one of three conservation databases first released in 1987. CIN's objective is to facilitate the retrieval and exchange of information concerning conservation and restoration of cultural property. Most of the data are recorded in English; however, subject key words are provided in both ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Contemporary Women's Issues (RDS)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Contemporary Women's Issues database provides full-text access to global information on women. Journals, newsletters, research reports from non-profit groups, government and international agencies are easily accessed through CWI. Information on women in over 190 countries is compiled in a ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
COPAC is a database formed by the merged online catalogues of 22 of the largest university research libraries in the UK and Ireland plus the British Library.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Corpus de la littérature médiévale des origines au 15e sièclexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Significant literary works in Old French (langue d'oil) from the beginning to the end of the 15th century: the full text of over 500 works of narrative (including chansons de geste), poetry, and theatre in the most authoritative editions. A basic collection for research and study of medieval French ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Corpus de la littérature narrative du Moyen Âge au 20e sièclexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Corpus of narrative literature gives online access to more than 1,000 narrative works (novels, tales, short stories).xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
From Chrétien de Troyes to Alain-Fournier and Marcel Proust, the Corpus de la littérature narrative brings together the greatest authors and the greatest works of the last ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Corpus des grammaires françaises de la RenaissancexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The first French grammars are characterised by their great depth and extreme diversity. The genre was not narrowly defined and corresponded to a variety of practices: not only description of the French language, but also teaching to foreigners keen to learn a new idiom and culture which were ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Corpus des grammaires françaises du XVIIe sièclexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Corpus des grammaires françaises du XVIIe siècle (Corpus of French Grammars of the 17th Century) contains the most notable grammars of the Classical period. Beyond the interest in the French language to which they bear witness, these works correspond to very different ambitions: to stabilize ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Corpus des remarques sur la langue française (XVIIe siècle)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The authors of Remarks treat all aspects of usage – pronunciation, spelling, morphology, syntax, vocabulary and style – but drop the traditional format of grammars.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This corpus is an indispensable instrument, not only for specialists of 17th century language and literature, but also for all ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
COS Funding OpportunitiesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
COS is global registry designed to provide accurate, timely, easy-to-access information about what new funding opportunities exist, and who is working on what subject, and where. Includes: The U.S. Patent Citation Database; Federally- Funded Research in the U.S.; Commerce Business Daily; The ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Economic, financial, political and social data for more than 140 countries, in most cases back to 1984. CountryData is also the only source for current and historical risk ratings for both the Political Risk Services and International Country Risk Guide rating systems. CountryData provides over 80 ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
CQ Almanac Online EditionxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The CQ Almanac Online Edition brings together over sixty-two years of authoritative Congressional reporting in one, easy-to-use resource. The CQ Almanac offers original analysis and data on major legislation and political dates during each Congressional session.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
CQ Congress Collection (CQ Press)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
CQ Congress Collection is a dynamic research and reference tool allowing historical analysis of members of Congress, their legislative voting behavior, interest groups, and their interactions in crafting public policy.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
CQ Press Electronic LibraryxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
CQ Library provides online versions of four of Congressional Quarterly's (CQ) print publications.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
* CQ Weekly covers the U.S. Congress: status of bills, votes and amendments, floor and committee activity, and backroom maneuvering. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
* CQ Researcher Plus Archive covers the most current and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
CQ Researcher Plus ArchivexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
CQ Researcher Plus Archive covers the most current and controversial issues of the day with complete summaries, insights and bibliographies.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Other versions: CQ Researcher, SML H35 +E35, 1991-1998.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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CQ Voting & Elections CollectionxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Expert analysis, demographics, and data. Integrates data, authoritative analyses, concise explanations, and historical material to provide a research and reference tool on voting and elections in America. From the American voter, to major and minor political parties, to actual races for Congress, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
CQ WeeklyxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The CQ Weekly includes access to the full text of all articles published since 1983. Users may browse through articles in the current issue or search for past articles by words, dates, subjects or other criteria.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Other Versions: CQ Weekly Report, Govt. Documents Reference, 1955-presentxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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CRC Handbook of Chemistry & PhysicsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Web version of the most widely used source of data for physical scientists and engineers.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
System Requirements: xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Adobe Acrobat Reader need to view full text.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
CRC Handbooks/CRCnetBASExAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Full text access to reference books on topics such as chemistry, engineering, environment, materials science, mathematics, nanotechnology, neuroscience, and polymers. The database includes the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, the most widely used source of data for physical scientists and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Credo ReferencexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Through Credo Reference (formerly xrefer) researchers can gain access to any of a possible 3,140,951 entries, from 275 titles and 57 publishers covering subjects as diverse as medicine, art, Shakespeare, and technology. It includes a proprietary cross-reference technology that integrates database ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Criminal Justice Abstracts (EBSCO)(XML)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Criminal Justice Abstracts contains hundreds of in-depth abstracts of current books, book chapters, journal articles, government reports, and dissertations published worldwide. Criminal Justice Abstracts also offers extensive coverage of new books from scholarly and commercial publishers and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Cross Database Searchtool (CDS) BrepolisxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Cross Database Searchtool (CDS) enables the user to consult the different full-text Latin databases on www.brepolis.net simultaneously. It is thus no longer necessary to repeat a search in each of the different databases: the user will be provided with search results from all selected databases at ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
CSA Multi-search (ProQuest)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Federated searching on the CSA Illumina platform. Provides access to EconLit, ERIC, IBSS: International Bibliography of the Social Sciences, Index Islamicus, Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts, PAIS Archive, PAIS International, Social Services Abstracts, Sociological Abstracts, and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Current Contents (ISI)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Current Contents Connect database provides access to the tables of contents and bibliographic data from current issues of the world's leading scholarly research journals and books in the sciences, social sciences, and arts and humanities. Cover-to-cover indexing of journal articles, book reviews, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Current Index to Statistics (American Statistical Association; Institute of Mathematical Statistics)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Current Index to Statistics is a bibliographic index to publications in statistics and related fields. The CIS Extended Database (CIS-ED) includes coverage of:xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
the entire contents of 162 core journals from 1975 (or first issue if later) and pre-1975 coverage for a number of them xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
selected ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Current ProtocolsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Current Protocols series provides details of lab methods, step-by-step techniques useful to molecular biology and protein science investigations. Materials are listed and some explanatory information is provided. Units include literature references to books and journal articles. The use of this ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Current Protocols in Essential Laboratory TechniquesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Current Protocols Essential Laboratory Techniques (CPET) provides every researcher with the skills and understanding of fundamental laboratory procedures needed to ensure greater success at the bench. CPET takes the novice researcher from very basic skills like weight and volume measurement, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
DAAI: Design and Applied ArtsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Design and Applied Arts Index (DAAI) is the leading source of abstracts and bibliographic records for articles, news items, and reviews published in design and applied arts periodicals from 1973 onwards. An indispensable tool for students, researchers, and practitioners worldwide, DAAI covers both ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Dance in Video (Alexander Street Press)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
From the ballets of Stravinsky to documentaries on William Forsythe and Merce Cunningham, and spanning the 1950s to today, Dance in Video offers more than 500 hours of streaming video available electronically for the first time. The collection covers ballet, tap, jazz, contemporary, experimental, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
DART-Europe E-theses PortalxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
DART-Europe is a partnership of research libraries and library consortia who are working together to improve global access to European research theses.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
DART-Europe is endorsed by LIBER (Ligue des Bibliothèques Européennes de Recherche), and it is the European Working Group of the Networked ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Das Schweizer BuchxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
'Das Schweizer Buch' is the national bibliography of Switzerland, maintained by the Schweizerische Nationalbibliothek NB, the Special Collections Library for Swiss publications and Helvetica.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Database of Latin DictionariesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Database of Latin Dictionaries comprises a number of Latin dictionaries. The database will continue to grow gradually and will include three kinds of dictionaries:xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
*Dictionaries to assist translation from Latin into modern languages xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
*Dictionaries providing semantic and etymological ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Database of the National People’s CongressxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
NPC Database is a collection of reports, primarily by People’s Daily and People’s Daily Online, on National People’s Congress, from the 1st Session of 1st NPC to the 2nd Session of the 11th NPC. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This collection includes: Deputy Lists, Agendas, Conference Updates, Documents and Reports, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
DataONE portalxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Data Observation Network for Earth (DataONE) is the foundation of new innovative environmental science through a distributed framework and sustainable cyberinfrastructure that meets the needs of science and society for open, persistent, robust, and secure access to well-described and easily ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Note: Datastream can not be searched remotely, it is available on a dedicated machine at the Center for Science and Social Science Information (CSSSI), 219 Prospect St. Yale School of Management researchers can access it from the SOM Phd computer cluster. Users needing to download a large amount of ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
DBE Online (De Gruyter)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This online edition of Dictionary of German Biography (DBE) provides information about people from all aspects of public life: men and women from the entire German-speaking area from the time of the very earliest written records right up to the present. The biographies inform the reader about the ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
DDRS - Declassified Documents Reference System (Gale)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Declassified Documents Reference System provides online access to more than 500,000 pages of previously classified government documents. Covering major international events from the Cold War to the Vietnam War and beyond, this single source enables users to locate key information underpinning ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Declassified Documents Reference SystemxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Includes declassified documents from the CIA, FBI, White House, State Department, and other U.S. federal government agencies. Document types include: correspondence, memoranda, minutes of cabinet meetings, technical studies, national security policy statements, and intelligence estimates.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Defining Gender – 1450-1910 (Adam Matthew Digital)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
A collection of original source material from British and European archives for the study and analysis of gender, leisure and consumer culture with 21 libraries for comparative study and research. Manuscripts, printed works and illustrations address the key issues from both masculine and feminine ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Der Neue PaulyxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Design Abstracts Retrospective (DAR) is a new ongoing abstracting and indexing service that aims to cover many of the most important design and applied arts journals and annuals published during the twentieth century. Titles in the initial releases have been selected because of their outstanding ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Detroit Free Press (1831-1922)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This historical newspaper provides genealogists, researchers and scholars with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Deutsches Wörterbuch von Jacob Grimm und Wilhelm GrimmxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This is the most important historical dictionary of the German language, xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
founded by the brothers Grimm.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Dictionary of American HistoryxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The third edition of the Dictionary of American History is the first comprehensive revision of the classic reference source originally published in 1940. Entries from previous editions have been updated and revised in light of historical developments and current scholarship, and over 800 entirely ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Dictionary of Canadian Biography OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The first phase of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography presents persons who died between the years 1000 and 1920 or whose last known date of activity falls within these years. Integrated into the country's largest archival repository, the Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online paves the way to ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Dictionary of Irish BiographyxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Dictionary of Irish Biography, a collaborative project between Cambridge University Press and the Royal Irish Academy, is the most comprehensive and authoritative biographical dictionary yet published for Ireland. It contains 9,014 signed biographical articles which describe and assess the ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Dictionary of National BiographyxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography is the premier source for biographical information on persons connected with the British Isles from all periods of history. The qualifications for inclusion are that subjects not be living, that they inhabited or were connected with the British Isles, and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Dictionary of New Zealand BiographyxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This site includes the collected biographies of New Zealanders no longer living which were originally published in the printed Dictionary of New Zealand Biography series between 1990 and 2000, and in the parallel Maori-language series, Nga Tangata Taumata Rau. It contains:xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
the biographies of ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Dictionary of Old English: A to GxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
DOE font is required for pages to display properly. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Hotlinks in the entries make it possible to bring up the entries of related words or the bibliographic reference of an Old English citation or its Latin source with the click of a ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Dictionary of Old English Web CorpusxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Originally prepared for internal use at The Dictionary of Old English, the Old English machine-readable corpus is a complete record of surviving Old English except for some variant manuscripts of individual texts. The Corpus comprises over 3000 different texts, which have been divided into ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Dictionary of ParasitologyxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Dictionary of Parasitology reflects current practice in all aspects of parasitology and includes spellings, punctuation, abbreviations, acronyms, symbols, nomenclature, prefixes, and suffixes, contains over 11,500 entries and is meant for students through experts. It covers the field of modern ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Dictionnaire de la langue française du seizième sièclexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Huguet's Middle French Dictionary, 1300-1600xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Dictionnaire d'histoire et de géographie ecclésiastiquesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Dictionnaire d'histoire et de géographie ecclésiastiques comprises extensive articles on the history of the Church. It is the online version of the reference work published by Letouzey et Ané.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Dictionnaire électronique MontesquieuxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Dictionnaire GodefroyxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Godefroy dictionary--Dictionnaire de l'ancienne langue française: et de tous ses dialectes du IXe au XVe siècles--is the standard lexicographical tool for the study of Old French. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
It contains about 160,000 words from the Middle Ages that modern French has dropped or if these terms have ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Die Deutsche LyrikxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Die Deutsche Lyrik in Reclams Universal-Bibliothek is the unparalleled publication of German poetry online. No other single collection covers the same volume of German poetry in electronic format; the collection starts with work from the 15th century and follows the development of German poetry up ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Die Fragmente der Griechischen HistorikerxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Digital dictionary of BuddhismxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
A compilation of Buddhist technical terminology texts, temples, schools, persons, etc. that are found in East Asian Buddhist canonical sources. Since much of what East Asian Buddhists have written about is the Buddhism of India, Central Asia, and Tibet, the content of this database / dictionary / ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Digital Karl Barth LibraryxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online collection of Karl Barth's works with a set of text-analysis tools. The current release features the first 36 volumes of Barth's Gesamtausgabe, originally published under the TVZ imprint. Among the works included in the Gesamtausgabe are hundreds of letters, sermons, lectures, conversations, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Digital Library of Classic Protestant Texts (ASP)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Theological writings of Protestant authors, as well as a wide range of confessional documents, biblical commentaries, polemical treatises, and Bible translations. This resource for historians, theologians, political scientists, and sociologists studying the religious and social upheavals of the ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Digital Library of the Catholic Reformation (ASP)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Like their Protestant counterparts, Catholic authors of the 16th and 17th centuries took advantage of print technology to create a vast treasury of published documents—a legacy that to this day has been but selectively sampled and appreciated. The Digital Library of the Catholic Reformation makes ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Digital National Security Archive (PQ)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
More than 58,000 declassified documents central to U.S. foreign and military policy since 1945. The collections cover:xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Afghanistan, 1973–1990;xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Berlin Crisis, 1958–1962;xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Chile and the United States, 1970-1990;xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
China and the United States, 1960–1998;xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962;xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Death ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Digitalia: Hispanic Database of ebooks and ejournalsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Digitalia - Hispanic Database of e-books and e-journals providing the broadest access to high-quality content in Spanish Language. Thousands of e-books from the most renowned Spanish and Latin American Publishing Houses, as well as relevant journals that cover all topics of interest. More than ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
DigiZeitschriften (German digital journal archive)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
DigiZeitschriften could be called a German JSTOR, i.e.- a collection of digitized back runs of German journals from the following disciplines: Anglistik, Bibliothekswesen, Geowissenschaften, Germanistik, Geschichte, Naturwissenschaften, Neuere Philologien, Rechtswissenschaft, Romanistik, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Direction of Trade StatisticsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Available at the Social Science Library, all workstations as a CD-ROM, the DOTS is a statistical product of the International Monetary Fund that corresponds to the printed DOTS which is located in the Social Science Library Reference Section (HF91 +D57 (LC)).xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Request the most current data cd ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Directory Database of Research and Development ActivitiesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
"Directory Database of Research and Development Activities (ReaD) is a database service designed to promote cooperation among industry, academia and government. ReaD is the web site that collects and provides scientific information on research institutes, researchers, research subjects and research ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Directory of American ScholarsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Directory of American Scholars provides a comprehensive perspective on several segments of the American scholarly community, including current biographies of more than 24,000 scholars in the humanities (history, English, speech, drama, foreign languages, linguistics, philology, philosophy, and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Directory of Open Access JournalsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals covering most subjects and languages.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Directory of Electronic Journals, Newsletters and Academic Discussion Lists discontinued publication in 2001; as of July 2003, archives of the last four editions of the online ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
DIRLINE: Directory of Health InformationxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
DIRLINE (Directory of Information Resources Online) is the National Library of Medicine's online database containing location and descriptive information about a wide variety of information resources including organizations, research resources, projects, and databases concerned with health and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Dissent MagazinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Dissent, a quarterly magazine of politics and culture was founded in 1954 to dissent both from Stalinism and McCarthyism. Dissent is one of America's leading intellectual journals on the left.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Dissertations & Theses (ProQuest)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Dissertations and Theses - Full Text (ProQuest) contains entries with information about doctoral dissertations and master's theses. It is the same database as Dissertation Abstracts, but with the significant advantage that titles published since 1997 are available in PDF digital format and have 24 ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This is a database of free online German university publications (Dissertations, Habilitations/"Habilitationen"); The search interface is in German and allows for full-text key word searching as well as author, title and subject searching.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Demonstrates key physician/patient communication skills via video encounters with standardized patients; provides video and text commentary on the interview. These interviews help learners develop sensitivity to differing communication styles and difficult situations, and the flexibility to respond ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Documentary History of the Ratification of the ConstitutionxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This landmark work in historical and legal scholarship draws upon thousands of sources to trace the Constitution’s progress through each of the thirteen states’ conventions. The digital edition allows users to search the complete contents by date, title, author, recipient, or state affiliation ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Documentation and Information Center for Chinese Studies, Kyoto UniversityxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This is a free web resource. In addition to Bibliography for Oriental Studies, the Documentation and Information Center for Chinese Studies at Kyoto University provides other electronic resources on Chinese rare books, stone rubbings, and maps as well as materials on Central Asia.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
System ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Documents on British policy overseasxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Documents on British Policy Overseas provides users with access to a wide range of primary source documents from Britain's Foreign and Commonwealth Office, shedding light on throughout the twentieth century. Selected and edited by the official historians of the FCO, Documents on British Policy ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
DOE Information BridgexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Currently, the Information Bridge has a growing collection of over 65,800 full-text documents produced and made available by Department of Energy National Laboratories and grantees from 1995 forward.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Dolley Madison Digital EditionxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Dolley Payne Madison was the most important First Lady of the nineteenth century. The Dolley Madison Digital Edition will be the first-ever complete edition of all of her known correspondence.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
DRAM is a not-for-profit resource providing CD quality audio, complete and original liner notes and essays from New World Records, Composers Recordings, Inc. (CRI) and other important labels. DRAM offers the educational community on-demand, high-quality (192kbps/MP4) streaming access to complete ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Drama OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Drama Online introduces new writers alongside the most iconic names in playwriting history, providing contextual and critical background through scholarly works and practical guides.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Our constantly growing collection meets the full range of teaching needs for theatre studies, literature courses ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
DRoits ANTiques databasexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
DRANT includes archaeological, linguistic and historical data. It is a bibliography of periodicals concerning ancient law from the Resource centre of the ancient rights and the Institute of research and history of the texts. Created and presented by a research team associated with the French CNRS.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Drug Information -- Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
DTIC OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This database serves the Department Of Defense community as the largest central resource for DoD and government-funded scientific, technical, engineering, and business related information available today .xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Ductus : handwriting and bookmaking in the Middle AgesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Ductus, from the Latin ducere (to lead), is a digital program designed for the teaching of Latin paleography either locally or via the internet. The program is based on 66 extremely high resolution facsimiles of manuscripts from the period 150-1500 CE. It includes videos depicting a (modern) scribe ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Duxiu 读秀, also known as Chinese Google Scholar, is a huge content-based database consisting of 800,000,000 full text pages, with very flexible searches (full-text, books, journal and newspaper articles, theses, conference proceedings, etc.). Particularly, it provides information about and, in ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Early American FictionxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Provides both images and text for a well-defined and comprehensive collection of early American fiction. Titles including first printings of works by James Fenimore Cooper, Edgar Allan Poe, Robert Montgomery Bird, Washington Irving, Catharine Sedgwick, and Nathaniel Hawthorne. Published jointly ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Early American Imprints (Evans), Series I Text Creation ProjectxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The University of Michigan, NewsBank/Readex Co., and the American Antiquarian Society are cooperating in a Text Creation Partnership to create 6,000 accurately keyed and fully searchable SGML/XML text editions from among the 40,000 titles available in the Evans Early American Imprints Collection. ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Early American Imprints, Series I: Evans, 1639-1800 (NewsBank)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Early American Imprints, Series I: Evans, 1639-1800 has been hailed as the definitive resource for researching every aspect of 17th- and 18th-century America. This incomparable digital collection contains virtually every book, pamphlet and broadside published in America over a 160-year period. ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Early American Imprints, Series I: Evans, Supplement LCP 1670-1800xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Early American Imprints, Series I: Evans—the definitive resource for researching every aspect of 17th- and 18th-century America—has been dramatically expanded. From the acclaimed holdings of the Library Company of Philadelphia comes a broad range of recently uncovered books, pamphlets and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Early American Imprints, Series II: Shaw-Shoemaker, Supplement LCP 1801-1819xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Early American Imprints, Series II: Shaw- Shoemaker—the definitive resource for researching the opening decades of 19th-century America—has been dramatically expanded. From the acclaimed holdings of the Library Company of Philadelphia comes a broad range of recently uncovered books, pamphlets ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Early American Imprints, Series II: Shaw-Showmaker, 1801-1819 (Newsbank)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Early American Imprints, Series II (1801-1819) provides full-text access to the 36,000 American books, pamphlets and broadsides published in the first nineteen years of the nineteenth century. It is the continuation of Readex's Early American Imprints: Series I, this primary source database, based ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Early encounters in North America (Alexander Street Press)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This database, assembled from hundreds of primary sources, documents the relationships among peoples and with the environment in North America from 1534 to 1850. The collection focuses on personal accounts and provides unique perspectives from all of the protagonists, including traders, slaves, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Early English Books Online - EEBO (PQ)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Early English Books Online (EEBO) contains digital facsimile page images of virtually every work printed in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and British North America and works in English. Based on the Bell & Howell microfilm collections Early English Books 1475-1640 and Early English Books ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Early English Books Online Text Creation ProjectxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
To accompany the citations and page images, a separate initiative, the Text Creation Partnership (TCP), is in the process of creating SGML coding for the full text of EEBO works, so users can search the full ASCII text of the documents ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Early English Prose Fiction- 1500-1700xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Early English Prose Fiction contains 211 works in English prose by writers from the British Isles from the period 1500-1700. The entire text of each individual work has been included, with all prefatory matter and annotation by the original author. All accompanying material, such as illustrations, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Early European Books: printed sources to 1700xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Early European Books provides scholars with new ways of accessing and exploring the printed record of early modern Europe, drawing together a diverse array of printed sources from the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth centuries. Developed and produced in close collaboration with scholars, rare ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Early Modern Italy: a comprehensive bibliography of works in English & French.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
"This bibliography... aims to record the entire production of Italian history pertaining to the period (1550-1800) over the last 150 years, roughly the time that scholars have worked from archives." An interdisciplinary gathering, it includes works in the following categories: 1) General and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
eBook Collection (EBSCO)(XML)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
EBSCO’s extensive collection of eBook titles on EBSCOhost allows for a comprehensive and powerful search experience—with every search, relevant eBook titles will appear directly alongside your other EBSCO databases, exposing users to the full depth of your library’s offerings and increasing ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Ebrary is a collection of thousands of online full text books in a variety of subject areas. Full text content can be viewed and searched online and printed without charge after installing the ebrary Reader. You can also bookmark sections of the book, copy and paste text, and save sections for ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and LinkxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ECHO (Exploring and Collecting History Online) is a directory to 5,000+ websites concerning the history of science, technology, and industry. You can search it, browse it according to category, or even look at the tag cloud we've generated. Every website contains a brief description and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
EconLit, produced by the American Economic Association, is an expanded version of the Journal of Economic Literature. It contains bibliographic references and some abstracts for journal articles, books, articles in collective volumes and dissertations. It also contains the bibliographic database ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Economic Growth Center Digital LibraryxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This project, funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, digitizes a selection of Mexican state statistical abstracts from the Yale University Library's Economic Growth Center Library Collection. These statistical abstracts provide annual data at the state and municipal levels and cover a variety ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Economics -- Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Economist Historical Archive (1843-2007)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Economist Historical Archive delivers a complete searchable copy of every issue of The Economist from 1843 to 2006. New full-colour images, multiple search indexes, exportable financial tables and a gallery of front covers highlighting a key topic of each week - all combine to offer a primary ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
EcoSal- Escherichia coli and Salmonella: Cellular and Molecular BiologyxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
EcoSal is a comprehensive archive of knowledge on the enteric bacterial cell. EcoSal is comprised of several hundred modules of information and interpretation with links to cognate sites containing extensive tabular and pictorial presentations, as well as to active databases of primary research ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
EDGAR Database of Corporation InformationxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
EDGAR, the Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval system, performs automated collection, validation, indexing, acceptance, and forwarding of submissions by companies and others who are required by law to file forms with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Not all ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
EDIT 16 : censimento nazionale delle edizioni italiane del XVI secolo.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Census of Italian 16th Century Editions (EDIT 16) aims at documenting Italian books printed during the 16th century and at reviewing the countrywide heritage. The data base includes editions printed in Italy between 1501 and 1600, in any language, and editions printed abroad in Italian. It also ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Editions & Adaptations of ShakespearexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Editions and Adaptations of Shakespeare contains eleven major editions from the First Folio of 1623 to the Cambridge edition of 1863-6, twenty-eight separate contemporary printings of individual plays and poems, selected apocrypha and related works. In addition, it contains more than one hundred ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Editoria Italiana OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Editoria Italiana Online (EIO), a collection of Italian research publications available in full text format, results from a collaboration with some of Italy’s most important academic publishers such as École Française de Rome, Guerini e Associati, Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Education Research Complete (EBSCO)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Education Research Complete is the definitive online resource for education research. This massive file offers the world’s largest and most complete collection of full text education journals. It is a bibliographic and full text database covering scholarly research and information relating to all ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Educator's Reference DeskxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Educator's Reference Desk builds on over a quarter century of experience providing high-quality resources and services to the education community. From the Information Institute of Syracuse, the people who created AskERIC, the Gateway to Educational Materials, and the Virtual Reference Desk, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
eEROS - Encyclopedia of Reagents for Organic SynthesisxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
eEROS is a database of over 48000 reactions and approximately 3500 of the most frequently consulted reagents. The database is fully searchable by structure and substructure, reagent, reaction type, experimental conditions, and allows for sophisticated full text searches. Each entry highlights the ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Egyptological BibliographyxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Online Egyptological Bibliography (OEB) is the successor of the Annual Egyptological Bibliography (AEB). Together, the two have been in existence for more than sixty years. The AEB’s beginnings go back to 1947, when some twenty Egyptologists met in Copenhagen and founded the International ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
eHRAF ArchaeologyxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
eHRAF Archaeology is a cross-cultural database containing information on the world's prehistory. This annually-growing eHRAF database is organized by archaeological traditions and the full-text sources are subject-indexed at the paragraph level. eHRAF Arcahaeology is a unique resource designed to ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
eHRAF World CulturesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
eHRAF World Cultures, formerly eHRAF Collection of Ethnography, is a unique cross-cultural database. It contains more than a quarter of a million pages of descriptive information on the cultures of the world. The full-text materials are subject-indexed at the paragraph-level for precise retrieval ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Eighteenth Century Collections OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
* This database includes:xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
* Over 180,000 titles (200,000 volumes)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
* Includes books, pamphlets, essays, broadsides and morexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
* Based on the English Short Title CataloguexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
* Works published in the UK during the 18th century plus thousands from elsewherexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
* Primarily in English - also includes ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Eighteenth Century Collections Online Text Creation ProjectxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The University of Michigan and Thomson-Gale are cooperating in a Text Creation Partnership to create accurately keyed and fully searchable SGML/XML text editions from among the titles available in the Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO) corpus. ECCO is a significant collection of titles ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Eighteenth Century FictionxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Eighteenth Century Fiction includes 77 complete works in English prose from the period 1700-1780, by writers from the British Isles.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Eighteenth Century Journals PortalxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Portal to Newspapers and Periodicals c1685-1835 offers seamless, integrated access to Sections I, II, III, IV and V of our digital project Eighteenth Century Journals. Institutions who have purchased more than one section can enjoy streamlined browsing and searching across material from all of ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
EIU CityDataxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
CityData contains product prices and business costs for more than 160 products and services in 123 cities worldwide.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Access Restrictions: xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Restricted by IP address to Yale Univ + YNHHxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
EIU Country MonitorxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Weekly briefings which highlight key developments from around the world that will affect your global business. Each issue includes a briefing on the week's key world event, summaries of events in each major region and forecasts, data and business outlooks in key economies around the world. Includes ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
EIU Country ReportsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Country Reports analyse political and economic trends in nearly 200 countries. They show you exactly how national, regional and global events will affect your business in the short to medium term. Available in digital and print formats, each report examines and explains the issues shaping the ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
EIU CountryDataxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
EIU CountryData contains a concise snapshot of the political and economic prospects of 181 countries, along with monthly, quarterly and annual series from 117 countries. Data range from exchange rates to inflation and interest rates to trade flows. If you have trouble connecting to the database, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Electronic EnlightenmentxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Electronic Enlightenment offers access to the correspondence of over 6000 18th century individuals. Over 53,000 letters and documents from the best critical editions are presented in their original languages; the scholarly annotations are cross searchable. In addition EE presents over 80,000 ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Elenchus BibliographicusxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Elenchus Bibliographicus is the online version of the annual bibliography printed in vols. 2-3 of the Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses. The Bibliography covers the entire field of Theology and Canon Law: History of Theology, History of Religions, OldxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
EMBASE: Excerpta MedicaxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Embase is a biomedical and pharmacological database containing 22 million bibliographic records for articles published from 1974 to the present in 7,500 peer reviewed journals.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Empire Online (Adam Matthew Digital)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Empire Online provides access to images of original documents with introductory essays and combined indexing to all five sections. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Bringing together images of original manuscript and printed documents from libraries and archives around the world, Empire Online is a new kind of electronic ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Emusicquest: The Music-In-Print SeriesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The database provides information on publishers and American distributors of printed musical works. In some cases, it provides prices and indicates whether a work is in print or not. The database is also useful for identifying anthologies that contain shorter musical works, thus complementing the ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Enciclopèdia catalanxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Encyclopædia BritannicaxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Britannica Online includes the following: xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
* Britannica Online and Book of the Year articles -- More than 65,000 subjects are addressed in articles ranging from concise explanations to comprehensive expositions and from historical treatments of subjects to current-events coverage. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
* The Index to ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Encyclopaedia IranicaxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Encyclopaedia Iranica is a multi-disciplinary reference work and research tool designed to record the facts of Iranian history and civilization, a compendium conceived on the past and present culture of the people who speak an Iranian language and their contribution to the broader history of ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Encyclopaedia IslamicaxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Encyclopaedia Islamica is a projected 16-volume publication, consisting of an abridged and edited translation of the Persian Dāʾirat al-Maʿārif-i Buzurg-i Islāmī, one of the most comprehensive sources on Islam and the Muslim world. One unique feature of this work of reference lies in the ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Encyclopaedia JudaicaxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Encyclopaedia Judaica (EJ), second edition, is a revised and updated edition of the original 1972 edition, supplemented by additional material from the 1997 CD-ROM edition. It builds on the monumental achievement of the first edition and represents the culmination of years of intensive work by ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Encyclopaedia of Islam - 2nd ed.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Click on Log In on the first (title) screen. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
FONT DOWNLOAD: SEE MORE INFO xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Encyclopaedia of Islam presents the current state of our knowledge of the Islamic World from religion & history to politics & culture. Included are articles on distinguished Muslims of every age & land, tribes & ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREExAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Encyclopaedia of the Qur'anxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
An encyclopedic dictionary of qur’ānic terms, concepts, personalities, place names, cultural history and exegesis, with extensive essays on the most important themes and subjects in qur’ānic studies.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Encyclopaedia of the Quran - Quran ConcordancexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Concordance to the Encyclopaedia of the Quran.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Encyclopaedia of Women and Islamic CulturexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
An interdisciplinary, multi-cultural encyclopedia that covers gender studies, Middle Eastern and Islamic studies, religion, history, politics, anthropology, geography and related disciplines.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Encyclopaedia UniversalisxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Encyclopædia Universalis est la plus grande encyclopédie francophone. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The online database contains the 28 volume French-language encyclopedia with access to signed articles, multimedia files, a world atlas and a French-laguage internet search engine. The texts are connected by hypertext links.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Encyclopedia of American Foreign PolicyxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This revised version of the original 1978 edition has been expanded with 44 new essays, all written by respected post-Cold War scholars who bring the latest perspectives to their topics. Of the original essays, 33 have been revised by new scholars and 43 have been revised by the original ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Encyclopedia of American ReligionsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This encyclopedia includes information on more than 2,300 North American religious groups in the U.S. and Canada -- from Adventists to Zen Buddhists. Essays and directory listings describe the historical development of religious families and give factual information about each group within those ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Encyclopedia of Arabic Language and LinguisticsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The EALL Online comprehensively covers all aspects of Arabic languages and linguistics. It is interdisciplinary in scope and represents different schools and approaches to be as objective and versatile as possible.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The online edition contains all content of the print edition and new content will ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Encyclopedia of Global Studies (Sage)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Covers both transnational topics and intellectual approaches to the study of global themes, including: the globalization of economies and technologies; the diaspora of cultures and dispersion of peoples; the transnational aspects of social and political change; the global impact of environmental, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Encyclopedia of Inorganic ChemistryxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Encyclopedia of Inorganic Chemistry, the primary tool in the field, presents articles in alphabetical order, but the content has been slightly reorganized to allow browsing of the following subject areas: Main Group Elements; Transition Metals and Coordination Chemistry; Organometallic ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Encyclopedia of Jews in the Islamic WorldxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Encyclopedia of Jews in the Islamic World covers an area of Jewish history, religion and culture which until now lacked its own cohesive/discrete reference work. The Encyclopedia fills the gap in academic reference literature on the Jews of Muslim lands particularly in the late medieval, early ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Encyclopedia of JudaismxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Covers Judaic systems of belief and society from Biblical times to the present. Topics covered include the religion, history, literature, beliefs, observances and practices of the Jewish people.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Encyclopedia of Life Sciences (Wiley)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Encyclopedia of Life Sciences (ELS) features over 4,600 specially commissioned, peer-reviewed and citable articles spanning the entire spectrum of the life sciences. It is an essential read for life scientists and a valued resource for undergraduates, graduate students and researchers. ELS ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Encyclopedia of ReligionxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The second edition of a resource that is considered a standard reference in the field. Presents a cross-cultural approach that emphasizes religion's role within everyday life and as a unique experience from culture to culture. The original 2,750 entries have been retained, many heavily updated, and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Encyclopedia of Statistical SciencesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences is an indispensable reference for statistical content. Regularly updated with new articles and revisions to previously published articles, the Encyclopedia includes the full text of the second print edition, the entire original edition, plus supplements and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Encyclopedia of the American Civil War: A Political, Social, and Military HistoryxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
A reference work on Civil War in the United States. Essays describe and explain aspects that cover the coming of the war, its conduct, and its consequences in a political, military, and social context. In addition to full biographies of major and minor military, political, diplomatic, and cultural ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Encyclopedia of the Vietnam War: A Political, Social, and Military HistoryxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
A comprehensive reference overview of the Vietnam War, this encyclopedia treats all aspects of the war (military, diplomatic, political, and socioeconomic).xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Other Versions: xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Encyclopedia of the Vietnam War: A Political, Social, and Military History xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
SML, Starr Main Reference Room DS557.7 ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Encyclopédie d'YverdonxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Yverdon Encyclopedia published between 1770 and 1780 in 58 quarto volumes is an original scientific project. It is founded on Diderot's solid rules for building an “encyclopedic system of knowledge”, but its ambition is to give this encyclopedia more of an European scope, to reconsider in a ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Encyclopédie ou Dictionnaire Raisonnédes Sciences, des Arts et des MétiersxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Encyclopédie ou Dictionnaire Raisonnédes Sciences, des Arts et des Métiers, par une Société de Gens de lettres was published under the direction of Diderot, with 17 volumes of text and 11 volumes of plates between 1751 and 1772. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Containing 72,000 articles written by more than 140 ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Energy Citations Database (OSTI)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Energy Citations Database (ECD) contains bibliographic records for energy and energy-related STI from the Department of Energy (DOE) and its predecessor agencies, the Energy Research & Development Administration (ERDA) and the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC). The Database provides access to DOE ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and LinkxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
English DramaxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
English Drama (1280-1915) xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
English Verse Drama and English Prose Drama are now combined in this database of 4,000 plays by 1,200 authors from the late thirteenth century to the early twentieth century.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
English Language and Literature - Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
English Poetry DatabasexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Essentially the complete English poetic canon from the 8th century to the early 20th. Poems by more than 1,250 poets drawn from nearly 4,500 printed sources.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
English Poetry, Second Edition (PQ)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
English Poetry, Second Edition includes poems by over 2,700 poets, an archive of English verse from the 8th century to the early 20th representing both of the literary heritages of Commonwealth and ex-colonial countries and of the poetic legacies of English writers who have only been brought back ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
English Short Title CataloguexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Contains records for works printed in any language in England or its dependencies from 1473 through 1800, as well as works printed in English anywhere else in the world during that period. Subject headings appear in records for items published in 1700 or earlier.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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ENGnetBASE: Engineering Handbooks OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Engineering handbooks published by CRC Press.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
System Requirements: xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Adobe Acrobat Reader needed to view full text.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Entrez is a search and retrieval system that integrates information from databases at NCBI. These databases include nucleotide sequences, protein sequences, macromolecular structures, whole genomes, and MEDLINE, through PubMed.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Full text access to environmental handbooks published by CRC Press.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
System Requirements:xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Adobe Acrobat Reader needed to view full text.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Environment Complete (EBSCO)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Environment Complete™ offers deep coverage in applicable areas of agriculture, ecosystem ecology, energy, natural resources, marine & freshwater science, geography, pollution & waste management, environmental technology, environmental law, public policy, social impacts, urban planning, and more. ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Environmental History BibliographyxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Forest History Society (FHS) database covers items written as history and dealing with the utilization, management, and appreciation of forest-related resources. It contains annotated citations to books, articles, and dissertations published from 1633 to the present and is updated online ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Environmental Science -- Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ERIC (CSA) (ProQuest XML)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center) database is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education to provide extensive access to educational-related literature. The ERIC database corresponds to two printed journals: Resources in Education (RIE) and Current Index to Journals in Education ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Érudit is the leading provider of Francophone and Canadian peer reviewed journals, e-books, theses and other scholarly materials in North America. The platform gathers in one point nearly 150 Canadian scholarly and cultural publishers, including the most prestigious French-language Canadian ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Essay and General Literature Index (H.W. Wilson)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Essay and General Literature Index, produced by the H.W. Wilson Company, is a unique reference database that cites records contained in collections of essays and miscellaneous works published in the United States, Great Britain, and Canada. More than 320 single and multi-authored volumes are ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Estimates professional 2006/2011xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Note: only one simultaneous user can access this dataset. Works in Internet Explorer only. GeoLytics estimates and projections data expand on the U.S. census counts to include age, race, sex, housing, and income. Data are available down to the zip code, tract, and block group levels. The web ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Ethnic American Newspapers from the Balch Collection, 1799-1971 (Readex)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Searchable newspapers published by members of many of the most influential American ethnic groups.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Ethnic NewsWatchxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Ethnic NewsWatch is available as two resources, Ethnic NewsWatch™, which is a current collection, and Ethnic NewsWatch: A History™, which is an historical collection.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Ethnic NewsWatch™, the current file, covers 1990 to present and includes newspapers, magazines, and journals of the ethnic ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Ethnographic Video Online I-IIxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Ethnographic Video online provides the largest, most comprehensive resource for the study of human culture and behavior - more than 750 hours and 1,000 films at completion. The collection covers every region of the world and features the work of many of the most influential documentary filmmakers ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Ethnologue brings together information available on the languages of the world. Language entries represent separate languages or probable languages (highly divergent 'dialects') according to our best sources. Variants of the language that are not distinct enough to need separate literature are ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
EthVest (ICCR)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ICCR's EthVest provides detailed information on more than a decade of faith-based and socially responsible shareholder activism, complete texts and voting oucomes for more than 2,000 shareholder resolutions — searchable by company, year and issue — and timely alerts advising of ICCR shareholder ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Eureka (OCLC Firstsearch)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The RLG Union Catalog has been combined with WorldCat. It is a comprehensive database that serves as a major union catalog of records describing books, serials, archival collections, manuscripts, maps, musical scores, sound recordings, films, photographs, posters, computer files, electronic ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Europa Sacra OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Offers unrivalled coverage of medieval Church prelates, information on all 1300 medieval bishoprics, archdioceses and patriarchates under obedience to Rome. As of 2003, it provides prosopographical information on 18,507 bishops, archbishops and patriarchs. Gradually more recent prosopographical ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Europa WorldxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
First published in 1926, Europa World, the online edition of Europa World Year Book, is renowned as one of the world's leading reference works, covering political and economic information on over 250 countries and territories, from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe. Search country profiles and statistics; ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
European History - Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Eurostat is the Statistical Office of the European Communities, established in 1953. It gathers and analyzes figures from the different European statistics offices in order to provide comparable and harmonised data. The data cover the European Union, its member states, and its partners. Topics ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Everyday Life & Women in America (Adam Matthew Digital)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This digital collection is an unparalleled resource for the study of American social, cultural, and popular history, providing immediate access to rare primary source material from the Sallie Bingham Center for Women’s History, Duke University and The New York Public Library. It comprises ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Exam Master OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Exam Master Online contains over 17,000 questions that can be used to build custom exams as well as prebuilt exams in the USMLE format. This resource also contains questions suitable for medical specialty board review.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Faber Poetry Library (PQ)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
A collection of poets of the twentieth century. The Faber list spans the seventy-year history of this major publishing house, and includes the poetry of James Joyce, Siegfried Sassoon, T.S. Eliot, Ted Hughes, Sylvia Plath and Seamus Heaney; a total of 140 volumes by 50 poets.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Factiva contains nearly 8,000 sources from 118 countries and 22 languages, and 120 continuously updated newswires.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Coverage includes:xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Same-day and archival coverage of The Wall Street Journal,Washington Post, The Globe and Mail, Financial Times, Handelsblatt, Les Echos, South China ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Facts On File (FOF) - World News DigestxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This online resource, which has been available in a print edition since 1940, is a digest of U.S.and world news drawn from both U.S. and international news sources. Keyword searching of the full text of the digest or of titles only is provided, and searches can be limited to specific days or date ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Faculty of 1000xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Faculty of 1000 is a literature awareness tool for the biomedical sciences. Highlights and reviews the most interesting papers published in the biomedical sciences, based on recommendations of a faculty or well over 1000 selected leading researchers.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
International time series data for production, trade, food balance sheets, food aid shipments, fertilizers and pesticides, land area and irrigation, forest products, fishing products, population, agricultural marketing. User registration required.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Farber Gravestone CollectionxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Farber Gravestone Collection is an unusual resource containing over 13,500 images documenting the sculpture on more than 9,000 gravestones, most of which were made prior to 1800, in the Northeastern part of the United States. The late Daniel Farber of Worcester, Massachusetts, and his wife, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
FAZ - Frankfurter Allgemeine ZeitungxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
First published on November 1, 1949, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (F.A.Z.) is one of the major national daily newspapers in Germany. The paper publishes Monday to Saturday (the Sunday edition is called the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung (F.A.S.), but both are referred to here as ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The U.S. Government Printing Office's Federal Digital System (FDsys) provides public access to government information submitted by Congress and federal agencies. Content includes: Congressional bills, documents, hearings, reports; laws; Congressional Record; Federal Register; presidential ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Fed in Print: A Database of Federal Reserve System Economic ResearchxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Citations to economic research papers and articles published by the Board of Governors and the Federal Reserve Banks. Includes some full text. Also available in print, Govt. Documents Center Reading Room Z7164 F5 +F43, 1982-xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Le Festival Panafricain du Cinéma et de la Télévision de Ouagadougou (FESPACO) est la plus grande manifestation cinématographique du continent africain.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
FIAF Documentation Collections (PQ)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Detailed information about the documentation collections of the world's foremost film archives, libraries, and educational institutions.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
FIAF Index to Film Periodicals (PQ)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This database contains over 400,000 article citations from more than 330 periodicals. It offers in-depth coverage of the world's foremost academic and popular film journals.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
FIAF Treasures from Film Archives (PQ)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Treasures from the Film Archives contains unique information about silent film holdings worldwide. Conceived as a tool to aid preservation, research and film exchange between archives, it provides brief identification information on over 21,000 works. The database includes features, short ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Film Index International (PQ)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Film Index International is an online resource focusing on entertainment films and personalities. Produced in collaboration with the British Film Institute (bfi) it is based on the Summary of Film and Television (SIFT) database collated by the bfi over the past 70 years. The database provides ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Film Indexes OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Film Indexes Online brings Film Index International and AFI Catalog together in one site - the result of partnerships with the British Film Institute (BFI) and the American Film Institute (AFI), Film Index International and AFI Catalog.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Film Literature IndexxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Film Literature Index (FLI) annually indexes 150 film and television periodicals from 30 countries and other periodicals selectively for articles on film and television. The periodicals range from the scholarly to the popular. More than 2,000 subject headings provide detailed analysis of the ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Film Studies - Click here for resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Film & Television Literature Index (EBSCO)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
A comprehensive index covering the entire spectrum of television and film writing and produced for a broad target audience, from film scholars to general viewers. Subject coverage includes: film & television theory, preservation & restoration, writing, production, cinematography, technical aspects, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Financial times historical archive, 1888-2007xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Financial Times Historical Archive delivers the complete searchable run of the world's most authoritative daily business newspaper. Every item ever printed in the paper, from 1888-2006, can be searched and browsed by article and page by page. It includes over 700,000 pages of past issues for ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
First World War: Personal Experiences, 1914-1918 (Adam Matthew Digital)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This digital resource brings to life the reality of the First World War for the men and women who experienced it firsthand.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Containing digital images of a wide range of original documents, including diaries, letters, personal narratives, trench journals, scrapbooks, objects, and a wealth of ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Fish, Fisheries & Aquatic Biodiversity WorldwidexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This collection combines databases on all facets of ichthyology, fisheries, aquaculture, and aquatic & marine biology. Included in this remarkable resource are records from the now ceased database Aquatic Biology, Aquaculture, & Fisheries Resources (ABAFR), plus twelve of the world's major fish and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Fold3 History and Genealogy ArchivesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Fold3 provides convenient access to US military records, including the stories, photos, and personal documents of the men and women who served.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Fold3 name comes from a traditional flag folding ceremony in which the third fold is made in honor and remembrance of veterans who served in defense ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) Daily ReportsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The FBIS Daily Reports provide English-language translations of broadcast transcripts, news agency transmissions, newspapers, periodicals, and government statements from countries around the world. The database currently includes translations from media in the Middle East, Near East, Africa, China, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Foreign Law GuidexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This database presents a basic introduction to the laws of countries outside the United States. Content includes a summary of the history of each of over 150 covered jurisdiction and an annotated bibliography of legal information sources. Links to online sources are provided where available. This ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Foreign Office Files for China, 1949-1980 (Adam Matthew Digital)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The era from 1949, when the Chinese Communist Party won power, until Mao Zedong's death in 1976, is a colossally important period in modern Chinese history. Britain was one of very few western countries to maintain diplomatic relations with China and from 1950 onward, and from their vantage point ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Foreign Office files for India, Pakistan and Afghanistan Sections I - IIIxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
These three collections consist of the British Government's files on the countries of South Asia from shortly before Indian partition and independence up to 1980. This was a turbulent era in the region's history. The partition of 1947 and the splitting apart of Pakistan in 1971 were accompanied by ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Forestry -- Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Foundation DirectoryxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Founded in 1956, the Foundation Center is the nation's leading authority on institutional philanthropy and is dedicated to serving grantseekers, grantmakers, researchers, policymakers, the media, and the general public. The Foundation Directory Online Platinum is the Foundation Center's most ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
FRANCIS covers a wide range of multilingual, multidisciplinary information in the humanities (63%), social sciences (33%), and economics (4%). FRANCIS is strong in religion, the history of art, and literature, with particular emphasis on current trends in European and world literature. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
FRANCIS ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Franco Angeli RivistexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
From FrancoAngeli, one of Italy's most important academic publishers, a full-text collection of journals specialized in the social sciences, history and philosophy. Sixty-seven journals, 1135 journal issues, 12350 articles available, with backfiles going back to 2000 for the oldest runs. There is ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The ARTFL implementation of the FRANTEXT database (formerly the Trésor de la Langue Française) consists of nearly 2000 texts, ranging from classic works of French literature to various kinds of non-fiction prose and technical writing. The eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth centuries are about ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
French 17xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
French 17 seeks to provide an annual survey of the work done each year in the general area of seventeenth-century French studies. It is as descriptive and complete as possible and includes summaries of articles, books, and book reviews. An item may be included in several numbers should a review of ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
French Language and Literature-- Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
French National BibliographyxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This publication catalogs books and serials published, printed or distributed in France and received by the Bibliothèque Nationale de France through legal deposit. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Each installment contains recent catalog records sorted by CDU classification with author, title and subject indexes corresponding ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
French Women WritersxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The ARTFL French Women Writers Project is a searchable database containing works by French women authors from the 16th to the 19th century. The Women Writers Project currently contains texts by 40 authors. There are 5.1 million words, 98,000 unique forms in 99 documents. For titles and general ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Fuente Academica Premier(EBSCO)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Fuente Academica is a unique collection of scholarly journals from renowned Latin American and Spanish publishers.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Furetière - Dictionaire UniverselxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Antoine Furetière's Universal Dictionary of the French language, Middle French, 1300-1600.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Gabriel - Gateway to Europe's National Libraries - is the World Wide Web service for Europe's National Libraries represented in the Conference of European National Librarians (CENL). There are currently 41 National Libraries from 39 member states of the Council of Europe participating in CENL and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Gale Literary IndexxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Gale's Literary Index to the literature products published by Gale (see below) combines and cross-references to author names, including pseudonyms and variant names, and listings for over 202,000 titles into one source.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Gale Virtual Reference LibraryxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
A database of encyclopedias, almanacs, and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Source List: A list of publications is available from the native interface.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Subjects: xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
* Biography xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
* Business xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
* Education xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
* Environment xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
* History xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
* Law xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
* Literature ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Gallica ClassiquexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
More than 1,000 volumes from the canon of French Literature, from the middlexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ages to the beginning of the 20th century.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Gallup BrainxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
More than 136,000 questions and answers from The Gallup Poll since 1935. This public opinion database also houses Gallup Poll News Service articles, Gallup Poll Tuesday Briefing articles, and Gallup Management Journal articles that feature in-depth public opinion and management data analyses.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Gamal Abdel Nasser CollectionxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
يتضمن العديد من الوثائق الرقمية المقروءة والمسموعة والمرئية للزعيم جمال عبد الناصر مصحوبة بالبحث المفصلxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The collection includes huge number of digital documents and audio and video records, including: xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
- ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Garland Encyclopedia of World Music OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
A comprehensive encyclopedia devoted to the music of the world's peoples. Browse "volumes" which contain an overview of a region, a survey of its musical heritage, traditions and themes; and a description of specific musical genres, practices, and performances.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Web site provides access to the research and advisory firm's information technology news, research reports, and business and market analysis, and includes product descriptions and comparisons, information on trends, and a calendar of upcoming conferences and events for IT managers, specialists, and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Annotated database of genetic sequences maintained by the National Institutes of Health and searched through Entrez.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Gender Studies - Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Gender Studies Database (EBSCO)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Gender Studies Database combines NISC's popular Women's Studies International and Men's Studies databases with the coverage of sexual diversity issues. GSD covers the full spectrum of gender-engaged scholarship inside and outside academia. Several thousand links to freely available and indexed ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
GenderWatch is a database of unique and diverse publications that focus on how gender impacts a broad spectrum of subject areas. With its archival material, dating back to 1970 in some cases, GenderWatch is a repository of important historical perspectives on the evolution of the women's movement, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
General - Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
General History - Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
General Law-- Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
General Reference - Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
General Science Full Text (H.W. Wilson)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
General Science Full Text, designed for students and non-specialists, is easy to use and the first place to look for answers to science-related questions.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Geolytics Census 2000 Long FormxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Note: only one simultaneous user can access this dataset. Works in Internet Explorer only. The Census 2000 Long Form is the most complete source of detailed information about the people, housing, and economy of the United States.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Geolytics CensusCD 1970xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Note: only one simultaneous user can access this dataset. Works in Internet Explorer only. CensusCD 1970 is the first product to allow access to the results of the 1970 US Census down to the Census tract. Over 8,500 demographics and geographic identifiers exist for every geographic area. The ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Geolytics CensusCD 1980 in 2000 GeographiesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Note: only one simultaneous user can access this dataset. Works in Internet Explorer only. CensusCD 1980 in 2000 Boundaries allows users to access US Census data from 1980 and easily compare it with the 2000 Census data.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Geolytics CensusCD 1990 in 2000 GeographiesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Note: only one simultaneous user can access this dataset. Works in Internet Explorer only. CensusCD 1990 Long Form in 2000 Boundaries allows users to access US Census data from 1990 and easily compare it with the 2000 Census data.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Geolytics CensusCD 1990 Long FormxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Note: only one simultaneous user can access this dataset. Works in Internet Explorer only. The data provide details about the population and housing of the United States. It has demographic information down to the neighborhood level (block groups) from the 1990 US Census (STF3 A, B, C and D).xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Geolytics NCDB (Neighborhood Change Database)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Note: only one simultaneous user can access this dataset. Works in Internet Explorer only. CensusCD Neighborhood Change Database (NCDB) gives users instant access to US Census data from 1970, 1980, 1990 and 2000 at the census tract level.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
GeoRef (Ovid)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The GeoRef database from the American Geological Institute (AGI) provides access to the geoscience literature of the world.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
George E. Palade EM Slide CollectionxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Electron microscopy slides from the Palade EM slide collection.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
GeoScienceWorld (GSW)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
A comprehensive Internet resource for research and communications in the geosciences, built on a core database aggregation of peer-reviewed journals indexed, linked, and inter-operable with GeoRef.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
German Language and Literature--Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
German Literature CollectionsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
German Literature Collections brings together six individual German literature resources: Goethes Werke, Schillers Werke, Kafkas Werke, Brechts Werke, Die Deutsche Lyrik, and Bibliothek deutscher Klassiker (digital versions of titles from the Deutscher Klassiker Verlag). You may search in one ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
German Parliament Library CatalogxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This is the library catalog of the German Federal Parliament Library, the Deutscher Bundestag. It not only documents the monographic and serial holdings of the library, but provides indexing for many journals and government publications which may not be included in other European indexes and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Germanische Altertumskunde OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The new database Germanische Altertumskunde Online (GAO) provides a unique research medium representing the current state of knowledge of Old Germanic History, which includes Germanic and Northern European cultural history from the subject areas of history, archeology, art history, legal history, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Germanistik Online (De Gruyter XML)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Germanistik is the central international journal on the study of German Language and Literature, including peripheral fields. Now, Germanistik is also available as an accumulated online database. Thus, 50 years of German philology - the history of the discipline both systematized and critically ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Gerritsen Collection--Women's History Online, 1543-1945(PQ)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This database is the definitive cross-cultural resource for information on women's history. It spans more than four centuries and 15 languages and includes over two million pages in full image. Users can trace the evolution of feminism within a single country, as well as the impact of that ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Getty Provenance Index DatabasesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Getty Provenance Index Databases contain information related to the history of collecting and the provenance of individual works of art, primarily of Western European paintings. The databases contain indexed transcriptions of archival documents, sale catalogs, and museum provenance files from ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
A global infectious disease knowledge management tool. It is designed to assist in diagnosing infectious diseases and staying current on the latest trends in epidemiology and treatment. Used for diagnosis and reference in the field of tropical and infectious diseases, epidemiology, microbiology and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
GiNii is an integrated search system of databases letting users search materials in four databases at once: CiNii for papers, theses, etc.; Webcat Plus for books, magazines, etc.; Kaken for grants-in-aid for scientific research; NII-DBR for Academic Research Databases.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Global Commodities (Adam Matthew Digital)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
One of the most popular ways of teaching World History is through the story of Global Commodities and the way in which these transformed the world. This project focuses on fifteen significant commodities whose stories are often intertwined. They are:xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Global Development FinancexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Presents data on selected regional income and indebtedness for 150 countries and regions, including total debt stocks and flows, major economic aggregates, total external debt, and long-term debt expressed in ratios. Other features include total debt outstanding, undisbursed debt, interest ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Global Financial DataxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Academic users can login one of two ways. You can login anonymously or you can create your own personal account to customize your experience. If you create your own account, you must use your university email in creating the account.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
If you login anonymously, you can search the database, access ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Global Forest Information ServicexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
An Internet gateway to forest information resources from around the world, GFIS users can locate maps, datasets, web resources, journal articles, books and other resources relevant to their forest information needs. This access is through a distributed network of databases. The databases cover the ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Global Health (Ovid)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Global Health is a comprehensive source of both community and international level research information on public health. Over 70,000 records are added each year from over 125 countries in 50 different languages - 40% of the information of which is unique to the Global Health database. Global health ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Glossary of Biotechnology and Nanobiotechnology Terms, Fourth EditionxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Glossary of Biotechnology and Nanobiotechnology Terms, Fourth Edition, over 400 pages, is a handy reference intended as a general introduction designed for people with little or no training in the biological and chemical sciences, as well as scientists communicating from other disciplines. ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Gnomon OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
PLEASE NOTE: the entire Gnomon database can be downloaded by clicking on the link labeled 'Gnomon Bibliographische Datenbank' in the left-hand navigation column of the Gnomon home page (in German) and then by following the multilingual instructions on the resulting page."xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
An international ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Godey's Ladys Book 1830-1880xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Godey's Ladys Book 1830-1880 is one component of Accessible Archives, a searchable collection of American newspapers from the 18th & 19th centuries. Eras covered include the Colonial Period, the French & Indian War, the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, African-American History, Industrial ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Goethes WerkexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This database consists primarily of the Weimar Edition of Goethe's works, originally published between 1887-1919 by Hermann Böhlau (and Nachfolger) under the patronage of Grossherzogin Sophie von Sachsen and hence often referred to as the Sophien-Ausgabe. It is supplemented by material not found ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Going Global Country Career and Employment ResourcexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Packed with country-specific career information, this research tool provides expert advice and insider tips for finding employment opportunities at home and abroad.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Google ScholarxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Google Scholar searches academic publishers, professional societies and pre-print archives.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and LinkxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
GPO MetaLibxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
MetaLib is a federated search engine from the U.S. Government Printing Office that searches multiple U.S. Federal government databases, such as EPA, ERIC, Library of Congress, PubMed, and usa.gov, retrieving reports, articles, and citations while providing direct links to selected resources ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Peterson's GradSearch database contains the entire text of Peterson's Graduate and Professional Programs database, the most comprehensive database on graduate study available. The database covers 31,000 graduate academic departments at more than 1,600 degree-granting institutions as well as ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Gram Stain TUTORxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
GramStainTUTOR, developed by the University of Washington Department of Laboratory Medicine, is an interactive program that systematically teaches the interpretation and clinical utility of the direct Gram stain of body fluids. The program integrates digital video and animation in explanations. ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Gran Enciclopedia de EspañaxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The GEE is a meticulous scientific research encyclopedic work in Spanish language developed over twenty years. It has been designed and written by leading specialists and contributors throughout Spain, including two Nobel prizes. The GEE focuses exclusively in Spain and its historical presence in ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Gran Enciclopedia IberoamericanaxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Gran Enciclopedia Iberoamericana counts with 8 reference databases in Spanish language executed by a wide international team with the best specialists of each area of work and experts in lexicography. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
•More than 150,000 articles xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
•More than 50.000 images, maps and flagsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
•More than 4.800 ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Grand Corpus des littératures française et francophone, du Moyen Âge au 20e sièclexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Great Corpus of French and Francophone literature, from the Middle Ages to the 20th century offers the 4 online corpus of literature published by Classiques Garnier Numérique:xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
- the Corpus of medieval literature from the origins to the end of the 15th centuryxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
- the Corpus of narrative ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Grand Council ArchivesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Please email east.asia.library@yale.edu or call 203-432-1794 for username and password.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Grand Council Archives, known as 清代宮中檔奏摺及軍機處檔摺件全文影像資料庫, provides metadata searching and full image reproductions of Qing Palace Memorials and Archives of the ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Grand Secretariat ArchivesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Please email east.asia.library@yale.edu or call 203-432-1794 for username and password. To view the original images, you must install a special application.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Click here for ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Grand Tour (Adam Matthew Digital)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Grand Tour was a rite-of-passage for many aristocratic and wealthy young men of the eighteenth century: a phenomenon which shaped the creative and intellectual sensibilities of some of the eighteenth century’s greatest artists, writers and thinkers. These accounts of the English abroad, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
GreenFILE (EBSCO)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
GreenFILE offers well-researched but accessible information covering all aspects of human impact on the environment. Its collection of scholarly, government and general-interest titles include content on the environmental effects of individuals, corporations and local/national governments, and what ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Guide to ReferencexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Guide, whose history includes eleven editions printed between 1902-1986, includes more than 16,000 annotated entries identifying the core reference titles in both print and digital formats across the disciplines of the humanities, social sciences, and sciences and the areas of reference and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Guide to U.S. Elections, 6th ed.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Guide to U.S. Elections provides comprehensive coverage of every major aspect of federal and gubernatorial elections throughout U.S. history. In addition to extensive narratives describing the evolution of U.S. elections, the development of the party system, and campaign finance, the Guide also ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Operational and financial information plus analysts reports on US nonprofit organizations. Downloading data requires a special login.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Gujin tushu jichengxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Gujin tushu jicheng was compiled in the early 18th century and is the largest encyclopedia in pre-modern China. It was intended to be a comprehensive survey of all branches of knowledge and includes a large amount of illustrations. The online version allows a researcher to conduct full text ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Gutenberg-e electronic books have undergone an academic review process by historians brought together by the American Historical Association. The books represent a range of subjects:xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Africa, colonial Latin America, and South Asia xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Europe before 1800 xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Military history and history of ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Hagiography DatabasexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Dumbarton Oaks Hagiography database was originally issued in 1998 as a set of floppy disks and is now available freely online. The database contains bio-bibliographical information about saints from the 8th-10th centuries. It is divided into sections: Saints' lists, Authors' lists and a ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Handbook of Latin American StudiesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
An annotated bibliography of works on Latin America covering various fields in both the humanities and social sciences. Volumes have been published annually since 1936, by Harvard University Press, the University of Florida Press, and the University of Texas Press. HLAS is edited by the Hispanic ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and LinkxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Handbook of StatisticsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Handbook of Statistics is a series of self-contained reference books. Each volume is devoted to a particular topic in statistics. Every chapter is written by prominent workers in the area to which the volume is devoted. The series is addressed to the entire community of statisticians and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Handbooks in EconomicsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The 56 published volumes of the Handbooks in Economics series contain nearly 700 articles, including some of the most cited in economics, with a strong forward programme. Edited by Kenneth J. Arrow and Michael D. Intriligator, the handbooks cover a broad set of topics. Each chapter provides ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Health and Psychosocial Instruments provides ready access to information on measurement instruments (i.e., questionnaires, interview schedules, checklists, index measures, coding schemes/ manuals, rating scales, projective techniques, vignettes/scenarios, tests) in the health fields, psychosocial ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Harmonized World Soil DatabasexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Land Use Change and Agriculture Program of IIASA (LUC) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) have developed a new comprehensive Harmonized World Soil Database (HWSD). Vast volumes of recently collected regional and national updates of soil information were used ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Harper's Magazine & Cumulative IndexxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Since 1850, Harper's Magazine has been one of the leading periodicals of culture and opinion. This digital archive makes every issue of Harper's monthly allows users to browse individual issues or search the database by keyword.Harper's Magazine Online provides electronic access to every page of ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
HarpWeek: 1857-1912xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Searchable full-text database of all the pages of Harper's Weekly from 1857-1912 with scanned images, together with a series of indexes. The subject index provides information on domestic and foreign news, editorials, and people. Users can track the major political, social and military stories of ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Hartford Courant 1992-xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Complete full-text content of local and regional news, including community events, schools, politics, government policies, cultural activities, local companies, state industries, and people in the community. Paid advertisements are excluded.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Other Versions: xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Hartford Courant (LexisNexis ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and LinkxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Hathi TrustxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
As a digital repository for the nation's great research libraries, HathiTrust brings together the immense collections of partner institutions. It was initially conceived as a collaboration of the thirteen universities of the Committee on Institutional Cooperation, the University of California ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Haveitall is Available in the Chemistry Library on Workstation #4xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
HaveitAll is the most complete collection of software tools and data for multiple spectral techniques and cheminformatics. One interface allows you to search NMR and IR, and perform stucture drawing.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The latest release of ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Health/Medical Science History -- Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This rapidly growing database of Judaica works aims to provide full text versions of "all Torah Seforim ever printed". Includes biographical sketches of the authors and some issues of American Jewish journals.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Hebrewbooks.org was founded in order to preserve old American Hebrew books that are ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
HeinOnline includes a growing number of libraries and titles. The Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals is the preeminent multilingual index to articles and book reviews appearing in more than 500 legal journals published worldwide. It provides in-depth coverage of public and private international ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Henry Stewart Talks: Biomedical & Life Sciences CollectionxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This collection of specially prepared animated audiovisual presentations with synchronized narration by world leading scientists is keeping researchers informed throughout the world. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This resource is organised into comprehensive series of talks and is regularly expanded and updated. To find talks ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
HeritageQuest OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Unique, essential material for American genealogical and historical researchers, with coverage dating back to the late 1700s. Sources include:xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
* Digital, searchable images of U.S. federal census records, and extensive indexing, from the 1790 - 1930 U.S. federal censuses. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
* More than 20,000 ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Hispanic American NewspapersxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Hispanic American Newspapers, 1808-1980 represents the single largest compilation of Spanish-language newspapers printed in the U.S. during the 19th and 20th centuries. The distinctive collection features hundreds of Hispanic American newspapers, including many long scattered and forgotten titles ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Hispanic American PeriodicalsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
RefWorks capability: Export to RefWorks function expected to return in early 2007 xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
HAPI is the largest index of journal information from and about Central and South America, Mexico, the Caribbean basin, the United States-Mexico border region, and Hispanics in the United States. From ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Historic Government Publications from World War IIxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
A digital library project from Southern Methodist University to catalog and provide online access to a collection of World War II publications published by the U.S. government in support of the war effort.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Historical Abstracts (EBSCO)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Historical Abstracts contains annotated references to books, articles, and dissertations on the history of the world from 1450 to the present (excluding the United States and Canada, which are covered in America: History and Life). Published since 1954, Historical Abstracts indexes over 2,000 ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Historical NewspapersxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Historical Newspapers Online's index to The Times (London) is based on Palmer's Index to the Times, which covers the period from 1790 to 1905. Palmer's Full Text Online covers 1785-1870, providing access to the full articles referenced in Palmer's Index to The Times.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Other Versions: ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Historical Newspapers CompletexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Historical Newspapers Complete xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Click on Databases Selected to see the complete list. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Other Newspapers: xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Atlanta Constitution(1868-1925) xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Atlanta Daily World (1932-2003) xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Baltimore Afro-American (1893-1988)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Boston Globe(1872-1922) xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Chic. Tribune(1849-1985) xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Chicago Defender (1905 - ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Historical Statistics of the United States Millennial Edition OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Standard source for United States statistics. Topics covered include population characteristics, vital statistics (births, deaths, life expectancy, marriages, divorces), migration (internal and international), family and household composition, Native Americans, labor, slavery, education, health, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
History - Classics - Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
History CompassxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
History Compass covers the whole discipline and combines original survey articles with information about all new and recent books, and articles published in all major journals in the field.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
History of Science - Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
History of Science, Technology & Medicine (Ebsco)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The History of Science and Technology file describes journal articles, conference proceedings, books, book reviews, and dissertations in the history of science and technology and allied historical fields. The file comprises four bibliographies: the Isis Current Bibliography of the History of ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
History Reference OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
An online e-book collection that includes titles selected from ABC-CLIO's history reference publications. Organized in nine major topical divisions: United States history; World history; Politics, law, and government; Issues; Society and education; ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
History Resource CenterxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The U. S. collection provides integrated access to historical (primary) documents, articles from reference titles, and full-text journal covering themes, events, individuals and periods in U.S. history from pre-Colonial times to the present. The material also includes citations from history ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
History - United States - Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Homeland Security Digital LibraryxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Over 77,800 documents related to homeland security policy, strategy, and organizational management from a wide variety of sources including federal, state and local governments; international governments and institutions; nonprofit organizations and private entities.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Hong Kong Literature DatabasexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
“Hong Kong Literature Database is the first database on Hong Kong literature. The Database is powered by various searching functions. Full-text is available in a major part of the database.” It is developed by Chinese University of Hong Kong Library.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Hong Kong Macau Periodicals NetworkxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Hong Kong Macau Periodicals Network indexes more than 300 Chinese-language and bilingual (Chinese/English) periodicals published in Hong Kong and Macau. Many of them are major scholarly journals. Particularly, it includes Xia er guan zhen 遐邇貫珍, the first Chinese journal published in ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Hoover's Company Records (ProQuest)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Profiles more than 40,000 companies, 600 industries, and 225,000 key executives and includes company history, officers and board members, industry information and morexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
House of Commons Parliamentary Papers (ProQuest)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
With all collections enabled, HCPP now includes over 200,000 House of Commons sessional papers from 1715 to the present, with supplementary material back to 1688.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The House of Commons Parliamentary Papers, a historical record of Britain, its former Colonies and the wider world are detailed ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
House & Senate Journals, Series I, 1789-1817xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Journals of the House of Representatives and Senate 1789 to 1817, covering the first 14 Congresses of the United States. Can be cross-searched with other "Archive of Americana" databases, including: Senate Executive Journals, U.S. Congressional Serial Set, American State Papers, American Broadsides ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Household Products DatabasexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Household Products Database allows access to a comprehensive listing of the chemical ingredients, potential health effects and manufacturers of over 6,000 widely used consumer products.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Health Services/Technology Assessment Texts (HSTAT) provides access to full-text health information documents for health care decision making. HSTAT is a service of the National Information Center on Health Services Research and Health Care Technology (NICHSR) at the National Library of Medicine. ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
HUD USERxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
HUD USER offers an in-depth view of housing in the United States through research, data, and reports. We provide free downloads of more than 1,000 of the publications and data sets published by HUD’s Office of Policy Development & Research.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Human Anatomy (Gold Standard IMC)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
An interactive, cadaveric dissection tutorial designed to be used as a comprehensive supplement to the gross lab.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Human Security GatewayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Human Security Gateway is a rapidly expanding searchable online database of human security-related resources including reports, journal articles, news items and fact sheets. It is designed to make human security-related research more accessible to the policy and research communities, the media, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Humanities Full Text (H.W. Wilson)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Humanities Full Text provides full text of the most important scholarly sources in the humanities. The database indexes, abstracts and delivers the full text of feature articles, interviews, obituaries, bibliographies, original works of fiction, drama, poetry and book reviews, as well as reviews of ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Humanities & Social Sciences Index Retrospective: 1907-1984 (H.W. Wilson)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Humanities Index Retrospective offers the ability to search a wide range of important journals in the humanities and social sciences as far back as 1907—in the convenient electronic format users prefer. Combine this valuable resource with Humanities Full Text and/or Social Sciences Full Text for ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
IBISWorld analyzes 700+ industries and associated product segments. Reports include current and forecast industry performance, changing trends, operating conditions, and supply chain linkages (where applicable). IBIS reports are written at the 5-digit level of NAICS (North American Industry ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
IBR Online (De Gruyter)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The IBR indexes book reviews from publications around the world, primarily journals in the humanities and social sciences. The IBR online cites approximately 740,000 reviews drawn from 5,000 periodicals published from 1985 to the present. Coverage in the printed IBR extends back to 1971. The online ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
IBSS: International Bibliography of the Social SciencesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
International Bibliography of Social Sciences, from the British Library of Political and Economic Science of the London School of Economics and Political Science Science, indexes the information contained in over 2,600 social sciences journals and 6,000 books each year. Coverage includes both core ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
IBZ Online (De Gruyter)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The IBZ is an "international bibliography of periodical literature covering all fields of knowledge." It indexes periodical articles in all subject areas from around the world in German, French and English. Coverage of the printed volumes, including earlier titles, goes back to 1896.* The print ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ICIMOD Books onlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ICIMOD BOOKS ONLINE provides direct access to all ICIMOD publications. It holds full-text and chapter-wise download options for more recent publications (pdf format), and complete scanned documents for older publications. All general publications (newsletters, brochures, information sheets and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
iCONN: Connecticut Digital LibraryxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
iCONN, Connecticut Digital Library provides access to a wide selection of information databases and other electronic resources such as InfoTrac One File, General Reference Center GOLD, Expanded Academic Index, Business & Company Resource Center, and Health & Wellness Resource Center, to support the ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR), at the University of Michigan, is an integral part of the infrastructure of social science research. ICPSR maintains and provides access to a vast archive of social science data for research and instruction, and offers ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ICPSR Bibliography of Data-related LiteraturexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This searchable database contains over 20,000 citations of known published and unpublished works resulting from analyses of data held in the ICPSR (Inter-university Consortium of Political and Social Research) archive. The bibliography represents over 40 years of scholarship in the quantitative ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
IDZ Index of German Journals 1750-1815xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Index of German Journals contains 100.000 records of articles published 1750 - 1815.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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IEEE XplorexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Full text access to IEEE and IEE journals, conference proceedings, and IEEE Standards.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
System Requirements: xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Netscape Navigator 4.0 or Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0 or higher to view the PDF full-text documents.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
IIBP - International Index to Black Periodicals (PQ)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
IIBP indexes articles in 150 international scholarly and popular Black studies periodicals. It covers humanities-related disciplines including art, cultural criticism, economics, education, health, history, language and literature, law, philosophy, politics, religion, and sociology. The full text ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Illustrated London News Historical Archive (1842-2003)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
On Saturday 14 May 1842, a publishing revolution occurred. The world's first pictorial weekly newspaper was born: The Illustrated London News. Its founder, Herbert Ingram, was an entrepreneurial newsagent, who noticed that newspapers sold more copies when they carried pictures. The inaugural issue ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Image Collections at YalexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search for images being used in the classroom and for collections at Yale libraries, and obtain links to other general image resources.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Image Quest (Britannica)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Simplify and improve your search for images with Image Quest. Now you can access more than two million rights-cleared images from over 40 of the best collections in the world (soon to be over 60 collections!). Dorling Kindersley Images, Getty Images, the National Portrait Gallery of London, the ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Images de GuerrexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
PLEASE NOTE: Images de guerre is not accessible via a URL. To use the program and view images, you must either be on the Yale campus or be connected via VPN. For best results use on a 100MBps or faster network. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
On a Windows Computer: xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
1. Click Start.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
2. Click Run.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
3. Copy and Paste the ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
In PrincipioxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
A research tool for those scholars and libraries interested in the writers, texts and manuscripts of Antiquity, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance with 1,000,000 records from 3 major institutes and a number of individual collections - approximately 25,000 new entries on-stream from 2004 onwards. ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
In the First Person (Alexander Street Press)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
In the First Person provides indexing of more than 2,500 collections of oral history in English from around the world. With future releases, the index will broaden to identify other first-person content, including letters, diaries, memoirs, and autobiographies, and other personal narratives.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Incunabula Short Title CataloguexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Incunabula Short Title Catalogue is an international database of 15th-century European printing created by the British Library with contributions from institutions worldwide. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The database records nearly every item printed from movable type before 1501, but not material printed entirely from ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Index Catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon General's OfficexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The database of the print Index-Catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon-General's Office. U.S. Army, Series 1-5, 1892-1961. Records go back to roughly the 1860s.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Index IslamicusxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Index Islamicus, produced by the Islamic Bibliography Unit at Cambridge University Library, indexes literature on Islam, the Middle East, and the Muslim world. Records included in the database cover almost a century of publications, with some going back to 1906. The print edition extends coverage ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Index Islamicus (EBSCO)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Indexes materials on Islam, the Middle East, and the entire Muslim world from periodicals, monographs, and other collections in European languages. Includes coverage arts & humanities, history and social sciences topics.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Index KewensisxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This is the electronic edition of Index Kewensis whose print publication began in 1895. Included in the electronic Index Kewensis is Authors of Plant Names. This resource is useful for identifying references to the original, naming, publications for seed-bearing plants. Current Yale affiliates may ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Index of Christian ArtxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Index, produced at Princeton University, can presently provide access to complex information on approximately 200,000 photographic reproductions of Christian art in the east and west from early apostolic times up to 1400 A.D. The term Christian is broadly construed and by no means restricted to ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Index to 19th Century American ArtxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Index to 19th-Century American Art Periodicals indexes 42 art journals published in the US during the 19th century, providing nearly complete coverage of journals from this period. The Index describes the entire journal contents articles, art notes, illustrations, stories, poems, and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Index to Hebrew PeriodicalsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The database currently contains over 600,000 items, including: xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Index to Hebrew Periodicals, 1977 to date; xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Eretz Israel Data Base (Earlier and non-Hebrew materials); xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Tel-Hai Index to Israeli Newspapers, 1985-1992, 1994-1997 (selective); xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Bar-Ilan University Index to Newspaper Literary ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Index to Jewish PeriodicalsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Index to Jewish Periodicals (IJP) is the definitive index on Jewish history, activity and thought. This database provides a comprehensive guide to English-language articles, book reviews, and feature stories in more than 160 journals devoted to Jewish affairs. Most references are not found in ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Index to Legal Periodicals and Books (H.W. Wilson)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Index to Legal Periodicals & Books, produced by the H.W. Wilson Company, provides indexing of 850 legal journals, law reviews, yearbooks, institutes, bar association publications, university publications, and government publications. In addition, this database also includes coverage of 1,400 ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Index to Legal Periodicals Retrospective: 1908-1981 (H.W. Wilson)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This retrospective database indexes over 750 legal periodicals published in the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand. Annual surveys of the laws of a jurisdiction, annual surveys of the federal courts, yearbooks, annual institutes, and annual reviews of the work ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Index to Printed Music (EBSCO)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Indexes the individual works found in scholarly editions of printed music by title and personal name. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Titles include work titles, collection titles, and alternative titles. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Names include those of composers, poets, librettists, and editors. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The database also includes information relating to ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Index to the Papers of Benjamin FranklinxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Papers of Benjamin Franklin is a collaborative undertaking by a team of scholars at Yale University to collect, edit, and publish the writings and papers of one of America's most remarkable founding fathers and indeed one of the most extraordinary people this nation has ever produced. His ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Index to Theses ... Accepted for Higher Degrees by the Universities of Great Britain and IrelandxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Index to Theses provides total bibliographic control of all theses ever produced by British and Irish universities (1716 to the present). Access is by author, title, university, degree, year, and keyword. Abstracts are included for titles written since 1970. Full text is not provided, but ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Index TranslationumxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The INDEX TRANSLATIONUM database contains cumulative bibliographical information on books translated and published in about 100 of UNESCO's member states since 1979. It includes some 1,300,000 entries in all disciplines. Quarterly updates are planned. There is a print edition of this title that ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
India, Raj and EmpirexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Drawing upon the wonderfully rich and diverse manuscript collections of the National Library of Scotland this resource will be of great value to all those teaching or researching into the History of South Asia between the foundation of the East India Company in 1615 and the granting of independence ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This database has a limit of four simultaneous users. Please make sure to logout of the database when you are done.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Indiastat.com provides India-specific socio-economic statistical facts and figures culled from various secondary level authentic sources. Over half-a-million pages of statistical ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Indo-European Etymological Dictionaries OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Indo-European Etymological Dictionaries Online (IEDO) reconstructs the lexicon for the most important languages and language branches of Indo-European. It is a rich and voluminous online reference source for historical and general linguists. Dictionaries can be cross-searched, with an advance ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Informa Healthcare eBooksxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Informa Healthcare e-books consist of more than 500 titles covering a wide range of biomedical topics.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Informe! (Revistas en Español) | Busca en EspañolxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Una colección de revistas hispánicas con textos completos. Abarca negocios, salud, tecnología, cultura, temas de actualidad y otras materias.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Full-text Spanish-language and bilingual periodicals.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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InfoTrac General OneFile (Gale)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
A source for news and periodical articles on a wide range of topics including business, computers, current events, economics, education, environmental issues, health care, hobbies, humanities, law, literature and art, politics, science, social science, sports, technology, and many general interest ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Leading database for locating articles on all aspects of physics, astronomy, electronics, engineering and computing.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Other Versions: xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Print version availablexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Inter-Play is an on-line index to plays in collections, anthologies, and periodicals and in a variety of languages. Separately-published plays are not included as these can be located through local library catalogs. Inter-Play contains approximately 16,130 citations to plays, many of which are not ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Interactive Atlas of the world's languages in danger of disappearing onlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
After two print editions of the UNESCO atlas of the world's languages in danger of disappearing (1996 and 2001), the information collected on a large number of endangered languages in all parts of the world is now available online starting with the map of the African continent. The online edition ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Interactive Electrocardiography (ECG)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Four educational modules cover the complexities of ECGs, while animations highlight key concepts. Users are able to compare normal and abnormal ECG results. Program also contains an atlas of ECG tracings and numerous self-tests. The images are Frank Netter's.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Interdiciplinary Popular culture- Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
International Aristotle BibliographyxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The International Aristotle Bibliography Online gives access to over 50,000 books, articles, book reviews and dissertations on the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle. The IABO is a comprehensive international bibliography comprising publications from the period of 1900 to the present (as well as ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
International Bibliography of ArtxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The definitive resource for scholarly literature on Western art, IBA is the successor to the Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA), and retains the editorial policies which made BHA one of the most trusted and frequently consulted sources in the field. The database includes records created by ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
International Bibliography of Theatre and DancexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The International Bibliography of Theatre & Dance represents the most comprehensive multicultural and inter-disciplinary research tool available to theater students, educators and professionals. Initiated by the American Society for Theatre Research, IBTD becomes a valuable component to EBSCO's ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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International Dictionary of Films and FilmmakersxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This comprehensive source provides thorough coverage of films and filmmakers through the spring of 2000. Entries include legendary films, actors and actresses, directors, writers and other production artists. Entries include a detailed essay written by an expert; biographies; filmographies; ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
International Directory of MedievalistsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
International Dunhuang ProjectxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
International Encyclopaedia for the Middle AgesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Ssupplement to the Lexikon des Mittelalters (LexMA produced under the joint auspices of the UCLA Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies and Brepols Publishers. The chronological range of IEMA is 300-1500 CE, and it will cover all of Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. IEMA will ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
International Encyclopaedia for the Middle Ages-Online (IEMA),xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Lexikon des Mittelalters LexMA-OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Lexikon des Mittelalters is the standard encyclopaedia for medieval studies. It deals with all branches of Medieval Studies and covers the period from 300 to 1500 AD/CE for the whole of Europe and parts of the Middle East and North Africa. The ancient ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral SciencesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
A comprehensive encyclopedia covering both the social and behavioral sciences. Each entry defines the concept, idea, topic, area of research, or subdiscipline that constitutes the title of the entry; provides the intellectual context, changes in focus or emphasis over time; includes the emphasis in ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
International Financial StatisticsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The IFS is a statistical product of the International Monetary Fund and corresponds to the printed International Financial Statistics which is located in the Social Science Library and Information Services Reference Section (HG 3881 I626). IFS contains time series of financial and economic ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
International Historical StatisticsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
International Historical Statistics; 1750-2010 3-volume set is the latest edition of the most authoritative collection of statistics available. Updated to 2010 wherever possible, it provides key economic and social indicators for the last 260 years, serving as an essential reference source.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
International Index to Music Periodicals Full TextxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
IIMP (International Index to Music Periodicals) indexes more than 400 music journals, with an emphasis on recent issues. The full text of articles for 42 journals may be found from 1997 forward. Subject indexing and abstracts are available for 374 journals from 20 countries, as well as feature ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
International Index to the Performing Arts Full TextxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
IIPA Full Text draws its current content from more than 200 scholarly and popular performing arts periodicals, and also indexes a variety of documents such as biographical profiles, conference papers, obituaries, interviews, discographies, reviews and events. IIPA Full Text covers a broad spectrum ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
International Law -- Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
International Literary Market PlacexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
International Literary Market Place is a directory of international literary agents, trade services, trade resources and book publishers in more than 170 countries worldwide.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Other Versions: xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
DIVINITY, Trowbridge Reading Room Z282 I63 (LC) xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
SML, Latest edition at SML Reference Desk Z291.5 ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
International Medieval BibliographyxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
An online bibliography of the European Middle Ages (c. 400-1500) providing the entire run of the print copy of the IMB from 1968-2000, with articles in journals and miscellany volumes (conference proceedings, essay collections or Festschriften) worldwide.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The discipline areas to which the IMB ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
International Nuclear Information SystemxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
INIS, the International Nuclear Information System, was established in 1970 in response to the IAEA's mandate "... to foster the exchange of scientific and technical information on peaceful uses of atomic energy".xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
For 38 years, INIS has been successfully fulfilling its mission to create a ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
International Philosophical BibliographyxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online bibliography that lists books and articles about philosophy and history of philosophy including: Antiquity, Middle Ages, Renaissance to Enlightenment, 19th and 20th Centuries, and Non-Western Traditions. The International Philosophical Bibliography covers all issues 1997 to present. The ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
International Political Science AbstractsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Indexes world's leading journals in political science with over 110,000 records from over 1000 journals published from 1951 to the present. Approximately 8,000 new records are added to the database each year. Searchable in multiple languages.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Other Versions: xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
SML, Starr Main Ref Room, Index ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
International Relations and Security NetworkxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
An electronic clearinghouse for resources in the field of security and defense studies, peace and conflict research, and international relations. An initiative coordinated by the Center for Security Studies and Conflict Research, features resources in the field of security and defense studies, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
International Relations -- Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Internet ArchivexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Internet Archive is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that was founded to build an Internet library, with the purpose of offering permanent access for researchers, historians, and scholars to historical collections that exist in digital format. Founded in 1996 and located in the Presidio of San Francisco, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Internet Guide for China StudiesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This is a free web site maintained by the Sinological Institute, Leiden University, Netherland.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Int'l/Area Studies - Japanese - Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Important: Only Yale faculty, students, and staff are authorized to use iPOLL and other Roper Center data and documentation. Visitors to the Yale Libraries are not authorized to use iPOLL or other Roper Center Center data and documentation. iPOLL is a public opinion question database compiled by ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
IREON Gateway: International Relations and Area Studies OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
IREON provides access to selected bibliographic references, full-text documents, and websites related to International Relations and Area Studies. Topics include foreign and security policy, international cooperation and development policy, European politics, and more. The IREON Gateway is ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Irish History OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Irish History Online is a guide to what has been written about the history of Ireland from earliest times to the present. It has been established in association with the Royal Historical Society Bibliography of British and Irish History and London's Past Online. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
IHO contains items, drawn from ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Irish TimesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Explore nearly 150 years of the Emerald Isle’s turbulent history, rich culture, and complex political climate with The Irish Times (1859-2009). From the aftermath of the Great Famine, the launch of the Titanic, and the Easter Rising of 1916, to the World Wars, the Troubles, and today’s most ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Irish women poets of the Romantic periodxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Irish Women Poets of the Romantic Period includes more than 80 volumes of poetry by approximately 50 Irish women writing between 1768 and 1842. Compiled and edited by Stephen Behrendt of the University of Nebraska, the database also offers numerous biographical and critical essays prepared by ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ISI Emerging Markets Information Service (EMIS)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ISI Emerging Markets delivers news, company and financial data direct from more than 25 emerging markets in Asia, Latin America and Central and Eastern Europe. ISI Emerging Markets gives emerging market specialists worldwide one-stop Internet access to mission-critical information straight from the ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ISLA - Information Services Latin AmericaxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Clippings of Latin American political social and economic news from various English language newspapers.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Islam -- Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Italian Reformation, Part 1xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Titles from the Fondo Guicciardini, Central National Library, FlorencexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The theological orientation of the Italian reformation was far more diverse than is generally assumed. There were the Spirituali, the circle around the Spanish immigrant mystical theologian Juan de Valdés, fully-fledged ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ITER: Gateway to the Middle Ages and the RenaissancexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ITER is an online bibliography of the Renaissance (1300-1700). The bibliography covers relevant secondary material published since 1700 to the current year. This material consists of both printed literature and matter in other media.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Iter ItalicumxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Iter Italicum is a finding list for previously uncatalogued or incompletely catalogued Renaissance humanistic manuscripts found in libraries and collections all over the world. It is a tool for scholars working in the fields of classical, medieval and Renaissance studies.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Other Versions: ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
"This dictionary contains approximately 8000 terms related to traditional Japanese architecture and gardens, painting, sculpture and art-historical iconography from approximately the 1st century A.D. to the end of the Edo period (1868). Terms from related fields such as lacquer, ceramics, textiles ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Jacob's Pillow Dance InteractivexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Inside this online exhibit view brief performance excerpts spanning from 1930s dance pioneers to today's most exciting artists. All recorded at Jacob's Pillow, this collection is ever-growing with many paths to explore, meaningful connections to discover, and surprises to share.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Jacoby OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Includes (1) the full text of Felix Jacoby's Fragmente der griechischen Historiker (1923-1999), a collection of the works of 856 ancient Greek historians whose works have been lost but of which citations, extracts, or summaries remain, and (2) Brill's New Jacoby, a completely new ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Jahresberichte für deutsche GeschichtexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Die täglich aktualisierte Datenbank weist derzeit etwa 300.000 Veröffentlichungen (Stand: September 2006) ab dem Berichtsjahr 1985 nach und bietet Verknüpfungen in die Zeitschriftendatenbank (ZDB), den Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalog (KVK) sowie zu ausgewählten online verfügbaren Rezensionen, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
JAIRO - Japanese Institutional Repositories OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
JAIRO is a union database for Japanese Institutional repositories which serves as an electronic archive system for research institutions. Through the database scholars can access many full-text journal articles, theses, dissertations, departmental bulletins, research papers, etc. from academic ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Fundamental tools for understanding and applying the medical literature and making clinical diagnoses. Evidence-based medicine (EBM) integrates the best available evidence with clinical experience that allows clinicians to recommend, and their patients to make, informed choices consistent with ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Jamal 'Abd al-NasirxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Jane's OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Provides information on geopolitical, security and economic matters. Includes demographics, infrastructure, internal and external affairs, leadership, defense budgets, armed forces, police, security, and economics data. Also includes maps, graphs and photos. News and analysis on conventional ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Japan KnowledgexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Japan Knowledge is a large online collection of language dictionaries, encyclopedias, and other Japanese reference works that you can search in one easy step. Searches are only possible in Japanese. A guide to using the Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan in English is also available. The encyclopedias ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Japanese Data Archive (Roper Center)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Important: Access to JPOLL is currently FREE of charge to the public (as of Oct. 2008), but REQUIRES INDIVIDUAL REGISTRATION. The Roper Center's Japanese Data Archive has two components: JPOLL, a question-level database of Japanese public opinion, and the Japanese Data Library, which is made up of ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Japanese Historical Text InitiativexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Japanese Historical Text Initiative (JHTI) is a database of historical texts from several time periods. Each text is cross-tagged with an English translation, allowing researchers to view both versions side-by-side. Texts include ancient chronicles such as Kojiki, Nihon Shoki, Shoku Nihongi and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Jerusalem Post (1932-1988)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This historical newspaper provides genealogists, researchers and scholars with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Jewish Advocate (1905-1990)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This historical newspaper provides genealogists, researchers and scholars with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Jewish Exponent (1887-1990)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This historical newspaper provides genealogists, researchers and scholars with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Jewish Life in America (Adam Matthew Digital)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Jewish Life in America will enable you to explore the history of Jewish communities in America from the arrival of the first Jews in the 17th century right through to the mid-20th century. This rich collection brings to life the communal and social aspects of Jewish identity and culture, whilst ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Jewish Women: A Comprehensive Historical EncyclopediaxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
"This encyclopedia seeks to make available to all who are interested in Jewish history and culture the varied accomplishments of Jewish women and their many contributions to the Jewish historical experience over the course of the past three millennia. Women have been largely absent from most ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Please note: Jitsū is available through Japan Knowledge. Jitsū is a Chinese character dictionary complied by Shirakawa Shizuka containing 9,500 Chinese characters. It provides a function for searching by a character’s reading, the name of the radical, the total strokes, or the old reading. It ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
John Johnson Collection of Printed EphemeraxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This collection provides access to thousands of items selected from the John Johnson Collection of Printed Ephemera, offering unique insights into the changing nature of everyday life in Britain in the eighteenth, nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Categories include Nineteenth-Century ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and CriticismxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Like the Guide in paper, there is a table of Contents from which you can link to the material that comprises the Guide. The entries are all listed in the List of Entries, and are also listed by category in the Special Listings. All the material in the print version is available in the online ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
JOLIS is the the online catalog of the Joint Bank-Fund Library Netowork. This network is made up of fourteen World Bank and IMF Libraries which work together to provide information services and resources to patrons. JOLIS allows users to search references to books, journal titles, journal articles, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Jonathan Edwards Center at Yale UniversityxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The mission of the Jonathan Edwards Center is to support inquiry into the life, writings, and legacy of Jonathan Edwards by providing resources that encourage critical appraisal of the historical importance and contemporary relevance of America’s premier theologian.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The primary way that we do ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Journal@rchive is a site developed by JST (Japan Science and Technology Agency) in order to preserve and provide access to Japanese academic journals. These journals are mostly in scientific fields and include the series beginning with their first issues, including those published in the 19th ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Journal Citation ReportsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
JCR is a tool for journal evaluation, providing production and impact data drawn from over 8,400 scholarly and technical journals worldwide. It presents quantifiable statistical data allowing users to determine the relative importance of journals within a field.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
JSTOR is a project of The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for development of a digital library in support of the arts and sciences on the World Wide Web. It will eventually consist of over one hundred journal titles in the areas of anthropology, asian studies, ecology, economics, education, finance, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Judaica - Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Judaica Religion-- Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Kafkas WerkexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This is an electronic version of the critical edition of his complete works, Franz Kafka, Kritische Ausgabe, Schriften und Tagebücher published by S. Fischer Verlag, the first volume of which was published in 1982.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Karlsruher Virtueller KatalogxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Keesing's World News ArchivexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Keesing's World News Archive is the web-based version of Keesing's Record of World Events / Keesing's Contemporary Archives. It is the authoritative monthly digest of worldwide political, diplomatic and economic affairs. Published continuously since 1931, Keesing's is the standard for thorough, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Kennedy Institute of Ethics Bioethics DatabasesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This freely accessible website from Georgetown University's Kennedy Institute of Ethics provides access to four databases from the National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature and from the National Information Resource on Ethics and Human Genetics.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Keris- Korean Education and Research Information ServicexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
KERIS is the union catalog of university libraries in South Korea. This is a free web resource based in South Korea.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Keshet's intention is to diffuse the voices of Jewish pluralism and to offer to the readers an articulate vision of the Jewish truth in today's world, with qualified contributions that offer valid points of reflection on Israel, Jewish traditions, and contemporary culture.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Kew Bibliographic DatabasexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Browse Kew's databases and publications. Resources include Kew's collection databases, plant name resources, world checklists, Kew Scientist and other Kew publications.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Kikuzo II Visual (Asahi Shinbun朝日新聞)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Full-text database of Asahi newspapers from 1879 to the present, including local issues (1998 and later ), and Historical Photo Archives between 1931and 1945. The database also includes full-text articles of AERA (1988.5 - present), Shukan Asahi (2004- present) and the newest edition of Chiezo.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Kindlers Literatur LexikonxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online version of the comprehensive German language encyclopedia of world literature.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
King James BiblexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The King James or 'Authorized' edition of the Bible (1611) was the standard edition of the Bible for nearly three centuries, drawing heavily on previous editions and providing the principal influence for many subsequent versions. It is arguably the most influential single document for English ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology (Wiley)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology is a comprehensive reference work on applied chemical science. Articles in this encyclopedia cover methods and materials, as well as the latest scientific advances in a wide range of chemical subject areas.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Other Versions: xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
In Print: ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
KISS - Korean-studies Information Service SystemxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
KISS (Korean-studies Information Service System) is a full text database of Korean scholarly journal articles, university publications, and research papers published by over 1,200 research institutions in Korea. The database covers all subject areas published since 1945 and offers various search ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
KLG onlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Standard database for literature published in German after 1945; biographical information on more than 600 contemporary authors writing in German, including synoptical overviews of their works. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Includes author biographies, literary awards, essays on each individual author, bibliographies of ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Knovel is a collection of more than 150 engineering reference books. The collection is particularly strong in chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, semiconductors, and electronics.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and LinkxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Kodansha Encyclopedia of JapanxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Please note: The Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan is now available through Japan Knowledge. The Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan is based on Japan: An Illustrated Encyclopedia (1993), and contains almost all 11,000 main-text entries of that book, many updated. It has numerous hyperlinks, but does not ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Kodeks Database of Russian LegislationxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Kokubungaku Ronbun Mokuroku 国文学論文目録データベースxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Comprehensive database for research on Japanese literature published from the 1920s to the present. It includes citations of any works on Japanese literature in books, journal articles, bulletins and annuals.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Kokushi daijiten WEBxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Kokushi daijiten WEB (国史大辞典WEB) is a digital version of Kokushi daijiten, an encyclopedia of history. Kokushi daijiten is part of the Japan Knowledge database, integrating this work with many other dictionaries, encyclopedias and other Japanese reference works for Japanese-only searches ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Korean Bibliography in the Library of CongressxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Korean Section of the Library of Congress has prepared a bibliography of approximately 4,800 records of books about Korea in English up to 1995 held by the Library of Congress. The Korean Section added local subject terms to these records to provide added value for researchers and improve the ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Korean History: A BibliographyxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This is a bibliographic database of English-language resources on Korean history. It is a free web resource hosted by the Center for Korean Studies at the University of Hawaii.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Korean History Data Integration SystemxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This is an integrated database from representative Korean history research centers. It is a free web resource based in South Korea.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Korean Studies - Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Korean Studies Internet Resources: Subject GuidesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Korean Studies Internet Resources: Subject Guides are compiled by the Committee on Korean Materials of the Council on East Asian Libraries. These subject guides index the Internet resources related to Korean studies. This is a free web resource.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Welcome to Kotobarabia Arabic eLibrary Databases. Inside you will find a wide range of Arabic content ranging from contemporary novels to national heritage scientific treatises. This is an Arabic only database.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Kōseisha Zasshi Kiji Sakuin Shūsei DatabasexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Kōseisha Zasshi Kiji Sakuin Shūsei Database combines content already previously available in other Zasshi Kiji Sakuin databases such as MagazinePLUS with indices of journals published in the Meiji, Taishō and early Shōwa periods, and is notable because it also indexes minor journals that ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Kyobo ScholarxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Providing serials and research reports as online full text service from over 220 scholastic institutes and research centers.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
NACLA Digital ArchivexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The bimonthly NACLA Report on the Americas provides policymakers, analysts, academics, organizers, journalists and religious and community groups with information on major trends in Latin America and its relations with the United States. The NACLA Report has been ahead of the curve on Latin ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
NACSIS Webcat is an online union catalog for academic libraries in Japan. It provides information on library holdings in Japan, including detailed information on the library. One can use this database to confirm bibliographic information on particular documents including contents, readings of the ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Full text handbooks and reference sources in nanotechnology from CRC Press. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
System Requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader needed to view full text.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Nation Digital ArchivexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Nation Digital Archive includes every issue of The Nation magazine, America's oldest continuously published weekly journal, founded in 1865, reporting, opinion, and criticism. It is a collection of primary source material on the history of politics, culture, books and the arts in the U.S. and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
National Advertising Review Council (NARC) Online ArchivexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Advertising law reports from the National Advertising Review Council.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
National Criminal Justice Reference Service AbstractsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Contains summaries of more than 185,000 criminal justice publications, including federal, state, and local government reports, books, research reports, journal articles, unpublished research, statistics, program descriptions, congressional hearing transcripts, and training materials. Links are ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
National geographic magazine archive (Gale)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Featuring the complete archive of the magazine to the mid-1990s, National Geographic Magazine Archive, includes every page and every photograph, all fully searchable through an intuitive interface. With standard library features and functionality common to all Gale Digital Archives, National ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
National Index to Chinese Newspapers & PeriodicalsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This is the largest Chinese newspaper and periodical online index database, created by the Shanghai Library 上海图书馆. It covers the period from 1857 till now, with 15,000,000 items from 15,000 newspapers and periodicals published in mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. It is updated ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
National Institute of Japanese LiteraturexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The databases from the National Institute of Japanese Literature (Kokubungaku kenkyu shiryōkan) provide many valuable resources for pre-modern Japanese scholars. For example, online versions of the Kokusho sōmokuroku and Kotenseki sōgō mokuroku are available, in addition to the other more ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
National JournalxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Includes: xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
*National Journal, a leading journal on politics, policy and government; full text archive back to 1977; xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
*AdSpotlight, an online guide to political and issue ads from across the country; xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
*The Hotline, daily coverage of newspapers, magazines, web sites, press releases, insider tips, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
National Library of China Online CatalogxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
It provides an integrated search interface to search books, newspapers, periodicals, dissertations, and rare books in the collections of National Library of China. NLC is the largest library in China in terms of print resources, but its holdings of dissertations may be incomplete.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
National Palace Museum LibraryxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This web site provides access to an online full-text search system of Chinese classics and the catalog of Qing imperial archives and rare books at NPM.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Access Restrictions: xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Access is unrestrictedxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
National Review ArchivexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Complete indexing & abstracting and full text coverage for all issues of the journal from 1955 through to the present. The National Review has been a leading journal of opinion since its inception in 1955. The publication consistently provides insightful and unique coverage of political, economic, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
NationMaster is a massive central data source and a handy way to graphically compare nations. NationMaster is a vast compilation of data from such sources as the CIA World Factbook, UN, and OECD.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Natural Medicines Comprehensive DatabasexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Answers questions about thousands of natural medicines, including herbs, dietary supplements, sports supplements, minerals, and vitamins. Each monograph contains data on common and brand names, mechanism of action, adverse effects, drug interactions, and safety and effectiveness ratings. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Natural StandardxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Provides high quality, evidence-based information about complementary and alternative therapies to clinicians, patients, and healthcare institutions. The Natural Standard database contains information on herbs & supplements, conditions, alternative modalities and includes a dictionary. ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Naxos Music LibraryxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
An online database of sound recordings, primarily of western art music, but also including jazz, blues, world and Chinese music. The database contains over 165,000 tracks (11,000 CDs). Recording labels represented in the database include the complete Naxos, Marco Polo, and Da Capo catalogs, plus ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Naxos Music Library: JazzxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Naxos Music Library Jazz offers thousands of tracks of jazz from over 2,300 albums. Hundreds of jazz artists are represented. Naxos Music Library Jazz comprises Naxos Jazz and the 22 labels of Fantasy Jazz. Naxos Jazz, along with Prophone and Proprius, brings you the world of international Jazz, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Naxos Video LibraryxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Library contains more than 1290 full-length videos from 28 different publishing houses. The content includes classical music in large part (opera, ballet, theatre, jazz, concerts, competitions, documentaries, master classes, and lectures), but also includes feature films about religious figures ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
NBER Working PapersxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Founded in 1920, the National Bureau of Economic Research is a private, nonprofit, nonpartisan research organization dedicated to promoting a greater understanding of how the economy works. The NBER is committed to undertaking and disseminating unbiased economic research among public policymakers, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
NBR Analysis: The National Bureau of Asian ResearchxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The NBR Analysis offers thought-provoking essays and briefs on the most important economic, political, and strategic issues in the Asia-Pacific region today. PDFs are free.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
NBR: Nightly Business ReportxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Site for the PBS television program of the same name. Includes transcripts of prior shows, special reports on the economy, investor education information, and the latest market information from Bridge News.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
NCLEX-RN : preparation and reviewxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Provides more than 3,800 NCLEX quality review questions covering the four Client Needs areas. Available in both test and study modes, which provide correct and incorrect answers with rationales and new supporting references. Reflects the National Council of State Boards of Nursing's latest test ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
NDB ADB Deutsche BiographiexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The ADB (General German Biography) and the NDB (New German Biography), one of the world's largest historical-biographical dictionaries, is published by the Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Bavarian Academy of Sciences) The ADB covers from 1875 till 1912 and informs about important people ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Near East - Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Near East Collection at Yale University LibraryxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Yale was the first among American colleges and universities to support and encourage the study of Arabic literature and Islamic culture. When the first professor of Arabic, Edward Elbridge Salisbury, was appointed in 1841, he was the only scholar of his kind in the United States. For over a ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Designed to teach human anatomy to students of the health professions, including undergraduate medical, health sciences, and nursing students. NetAnatomy also serves as a place to review anatomy after one’s initial exposure to the subject, e.g. students beginning a clinical rotation, USMLE ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
'NetUit' is the National Bibliography of the Netherlands, maintained by the Koninklijke Bibliotheek (KB), National Library of the Netherlands.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Neuroscience Information Framework (NIF)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
NIF is a dynamic inventory of Web-based neuroscience resources: data, materials, and tools.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Full text handbooks and reference sources in neuroscience from CRC Press.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
New Catholic Encyclopedia 2010xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Since its first edition in 1967, the New Catholic Encyclopedia, which has been called one of the top 50 reference sources of the millennium, has been a standard. Long prized for its scholarly presentation of persons and subjects related to Catholicism and the humanities, this revised edition ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
New Haven Free Public LibraryxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Main Branch of the New Haven Free Public Library is located on 133 Elm Street, across from the New Haven xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Green on the corner of Temple and Elm Streets.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
New Left Review Online ArchivexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
New Left Review analyses world politics, the global economy, state powers and protest movements; contemporary social theory, history and philosophy; cinema, literature, heterodox art and aesthetics. It runs a regular book review section and carries interviews, essays, topical comments and signed ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
New PaulyxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Comprehensive coverage of the ancient world from the prehistory of the Aegean (2nd millennium BCE) to late antiquity (600-800 CE), with a special section devoted to the history of the classical tradition and to the history of classical scholarship. Entries are written by internationally known ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
New Republic Archive (EBSCO)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The New Republic, founded in 1914, is America's leading journal of opinion on politics and the arts. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Current and past issues of the journal are now available together in a single, stand-alone online database. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The New Republic Archive presents insights from a variety of viewpoints on topics such ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
New Testament AbstractsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
New Testament Abstracts Online is a product of a partnership between ATLA and the Weston Jesuit School of Theology. The database is an indispensable research and bibliographic aid for scholars, librarians, clergy and students of the New Testament and its historical milieu.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
New York Amsterdam NewsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
New York Amsterdam News 1922-1993 offers full page and article images with searchable full text. The collection includes digital reproductions providing access to every page from every available issue. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Click on Databases Selected to see the complete list. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Other Newspapers: xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Atlanta ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and LinkxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
New York Times HistoricalxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online access to articles from the New York Times, currently covering from 1851 to the present.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and LinkxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
New York TribunexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ProQuest Historical Newspapers™ offers full-text and full-image articles for newspapers dating back to the 18th century. As part of the program, every issue of each title includes the complete paper–cover-to-cover–with full-page and article images in downloadable PDF. This ongoing project ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
New Yorker Magazine Digital ArchivexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Digital archive of the New Yorker magazine, 1925-present.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Newspapers: Central and Regional Russian and CIS and BalticxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Newspapers on MicroformxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
A database of domestic and international newspapers available on microform in the Yale University Library.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Nichigai WHOxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Nichigai WHO (日外WHO) provides a comprehensive database of prominent figures in Japanese society. The database is split into two databases, each allowing for different types of searches. The first, WHO, allows for the search of over 260,000 individuals by name and description, as well as through ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Nihon Kanbun Bunken Mokuroku DētābēsuxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Nihon Kanbun Bunken Mokuroku Dētābēsu (日本漢文文献目録データーベース) is a database that attempts to index resources related to Kanbun texts within all facets of Japanese society. The database has the goal of creating a unified picture of kanbun culture. This database serves to ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Nihon Kokugo Daijiten OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Nikkoku Online is the online version of Nihon Kokujo Daijiten by Shōgakukan. Nihon Kokugo Daijiten is the one of most important Japanese language dictionaries. It contains about 500,000 entries with 1,000,000 sample sentences listed by gojūon. This database is included in the set of online ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Nihon Kotenseki Sogo Mokuroku (日本古典籍総合目録)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This is an online version of the Kokusho somokuroku provided by the National Institute of Japanese Literature (Kokubungaku kenkyu shiryokan). The Kokusho kihon detabesu is based on both the Kokusho somokuroku and the Kotenseki sogo mokuroku, and it provides bibliographic information on pre-modern ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Nihon Rekishi Chimei TaikeixAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Nihon Rekishi Chimei Taikei is an online database that provides historical information about locations in Japan. This database is based on the printed version of Nihon Rekishi Chimei Taikei, and contains information about the history, lifestyle and culture of approximately 200,000 famous locations. ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Nikkei Telecom 21(Nikkei Shinbun 日経新聞)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Nikkei Telecom 21 is one of Japan's largest business databases. It delivers all the latest news and gives you access to Nikkei's extensive news archive, business information, and corporate profiles. The database consists of five main sections: - News: Real-time Nikkei news wire service. (in ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Nineteenth Century Collections Online Archive (Gale)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Nineteenth Century Collections Online is a multi-year global digitization and publishing program focusing on primary source collections of the long nineteenth century, with archives releasing incrementally beginning in spring 2012.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The nineteenth century was the first great age of ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Nineteenth-Century FictionxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Nineteenth-Century Fiction represents the Victorian canon and reflects the landmarks of the period, portraying the genre in all its energy and variety, from Gothic horror to social satire, from moral earnestness to aestheticism, from masculine adventure to feminist polemic. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
It also contains ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Nineteenth Century IndexxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Nineteenth Century Index (C19 Index) searches established indexes such as the Nineteenth Century Short Title Catalogue, The Wellesley Index, Poole's Index to Periodical Literature, and Periodicals Index Online to create integrated bibliographic coverage of books and official publications, and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Nineteenth Century U.S. NewspapersxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
With digital facsimile images of both full pages and clipped articles for hundreds of 19th century U.S. newspapers and advanced searching capabilities, researchers will be able to research history in ways previously unavailable. For each issue, the newspaper is captured from cover-to-cover, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Nixon Years, 1969-1974 (Adam Matthew Digital)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Top level Anglo-American discussions and briefing papers dominate this project. There is also a wealth of material on social conditions, domestic reforms, trade, culture and the environment. FCO and British Embassy analyses of US policy decisions, White House staff appointments and UN discussions, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
NLM GatewayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The NLM Gateway is a Web-based system that lets users search simultaneously in multiple retrieval systems at the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM). It allows users of NLM services to initiate searches from one Web interface, providing "one-stop searching" for many of NLM's information ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
NLM LocatorPlusxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The National Library of Medicine's catalog of books, journals, and audiovisuals and access points to other medical research tools.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Nogah: ketav et feministixAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This website provides full access to all 43 issues of the Israeli feminist magazine, Noga, which was published from 1980 to 2005. The website is in Hebrew and English, and the magazine is in Hebrew.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Non-U.S. Law -- Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Norfolk Journal and GuidexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Under the leadership of P.B. Young, the “Dean of the Negro Press,” The Norfolk Journal and Guide became onexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
of the best researched and written newspapers of its era, with a circulation of more than 80,000 by the 1940s. ItxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
argued against restrictive covenants, rallied against lynching, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
North American Immigrant Letters, Diaries and Oral Histories (ASP)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
North American Immigrant Letters, Diaries, and Oral Histories provides a unique and personal view of what it meant to immigrate to America and Canada between 1840 and 1950. Composed of contemporaneous letters and diaries, oral histories, interviews, and other personal narratives, each unit in the ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
North American Indian DramaxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Full text of plays by American Indian and First Nation playwrights of the 20th century, information about the plays and their production, and biographical data. The collection represents groups across the United States and Canada , including Cherokee, Mťis, Creek, Choctaw, Pembina Chippewa, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
North American Theatre OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
North American Theatre Online is a comprehensive reference work covering all aspects of the Canadian and American Theatre. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
It includes some 40,000 pages of major reference materials, together with records to more than 25,000 plays, nearly 28,000 people, 3,000 theatres, 12,500 productions and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
North American Women's DramaxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
When complete North American Women's Drama will bring together more than 1,500 plays, along with related biographical, production, and theatrical information. The collection begins with the works of Mercy Otis Warren and Susanna Haswell Rowson in colonial times and will span the 19th and 20th ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
North American Women's Letters & Diaries, Colonial-1950xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
North American Women's Letters and Diaries (NAWLD) includes the personal experiences of women, as revealed in their diaries and letters. When complete the collection will include approximately 150,000 pages of published letters and diaries from individuals writing from Colonial times to 1950, plus ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
North American Women’s Letters and Diaries (ASP)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
North American Women's Letters and Diaries includes the immediate experiences of 1,325 women and 150,000 pages of diaries and letters.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Northern Ireland: A Divided Community Digital Archive 1921-1972 (Gale)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The electronic, fully-text searchable Cabinet Conclusion files of the Northern Ireland Government (CAB/4) 1921-72 offers for the first time, a detailed, flexible format in which to study this complex and turbulent history. The records here have been described as the best continuous record of ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Containing over 2.0 million bibliographic records, the NTIS Database is the preeminent resource for accessing the latest research sponsored by the United States and select foreign governments. The Database represents billions of dollars in research. Contents include research reports, computer ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
OACIS for the Middle East (Online Access to Consolidated Information on Serials) is a union list of serials from or about the Middle East. The mission of OACIS is to improve access to Middle Eastern serials in libraries in the United States, Europe, and the Middle East. OACIS is a freely ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
OB-GYN 101xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
OB-GYN 101 is a comprehensive software program covering the basics of Obstetrics and Gynecology. The program features a broad range of resources, from discussion of clinical issues and learning objectives, to lab values and sample progress notes. The site includes videos on performing exams, office ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Oceana OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Oceana Online provides access to four databases---"Constitutions of Dependencies and Territories", "Constitutions of the Countries of the World", "Constitutions of the United States: National and State" and "Treaties and International Agreements Online" (US).xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Other Versions: xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
United States ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Odum Institute Public Opinion Poll Question DatabasexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Odum Institute's Public Opinion Poll Question Database allows any researcher to search for specific poll questions among the more than 230,000 questions in the Institute's archive by key words, date, study number, study title, or state. The system displays the full question text, study ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
OECD iLibraryxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
OECD iLibrary contains all the publications and datasets released by OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development), International Energy Agency (IEA), Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), OECD Development Centre, PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment), and International ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and LinkxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Old Testament AbstractsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Old Testament Abstracts Online is a product of a partnership between ATLA and the Catholic Biblical Association. The database features indexing and abstracts for journal articles, monographs, multi-author works, and software related to Old Testament studies.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
OLDMEDLINE (Ovid)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
MEDLINE is the United States National Library of Medicine's (NLM) premier bibliographic database. The citations in this Ovid OLDMEDLINE(R) database are for articles from international biomedical journals covering the fields of medicine, preclinical sciences, and allied health sciences, originally ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
OMIM(TM), Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man database is a catalog of human genes and genetic disorders authored and edited by Drs. Moyra Smith, Victor A. McKusick and their colleagues at Johns Hopkins and elsewhere, and developed for the World Wide Web by NCBI, the National Center for ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and LinkxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ONESOURCE delivers company and industry information and analysis on hundreds of industries and thousands of public and private companies. This comprehensive resource puts business intelligence at your fingertips. ONESOURCE integrates all of the core business information users rely on -- news ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online Encyclopedia of Mass ViolencexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Provides chronological indexes, case studies, analytical contributions on socio-political violence in a given country, a glossary of the terms most often used in genocide studies as well as theoretical papers written by the most representative authors in the field.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online Responsa ProjectxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
PLEASE NOTE: Full text display requires 'SafeView' plug-in, available only for Windows O.S. and/or selected browsers. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Combined full text searching of responsa, Tanakh, major commentaries on Tanakh, the Mishnah, Tosefta, Talmud Bavli, Talmud Yerushalmi, Midrash, Zohar, Shulhan Arukh, Maimonides ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online Treasury of Talmudic ManuscriptsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Open Access Publishing in European NetworksxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
OAPEN (Open Access Publishing in European Networks) is a collaborative initiative to develop and implement a sustainable Open Access publication model for academic books in the Humanities and Social Sciences. The OAPEN Library aims to improve the visibility and usability of high quality academic ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Opera del Vocabolario ItalianoxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The database contains 1581 vernacular texts (19.1+ million words, 447,675 unique forms, 165 MB of textual data) the majority of which are dated prior to 1375, the year of Boccaccio's death. The verse and prose works include early masters of Italian literature like Dante, Petrarch, and Boccaccio, as ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Opera in Video (Alexander Street Press)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Streaming video database that will contain approximately 250 important opera performances, captured on video through staged productions, interviews, and documentaries. Selections represent the world's leading performers, conductors, and opera houses and are based on a work's importance to the ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
OpinionArchives provides electronic archives for journals of opinion, including The Nation, Commentary, The New Republic, Commonweal, Dissent, NACLA, American spectator, National review, Harper's magazine, New York review, and the New Yorker. The OpinionArchives metasearch tool provides ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Oral History Online (Alexander Street Press)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This release of Oral History Online provides in-depth indexing to more than 2,700 collections of Oral History in English from around the world.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The collection also provides keyword searching of almost 281,000 pages of full-text by close to 10,000 individuals from all walks of life. It also ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Orbis is the principal online public access catalog (OPAC) for Yale University.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Orbis contains records for over 10 million items located in 22 libraries on the Yale campus and at the Library Shelving Facility. (See Libraries & Collections A - Z for a complete list of Yale libraries and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Organic ReactionsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Organic Reactions is a comprehensive collection of important synthetic reactions, together with a critical discussion of the reaction and tables that organize all published examples of the topic reactions. Chapters that focus on reactions of current interest are solicited by the board of editors ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Orlando: Women's Writing in the British Isles from the Beginnings to the PresentxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Orlando provides entries on authors' lives and writing careers, contextual xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
material, timelines, sets of internal links, and bibliographies. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Interacting with these materials creates a dynamic inquiry from xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
any number of perspectives into centuries of women's writing.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Otsar ha-hokhmahxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Otzar Online includes more than 45,000 Judaic books encompassing all Jewish fields…Otzar HaHochma is continuously expanding its library. Our vision is to encompass the maximum number of Judaic books available. Furthermore, our IT professionals are constantly refining the program and its search ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Ovid Technologies offers a sophisticated and flexible search interface that allows one to search a variety of databases in a uniform way. Once familiar with the basic features of the interface, searching skills can be applied to the many databases offered through Ovid. Features of this software ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Oxford African American Studies Center databasexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Reference works with the technology to create a comprehensive collection of scholarship focusing on the lives and events which have shaped African American and African history and culture.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and LinkxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Oxford Art Online - Grove Art OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Dictionary of Art Online is a fully searchable copy of the print dictionary, including some but not all of the illustrations and photographs in the print version. The online dictionary provides an image search for images from the Bridgeman Art Library and also links to images elsewhere on the ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and LinkxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Oxford Bibliographies OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Oxford Bibliographies Online is a tool designed to help busy researchers find reliable sources of information quickly by directing them to exactly the right chapter, book, website, archive, or data set they need for their research. It is a springboard for new research that allows for fluid movement ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Oxford Classical DictionaryxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
For almost half a century The Oxford Classical Dictionary has been a distinguished reference work on the Greco-Roman world. Covering literature, art, philosophy, law, biography, mythology, science, geography, daily life, and broad cultural and historical trends, the OCD presents clear, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Oxford Dictionary of National BiographyxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography is the premier source for biographical information on persons connected with the British Isles from all periods of history. The qualifications for inclusion are that subjects not be living, that they inhabited or were connected with the British Isles, and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Oxford Encyclopedia of Theatre and PerformancexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Theatre and Performance provides information about theatre and performance from ancient Greek theatre to the latest developments in London, Paris, New York, and worldwide. It covers performances in playhouses, dance, opera, radio, film, television, and popular ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Oxford English DictionaryxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Oxford English Dictionary (Oxford University Press) is in an online version which enables the full text of the Dictionary to be searched in a way impossible in the printed version, and which allows updates more rapidly and more frequently than ever before. Language is constantly evolving, and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Oxford Islamic studies onlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Oxford Islamic Studies Online offers access to titles covering the history and culture of Islam and provides full-text access to important Oxford reference and scholarly works, including:xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
* The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern Islamic WorldxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
* The Oxford History of IslamxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
* The Oxford ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Oxford Language Dictionaries OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Initially offering millions of words, phrases, and translations, in French, German, Spanish and Italian, the site will expand to include many other languages such as Russian, Chinese, Japanese and Polish. Included are usage examples and illustrative phrases, grammar guidance, click-through verb ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and LinkxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Oxford Medical OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Oxford Medicine Online is a collection of online medical resources which cover every stage in a medical career, from resources for medical students and junior doctors, to those for senior doctors and consultants.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Each resource included within Oxford Medicine Online is the online counterpart of a ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Oxford Music Online - Grove Music OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The online version of three music encyclopedias: The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 2nd ed., The New Grove Dictionary of Opera, and The New Grove Dictionary of Jazz, 2nd ed. Extensive work lists and bibliographies conclude most articles.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Other Versions: xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
In print: xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The New ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Oxford Reference OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Premium Collection brings together over 100 language and subject dictionaries and reference works published by Oxford University Press into a single cross-searchable resource. Containing over 2 million dictionary definitions, facts, figures, people, places, dates, and quotations, Oxford ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and LinkxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Oxford Scholarship OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Oxford Scholarship Online is a vast and rapidly expanding cross-searchable library which now offers quick and easy access to the full text of 4,074 Oxford books in Biology, Business and Management, Classical Studies, Economics and Finance, History, Law, Linguistics, Literature, Mathematics, Music, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Oxford Scholarship Online: Classical StudiesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Oxford University Press has the largest, most distinguished and xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
internationally recognized print publishing programme in Classical Studies. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Oxford Scholarship Online collection will provides access to many of Oxford's distinguished key and new titles in the discipline, including essential ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
PAIS (Public Affairs Information Service)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Indexes public affairs literature including political, economic and social issues. It contains references to articles, books, government documents, statistical directories, research reports, conference reports and publications of international agencies. Publications from more than 60 countries are ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Papers of Alexander Hamilton Digital EditionxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Remembered above all as the nation’s first great fiscal voice, Alexander Hamilton is known for the range of his accomplishments, extending into the arenas of diplomacy, warfare, political strategy, and (via Hamilton’s primary authorship of The Federalist Papers) constitutional law.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Papers of George Washington Digital EditionxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
A landmark in historical scholarship, The Papers of George Washington Digital Edition encompasses five separate series and the complete diaries. This digital edition offers the complete Papers released through 2009 in one online publication. You may search on full text and by date, author, or ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Papers of James Madison Digital EditionxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Papers of James Madison documents the life and work of one of the most important political and constitutional thinkers in our nation’s history. As chief author of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, secretary of state during the Louisiana Purchase, and the fourth president of the United ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Papers of the War Department 1784-1800xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
On the night of November 8, 1800, fire devastated the War Office, consuming the papers, records, and books stored there. Two weeks later, Secretary of War Samuel Dexter lamented in a letter that "All the papers in my office [have] been destroyed." For the past two centuries, the official records of ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Papers of Thomas Jefferson Digital EditionxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Crucial to our nation’s history as author of the Declaration of Independence and third president, Thomas Jefferson was also a major figure in the Enlightenment, representing for Europeans the embodiment of the early nineteenth-century American mind. Since 1950, his writings have been compiled in ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Parker LibraryxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Yale University has free access to the basic version of the Parker Library on the Web.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Parker Library on the Web is a multi-year undertaking of Corpus Christi College, the Stanford University Libraries and Cambridge University Library, to produce a high-resolution digital copy of every imageable ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
PARLINE Database on National ParliamentsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The PARLINE database contains information on the structure and working methods of 262 parliamentary chambers in all of the 187 countries where a national legislature exists. Statistics are available for all parliamentary elections around the world, as well as historical archives back to 1967.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
PARLIT (a derivative of Parliaments and Literature) is a unique database of bibliographic references on the role, structure and working methods of national parliaments, and on electoral systems, constitutional law, history and political science. PARLIT is regularly updated by the ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Passport GMID (Euromonitor)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Euromonitor International offers quality international market intelligence on industries, countries and consumers. Euromonitor International has more than 30 years of experience publishing market reports, business reference books, online information systems and bespoke consulting projects.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Past MastersxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Full-text, searchable versions of many important philosophical writings, including the collected works in English of Aquinas, Aristotle, Berkeley, Calvin, Dewey, Hume, Locke, Santayana and Sidgwick; the Collected Dialogues of Plato, Anselm's Opera Omnia, Hegel's Werke, Nietzsche's Werke, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Patent DatabasesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Sources for U.S. and international patents.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Patrologia GraecaxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The electronic version of the Patrologia Graeca allows new methodological approaches and a whole range of new possibilities on this encyclopaedic collection. With this electronic version, the reader may consult the text and launch sophisticated cross-searches that were hitherto impossible; he can ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Patrologia Latina Database (PQ)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Patrologia Latina Database xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This database offers the works of the Latin Fathers in a fully-searchable electronic format. The Patrologia Latina Database (PLD) is a comprehensive electronic version of the Latin portion of Jacques-Paul Migne's massive Patrologiae Cursus Completus, including ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Patty's ToxicologyxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Toxicological data on industrial chemicals that pose potential health hazards to workers.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Peacebuilding InitiativexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Peacebuilding Initiative is a project of HPCR International, in partnership with the United Nations Peacebuilding Support Office and in cooperation with the Program on Humanitarian Policy and Conflict Research (HPCR) at Harvard University. Since 2007, the project has benefitted from the ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Pediatrics Tutor (NMS)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This CD accompanies the book by the same title and is available for check out through 3-Day Reserve at Medical Library.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Peeters Online JournalsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Journals published by Peeters Online Journals and made available electronically.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Other Versions: xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Check Orbis by journal title for print volumes.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Pennsylvania Gazette, Pennsylvania Genealogical Catalogue, Pennsylvania Newspaper RecordxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Pennsylvania Gazette 1728-1800, The Pennsylvania Genealogical Catalogue: Chester County, and The Pennsylvania Newspaper Record: Delaware County are components of Accessible Archives, a searchable collection of American newspapers from the 18th & 19th centuries. Eras covered include the Colonial ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
People's Daily Full TextxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
As the official organ of the Chinese government, the People's Daily has comprehensive coverage of China's social, economic, and political affairs and usually voices the government's viewpoint. With this database, users can browse the articles published in the People's Daily in chronological order ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
PEP Web Archive (Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Full text of thirteen premier psychoanalytic journals from 1920 to 2002 as well as the full text of 23 classic psychoanalytic books.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Perdita manuscripts: Women Writers, 1500-1700 (Adam Matthew Digital)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This resource is produced in association with the Perdita Project based at the University of Warwick and Nottingham Trent University. “Perdita” means “lost woman” and the quest of the Perdita Project has been to find early modern women authors who were “lost” because their writing ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Periodicals Archive Online (ProQuest)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
A major electronic archive of over 700 digitized, full-image journal articles, Periodicals Archive Online (formerly PCI Full Text™) offers unprecedented access to international, scholarly literature in the humanities and social sciences disciplines from 1802 to 2000.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Periodicals Archive ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Periodicals Index OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Periodicals Index Online is the new name for Periodicals Contents Index - a database of millions of articles published in the arts, humanities and social sciences, across more than 300 years.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
PerioPath: Index to Taiwan Periodical Literature SystemxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Developed by National Central Library in Taiwan, PerioPath: Index to Taiwan Periodical Literature System臺灣期刊論文索引系統allows users to search for article citations of 3000+ Chinese and Western-language periodicals and journals published in Taiwan (some from Hong Kong and Macau as ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Scientific journals in social and human sciences, established by the Ministry of State Education, Higher Education and Research.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Perseus ProjectxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This innovative multimedia database contains interactive sources and studies on Ancient Greece and Rome, including primary texts such as Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, with an English translation by A.T. Murray; Apollodorus, the Library, with an English translation by Sir James George Frazer; and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Philadelphia TribunexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The oldest continuously published daily black newspaper in the U.S., The Philadelphia Tribune was foundedxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
by Christopher James Perry. His paper conveyed ideas and opinions about local and national issues affectingxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
blacks in the post-emancipation period, and today continues to serve the ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Philosopher's IndexxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Ebsco Interface of the bibliographic database covering scholarly research in all major fields of philosophy. Philosopher’s Index, considered the most thorough index of journal literature on the subject, features author-written abstracts covering scholarly research published in journals and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Philosophy -- Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Philosophy CompassxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Philosophy compass publishes peer-reviewed surveys of research and current thinking from across the entire discipline including surveys of current research discussing the major topics, issues, viewpoints, and controversies within each area of the discipline, connections across sub-disciplines of ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Philosophy OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Philosophy Online Serials, searchable access to a database containing the full-text of current, recent, and back issues of philosophy journals. Offers access to philosophy journals published by societies, departments, commercial publishers, and university presses.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Other Versions: xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Check Orbis ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
PhilPapers - Online Research in PhilosophyxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
PhilPapers is a comprehensive directory of online philosophy articles and books by academic philosophers. We monitor journals in many areas of philosophy, as well as archives and personal pages. We also accept articles directly from users, who can provide links or upload copies.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Physics -- Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Physiological Origins of Heart Sounds and Murmurs (Criley)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
An interactive, complete multimedia program which integrates actual heart sounds and murmurs with dynamic ultrasound and X-ray motion picture images, graphic haemodynamic recordings, animated diagrams, gross pathology and text. This product is designed to provide physiological and functional ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Picture Post Historical Archive (Gale)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Picture Post Historical Archive comprises the complete archive of the Picture Post from its first issue in 1938 to its last in 1957 - all digitized from originals in full colour.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Picture Post’s innovative use of photo-journalism captured the imagination of the British people, with ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Pidgeon DigitalxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Started in 1979 by the late Monica Pidgeon, the purpose of the series, which consists altogether of over 200 illustrated talks, is to widen the horizons of students of architecture and design by giving them the opportunity to share the thinking of leading members of the profession worldwide to whom ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Pittsburgh CourierxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Pittsburgh Courier (1911-2002) offers full page and article images with searchable full text. The collection includes digital reproductions providing access to every page from every available issue. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Click on Databases Selected to see the complete list. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Other Newspapers: xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Atlanta ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Play Index (H.W. Wilson)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This unique resource covers the works of contemporary playwrights, including new editions or translations. Since important classic and historical plays (e.g. the plays of Aeschylus and Euripides, Moliere’s works, Shakespeare’s dramas, works of George Bernard Shaw or Ibsen), are reprinted in ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Policy ArchivexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Policy Archive is an innovative, new digital archive of global, non-partisan public policy research. It makes use of the power, efficiency, and economy of modern Internet technology to collect and disseminate summaries and full texts, videos, reports, briefs, and multimedia material of think tank, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Political Risk YearbookxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Offers political and economic risk analysis for 106 countries. Each Country Report focuses on vital political and business information: finding developing markets, determining current movements, preparing for capital investments, or making judgments about corporate security. Each Country Report ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Political Science - Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Select list of databases useful for those studying political science.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Politics in AmericaxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This online edition of CQ's Politics in America provides detailed information on the 535 members of Congress and their districts and states. The profiles provide CQ's analysis of personalities, political styles, legislative agendas, political ambitions, and reputations of members at home and on ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Polling the NationsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Database of polls taken on a variety of subjects all over the world. The data are gathered from professional polling organizations, television networks, universities, newspapers, businesses and associations. Each record in the database consists of one poll question and the participants' responses. ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Full text handbooks and references sources on polymers from CRC Press.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
PopLine (Johns Hopkins University Press)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Citations/abstracts in the fields of family planning, population law and policy, and primary health care, including maternal/child health in developing countries. The database is produced by the Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs and includes journal articles, monographs, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Post War Europe:Refugees, Exile and Resettlement Digital Archive 1945 -1950 (Gale)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This online archive delivers essential primary sources for the study and understanding of the challenges facing the European peoples in the aftermath of World War II. It covers the politics and administration of the refugee crisis in Europe after World War II as well as the day-to-day survival of ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Praeger Security InternationalxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Interdisciplinary and diverse in political perspective, Praeger Security International (PSI) publishes insightful and timely material on international security, including defense and foreign policy, strategy, regional security, twentieth century military history, and terrorism. Find full-text ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Presseurop is a multilingual website for press articles on European affairs. PRESSEUROP.EU offers a selection of European and international press articles in 10 languages (Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian and Spanish).xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The PrimateLit database provides bibliographic access to the scientific literature on nonhuman primates for the research and educational communities. Coverage of the database spans 1940 to present and includes all publication categories (articles, books, abstracts, technical reports, dissertations, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
PRISMA (PQ)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
PRISMA (Publicaciones y Revistas Sociales y Humanísticas) is a comprehensive reference resource providing full-text scholarly journals in the social sciences and humanities for the interdisciplinary academic study of Hispanic and Latin America, and the Caribbean Basin. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Offering key titles ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Project GutenbergxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This collection is based on documents produced by Project Gutenberg. Founded by Michael Hart in 1971 with the aim of distributing a trillion (1,000,000,000) electronic literature files by the year 2001, Project Gutenberg has evolved into an on-going project to produce and distribute free electronic ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Project MusexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Project MUSE is a leading provider of digital humanities and social science content for the scholarly community. Since 1995 the MUSE journal collections have supported a wide array of research needs at academic, public, special, and school libraries worldwide. MUSE is the trusted source of ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Projekt DyabolaxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Dyabola contains electronic subject catalogs of publications on the history of art and the ancient world. Our subscription includes the subject catalogue of European pre- and early history and the archeology of the Roman provinces in the RGK (Roman-Germanic Commission) in Frankfurt, and the ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ProQuest CongressionalxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Full text of Congressional hearings (published and unpublished), bills and resolutions, Serial Set, reports, prints, documents, Congressional Record, legislative histories for enacted laws, Congressional Research Service reports, and regulatory materials. Dates of coverage vary.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ProQuest Digital MicrofilmxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Note: Use Internet Explorer to access Proquest Digital MicrofilmxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The ProQuest Digital Microfilm™ solution remotely hosts selected local and national microfilmed newspapers for simultaneous online viewing and retrieval. Featuring the microfilm editions of titles such as The New York Times, and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ProQuest Environmental Science CollectionxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The collection contains environmental science related full-text articles, granular access to figures and tables within articles, environmental impact statements, and the entire range of bibliographic records from Environmental Sciences and Pollution Management (ESPM). ESPM provides unparalleled and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Proquest Historical Annual ReportsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Annual reports (1844-current) available for over 800 companies, 43,000 reports, 1.3M pages. Searchable puff images with indexed data such as: financial, Fortune 500 ranking, industry classification, key people, geographic location, auditor and related companies. It can also be browsed by company ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The American Hebrew & Jewish Messenger (1857-1922) (ProQuest XMLxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This historical newspaper provides genealogists, researchers and scholars with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The American Israelite (1854-2000) (ProQuest XML)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Subject coverage: Historical local, regional and national news, Multidisciplinary.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Guardian and The Observer (1791-2003)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Guardian (1821-2003) and its sister paper, The Observer (1791-2003), both part of the ProQuest Historical Newspapers program, give readers online access to facts, firsthand accounts, and opinions of the day about the most significant and fascinating political, business, sports, literary, and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Wall Street Journal (1889 - 1992)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Wall Street Journal; Eastern edition is a financial newspaper of record offering in-depth coverage of national and international finance as well as coverage of hard news.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Search Orbis for the Wall Street JournalxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Help: xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Help is available from links within the database.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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ProQuest NewspapersxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Coverage of national, international, and local news. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Includes: xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Baltimore Afro-American (1893-1988)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Boston GlobexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Christian Science Monitor xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
LA TimesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
New York Tribune (1912-1922)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Norfolk Journal and Guide (1921-2003)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
NY TimesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Philadelphia Tribune (1912-2001)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
San Francisco Chronicle ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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ProQuest Statistical InsightxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Searches U.S. federal government (1974-present), international intergovernmental (1983-present), state government and privately published documents (1981-present) that contain statistics. Many tables are available online as images or Excel files. For publications not in full text, search the ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Provençal DatabasexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The PhiloLogic implementation of the Provençal Database is based on data provided by Professor Akehurst at the University of Minnesota. Spellings are in the orginal representation. Page links get poems numbered from 1 for each author. The database has 415,000 words, 28,500 unique forms, in 38 ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Access to 42 full-text journals in basic, applied, clinical and theoretical psychology published by the American Psychological Association. These articles are linked to all Ovid databases (PsycINFO, MEDLINE, CINAHL, etc.) and the journals are searchable - cover to cover.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Other Versions: ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Includes about 500 titles, including approximately 50 classic books in psychology dating from the early 19th century, and the exclusive electronic release of the APA/Oxford University Press Encyclopedia of Psychology with over 1,500 authored entries. Updated with 10-15 new electronic releases, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Psychology -- Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
PsycINFO - EBSCOxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
International coverage of the professional and academic literature in psychology, medicine, psychiatry, nursing, sociology, education, pharmacology, physiology, linguistics, and other areas. Includes references and abstracts to over 1,300 journals and dissertations in more than 30 languages, and to ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
PsycINFO - OvidxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
International coverage of the professional and academic literature in psychology, medicine, psychiatry, nursing, sociology, education, pharmacology, physiology, linguistics, and other areas. Includes references and abstracts to over 1,300 journals and dissertations in more than 30 languages, and to ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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PubList provides information on more than 150,000 of the world's periodicals. Its data comes from authoritative sources, like R.R. Bowker's Ulrich's™ International Periodicals Directory and Editor & Publisher International Yearbook®, enhanced by helpful information and hyperlinks to ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
PubMed provides access to bibliographic information, which is drawn primarily from MEDLINE, PreMEDLINE, HealthSTAR, as well as Publisher-Supplied citations. In addition, for electronically supplied journals that are indexed selectively for MEDLINE, and include articles unrelated to medicine or the ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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PYMCA - Photographic Youth Music Culture ArchivexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Based in London, PYMCA is the Photographic Youth Music Culture Archive and was established in 1997 by Jon Swinstead. His aim was to create a collection of images that captured the real essence of life as a young person. This unique archive has grown to over 40,000 photographs sourced from all over ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Pythia - Plato's Bibliography OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Plato's Bibliography Online. Its aim is to catalogue and give easy access to the bibliographical data of every scientific publication on Plato (articles, books, translations). It contains the electronic version of Plato's Bibliography, published first in Lustrum (1958-1990) and then at J. Vrin ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Quarterly Index of African PeriodicalsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Library of Congress Office, Nairobi, Kenya, regularly acquires and catalogs publications from the following African countries: Angola, Botswana, Burundi, the Comoros, Congo (Democratic Republic), Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mayotte, Mozambique, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Software for full-article retrieval, search and management, and is customized to work with PubMed, OVID and other biomedical resources. QUOSA is made available by a subscription from the Cushing/Whitney Medical Library.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
RAMBI, Index of Articles on Jewish Studies, is a selective bibliography of articles in the various fields of Jewish studies and in the study of Eretz Israel. Material listed in Rambi is compiled from thousands of periodicals and from collections of articles - in Hebrew, Yiddish, and European ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Readers' Guide Full TextxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Readers' Guide Full Text and Readers' Guide Retrospective together offer comprehensive indexing and abstracting of some 375 of the most popular general interest periodicals published in the United States and Canada since 1890, plus the full text of over 120 of those periodicals from 1994 - present. ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Readers' Guide Full Text Mega (H.W. Wilson)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The index that revolutionized the world of research, Readers’ Guide to Periodical Literature, has been reinvented as a more powerful, convenient, affordable, and flexible resource than ever. Readers’ Guide Full Text Mega is a comprehensive tool for educators, students, or any researcher seeking ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Readers' Guide Retrospective: 1890-1982 (H.W. Wilson)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Over the past 100 years, Readers’ Guide to Periodical Literature has become the ultimate index of subjects in the popular press, has earned the trust of researchers at all levels, and has been hailed by Library Journal as one of the “50 Best Reference Sources for the Millennium.”xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Its ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Reaxys is a web-based search and retrieval system for chemical compounds, bibliographic data and chemical reactions. Combined data from three sources: The Beilstein Database, The Gmelin Database, and The Patent Chemistry Database.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Reference - Book Reviews - Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
With RefWorks users can create their own personal research database of citations to books, journal articles, and web pages, by importing references from online databases. They can use these references in writing their papers and automatically format the paper and the bibliography. Citations ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Regesta ImperiixAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The REGESTA IMPERII is one of the great source works of German and European History. The Regesta produce an inventory of all documentary and historiographical sources of the Romano-German kingship from the Carolingians to Maximilian I. (751-1519), as well as of the Popes of the Early and High ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Religion - General -- Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Religion & Philosophy CollectionxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This database provides extensive coverage of such topics as world religions, major denominations, biblical studies, religious history, epistemology, political philosophy, philosophy of language, moral philosophy and the history of philosophy. Religion & Philosophy Collection offers more than 300 ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Religious & Theological AbstractsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Religious and Theological Abstracts provides objective summaries of articles appearing in scholarly journals in the fields of religion and theology. It indexes a wide variety of periodical literature,including Christian, Jewish, and other world religions, and provides English language abstracts of ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Renaissance Studies - Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Références d'articles de périodiques langue française (1980-présent) dont environ 5% en texte intégral, et environ 2% sont les adresses d'articles en texte intégral sur Internet. (References to periodical articles in French (1980-present), 5% of which are in full text and 2% are addresses of ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Revue d’histoire ecclésiastique – bibliographiexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
International bibliography on religious history covering among other topics: institutions, orders, congregations, people, hagiography, relations with Islam and Judaism, art history, music and architecture.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
History journals and interdisciplinary journals; a French federation of reviews on line. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Revues.org est une fédération de revues en Sciences humaines et sociales qui défend une conception ouverte de l'édition scientifique. La constitution d'une véritable édition en ligne d'accès gratuit ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Richelet Dictionnaire françoisxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Richelet's Middle French Dictionary, 1680xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Richmond Daily DispatchxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
There are issues of the paper available online, ranging in date from November 1860 through December 1865. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Links provide access to a brief Civil War period history and chronology.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
RIdIM DatabasexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The RIdIM database is designed to facilitate discovery of music iconography images by registered researchers, and the description of such images by registered cataloguers. The database is web-based and platform independent, and access will be free of charge to scholars affiliated with academic ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
RILM Abstracts of Music Literature (EBSCO)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
RILM Abstracts of Music Literature is an index to international scholarly literature on music. It provides citations and abstracts for articles in journals, congress reports, and Festschriften; catalogs; dissertations; government and international documents; symposia; and monographs in the field of ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
RIPM: Retrospective Index to Music Periodicals (1800-1950)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
* International coverage of the music periodical literature published from the late 18th- to mid-20th-centuries in Europe and the United States. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
* Chronologically complements coverage available in RILM Abstracts of Music Literature. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
* Contains records in twelve languages with full ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
RISM Series A/II: Music Manuscripts after 1600xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
RISM is an international project that documents the holdings of primary sources for music in libraries and collections. Series A/II, Music manuscripts after 1600 contains around 700,000 references almost exclusively to music manuscripts. These records pass on to posterity the works of some 25,000 ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Rock and Roll, Counterculture, Peace and Protest (Adam Matthew Digital)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Rock and Roll explores the dynamic period of social, political and cultural change between 1950 and 1975. The resource offers thousands of colour images of manuscript and rare printed material as well as photographs, ephemera and memorabilia from this exciting period in our recent history. Explore ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Romanticism: Life, Literature and Landscape (Adam Matthew Digital)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Romanticism: Life, Literature and Landscape offers unique access to rare and priceless literary sources that are indispensible for scholars and students studying William Wordsworth and the Romantic period. The collection offers an insight into the working methods of the poet and the wider social, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Roper Center for Public Opinion Research CatalogxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Important: Only Yale faculty, students, and staff are authorized to use Roper Center data and documentation. Visitors to the Yale Libraries are not authorized to use Roper Center Center data and documentation. This catalog describes and provides downloadable access to numeric data files held at the ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Roshan Cultural Heritage FilmsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
AsiaPacificFilms.com streams culturally and historically significant films from Asia and the Pacific that entertain, educate and inspire viewers to think beyond boundaries. With the latest streaming technology, subscribers have unlimited access to our films in DVD quality.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Rotunda - American Founding EraxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Rotunda’s American Founding Era Collection is your gateway into one of the great conversations in history. These newly prepared digital editions of the papers of many of the major figures of the early republic are presented in a fully searchable and interoperable online environment.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Routledge Encyclopedia of PhilosophyxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy Online is the online version of the Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy. It features over 2000 original articles from over 1300 leading international experts across the discipline of philosophy. The articles cover such topics as Anglo-American, ethical and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Routledge Religion OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
In creating Routledge Reference Resources, we have brought together the very best reference content from across our publishing heritage in unique subject collections. These new resources open up exciting new research opportunities for students and scholars alike – redefining the online library.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and LinkxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Russia-NIS Statistical PublicationsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Designed to optimize searching and browsing of statistical data, Universal Database of Statistical Publications covers Russian- and English-language publications, reports and data sets from State Committee of the Russian Federation on Statistics and the Interstate Statistical Committee of the ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Russian Military and Security PeriodicalsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
An opportunity to research Russia's military and security developments. Provides access to a broad range of military texts, including central military journals and regional military district newspapers in all major strategic areas. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Easy access to information from both official and independent ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Russian National BibliographyxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The bibliographic product of Russian printed works from the governmental body, the Russian Book Chamber with bibliographic access to books, newspapers, journals, book criticism and reviews, the arts, sheet music, dissertations and maps. The Universal Database of Russian National Bibliography covers ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Russian NewspapersxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
East View Publications offers convenient and timely access to the latest news within hours of publication in Moscow or St. Petersburg. The full-text files of many Russian newspapers are accessible for online for browsing, searching, and analyzing. The search mechanism enables complex querying and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Russian Parliamentary PublicationsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Russian Publications, Online DatabasexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Russian Universal Database of Social Sciences and HumanitiesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Sabin Americana (Gale)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Sabin Americana is an online collection of books, pamphlets, serials and other works about the Americas, from the time of their discovery to the early 1900s. The Sabin Americana collection is rich in original accounts of discovery and exploration, pioneering and westward expansion, the U.S. Civil ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Safari Books OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Safari Books Online is a joint venture of O'Reilly Media and The Pearson Technology Group. Safari's flagship service, Safari Tech Books Online, sells site licenses to Fortune 50 companies, major universities and leading training organizations worldwide.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
SAGE Research Methods Online (SRMO)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
SAGE Research Methods Online (SRMO) is a research methods tool created to help researchers, faculty and students with their research projects. SRMO links over 100,000 pages of SAGE’s renowned book, journal and reference content with truly advanced search and discovery tools. Researchers can ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
SAH ArchipediaxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
SAH Archipedia is an authoritative online encyclopedia of the built world published by the Society of Architectural Historians and the University of Virginia Press, and contains histories, photographs, and maps for more than 8,500 structures and places. Currently, the content of SAH Archipedia is ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Saul and Evelyn Henkind Talmud text databankxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Searchable database of "279 textual witnesses of tractates of the Babylonian Talmud including full manuscripts, first printed editions, Cairo Geniza fragments and the Vilna edition"--Accompanying material.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Sax's Dangerous Properties of Industrial MaterialsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Comprehensive hazard information on substances encountered in the workplace.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Other Versions: xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Print copies available at Kline Science Library and the Medical Library.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Connect to the SC-Database via START button on workstation #5 in the Chemistry Library.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
SC-Database contains all significant stability constants and associated thermodynamic data published from 1887 to the present day, including all stability constants included in the book volumes published by ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Schillers WerkexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Nationalausgabe was established in 1940 as the definitive edition of Friedrich Schiller's (1759-1805) works, letters and conversations. The edition now comprises fifty-five volumes, with seven further volumes in preparation. The series is currently edited by Norbert Oellers, one of the world's ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Science Citation IndexxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The ISI Citation Databases collectively index more than 8,000 high quality, peer-reviewed journals cover-to-cover, providing users with complete bibliographic data, full-length author abstracts, and cited references from the world's most influential research with online backfiles access now ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Science History -- Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Science of SynthesisxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Science of Synthesis is the Fifth Edition of the Houben-Weyl series. Topic-specific coverage containing critical analyses of all prior literature. This set is continuing to expand. This database is structure searchable. Note: Plug-ins are available for structure searching in Science of ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ScienceDirect - Journals- V.4 (Elsevier)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ScienceDirect contains over 25% of the world's science, technology and medicine full text and bibliographic information.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Science's Next WavexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Science's Next Wave is a weekly online publication that covers scientific training, career development, and the science job market. The Next Wave is published by Science magazine and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Scientific Electronic Library Online - SciELOxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
SciELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online is a model for cooperative electronic publishing of scientific journals on the Internet. Especially conceived to meet the scientific communication needs of developing countries, particularly Latin America and the Caribbean countries, it provides an ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
SciFinder ScholarxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
SciFinder Scholar (SFS) is the interface to the following databases: Chemical Abstracts, CASReact, Registry, CHEMCATS, and Medline. The SciFinder Scholar interface allows users to search these databases using a chemical structure, chemical reaction, research topic, and author information. For more ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
SCIPIO: Art and Rare Books Sales CatalogsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
SCIPIO: Art and Rare Books Sales Catalogs is the only online union catalog of auction catalog records in existence. SCIPIO provides bibliographic access to valuable sources of information on the provenance of art objects and rare books, the history of collecting, and contemporary and historical ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
SciVerse HubxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
SciVerse is a search and discovery platform that cross-searches Elsevier and other curated web content. SciVerse Hub is a one-stop single search across SciVerse ScienceDirect, SciVerse Scopus, SciVerse SciTopics, and relevant web/third-party content. It also includes SciVerse Mobile Applications. ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Scopus is an abstract and citation database of research literature and quality web sources in the fields of Medicine, Social Sciences, Physical Sciences and Life Sciences. The database also provides information on citation analysis for specific articles, authors, and journal metrics.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
System ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Scotsman (ProQuest Historical Newspapers)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Scotsman is a valuable tool for today’s genealogists. Engagement and marriage announcements, birth and death notices, photographs, stories about locally owned businesses, and other types of content help fill in the gaps of family histories. And, by cross-searching this newspaper with Irish, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Scottish Women Poets of the Romantic PeriodxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Scottish Women Poets of the Romantic Period (SWRP) contains 60 volumes of Romantic Poetry, extensive contemporary critical reviews, as well as material specially written for this database by leading scholars.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Other Versions: xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search Orbis for print versions of these resources.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Scripta SinicaxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Scripta Sinica, known as 漢籍電子文獻, is the largest Chinese full text database for the study of pre-modern China. It includes more than 500 titles and 350,000,000 characters of materials pertaining to the traditional Chinese classics, especially those related to Chinese history. The ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Scriptores possessoresque codicum medii aevixAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The database provides information on scribes and owners of medievalxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
manuscripts in Europe. Information and Search interface in Latin (!) and in German.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Senate Executive Journals, Series I, 1789-1866xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Executive Journals of the United States Senate 1789 to 1866, covering the first Congress through the first session of the 39th Congress. Can be cross-searched with other "Archive of Americana" databases, including: House and Senate Journals, U.S. Congressional Serial Set, American State Papers, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Sengo Nihon Shōnen Shōjo Zasshi DētābēsuxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Sengo Nihon Shōnen Shōjo Zasshi Dētābēsu (戦後日本少年少女雑誌データーベース) is a relatively nascent private database that focuses on the compilation of data pertaining to Japanese youth magazines in the postwar period. These magazines are often not preserved in traditional ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Shakespeare CollectionxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
A comprehensive and authoritative online resource for Shakespearean research, bringing together general reference data, full-text scholarly periodicals, reprinted criticism, primary source material and the full-text annotated works from The Arden Shakespeare.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Short Story Index (H.W. Wilson)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Short Story Index, produced by the H.W. Wilson Company, is a detailed index of more than 76,500 stories from more than 4,025 collections.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Short Story Index is searchable by author, title, subject, keyword, date, literary technique and source alone or by any combination. This reference database ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Siku QuanshuxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Siku Quanshu was compiled between 1773 and 1782 under the edict of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, China. Containing more than 3,460 works with a total of more than 36,000 volumes, it is the most comprehensive collection of Chinese scholarship up to the 18th century. It covers a wide ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
SimBioSys ECG (Critical Concepts)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Illustrates fundamentals of 12-lead interpretation and rhythm recognition. Includes interactive tutorials, numerous quizzes and patient cases.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
SIMPLE (Simulated Internal Medicine Patient Learning Experience)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Simulated Internal Medicine Patient Learning Experience (SIMPLE) is a collection of interactive virtual patient cases designed to encompass the learning objectives of the Clerkship Directors in Internal Medicine (CDIM)-Society for General Internal Medicine Core Medicine Clerkship Curriculum for use ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
SimplyMap: (Includes data from the U.S. Census, EASI Analytics, and Mediamark MRI.)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
SimplyMap is a Web-based mapping application that lets users quickly create professional-quality thematic maps and reports using powerful demographic, business, and marketing data. SimplyMap turns complex data ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Sixties: primary documents and personal narratives 1960 - 1974xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Sixties: Primary Documents and Personal Narratives 1960–1974 brings the 1960s alive through diaries, letters, autobiographies and other memoirs, written and oral histories, manifestos, government documents, memorabilia, and scholarly commentary. With 150,000 pages of material at completion, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Slavery, Abolition and Social Justice (Adam Matthew Digital)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Bringing together primary source documents from archives and libraries across the Atlantic world, this resource allows students and researchers to explore and compare unique material relating to the complex subjects of slavery, abolition and social justice.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
In addition to the primary source ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Slavery and Anti-slavery: A Transnational ArchivexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Slavery and Anti-Slavery includes documents from the United States and Europe, as well as other parts of the world. In addition to newspaper collections and books published in the antebellum era, Slavery and Anti-Slavery contains documents from several archives originally available only on ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Slavic + E. Europe - Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Smithsonian Global sound for libraries (Alexander Street Press)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Smithsonian Global Sound, produced in partnership with Smithsonian Folkways Recordings, is a virtual encyclopedia of the world's musical and aural traditions. The collection includes the published recordings owned by the non-profit Smithsonian Folkways Recordings label and the archival audio ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Social ExplorerxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Social Explorer helps you visually analyze and understand the demography of the United States through the use of interactive maps and data reports based on primarily U.S. Census data going back to 1790.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Social Science Citation IndexxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The ISI Web of Science provides seamless access to the Science Citation Expanded®, Social Sciences Citation Index®, and Arts & Humanities Citation Index™. It enables users to search current and r etrospective multidisciplinary information from approximately 8,500 of the most prestigious, high ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Social Science Research NetworkxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Reguires self-registration.The Social Science Research Network (SSRN) provides researchers with opportunities for networking worldwide via the following specialized research sub-networks: Accounting Research Network (ARN), Economics Research Network (ERN), Financial Economics Network (FEN), ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Social Sciences Full Text (H.W. Wilson)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Social Sciences Full Text provides fast access to a wide assortment of the most important English-language journals published in the U.S. and elsewhere with full text and page images from scores of key publications, plus abstracting and indexing of hundreds of others. An in-demand resource for a ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Sociological AbstractsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Sociological Abstracts features journal citations and abstracts; book, chapter, and association paper abstracts; and book, film, and software review citations. Entries cover sociological aspects of twenty-nine broad topics, including anthropology, business, collective behavior, community ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Sociology -- Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
SOM-SSL CampusNetxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Listing of databases for business, management and financial xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
South and Southeast Asian literaturexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The collection comprises literature written originally in English by writers who either were born in or identify themselves culturally with India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, the Maldives, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, and Fiji. Because the South and Southeast Asian ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
South Asia - Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Southeast Asia - Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Spanish and Portuguese Language and Literature - Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
SPIE Digital Library - All SPIE ContentxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The SPIE Digital Library is an extensive resource for research on optics and photonics, providing full text access to technical papers from journals and conference proceedings published by SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering. Yale's subscription includes papers in electronic ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
SPIN Web replace PiNet: a physics database from the AIP and related associations containing xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
accepted, but as yet unpublished physics manuscripts from the APS xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
email and directory information for physicists xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
the PACS classification schemexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The use of this electronic tool will not provide ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Springer ProtocolsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Springer Protocols is Methods in Molecular Biology™ and Methods in Molecular Medicine™ on-line.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Subjects covered include: Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Genetics, Informatics, Microbiology, Molecular and Cell Biology, Neuroscience, Oncology, PCR and Proteomics.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Springer Protocols has ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
SpringerImages is a collection of scientific images that spans the scientific, technical and medical fields, including high-quality clinical images from images.MD. The collection contains more than 1.5 million images – including photos, graphs, histograms, figures, and tables, via a searchable ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
SpringerMaterials - The Landolt-Bornstein DatabasexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
SpringerMaterials is based on the Landolt-Bornstein New Series, the fully evaluated data collection in all areas of physical sciences and engineering. SpringerMaterials also comprises the Dortmund Data Bank Software & Separation Technology, a Database on Thermophysical Properties and the Linus ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
SRM- Social Research Methodology DatabasexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
SRM Database contains references to literature on social and behavioral research methodology, statistical analysis, and computer software. Over 100 international periodicals, as well as readers, research reports, congress proceedings, and books from the social sciences are selected, screened 'cover ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
St. James Encyclopedia of Popular CulturexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This encyclopedia is an authoritative yet accessible source on popular culture ranging from fast food and fitness fads to political events and literary genres. With its emphasis on ideas, people, events and products that symbolize America, the St. James Encyclopedia of Popular Culture is a ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
St. Louis Post-Dispatch (1874-1922)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This historical newspaper provides genealogists, researchers and scholars with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Database gives access to Dutch government information. Information and search interface in Dutch only.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Stalin Digital ArchivexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Stalin Digital Archive is, without a doubt, the most valuable archive collection covering the history of Soviet and international communism.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
• Documents written by Stalin (1889-1952)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
• Over 300 books from Stalin's personal library (including his hand-written notes in the margins)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
• ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Standard and Poors Net AdvantagexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
A comprehensive database that includes the full text of the following S& P publications and more: 1. Register of Corporations: contains private and public company information searchable by location, industry, executives, etc. 2. Statistical sources such as: Bond Guide; Dividend Record; Stock Guide, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Stanford Encyclopedia of PhilosophyxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy was designed as a dynamic reference work; each entry is maintained and kept up to date by an expert or group of experts in the field. All entries and updates are refereed by the members of an Editorial Board before they are made public. Consequently, it is ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Stat!Ref (Teton Data Systems)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Stat!Ref provides access to a select group of clinical textbooks and manuals covering several medical disciplines including nursing. Stat!Ref also provides access to Stedman's Medical Dictionary and MedCalc 3000.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
STATdx -Clinical decision support tool for physicians/residents working with radiological images.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
To request a password account, affiliates of Diagnostic Radiology contact Keyonna.Artis@yale.edu,others affiliated with the Yale-New Haven Medical Center contact Daniel.Dollar@yale.edu or ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
State Papers Online - Part I - IVxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
State Papers Online, 1509-1714 ('SPO') offers a completely new working environment to researchers, teachers and students of Early Modern Britain. Whether used for original research, for teaching, or for student project work, State Papers Online offers original historical materials across the widest ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Welcome to StateMaster, a unique statistical database which allows you to research and compare a multitude of different data on US states. We have compiled information from various primary sources such as the US Census Bureau, the FBI, and the National Center for Educational Statistics. More than ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Statistical Abstract of the U.S.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Published annually by the Federal Government since 1878, The Statistical Abstract of the United States is the best-known statistical reference publication in the country, and perhaps, the world. You’ll find it behind nearly every reference desk in U.S. libraries as the authoritative go-to source. ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Full text access to reference books in statistics in the following categories: Biostatistics, Environmental Statistics, Introductory Statistics, Probability Theory & Applications, Reference Statistics & Collected Works, SPC/Reliability/Quality Control, Statistical Genetics & Bioinformatics, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Studies in BibliographyxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
In celebration of its fiftieth anniversary, the Bibliographical Society has made freely available in electronic form the first forty-nine volumes of its flagship journal, "Studies in Bibliography", a premier publication of bibliographical studies worldwide. Users may search the entire contents of ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Sunday Times Digital Archive - 1822 to 2006 (Gale)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Sunday Times launched itself on the world on 20th October 1822 , promising to instil "an invigorating spirit" in its readership, and uphold the freedom of the press against those "emperors, kings, and their ministers" who would stifle it. Since that first issue, the newspaper has consistently ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum is an annual publication collecting newly published Greek inscriptions and studies on previously known documents. Every volume contains the harvest of a single year and covers the entire Greek world. Material later than the 8th century A.D. is not included.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
SEG ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Sur Digital Archive (Gale)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
SUR, one of the most important and influential literary magazines published in Latin America in the twentieth century, is now available as a full-text searchable, digital archive. SUR, 1931-1991 contains images of the complete run of the magazine — including covers, photographs and advertisements ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Synthesis of the North American FloraxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
CD-ROM available at Kline Science Library. This compendium of information on the taxonomy, distribution, and biological characteristics for vascular plants of North America permits searching across groups to identify similarities.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Additional sources: xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
1:Index Kewensis [parts of], cd-rom, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Tagebücher von Joseph Goebbels OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Diaries of Joseph Goebbels Online include a transcription of all handwritten entries from the years 1923 to July 1941 and the subsequent dictations up until 1945. This edition, issued by the Institut für Zeitgeschichte, is based on the reproduction of the entire diaries on glass microfiches ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Taiwan Colonial Statistics DatabasexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Taiwan Colonial Statistics Database (TCSD) was established to preserve the official statistical data from the colonial period and to facilitate academic use of the data. It gathered original colonial statistics stored by the National Taiwan University Library and the National Taiwan Library. The ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Taiwan Nichi Nichi Shinpo 臺灣日日新報xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Taiwan Nichi Nichi Shinpo is a newspaper published beginning in 1898, a result of the merger of Taiwan Shinpo and Taiwan Nippo. It consists of both a Japanese (1898.5-1944.3) and a Chinese language version (1905.7-1911.11), and covers legislation and news as well as cultural activities in Taiwan ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Tax AnalystsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Tax Analysts Web services combine expert current-awareness feeds with comprehensive research libraries in the areas of federal, state, and international tax law. An extensive tax treaties collection is included (with supporting U.S. legislative history).xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Also included are PDF copies of ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Taylor & Francis eBooksxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This site offers instant access to the world's premier Humanities, Social Sciences, Behavioural Sciences and Law content — from renowned imprints such as Routledge, Psychology Press, Focal Press and Earthscan. We have more than 25,000 titles available for purchase by institutions via our eBook ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Teatro Espanol del Siglo de OroxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Teatro Español del Siglo de Oro full text database contains the most important plays of the sixteenth and seventeenth century in Spain, either edited by the playwrights themselves or by an editor "endorsed" by the playwright. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The text is copied exactly as it was written, with all ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Testaments to the Holocaust Digital Archive (Gale)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Documents and Rare Printed Materials from the Wiener Library, London This digital resource offers the unique resources of the World�s oldest Holocaust museum. Alfred Wiener fled Germany in 1933 and established his collection in London. The collection offers fully searchable personal accounts of ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Text Creation Partnership (TCP)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
TCP (University of Michigan) with the international library community and commercial scholarly publishers is creating accurately keyboarded and encoded editions of thousands of culturally significant works in all fields of scholarly and artistic endeavor. Projects include EEBO-TCP, Texts from Early ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Textes de Français AncienxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The "Textes de Français Ancien" (TFA) database was established by the Laboratoire de Français Ancien (LFA, University of Ottawa), in collaboration with the ARTFL Project (University of Chicago). The original collection was composed of texts from the 12th and 13th centuries, digitized for the ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Theatre in Video (Alexander Street Press)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Theatre in Video contains more than 250 definitive performances of the world's leading plays, together with more than 100 film documentaries, online in streaming video - more than 500 hours in all. This release contains over 180 titles, representing hundreds of leading playwrights, actors and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Theologische RealenzyklopädiexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Since the publication of its first installment in 1976, the Theologische Realenzyklopädie (TRE) has provided a comprehensive account of the state of theological research. Some 2000 articles present a multitude of historical and theological data in their context of faith and thought, theology and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Thesaurus Linguae GraecaexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Thesaurus Linguae Graecae, at the University of California, Irvine, has collected and digitized most literary texts written in Greek from Homer to the fall of Byzantium in 1453 CE. Its goal is to create a comprehensive digital library of Greek literature from ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Thesaurus linguae LatinaexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The new digital online versions of theThesaurus linguae Latinae (TLL)and theBibliotheca Teubneriana Latina (BTL)replace the former CD-Rom versions of BTL 4 and TLL 5. They offer both an extension of the data, and a fundamentally remodelled user interface, which – for the first time – allows to ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Text of congressional bills and resolutions, bill status and summary information, public laws, roll call votes, the Congressional Record, schedules and calendars, committee reports, and information on the legislative process.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Thomson ONExAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Please use Internet Explorer when accessing this resource.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Thomson ONE Banker provides access to financial data on public companies, as well as merger and acquisition information and market data. Users can search and screen across databases to identify companies that meet specific investment ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center Digital LibraryxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center Digital Library offers approximately 12,000 volumes of scanned Tibetan literature in Tibetan language, especially Buddhist works. Images are in TIFF or PDF format. Transliteration and keyword searching is in Wylie. Texts are also browsable by tradition or category; ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Times Digital ArchivexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Researchers can search through the complete digital edition of The Times (London), using keyword searching and hit-term highlighting to retrieve full facsimile images of either a specific article or a complete page. The entire newspaper is captured, with all articles, advertisements and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Times of India (ProQuest)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This historical newspaper provides genealogists, researchers and scholars with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Times of LondonxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Historical Newspapers Online's index to The Times (London) is based on Palmer's Index to the Times, from 1790 to 1905. Palmer's Full Text Online covers 1785-1870, providing access to the full articles referenced in Palmer's Index to The Times. Reference material concerning British life and world ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
TLS Historical ArchivexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Welcome to the Times Literary Supplement Historical Archive, containing every page of every copy of the TLS published from 1902 to 2005.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This easy-to-navigate, fully-searchable resource is a witness to the cultural revolutions of the last 100 years and offers unparalleled opportunities for ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
TLS Subscriber ArchivexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The TLS Archive is a comprehensive text archive of TLS material - book reviews, arts reviews, poems, letters and commentary pieces - dating from 1994 to the present day. It is updated with new articles from the paper two weeks after publication.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Torrossa: Casalinin Full TextxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Online resource offering full text access to Italian and Spanish books, conference proceedings, and journals by major Italian and Spanish publishers. Torrossa includes material previously available through Editoria Italiana online.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Torture ArchivexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Torture Archive, an ongoing project of the National Security Archive, is assembling at a single location documents from wide-ranging sources on United States government policy toward rendition, detainees, interrogation, and torture. In the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 attacks, and the ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
TOXNET is a cluster of databases on toxicology, hazardous chemicals, and related areas.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
For Toxicology Data (Factual information on toxicity and other hazards of chemicals)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
HSDB xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Hazardous Substances Data Bank - Broad scope in human and animal toxicity, safety and handling, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Translated Texts for Historians E-LibraryxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Translated Texts for Historians makes available sources translated from Greek, Latin, Syriac, Coptic, Arabic, Georgian and Armenian, published between 300 and 800 AD. This period, from late antiquity to the early middle ages saw the transformation of the classical world, the beginnings of Europe ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Travel Writing, Spectacle and World History (Adam Matthew Digital)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This resource brings together hundreds of accounts by women of their travels across the globe from the early 19th century to the late 20th century. Students and researchers will find sources covering a variety of topics including; architecture; art; the British Empire; climate; customs; ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Trial Databases - click here for resources on trialxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Trip databasexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Simultaneously searches evidence-based sources of systematic reviews, practice guidelines, and critically appraised topics and articles. Also searches MEDLINE's Clinical Queries, medical image databases, e-textbooks, and patient information leaflets. [TRIP = Turning Research into Practice]xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
TRIS OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
TRIS Online is a public-domain, web-based version of the Transportation Research Information Services (TRIS) bibliographic database. TRIS Online is published as a collaborative effort by the Transportation Research Board, part of the National Academies, and the National Transportation Library, part ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Turfan DatabasexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
"The Silk Road Project: Reuniting Turfan's Scattered Treasures" was a three-year project funded by the Henry Luce Foundation Inc. that brought together a team of twenty-five Chinese and American scholars working within the disciplines of archeology, history, art history, and religious studies.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Twentieth Century Advice LiteraturexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This database provides complete access to handbooks, manuals, textbooks, etiquette guides, self-help books, instructional pamphlets, and how-to books describing American attitudes towards family dynamics, gender roles, sexual relationships, and race relations in the twentieth century.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Twentieth-Century African American PoetryxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Full text collection of poetry written by African-American poets of the 20th century including many contemporary African-American writers of the 1980s and 1990s, who have gained recognition through national poetry awards or inclusion within print anthologies.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Twentieth-Century American PoetryxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This collection includes the full text of poems drawn from 750 volumes by over 300 poets, including Adrienne Rich, Andrei Codrescu, Ezra Pound, William Carlos Williams, Denise Levertov, Wallace Stevens, Langston Hughes, Lucille Clifton, and Cathy Song.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Twentieth-Century American Poetry - Second EditionxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Twentieth-Century American Poetry, Second Edition is an essential collection of poetry which allows readers an unparalleled survey of the movements, schools and distinctive voices of modern and contemporary American poetry. It combines two existing Chadwyck-Healey Literature Collections, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Twentieth Century DramaxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Twentieth-Century Drama contains plays in English from around the world from the 1890s to 2003; plays by authors such as Amiri Baraka, Noël Coward, Susan Glaspell, John Godber, Beth Henley, Langston Hughes, Zora Neale Hurston, Eduardo Machado, Ngugi wa Thiong’o, John Osborne, Sean O’Casey, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Twentieth Century North American Drama (ASP)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Twentieth Century North American Drama contains 319 plays by 53 playwrights, together with detailed, fielded information on related productions, theaters, production companies, and more. The database also includes selected playbills, production photographs and other ephemera related to the plays.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
U.S. Congressional Serial SetxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Comprised of the bound, sequentially numbered volumes of all the reports, documents, and Journals of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives. It constitutes a rich source of primary source material on all aspects of American history.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
U.S. GazetteerxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
U.S. Government -- Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
U.S. Law -- Click here for more resourcesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ULAN- Union List of Artist NamesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The standard thesaurus of artists' names, based upon the several operating programs of the Getty Information Institute (formerly the Art History Information Program). Increasingly used in cataloging art objects, image collections, etc. Useful to the scholar for tracing variant forms of artists' ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ULI - Israel Union ListxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Israel Union List (ULI) contains MARC21 format cataloging records from all the university libraries of Israel as well as the national library and many college and special libraries. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Cataloging is according to general Israeli standards in that Roman character works follow AACR2 (with some ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search and DisplayxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Ullmanns Encyclopedia of Industrial ChemistryxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry is an international, state-of-the-art reference work detailing the science and technology in all areas of industrial chemistry.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Other Versions: xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
In print: Engineering Library Reference, TP9 U57 (LC)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ulrichsweb.com provides users with essential serials bibliographic and access information that ranges from subscription rates to the latest web sites. Nearly a quarter of a million consumer and trade magazines, academic and scholarly publications, monographic series, newsletters, newspapers, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
UN ComtradexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Provides commodity trade data for all available countries and areas from 1962. Availability of data depends on in what classification and when comtrade data are reported by countries. Comtrade have all reported data in their original classification and converted data (from original one) to all ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Provides selected statistical series for all countries and areas and selected series from more specialized international data sources. Information provided on data sources, definitions and classifications.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Underground & Independent Comics, Comix, and Graphic NovelsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Underground and Independent Comics, Comix, and Graphic Novels is the first ever scholarly, primary source database focusing on adult comic books and graphic novels. Beginning with the first underground comix from the 1960’s to the works of modern sequential artists, this collection will contain ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
United Nations Bibliographic Information System (UNBISnet)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Indexes United Nations documentation published since 1979, or earlier for selected documents; includes the catalogue of the collections of the Dag Hammarskjöld Library. A special file provides detailed voting records of resolutions adopted by the General Assembly (38th session, 1983-) and Security ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
United Nations Official Documents SystemxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Provides full text of all United Nations parliamentary documents (1993-present), including resolutions and decisions issued at United Nations Headquarters in New York, the United Nations Office at Geneva and the United Nations Office at Vienna since 1997, as well as documents from the Economic and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
United Nations Treaty CollectionxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Includes full text of bilateral and multilateral treaties and subsequent actions, and texts of recently deposited multilateral treaties. Includes text of the Status of Multilateral Treaties Deposited with the Secretary-General and the United Nations Treaty Series Cumulative Index.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Other ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Universal Index of Doctoral Dissertations in ProgressxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This site provides access to a database of voluntarily-registered, author-identified doctoral dissertations in progress around the world.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Current clinical information and recommendations on patient care and treatment. Provides a comprehensive, "up-to-date" review, from physiological concepts through results of the most recent clinical trials and protocols.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
USA Trade OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
****Available only from Center for Science & Social Science Information Center Windows workstations #11 and #12.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Provided by the U.S. Census Bureau's Foreign Trade Division, USA Trade Online provides current and cumulative U.S. export and import data on more than 18,000 export commodities and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
USAID Development Experience ClearinghousexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Contains records for about 100,000 US Agency for International Development (USAID) technical and program documents from 1942 to present.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
USMLE Step 1 (NMS)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This CD accompanies the NMS Review for USMLE Step 1. Both the book and the CD are available on 3-day reserve. Please inquire at Medical Library Circulation Desk.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
USMLEasy Lite (Access Medicine)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
USMLEasy.com Lite is available as part of the Library's subscription to AccessMedicine by McGraw Hill. It provides 3,000 questions covering Step 1 and Step 2 topics. You can answer questions in selected disciplines or selected organ systems. You can also take tests in practice mode or in a ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Ut per litteras apostolicas-Lettres Pontificales- Papal LettersxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The collection Ut per litteras apostolicas is the electronic version of the series of papal registers and letters of the 13th and 14th centuries preserved in the Vatican Secret Archives in Rome. This series, edited since 1883 by the Ecole francaise de Rome lately with the support of the French ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Value Line Research CenterxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Publications covering stocks, mutual funds, options, and convertible securities as well as special situation stocks.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Vanderbilt Television News ArchivexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Television News Archive collection at Vanderbilt University is an extensive archive of television news. Since 1968, the Archive has recorded, indexed, and preserved network television news for research, review, and study. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Fees apply for borrowing some of the material. The fee schedule is belowxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Vault Career InsiderxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
NOTE: Site requests Login. Unlimited, premium access to the largest most comprehensive online career resource available. Jobs, careeres, employmen, education. The intelligence you need for the career you want. Downloadable career guides, 3000 insider company snapshots, industry overviews, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
VCF Volatile Compounds in FoodxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Access by Yale and YNHH must be through the off-campus proxy server.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This database provides information on over 680 food products with nearly 5000 literature references. Answers questions such as what volatile ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Verfasser-Datenbank (DeGruyter)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
From 2012 on, the Verfasser-Datenbank (Database of Authors) enables, for the first time, the renowned standard reference works Die deutsche Literatur des Mittelalters, Deutscher Humanismus 1480-1520, Frühe Neuzeit in Deutschland 1520-1620 and the Killy-Literaturlexikon to be used systematically in ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Verzeichnis Lieferbarer BücherxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Web version of the VLB lists the current state of German books in print.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Vetus Latina databasexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Bible Versions of the Latin Fathers. This database contains comprehensive patristic records of the Vetus Latina Institut in Beuron. These are Latin biblical texts that were in existence and use from the second century AD/CE until the time when the Vulgate became predominant are known under the ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
VH Dissector Pro (Virtual Human)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This program allows you to display selected anatomical structures and rotate them in space. The program is installed locally on all Macintosh computers in the Medical Library’s Information Room and Computer Resource Lab and on a computer in the Small Conference Room (Room 101). VH Dissector is ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Victorian Database OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Search over 100,000 records listing books, articles, and dissertation abstracts published from 1945 to 2002 on every field of nineteenth-century British studies.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Victorian Popular Culture (Adam Matthew Digital)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Welcome to Victorian Popular Culture, an essential resource for the study of popular entertainment in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. This innovative portal invites users into the darkened halls, small backrooms and travelling venues that hosted everything from spectacular shows and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Vida pública en la Argentina contemporánea (Gale)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This Spanish-language collection — the only one of its kind for any Latin American country — presents an extensive grassroots view of Argentina and the significant social and political movements that transformed the nation between 1997 and 2003. Public Life in Contemporary Argentina offers fast ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Virginia Company Archives (Adam Matthew Digital)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This online project presents those Ferrar Papers which are in Magdalene College, Cambridge. They are reproduced by permission of the Master and Fellows of the college, with whom the copyright remains. In addition, transcripts of those documents that throw light on the Virginia Company of London are ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Visual Resources CollectionxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Visual Resources Digital Library is a growing collection of more than 270,000 images with new material added upon faculty request. Its principal focus encompasses the study of visual culture in the Arts and Humanities. This includes applied and decorative arts, archaeological sites and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
VisualDx is a diagnostic decision support system designed by clinicians to aid medical professionals in the diagnosis of visually identifiable diseases. It provides instant access to specialist knowledge at the point of care, merging medical images with concise clinical text. As the clinician ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Vital Statistics on American PoliticsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Statistical tables covering elections and political parties, campaign finance and political action committees, public opinion and voting, the media, congress, the presidency and executive branch, the judiciary, federalism, foreign military policy, social policy, economic policy. Long time series ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ViVa: A Bibliography of Women's HistoryxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ViVa: Vrouwengeschiedenis in het Vaktijdschrift is Dutch for "Women's History in Professional Journals". ViVa is a current bibliography of articles about women's and gender history. Articles published in English, French, German, Dutch, Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish are selected from 167 European, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Vogue Archive (ProQuest XML)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
A complete searchable archive of American Vogue, from the first issue in 1892 to the current month, reproduced in high-resolution color page images. Every page, advertisement, cover and fold-out has been included, with rich indexing enabling you to find images by garment type, designer and brand ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Voltaire électroniquexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Voltaire électronique is based upon the Voltaire Foundation Oxford edition of the Complete works of Voltaire. It includes all of Voltaire's literary works. Texts which have not yet been published in the Complete works are drawn either from the original sources or from the ninteenth-century Moland ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
W. B. Yeats Collection, 1885-1995xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The W.B. Yeats Collection contains the major work of W.B. Yeats in all genres, including poetry, plays, criticism and fiction, collected in 22 volumes.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Wall Street Journal 1984-xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Wall Street Journal; Eastern edition is a financial newspaper of record offering in-depth coverage of national and international finance as well as coverage of hard news.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Wall Street TranscriptxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
"The purpose of The Wall Street Transcript is to help investors make better investment decisions when choosing stocks and sectors.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
We interview Wall Street professionals and corporate leaders, which help us bring the views of stock market insiders to our readers. For over 38 years, our ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Wanfang China Online JournalsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
*****Click here for Chinese interfacexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The databases of China Online Journals (COJ) uniquely provide full-text ON-LINE journals, allowing readers to browse each journal in the same manner as for print copies. Main features of COJ include: On-line ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Wanfang Dissertations of ChinaxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
"Being the most comprehensive database of this kind, the database of Dissertations of China (DOC) is very valuable to obtain in-depth knowledge of research activities by graduate students and therefore their graduate supervisors, most of who are esteemed scholars in China. The database holds ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Wanfang Policies and Laws of ChinaxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
"Being the most comprehensive database of this kind, the database of Policies and Laws of China (PLOC) provides valuable information on Chinese jurisdiction, legislature, and business laws. It is also a must-have database whenever interacting with the Chinese society and the business community. The ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Washington Information DirectoryxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Capsule descriptions of and contact information for federal agencies; governors and other state officials; U.S. and foreign diplomats; nongovernmental organizations; policy groups, foundations, and institutions; and Congress. Fully searchable and can be browsed by topic, organization type, and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Washington Post 1987-xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Coverage of national, international, and local news. The Washington Post is renowned for its political reporting, editorials and columnists.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Other Versions: xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Washington Post xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
SML, Newspaper Room xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
SML, Microform (Non-Circulating) Call Number: Film An W278xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Washington Post HistoricalxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Historical Washington Post (1877-1993) offers full page and article images with searchable full text back to the first issue. The collection includes digital reproductions providing access to every page from every available issue. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Current coverage of national, international, and local news in ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Water Resources AbstractsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Vol. I (life, physical, social, engineering, and legal aspects of water supply, use, control, or management, North American)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Waterloo Directory of English Newspapers and Periodicals, 1800-1900xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The print edition of the Waterloo Directory was published in 10 volumes in 1998 and represents an expansion of the earlier one-volume Waterloo Directory of Victorian Periodicals, 1824-1900. The latter title was published in 1976 with about 29,000 brief entries gathered from a number of extensive ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Web of Knowledge - Cross Search (ISI Ver.3.0)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
CrossSearch is a tool that allows you to search across multiple ISI Web of Knowledge products.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Web of Science - Cross Search (ISI Ver.3.0)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
CrossSearch is a tool that allows you to search across multiple ISI's Web of Science products.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Web Oya BunkoxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Web Oya is an online database of the index from the ōya Sōichi Bunko, which is well known for its strong collection of popular weekly, general interest, and women's magazines. Web Oya lets you search titles, keywords and people (as authors or subjects) of popular magazine articles from 1988 to ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
WebPath version 10 has over 5,000 images, over 3,600 examination questions, 55 case-based laboratory exercises, and 45 subject-specific tutorials. There is a radiologic section with nearly 1,200 correlative radiographs included. The laboratory exercises and the exam items have been extensively ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Webster's Third New International Dictionary, UnabridgedxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Webster's Unabridged electronic version comprises the text of Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged, published in 1961, and subsequent updates which take account of current usage. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Other Versions: xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ART AND ARCHITECTURE, Reference, (Non-Circulating); PE1625 W43 (LC) Oversize ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Wellesley Index to Victorian PeriodicalsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Periodical publishing in the 19th century was both voluminous and multifarious. Any and all aspects of contemporary thought were represented through this burgeoning medium, from which many eminent novelists and journalists emerged.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The scholarly importance of this material created an imperative ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Wharton Research Data ServicesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Users must first apply for an account from WRDS , permission to use the data is at the discretion of the International Center for Finance at SOM.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Wharton Research Data Services, or WRDS, is a comprehensive web-based data management system that allows faculty and students to easily retrieve ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Wilbur H. Siebert Underground Railroad CollectionxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Wilbur H. Siebert Collection contains correspondence, notes, manuscripts, student papers, maps, and photographs related to the Underground Railroad. Research material includes the responses generated by his seven-question survey and copies and notes from a wide variety of sources: books; ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Wiley Reference WorksxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Wiley InterScience's expanding collection of Reference Works deliver unimpeded access to multi-volume encyclopedias, handbooks and dictionaries within every category of scientific, technical and medical endeavor.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Other Versions: xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Check Orbis by journal title for print volumesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Wing Short Title CatalogxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Short-Title Catalogue of Books Printed in England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales and British America, and of English Books Printed in Other Countries, 1641-1700, edited by Donald Wing et al. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Wing Short Title Catalog is the essential bibliographic database of extant books, pamphlets and broadsides ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Women and Social Movements, International— 1840 to PresentxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Women and Social Movements, International is a landmark collection of primary materials. Through the writings of women activists, their personal letters and diaries, and the proceedings of conferences at which pivotal decisions were made, this collection lets you see how women’s social movements ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Women and Social Movements US 1600-2000 - Scholars Edition (Alexander Street Press)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Women and Social Movements is a resource of primary source documents covering women's social movements from 1600 to 2000. This collection documents the multiplicity of women's reform activities by bringing together thousands of pages of books, images, and documents as well as introductory material, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Women in the National Archives UK (Adam Matthew Digital)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This resource is comprised of two distinct elements:xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
•A Finding Aid to Women's Studies Resources in The National Archives at Kew xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
•Original Documents on the Suffrage Question in Britain, the Empire and Colonial Territories xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Finding Aid is the result of a five year project by staff at The ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Women, war and society, 1914-1918xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The First World War had a revolutionary and permanent impact on the personal, social and professional lives of all women. Their essential contribution to the war in Europe is fully documented in this definitive collection of primary source materials brought together in the Imperial War Museum, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Women Writers OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Women Writers Online presents the currently available electronic texts of the Brown University Women Writers Project, covering a period from 1400 to 1850. This collection includes the texts which appear in the Renaissance Women Online site. All of these texts can be browsed, searched, and analysed ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
World Bank e-LibraryxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The World Bank e-library is one of the most comprehensive collections in the area of social and economic development. Resources include:xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
All current and recent World Bank titles, documents and papers in PDF and other user-friendly formats,available as soon as they appear in print. xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Over 1,200 ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
World Biographical Information SystemxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
In 1982, K.G. Saur published the first of its “biographical archives”, a project which set out to identify the major biographical reference works published from the 16th to the early 20th century pertaining to a country or to a specific language, region, or culture and to publish their ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
World Development IndicatorsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Provides over 500 time series of economic and socio-economic data from more than 230 countries, incorporating data from the World Bank publications World Tables, Social Indicators of Development, World Population Projections, the World Development Report, and the World Bank Atlas. Includes the ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
World Education Encyclopedia : A Survey of Educational Systems WorldwidexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This country-by-country survey of educational systems provides detailed essays on the histories, legal foundations, and primary and secondary educational systems of 233 countries. This updated and expanded edition gives users up-to-date coverage of reorganized educational systems and high-interest ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
World News Connection (Dialog)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
An extremely valuable research tool for anyone who needs to monitor non-U.S. media sources, the material in WNC is provided to the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) by the Open Source Center (OSC). Analysts from OSC domestic and overseas bureaus monitor timely and pertinent open-source ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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World newspaper archivexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The World Newspaper Archive represents a collaborative effort of CRL member institutions and Readex to preserve and provide persistent access to historical newspapers from around the globe. This first module of the World Newspaper Archive focuses on news from Latin America and the Caribbean. The ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
World Press Encyclopedia : A Survey of Press Systems WorldwidexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This comprehensive survey of press and electronic media now covers nearly 200 countries. Arranged alphabetically by country, entries begin with an overview of the background, economic framework, and general characteristics of each country's press. Entries then cover the number and type of media, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
World Scholar: Latin America & the Caribbean (Gale)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
World Scholar: Latin America & the Caribbean is the first in a series of regional studies products to be released by Gale. It is the result of extensive collaboration among experts representing libraries and the academic world: students, faculty, and researchers at major institutions of learning; a ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
World Shakespeare BibliographyxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Annotated entries for all important books, articles, book reviews, dissertations, theatrical productions, reviews of productions, audiovisual materials, electronic media, and other scholarly and popular materials related to Shakespeare and published or produced between 1972 and mid-2001. The scope ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
World Values SurveyxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The World Values Survey is a worldwide investigation of sociocultural and political change. It is conducted by a network of social scientist at leading universities all around world. Interviews have been carried out with nationally representative samples of the publics of more than 80 societies on ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
WorldCat is the Online Computer Library Center's (OCLC) online "union catalog"; that is, its database of over 1 billion records of books and other materials held in more than 10,000 academic, public, special and national libraries around the world. Use WorldCat to locate materials outside of Yale, ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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WorldCat.org is a free database that allows concurrent searching of 10,000 worldwide libraries to identify and locate books, music, videos and journal articles, a feature not included in the regular WorldCat database.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Worldwide Political Science AbstractsxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Indexes and provides abstracts for 1000 journals; it is updated monthly. The topics covered include political institutions, processes, and behavior; international law and politics; public policy; public administration; political theory; and political economics.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Wright American FictionxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
This is a collection of 19th century American fiction, as listed in Lyle Wright's bibliography American Fiction, 1851-1875. There are currently 2,887 volumes included (2,463 unedited, 424 fully edited and encoded) by 1,387 authors.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Yale Daily News Historical ArchivexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The oldest daily college newspaper in the United States, the YDN has nurtured the talents of many prominent journalists and public figures, including William F. Buckley, Garry Trudeau, Calvin Trillin, Joseph Lieberman, and Sargent Shriver. It is an important resource for the history of Yale ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Yale Library Finding Aid DatabasexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Yale University Library Finding Aid Project provides access to archival finding aids in a platform-independent electronic format, using SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) and HTML. Finding aids are inventories, indexes, or guides that are created by archival and manuscript repositories ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Yale National Initiative Curricular Resources for All Teachers InstitutesxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Each teacher participating as a Fellow in an Institute seminar prepares a curriculum unit to be taught the following year, and to be shared with other teachers. Since the inception of the New Haven Institute in 1978, Fellows have written more than 1,400 curriculum units in the humanities and ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Yomidasu Rekishikan (Yomiuri Shinbun 読売新聞)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
New version of Yomiuri Shinbun database which lets you search all the Yomiuri newspaper articles from 1874 to the present, plus the English-language Daily Yomiuri, starting in 1989. (The Daily Yomiuri is also available through the online journals section of the library's front door). Most ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
ZDB - Zeitschriften DatenbankxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The ZDB is the world’s largest specialized database for serial titles (journals, annuals, newspapers etc., incl. e-journals).xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The ZDB contains bibliographic records of serials from the 16th century onwards, from all countries, in all languages, held in 4000 German (and some foreign) ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Zeitschriften der AufklaerungxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Digitized Collection of all major cultural and literary journals of the Enlightenment period (and thereafter) in German-speaking countries. The database can be searched on the level of individual articles; full-text searching is not available (yet).xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Zentralblatt MATH - EnglishxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Zentralblatt MATH is the world's most complete and longest running abstracting and reviewing service in pure and applied mathematics. The Zentralblatt MATH Database contains more than 2.0 million entries drawn from more than 2300 serials and journals and covers the period from 1868 - present by the ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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Zhongguo fang zhi ku 中國方志庫xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
***No Userid or Password required to access the server. Click the arrow in the login box; select Zhongguo fang zhi ku to enter, and then search by title.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
中國方志庫 contains nearly 10,000 titles of Chinese gazetteers at all levels from Song Dynasty till the Republican Period. All texts are ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Zoological RecordxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Zoological Record covers all aspects of modern animal research, including: behavior, biodiversity, conservation, ecology, evolution, genetics, habitat, morphology, nomenclature, parasitology, physiology, reproduction, taxonomy, and zoogeography.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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17th-18th Century Burney Collection NewspapersxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The newspapers, pamphlets, and books gathered by the Reverend Charles Burney (1757-1817) represent the largest and most comprehensive collection of early English news media. The present digital collection, that helps chart the development of the concept of 'news' and 'newspapers' and the "free ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
18th Century German Literature OnlinexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
First Editions and Complete xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Editions from the Early to Late Enlightenment. Edited by Paul Raabe xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Compiled by Axel Frey. Through 18th Century German Literature Online, xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
first editions and first published complete editions by more than 600 xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
German-speaking authors of the 18th century are now ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
19th century British Library newspapersxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Searchable full text of full runs of newspapers specially selected by the British Library to best represent nineteenth-century Britain. This new collection includes national and regional newspapers, as well as newspapers from: established country or university towns; the new industrial powerhouses ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
19th Century Masterfile (Paratext)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The 19th Century Masterfile is an accumulation of indexes to printed materials from the nineteenth century with coverage from about 1774 to 1920, depending on the index selected. Series I includes:xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Poole's Index to Periodical Literature, 1802-1906 xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Index to Legal Periodical Literature ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
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19th Century UK Periodicals Digital ArchivexAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The 19th century was a time of revolutionary change and expansion. Britain was one of the world’s first industrial, urban superpowers and developed a press to feed the demands of its increasingly literate population. 19th Century UK Periodicals Online, 1800-1900 is a major new series that covers ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
20th Century America's Historical Newspapers, Series 1 (Readex)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Picking up where coverage in Early American Newspapers ends, 20th-Century American Newspapers offers fully searchable digital editions of historically significant U.S. newspapers from 1923 forward. Each of these regionally diverse publications provides researchers with much needed opportunities to ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
20th Century America's Historical Newspapers, Series 2 (Readex)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Picking up where coverage in Early American Newspapers ends, 20th-Century American Newspapers offers fully searchable digital editions of historically significant U.S. newspapers from 1923 forward. Each of these regionally diverse publications provides researchers with much needed opportunities to ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
20th Century America's Historical Newspapers, Series 3 (Readex)xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Picking up where coverage in Early American Newspapers ends, 20th-Century American Newspapers offers searchable digital editions of historically significant U.S. newspapers from 1923 forward. Each of these regionally diverse publications provides researchers with much needed opportunities to more ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
DBPIA / DBPIA - All (NURIMEDIA) : New APIxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
DBPIA is a scholastic database service by Nurimedia.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Zasshi Kiji Sakuin- Japanese Periodicals IndexxAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Note: The zasshi kiji sakuin is not available afternoons. It is down Tuesday through Saturday from 2:00pm to 5:00pm Eastern Standard Time and Mondays 11:00am to 5:00pm. On the third Monday of each month, the database is down from 8:00am to 5:00pm.xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
The Zasshi kiji sakuin is a searchable ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Taiyō 太陽xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
Please access the journal from Nihon Kindai Bungakukan. Also, please note we only have access to the full text of Taiyo. Taiyō was a comprehensive journal published by Hakubunkan from Meiji 28 (1895) to Showa 3 (1928). The collection includes a total of 531 issues (175,000 pages), with ...xAl蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新