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    新增City Colleges of Chicago

    来源:蚂蚁图书馆  作者:蚂蚁王  加入收藏



    Academic Search Premierybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
    Provides full text for nearly 2,050 publications, including nearly 1,500 peer-reviewed journals. Indexing and abstracts are provided for all 3,393 journals. Includes information in nearly every area of academic study including including the social and physical sciences, the humanities and arts & literature, engineering and computer science, humanities, education, and more.ybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新

    Biographies Plus Illustratedybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
    Over 46,000 biographical profiles, many with illustrations. Coverage includes all of Wilson's Current Biography from 1940-present, World Authors Series, World Artists, Nobel Prize Winners, World Musicians, Handbook of American Women's History.ybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新

    Books in Print - advanced searchybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
    Find publisher-verified information on all U.S. books in print. Books in Print contains in-print and forthcoming books, and books declared out-of-print or out-of-stock since 1979.ybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新

    Books in Print - basic searchybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
    Find publisher-verified information on all U.S. books in print. Books in Print contains in-print and forthcoming books, and books declared out-of-print or out-of-stock since 1979.ybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新

    Business Source Eliteybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
    This business database provides full text for more than 1,100 scholarly business journals, including full text for more than 450 peer-reviewed business publications.ybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新

    CQ Researchesybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
    Covers controversial issues of the day with complete summaries, insight into many sides of the issues, and bibliographies.This resource includes access to the full text of all articles published since 1983.ybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新

    Chicago Sun-Timesybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
    Citations and abstracts only from 1985 - 2007.ybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新

    Chicago Tribuneybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
    Complete full-text content of local and regional news, including community events, schools, politics, government policies, cultural activities, local companies, state industries, and people in the community.ybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新

    EBSCO core modulesybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
    Academic Search Elite; Business Source Elite; Regional Business News; Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition; Health Source - Consumer Edition; Military & Government Collection; Newspaper Source; Primary Search; Professional Development Collection.ybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新

    Contains more than 850,000 annotated references to non-journal material issued in the monthly Resources in Education (RIE) and to journal articles issued in the monthly Index to Journals in Education (CIJE).ybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新

    Ethnic News Watchybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
    Provides comprehensive access to the ethnic, minority and native press in the United States.ybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新

    FirstSearch One Searchybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
    Search as many as three of the FirstSearch database modules at one time.ybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新

    GPO Monthly Catalogybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
    More than 450,000 records for documents printed by the U.S. government. It covers all types of U.S. government documents, including Congressional reports, hearings, debates, and records, judiciary materials, and documents issued by executive departments.ybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新

    Gale Global Issues in Contextybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
    Global Issues in Context offers global perspectives on issues of international importance and current world events and topics in the news related to these issues.ybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新

    Gale Literature Resource Centerybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
    Literature Resource Center is comprised of content from journal articles and traditional reference sources including Dictionary of Literary Biography, Contemporary Authors, and Contemporary Literary Criticism. There are over 400,000 full-text articles from 250 academic journals, as welll as thousands of critical essays, work overviews, plot summaries and explications, author biographies, and links to authoritative content-related Web sites. Other features include a student guide to conducting literary research, an interactive literary historical timeline, and Merriam-Webster's Encyclopedia of Literature.ybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新

    Gale Opposing Viewpoints Reference Centerybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
    Draws on content from Greenhaven Press, Gale and Macmillan to provide a complete one-stop source for information on social issues. Access articles, topic overviews, statistics, primary documents, Web sites, and full-text periodical articles.ybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新

    Gale Virtual Reference Libraryybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
    Gale Virtual Reference Library is a database of encyclopedias and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research. These reference materials once were accessible only in the library, but now you can access them online from the library or remotely 24/7.ybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新

    Harper's Historical Archiveybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
    Articles from Harper's historical archive dating back to the second half of the nineteenth century.ybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新

    Health Source Nursing / Academicybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
    This database provides 600 scholarly full text journals focusing on many medical disciplines. Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition also features abstracts and indexing for more than 850 journals.ybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新

    Illinois Sanborn Mapsybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
    Fire insurance maps of Illinois cities.ybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新

    Literature Resource Center, see Gale Literature Resource Centerybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新

    netLibrary E-Booksybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
    This database offers the full text of nearly 8 thousand books from netLibrary's subscription collections as well as a selection of books in the public domain. Users can search for these titles either in this database or by using the online catalog.ybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新

    New York Timesybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
    Full text coverage of the New York Times from 1980 - present.ybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新

    Newspaper Sourceybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
    Provides selected full text from over 180 U.S. and international newspapers, newswires, columns as well as indexing and abstracts for national newspapers. journals, magazines and newspapers.ybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新

    Opposing Viewpoints, see Gale Opposing Viewpoints Reference Centerybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新

    Oxford English Dictionaryybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
    The authoritative reference on the evolution of the English language over the last millennium. Includes etymologies, variant spellings, pronunciation & examples of words in context.ybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新

    Professional Development Collection (education)ybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
    Designed for professional educators, this database provides a highly specialized collection of over 500 full text journals, including nearly 350 peer-reviewed titles.ybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新

    ProQuest One Searchybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
    Fulltext access to a broad range of source titles across all academic disciplines including the social and physical sciences, the humanities and arts & literature, engineering and computer science, humanities, education, and more. Includes full text of the New York Times and Chicago Tribune.ybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新

    Regional Business Newsybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
    This database provides comprehensive full text coverage for regional business publications. Regional Business News incorporates coverage of 75 business journals, newspapers and newswires from all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States.ybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新

    Science E-Journals:ybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新

     Please select a journal title.. ------------------------------------------ AIDS Patient Care & STDs AIDS Research & Human Retroviruses Alternative & Complementary Therapies Antioxidants & Redox Signaling Assay and Drug Development Technologies Astrobiology Biosecurity and Bioterrorism Biotechnology Law Report Cancer Biotherapy & Radiopharmaceuticals Cell Preservation Technology Cloning and Stem Cells CyberPsychology & Behavior Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics Disease Management Disease Management Election Law Journal Enviornmental Engineering Science Foodborne Pathogens and Disease Gaming Law Review Genetic Testing High Altitude Medicine & Biology Human Gene Therapy Hybridoma and Hybridomics Jl of Aerosol Medicine Jl of Alternative & Complementary Medicine Jl of Child & Adolescent Psychopharmacology Jl of Computational Biology Jl of Endourology Jl of Gynecologic Surgery Jl of Interferon & Cytokine Research Jl of Laparoendoscopic & Adv. Surg. Techniques Jl of Medicinal Food Jl of Neurotrauma Jl of Ocular Pharmacology & Therapeutics Jl of Pallative Medicine Jl of Women's Health Lymphatic Research and Biology Microbial Drug Resistance Obesity Management Oligonucleotides OMICS: a Journal of Integrative Biology Pediatric Asthma, Allergy & Immunology Pediatric Endosurgery & Innovative Techniques Photomedicine and Laser Surgery Rejuvenation Research Stem Cells and Development Surgical Infections Telemedicine Journal & e-Health Thyroid Tissue Engineering Vector Borne & Zoonotic Diseases Viral Immunology Zebrafishybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新

    World Almanacybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
    Includes the contents of The World Almanac and Book of Facts (1998), The World Almanac of the U.S.A., The World Almanac of U.S. Politics, and The World Almanac for Kids.ybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新


     Please select your college.. ------------------------------------------ Richard J Daley College Harold Washington College Kennedy-King College Malcolm X College Olive-Harvey College Harry S Truman College Wilbur Wright College ybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新
    Contains more than 32 million records describing items owned by libraries around the world. Each record contains library holdings. Entries include books, journals, musical scores, magazines, newspapers, manuscripts, video materials, maps, etc.ybw蚂蚁图书馆---助力中国科研创新



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